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Joseph Steward of the Word of God Volume II
Joseph Steward of the Word of God Volume II
Joseph Steward of the Word of God Volume II
Ebook81 pages1 hour

Joseph Steward of the Word of God Volume II

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This intrguing book is a continuation of the book, "Joseph Steward of the Word of God." The reader will be inspired and motivated in the changing world.  A masterpiece in the books entirety. gives the reader insight that they can propel over hurdles in life challenges. 

PublisherRobin Morgan
Release dateOct 2, 2023
Joseph Steward of the Word of God Volume II

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    Book preview

    Joseph Steward of the Word of God Volume II - Robin Morgan

    Chapter 9

    The Drink Offering

    All I know is God said, give this, it cost me my home and then it cost me and my family their home. God said give that, then it cost me trucks and cars. God put me in places that embarrassment was a lack of a better word for it, And Jesus answered them not a word, and now what God said was, do it! Because of those seeds, a memorial to God and a save of Esther! I stand in the Pandemic ministering with the most awesome Words of God anyone has ever written and only because I was taught by a Master and placed under His Father and did not know it, I just reverenced the God In them Mary Mary sang about! My grandmother Becky from Reverend Ike's ministries documents were found in the basement upon her transitioning, receipts of her giving. I remembered him with You can't lose with the stuff I use. I had no idea of Dr. Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan as the Master Prophet and now Supervising Priest being connected to Him. So, with what I said to Elder Bratton's tour! Lightning strikes because of an Open Heaven's Window! Not of any of my doing because only what we do for Christs, lasts.

    What you mean, Pastor Prophetess Mascaren Cohen, gave an $80,000.00 seed offering and Master Prophet started dancing, then she started dancing, and then the whole church started dancing and there, I love to see people praising God! I found a joy unspeakable! I love to praise God for who He Is and All He Has done! We were created to praise Him and I didn't even know that scripture existed before, resound within the world, please. Being homeless with a family all I had was 4 Prophet's  words lingering, sounding, resting;

    Let Go and Let God, Prophetes Kelly;

    Praise God, Prophetess Margret Grant;

    Prophet Joshua Jordan, Get Up;

    and You are more than enough because God is more than enough, Prophet Manassh Jordan.

    It was not the money that got me through but God and His Word.

    The money ran out. Pastor Banks said,

    I don’t see how you even making it, if you don’t have a dollar.

    I wanted to get up and out my seat and shout,


    God brings the increase

    all the way from where I stepped back and look at the Universe

    and I come through because God pulls me through!

    He uses people but only if they want to be used to bless me.

    If God told them to bless me and they don't, that is between them and God.

    God says and I will cause men to give unto your bosom.  If people choose not to allow God to use them for that, then that is between them and God.

    Then Jesus said, What is the Kingdom of God like? How can I illustrate it? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden, it grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches, Luke 13:18-:19.  Bishop George Bloomer or Bishop Barrion said on the journey in Africa, he or they were taken to where the Mustard seed grows. It was a forest and grew everywhere that room for passage was almost impossible. He did not know a mustard seed grew like that. Mustard seeds grow through cement too. So, when great men or women from God are under attack, everything is thrown at them, OH but God, in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, the caught up, Mary, Riboni! If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea (just like Mount Sinai was moved into this Day, Selah, the Mountain of God!) and it will obey, Luke 17:6.  The mount of God moved from the rattling and shaking people did not understand because they said, Don’t let God speak to us, we will diesaid in the Old Testament from the children of Israel to the New Testament that Peter said we will build 3 altars here."  From a beast coming up out of the sea, to a Mulbery Tree being planted in the sea.  How do you plant one tree in a sea?  Another mystery for another day, Selah!

    Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, It is the Lord! As soon as Simon Peter heard Him say, It is the Lord, he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water, John 21:7.

    If out of your bellies shall flow rivers of living water, then jumping into the water is what? John the Baptist baptised Jesus because water was switched to living water. The great miracle to the greater miracle and the water was changed to wine. If Angels came and ministered to Jesus ,after He had fasted and after He came Up Out the Water, Genesis is alive and named for it was the Spirit of the Lord that hovered over the face of the waters. There is Power in the Holy Ghost! There is Power in the Holy Spirit of Him! Living Water meet Water, Selah! It is true that the Spirit of God hovered over the face of water that it is the connection that the Father is seeking those that worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, the connection:  On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a LOUD VOICE, LET ANYONE WHO IS THIRSTY COME TO ME AND DRINK, John 7:37.  Wasn't the river turned to blood? Didn't Jesus give His Blood to drink. Then out of your bellies comes forth a strong drink.  Jesus gave His life for us. Thereby we ought to do the same for others, this is the meaning of Sheep led out to the slaughter, it is in the saccrafice of Jesus, the Living saccrafice. Another message, what happened to the brook that dried up when Elijah was told to go to the Widow Women, Selah. If John the Baptist was really beheaded, how did he author the book of Revelations? To the now generation, it was to cut off the power of John in Jesus being killed (the head of the movement of Christ) Jesus's baptism that others would not follow the Christ man.

    Elijah looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, AND A JAR OF WATER. He ate and drank and then lay down again. The Angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, GET UP AND EAT, for the journey is too much for you.  SO, HE GOT UP AND ATE AND DRANK, STRENGTHENED BY THAT FOOD, HE TRAVELED 40 DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS UNTIL HE REACHED HOREB, THE MOUNTAIN OF GOD (HOW LONG DID IT

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