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The DIY Meditation Workbook: The Science & Soul of Inner Peace
The DIY Meditation Workbook: The Science & Soul of Inner Peace
The DIY Meditation Workbook: The Science & Soul of Inner Peace
Ebook111 pages1 hour

The DIY Meditation Workbook: The Science & Soul of Inner Peace

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About this ebook

"The DIY Meditation Workbook: Unlocking the Science & Spirit of Inner Peace" is a comprehensive and transformative guide that combines ancient wisdom with modern scientific research to help readers tap into the profound benefits of meditation.

In this thoughtfully crafted workbook, the author takes readers on an enlightening journey, exploring the history, philosophy, and practical applications of meditation. Drawing from her own experiences and expertise, she presents meditation as a powerful tool for self-discovery, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth.

Divided into well-structured chapters, the book covers a wide range of meditation techniques, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced practitioners. Readers will explore mindfulness meditation, which cultivates present-moment awareness; guided meditation, which nurtures relaxation and inner guidance; loving-kindness meditation, which fosters compassion and connection; Kundalini meditation, which awakens the dormant energy within; Transcendental meditation, which delves into the depths of consciousness; Zazen meditation, which embraces stillness and Zen awareness; and the power of affirmations and mantras to empower with words.

Each chapter provides clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, and practical exercises to help readers integrate meditation.

PublisherF. Bunn
Release dateSep 27, 2023
The DIY Meditation Workbook: The Science & Soul of Inner Peace

F. Bunn

Frannie Bunn is a California-based writer, designer, meditation instructor and consultant who still considers herself a New Englander at heart. With a strong commitment to both learning and teaching, she focuses on crafting informative books. As an expert in self-help and meditation, Ms. Bunn explores various techniques to enrich her own life and effectively guide others.Inspired by the vibrant urban landscape of Los Angeles and the coexisting pockets of nature, Ms. Bunn draws creative inspiration from her surroundings. Alongside her writing, she indulges in diverse passions such as art, video games, travel, tombstone impression art, font design, jewelry making, blogging, podcasting, studying world religions, sharing humorously terrible memes with friends, continuous learning, composing music for her awesome band, coding, anthropology, volunteer work, and attempting to appease her perpetually grumpy rabbit, the princess Iggie Hop.With a blend of expertise in self-help, world religions, and meditation, Ms. Bunn takes joy in empowering individuals to discover their true potential and become the best versions of themselves.

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    Book preview

    The DIY Meditation Workbook - F. Bunn

    The DIY Meditation Workbook

    Unlocking the Science & Spirit of Inner Peace

    by Frannie Bunn

    © 2023 Frannie Bunn, DIY Meditation Workbook

    Copyright & Legal Information

    Copyright Notes:

    The DIY Meditation Workbook: Unlocking the Science & Spirit of Inner Peace , written by Frannie Bunn, is exclusively licensed for your personal enjoyment and educational purposes. Unauthorized distribution, copying, or reproduction of the content, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the copyright holder.

    To obtain additional copies of the book, please refer to authorized distributors to explore available purchase options. Respect the intellectual property rights and hard work of this author and the publisher by adhering to these terms.

    Legal Disclaimer :

    The content provided in this book, The DIY Meditation Workbook: Unlocking the Science & Spirit of Inner Peace , is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information presented herein is not a substitute for professional, medical, or legal advice. The author and publisher strongly recommend consulting with qualified professionals before implementing any ideas or practices discussed in this book.

    It is vital to exercise caution, use your own judgment, and make well-informed decisions based on consultation with professionals. The author, publisher, and distributor shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or undesired consequences arising from the use of this book. Enjoy reading this book responsibly and at your own risk, and may it contribute to your journey toward enhanced mind, body, and spirit health.

    for maura,

    poor thing.


    Dear Reader,

    I'm excited to introduce my friend Frannie ’ s book, The DIY Meditation Workbook: Unlocking the Science & Spirit of Inner Peace .

    What caught my attention about Frannie's work was her commitment to assisting others. Her data-driven approach to meditation sparked my curiosity.

    Frannie's work resonates with me. She simplifies meditation, making it relatable. Her book challenges notions about meditation, offering scientific perspectives. Frannie beautifully connects concepts of meditation and prayer, revealing their shared essence of bringing peace. Her expertise and unique voice shine through.

    In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend " The DIY Meditation Workbook: Unlocking Inner Peace ." Frannie's words will challenge, inspire, and guide you on a journey of self-discovery. Within these pages, you'll find the keys to unlocking the benefits of meditation.

    In this book, Fran empowers readers to recognize inner strength and diminish negativity. This has the potential to create a profound impact for the reader. Instructors will discover fresh views also, expanding understanding of this transformative practice. Anyone from meditation newbies, to the fully enlightened, will find some valuable insight here. Enjoy the journey!

    Warm regards,

    Jacqueline Thompson


    Hello readers,

    This book is a culmination of my personal experiences, igniting within me an unyielding desire to adapt and thrive. I discovered that the key to navigating an unchangeable world lies in shifting our perspective. Meditation became the catalyst that empowered me to reshape my frame of mind.

    My battles with anxiety, depression, a debilitating illness, poverty, and surviving abuse have profoundly shaped my outlook on life. Despite it all, I ’ ve tried my best to seek those silver linings. I ’ ve always known that if I can ’ t change my circumstances, I can change my outlook. Through my struggles, I intimately experienced the transformative potential of meditation, seeking solace and strength amidst life's hardships.

    Through the pages of this book, my aim is to present meditation in a new, unfiltered light — a tool that transcends subjectivity and is accessible to all. What sets this book apart from others on the same subject is its departure from the religious and spiritual connotations often associated with meditation. I strive to dispel the notion that meditation is exclusive to devout faiths or specific spiritual practices. Instead, I believe that mindfulness, driven by neuroplasticity, can enhance cognitive abilities and unlock untapped levels of mental performance. I offer a perspective that highlights meditation as a practical tool for personal growth and self-discovery, accessible to anyone seeking emotional or cerebral fulfillment. This book combines ancient wisdom with modern scientific research, delving into the realms of energy resonance and the mind-body connection.

    Writing this book was not without its challenges. Along the way, I encountered doubt and skepticism from others, including those who believed I would never finish it. However, with unwavering support from my loved ones, I discovered the determination to prove the naysayers wrong. This book stands as a testament to my unyielding commitment to my passions and my earnest desire to share them with you.

    As I acknowledge the sources that contributed to the creation of this book, I am immensely grateful to the countless individuals who have shared their stories, struggles, and triumphs with me. Their courage and resilience have served as an unwavering source of inspiration.

    Dear reader, I extend an invitation to you — a journey awaits, one that demands an open mind and a willingness to explore the boundless potential within yourself. May the pages that follow guide you toward a new understanding of meditation and its transformative power in your own life.

    With gratitude and hope,



    This book didn't get written in a vacuum. I want to thank all the big players in my little world!

    Thank you, everyone …

    … optimistic Adam; cool-ass Andy; lovely Annicka; Ash, who basically restored my faith in humanity; Bam, my girl who understands everything; bunny-whisperer Ben; Claire Beth, delicate but so strong; dear Debbie & Gary; fellow dreamer Dez, whose big heart makes the world seem much smaller; enchanting Ella; ride-or-die Fluf; mastermind Jonathan who should be running the world; Iggie my piggie; Lily, creator of wierd jokes and true wisdom; dear Marty; Matt, who ’ s the sweetest; Mia Rose, the warrior woman; Mikayla, who makes me smile; Monarch, who is truly one of a kind; beautiful soul Pragati; tough-as-nails Rebecca; my big bro

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