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This Last Deceptive Era: Postmodernism and Globalization
This Last Deceptive Era: Postmodernism and Globalization
This Last Deceptive Era: Postmodernism and Globalization
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This Last Deceptive Era: Postmodernism and Globalization

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The book critically focuses on the "spirit of the modern era" and its discovered doctrine. The author views 21st Century civilization from "above," blatantly exposing facts about globalization, the new harlot Babylon rising, and other contemporary issues. The reader is "taken out" of his/her circumstances. The book also contains comfort for women and children who are experiencing trauma and persecution. According to the author's research the end times have been coming to where we are now and is close to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The author has a several advanced degrees and has done extensive research on these issues from a Christian perspective.

The author asks the reader whether "modernism" and all that is covered in the book could be connected to the MYSTERY BABYLON and the beast system of the last days written in Revelation 17 and 18. The reader is offered the information and allowed to judge for himself/herself. Has this author found the real "BABYLON THE GREAT" and its false religion leading to a more dangerous world system soon? Is the "now is" who covers the whole earth in the last days eventually taken over by the anti-Christ and his false system? Finally, this book exhorts and inspires the reader to go forward" for Christ, no matter what the cost.

PublisherCy Phoster
Release dateOct 4, 2023
This Last Deceptive Era: Postmodernism and Globalization

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    This Last Deceptive Era - Cy Phoster


    The author is a resolute born again Christian. She was saved at the age of fifteen. She has four master's degrees. She has lived in Europe for about one-third of her life, traveled there at least a dozen times. The author was led to visit Israel in recent years. She has served the Lord in missions to Guatemala. She has seen abject poverty in first world countries, like former Yugoslavia and Guatemala. She has seen, firsthand, the suffering experienced by people living in large cities who gave up their agricultural lives for a supposed better way of life. Many of these people are now living in cardboard boxes with little to no food, water, or sanitation. The importance of this book for readers is not only to show them the truth and seriousness of deviating from the Bible, but to focus and to strengthen the brethren.

    The author personalizes Christianity in the 20th century by interweaving the experiences of a Christian American woman who is fighting the fight of faith amidst great adversity. The attacks on children, women, and the elderly are increasing in the world today. Why? The author shows the recent trend which has developed through history to the Great Babylon era we face today. The book is riveting and blatantly exposes facts about globalization and other issues. These facts may sound like fiction. They are not always covered in the media. The research is extensive. The author is a dedicated Christian, Biblical scholar and has four M. A. and M. Ed. degrees in Sociology, Marriage & Family Counseling, Education, and U. S. Government. Much of the information included in the book has been researched for several years. Even though the truth is sometimes shocking, the author exhorts the reader not to avoid the truth. The Bible is the basis of the book, prophetically inspired with its main emphasis on end times.

    The author asks the reader whether modernism and all that is covered in the book could be connected to the MYSTERY BABYLON and the beast system of the last days written in Revelation 17 and 18. The reader is offered the information and allowed to judge for himself/herself. Has this author found the real BABYLON THE GREAT and its false religion leading to a more dangerous world system soon? Is the now is who covers the whole earth in the last days eventually taken over by the anti-Christ and his false system? Finally, this book exhorts and inspires the reader to go forward" for Christ, no matter what the cost.


    Jesus warned that the last days would be as in the days of Noah. If you read the Preface you now ow about modernism. A recent program on Public Broadcasting (PBS) on Thursday, September 25, 2003, called Dying to Leave showed the truth about the negative effects of globalization. With this modern mentality came globalization. Rarely has the news covered the growing problem called human smuggling caused by globalization.

    Human smuggling is happening in many underdeveloped countries. Smugglers are people who supposedly help smuggle undereducated, poor people from underdeveloped countries into richer, developed countries, for large fees. The smugglers receive payment from the client's family or from a legal binding document.

    The document states that the client must pay a certain amount of money to the smuggler after obtaining employment or the client will have to work as a quasi-slave laborer in that country until the fee is paid. Undereducated people in extremely poor countries are often duped into believing that in other countries better off than their own, a better way of life is easily available. For many of these people, if they do obtain employment in other countries, it is exceptionally low paying work and they are not able to live very well there either, for a long time. Then, they must pay the smuggler a sizable percentage of their paycheck often for many years.

    Women and children as young as 12 years old are most undocumented immigrants who are smuggled into other countries. Many women and children are being smuggled across borders by smuggling for a different reason than just to get a job. An increasing number of women and children are being told about a job that is already available for them in a particular country. When they arrive, they are instead sold into prostitution or slave labor on a farm. This is called, human trafficking. Many people are not aware that human trafficking is becoming an ever—increasing problem because many countries have not yet developed laws to arrest these criminals. People are being bought and sold like livestock. Human trafficking is the perfect example of the exploitation of the innocent by the unconscionable."

    Shining the Light on Globalization

    Japan, China, and countries in Central America do not have laws about human trafficking. Thus, prostitution is on the rampage there. In Central America, farmers have left their lands, and huge cities have developed with millions of people, trying to survive. These cities are full of poverty and corruption (not that America is not full of violence as well). The poor are victimized more often, becoming exploitable commodities, used by criminals who are making up to ten billion dollars per year off unsuspecting victims. There is more indentured servitude than ever before in the history of the world.

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