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Caught on CCTV by My Boss: BDSM With Her Boss, #6
Caught on CCTV by My Boss: BDSM With Her Boss, #6
Caught on CCTV by My Boss: BDSM With Her Boss, #6
Ebook36 pages26 minutes

Caught on CCTV by My Boss: BDSM With Her Boss, #6

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About this ebook

If I'd known about the CCTV, I never would have hooked up with that guy at work.


But now my boss has watched the footage – more than once. He's seen every shameful detail of what I got up to that night, and he says I need to be disciplined for my inappropriate behaviour.


The only trouble is, his idea of discipline involves me being denied. Repeatedly. While I try to pretend I'm not being driven crazy.


Can I endure a night shift of teasing at the hands of my boss?


More importantly, will he finally give me the release I crave?

PublisherSadie Slick
Release dateOct 3, 2023
Caught on CCTV by My Boss: BDSM With Her Boss, #6

Sadie Slick

Sadie Slick's erotic stories feature women introduced to BDSM for the first time. From innocent virgins who shyly agree to be handcuffed and cropped, to obedient interns who discover the thrill of being edged at work, the women in her stories always enjoy how good it feels to submit to a dominant older man. If you're turned on by powerful assertive bosses and commanding alpha males who know exactly what they want – a submissive woman tied up and begging for more – then you'll enjoy her spicy tales of discipline and denial. Alphas  |  VIRGINS  |  Discipline  |  DENIAL  |  Bondage  |  SUBMISSION

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    Book preview

    Caught on CCTV by My Boss - Sadie Slick

    Caught on CCTV by My Boss

    Sadie Slick

    Copyright © 2023 Sadie Slick

    All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be copied, distributed, or published in any form without permission from the author.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    Title Page


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    About The Author

    Also By Sadie Slick

    Chapter 1

    Good morning, Paige.

    Robert Hayes IV, future CEO of Hayes Hotels — and my boss — stands in front of the check-in desk with his arms folded. His expensive watch catches the light, flashing at me. I probably shouldn’t be noticing the muscles in his forearms, or the light dusting of dark hairs on his tanned skin, but… I am.

    I always notice the little details about Robert.

    Good morning, sir, I say, tossing my shiny blonde hair over one shoulder and giving him a practiced smile, the one I give all our customers. But he remains stony-faced.

    Could you step into the back office for a minute?


    My pulse spikes, but I don’t let my panic show on my face. Certainly.

    I follow him into the office. I’m in trouble — I can tell by the stiff set of his shoulders. And there’s only one reason why I might be in trouble…

    What’s this about? I ask, deciding to play dumb. If he’s heard rumors, I’ll pretend that’s all they are — rumors.

    Robert ignores me, sitting down at the small desk. I stay standing, my hands loosely clasped in front of me, my back straight and my chin raised. The image of a model employee. Demure, chaste, respectable.

    Exactly the kind of person Hayes Hotels wants to have working on their front desk.

    Robert taps a few more keys and then swivels the computer screen around to face me, leaning back in his chair, folding his arms once more. I go pale.

    On the monitor, a video is playing. It’s black and white but the resolution is crisp. I can make out every detail, right down to the tiny chip in my nail polish on my pinky finger.

    Because it’s me in that video.

    And my fingers are gripping the

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