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Boss on Top
Boss on Top
Boss on Top
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Boss on Top

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Nicole Everest is all work and no play. She has tossed the idea of having a love life. As long as she's the manager at London Hotels' Luxury Retreat, she won't need a love life. What she didn't expect was for her cousin to meddle in her love life and bring a marriage to Nicole's doorstep. Garrett Daniels is CEO of London Hotels'. Despite his good looks, fancy car, and money Garrett isn't a ladies' man. He's looking for something more. A wife. And with the help of the Lips Sealed Dating Service, he's about to find just that. Will Nicole be walking down the aisle soon? Will Garrett's search for a wife finally be over? Or will there be cold feet and disappointment?

Release dateSep 29, 2023
Boss on Top

S.E. Isaac

S.E. Isaac is a mother of three boys, an Army Veteran, and writes books to help readers escape reality. Writing has always been an outlet for her, even at the young age of eight, which is when she started writing poetry and short stories. It has always been a dream to have her work published and to have readers connect with her characters. She believes that is every writer's dream--to have their work truly read. ~*Every author needs a starting point. We close our eyes and jump blindly into the world of words in hopes of sharing it with the world. We hope to connect with our readers and take them on a journey through our words- S.E.Isaac*~

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    Boss on Top - S.E. Isaac

    Boss on Top

    Copyright c) 2020 S.E. Isaac

    Originally published under the pen name Claudia Stevens in the Lips Sealed Series.

    Cover design by S.E. Isaac

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems – except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews – without permission in writing from S.E. Isaac.

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

    This book is sold in print and electronic formats and is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book, when in electronic format, may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you are reading this book in print or electronic format and did not purchase or borrow it through proper channels, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Nicole Everest is all work and no play. She has tossed the idea of having a love life. As long as she’s the manager at London Hotels’ Luxury Retreat, she won’t need a love life. What she didn’t expect was for her cousin to meddle in her love life and bring a marriage to Nicole’s doorstep.

    Garrett Daniels is CEO of London Hotels’. Despite his good looks, fancy car, and money Garrett isn’t a ladies’ man. He’s looking for something more. A wife. And with the help of the Lips Sealed Dating Service, he’s about to find just that.

    Will Nicole be walking down the aisle soon? Will Garrett’s search for a wife finally be over? Or will there be cold feet and disappointment?

    Boss on Top


    I want to speak to whoever is in charge! Hank Malone shouted as I rounded the corner to the grand lobby. Those in lobby stopped what they were doing to look at the performance that Hank Malone was putting on. Hank was nutritionist to a majority of big named celebrities and thought because of his job he had the right to look down on others.

    Hank’s loudness was directed at Michelle Thompson, the hotel’s concierge. Michelle towered over Hank by at least half a foot. Her brown eyes were staring down at him with a cheerful smile plastered on her beautiful dark brown skin. Her brown hair was just below her ears and pinned back out of her face. She was wearing makeup but it was tactfully done. Her wearing makeup never made any sense to me because she was absolutely beautiful and didn’t need to wear any.

    Mr. Malone, I understand— Michelle began calmly but was rudely cut off.

    Look, Miss... Hank looked over Michelle’s black blazer and to her gold plated name tag. "Miss Thompson. Look, Miss Thompson, you and I have talked enough. I’m done. I want to speak to someone above your paygrade."

    The way he was talking to Michelle had my hands balling into fists, at my sides. My jaw clenched as tight as it could without doing damage to my teeth and there seemed to be a deep wolf-like growl buried deep in my throat, ready to be released. It was taking everything in me not to storm across the room, grab him by his hideous gray toupe and toss his ass out of our hotel.

    Mr. Malone... Michelle began again, but her words died off when she saw me walking over.  Out of habit from getting appearance inspections, she flattened out her black blazer with her hand, gave her black pants a glance, and straightened her posture.  before turning her gaze to me.

    Miss Everest, Michelle acknowledged softly with a slight bob of her head.

    Michelle, I replied sweetly. The guest in room 143 could use some assistance. Please, go tend to them, while I tend to Mr. Malone.

    Yes, Miss Everest, she stated before looking at Hank. Mr. Malone, I must see to other business. I hope you have a great day.

    Hmmph. How am I supposed to have a great day after the car service didn’t come and get me? Hank growled and threw his hands up in the air.

    Michelle, please, tend to the guest in room 143, I repeated sternly.

    Yes, Miss Everest, she stated before hurrying off away from us.

    ‘Guest in room 143’ was just code for ‘Go take a break and let me deal with this prick’. I had requested that room 143 be kept vacant permanently and higher management approved my proposal. They found my logic to keeping our staff sane to be cheaper than severance pay and messy lawsuits for when staff finally lost their shit on a guest.

    Hello, Mr. Malone, I am Nicole Everest, Manager of London Hotels’ Luxury Retreat, I extended my hand out to him. He grinned and looked me over from head to toe then back up.

    Hello, Miss Everest, Hank smirked and shook my hand. You are absolutely lovely. Internally I cringed.

    Hank Malone was not my cup of tea. Maybe back in his prime, he was a looker but not in his sixties. He wore a hideous gray toupe that reminded me of a mop. His nose was long and slender with the bridge of it crooked. I did admit that he had pretty hazel eyes, but that was about it on the positive notes about Hank Malone.

    Someone’s looks weren’t the entirety to what turned me on to a man. My mother had raised me better than that. She taught me about the value of someone’s personality and morals. However, Hank’s personality and his lack of morals weren’t going to help him win a Mister Congeniality pageant any time soon.

    You are too kind, I stated professionally keeping the venom from my words and moved my hand from his. How can I be of service?

    Well... he grinned and again ran his eyes over me.

    The car service never arrived, Mr. Malone?

    No... he continued to eye-fuck me. Having been in hotel management for nearly a decade, I knew how to contain my disgust, dislike, and anger toward someone. But it didn’t make things any easier. Hank Malone was a sleeze and made my skin crawl.

    I do greatly apologize for the car service for not arriving to take you to your destination, Mr. Malone.

    Hank, he replied finally looking up at my face. You can call me Hank.

    That is very kind of you, Mr. Malone, I smiled. But I do value you as our V.I.P. guest and would feel awful referring to you in a casual manner. Please, forgive me.

    It was my turn to put on the performance. This man was going to apologize for his behavior.

    Nothing to be forgiven for, he assured me.

    At London Hotels’ Luxurious Retreat, we strive to see our guests happy. It upsets me to know that you aren’t happy, I sighed to give him the impression that I actually cared about his happiness. 

    "It was just a slight mix up. There’s no need for you

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