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There Is No Sea
There Is No Sea
There Is No Sea
Ebook96 pages1 hour

There Is No Sea

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About the Book
The present Heaven, of which we all speak, is and will be different from the New Heaven created after the tribulation and the millennium. The New Heaven will be created at the same time as the New Earth and will be for an eternity.
Hell, by contrast, was created at the beginning of time as a place of torment and anguish for the habitation of fallen angels and those who reject the Love of God. It is also called The Lake of Fire.
In There Is No Sea, each will be described in as much detail as possible according to the Bible. The question will be who will inhabit each and how will each be accessed.
About the Author
Ray Deaton was born in 1939 and raised during the War years. He left his parents home at the age of eighteen, returning only for brief visits as he traveled to various countries and across this great nation.
Deaton was born again at the age of thirty nine when he became the child of The Living GOD. With a minimum knowledge of his new life, Deaton studied the Bible and became convinced of its unerring content.
Deaton is first, last and always a Christian. He maintains a membership in a church so he may assemble with believers and hear a word from God.

PublisherRoseDog Books
Release dateSep 11, 2023
There Is No Sea

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    There Is No Sea - Ray Deaton



    I must begin with a disclaimer: I am NOT a theologian, I do not have any degree from any university with letters following my name. In fact, I have a limited education. I AM a common individual with a heart for the WORD of GOD and the belief that every word of the Bible is true.

    If by chance the title of this document appears to be strange, it is not a correct quote from the book of Revelation, chapter twenty-one (21), verse one (1). And I saw a new Heaven and a new earth; for the first Heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea is the accurate quote.

    From the title, what would the world be like IF there were no oceans or seas?

    The simple answer is it would be a barren hunk of rock floating around in space. The oceans and seas provide the rain to nourish plants, plants grow and nourish animals, and both nourish people. The conclusion is, without the oceans and seas there would be no people, plants, or animals.

    As mentioned, the Bible states in the NEW EARTH: And there was no more sea. To find the answer to this perplexing problem, a world without a sea, the pages of the Bible MUST be examined and believed. GOD HAS A PLAN AND A PURPOSE.

    If you think or believe the earth has been in existence for millions or billions of years, totally set in your opinion and have no room to change your mind, you might as well close this book and put it back on the shelf, because you will not be able to believe what is contained in this book and it ALL happened in seven thousand years. I believe in the unerring, GOD-breathed word of the Bible. I may not have the insight to interpret it exactly, but that is between myself and the GOD I SERVE! I don’t have the mind of GOD; I am only HIS servant and as such I am not privileged to the exact why or how of HIS plan. Add to this my limited education, I MUST rely on the HOLY SPIRIT to reveal to me WHAT HE deems necessary and at times upon the interpretation made by others with much more education than myself and are supposed to know. Any scripture that I interpret I will state that it is my opinion.

    When I first read this scripture, And there was no more sea, it meant very little to me. At the time I was just trying to learn as what it meant to be a Christian. I had no training prior to my acceptance of Jesus as my Savior, having never attended a church service for nearly thirty-two (32) years. The last was as a teenager of about seventeen, when I joined a Baptist church because my friend attended and wanted me to join. The last training I had was a young boy of six, when I was confirmed in a Catholic Church, over seventy years ago.

    To be or not to be HIS child is the question everyone who is now or will be living must answer and those already deceased have already made. To be means persecution, trials, and difficulties. It requires a commitment to a principle of loving your enemies and taking their abuse. You must follow the instructions of an unseen and physically untouchable person, no matter how simple or complex and whether they make sense or appear completely against ALL logic. To accept and rely on the written word of people from a different environment, different culture and long dead, who without a glimpse of knowing what they even looked like and I am not positively sure, were aware of when, what, or how they were writing would take place, they only WERE sure it would be accomplished.

    To be HIS child, you must have the FAITH and TRUST in a man, condemned by the ruling class of HIS people and executed by the government at the time. You must believe that this man, when HE died, was buried but rose from the dead and to believe the SPIRIT of that man lives within you, to guide, protect, and provide for you. That man is JESUS! NOTICE! I said IS Jesus because HE lives. I serve the ONLY LIVING GOD.

    After enduring all this, when death comes you will be transported into a place of absolute PEACE, where there is no pain, tears, or turmoil. A place called HEAVEN, never more to separate from our loved ones, who died before you and will die after you, and you will meet the one, the very same person, JESUS, who had been executed, died, and rose again just FOR YOU, so long ago.

    How is all this possible? There MUST be a belief in the written word, the Bible. You don’t think you can believe something written by someone hundreds of years ago?

    I read somewhere a man had walked on the moon. I could say, I don’t believe a word of it, but just because I say it does not make it so. I read in a history book that a ragtag, ill- equipped group of men defeated the most powerful, best-equipped armed force of the world and established a country. Just because I did not see it with my own eyes does not indicate it never happened. The fact is the United States of America was established because of those very men.

    Just because you see something with your eyes, it is no assurance that what was seen is exactly what had happened. Take four witnesses to an event; each one saw the very same thing but each making a report of the event will show what they saw is often completely different.

     I write all the above to say, Believe in the written word, GOD’s word, THE BIBLE. It is the only source of how and the way to live on this earth and to look forward to what to expect in the life in the hereafter. Remove the shackles of being a slave to this world and replace them with being a servant of the MOST HIGH.

    Don’t think you are a slave? The word slave may be distasteful to some, but you and I are slaves to something, be it the family, work, or even pleasure. We all must, I repeat MUST, do or answer to someone or something whether we like it or not. If it HAS to be done, then the person becomes a slave to whatever it happens to be. There are two choices: either a slave to this world or a slave to the MOST HIGH. Whichever dictates the life or lifestyle, THAT is the master of the individual. We are all slaves in one form or another; it may not from the taste of the whip type of slavery but it could almost be as painful.

    A book about prophesy had brought me into the search for Jesus. To be very honest, the thought of the end of the world as I knew it at the time frightened me into the search. I found a church and it was not long after I accepted Jesus and the HOLY SPIRIT entered my being. For years my study of the scriptures was mostly to learn about what was involved in being a Christian, what was expected, and how to be the best I could be. I made mistakes, lots of them, but each one brought me closer to being a true servant of the MOST HIGH.

    It took much more study for me than most people I knew because about a year BEFORE I gave my life to Jesus, I had what is commonly known as a nervous breakdown. The loss of the mental agility, recall and alertness, and part of my memory was brought on by the stress of my work as an air traffic controller PLUS the high consumption of alcohol. Only recently, forty-five years later, have I seen any, be it only slight, improvement.

    Although I had read the scripture and there was be no more sea more than a few times, I must

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