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Day By Day
Day By Day
Day By Day
Ebook34 pages25 minutes

Day By Day

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About this ebook

"Day By Day" is the tale of one person's spiritual journey from the beginning of mere existence to an eternal life found in Christ. This is not a retelling of the Gospel; rather, this is an example of how the Gospel becomes real and personal to every individual who hears it for the first time. For those who are already walking with Christ, it is an encouragement and sweet reminder of the precious relationship that is ours with our First Love. The setting is based on the fascinating idea found in Ephesians 6:12, of the Holy scriptures, that this physical, mortal realm in which we live is not the ultimate reality; there is an unseen, spiritual world all around us in which we all play a part.

Release dateOct 1, 2023
Day By Day

Sarah Earlene Shere

Sarah Earlene Shere is an author, actress and cosplayer in her native home of Southern California. Sarah fell in love with storytelling at the age of eleven. As she's grown closer to God and fallen in love with Jesus, her stories have become biblical and allegorical, reflecting her favorite authors: John Bunyan and Hans Christian Andersen. Her stories can be found on Amazon and other major booksellers. Her Fairy Tale Flash Fiction stories can be found on Instagram @FairyTaleFlashFiction, where a new story is posted every Friday.

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    Book preview

    Day By Day - Sarah Earlene Shere

    How This Story Came To Be

    The Calling of the Writer

    With prison walls around me,

    I fell into a dream,

    Of One with kind eyes smiling,

    And holding out a key.

    He took my hands and lifted,

    Me up to higher ground.

    Through the prison ceiling,

    We flew without a sound.

    Along a path He led me;

    My heart was filled with love.

    I longed to share with others,

    This new life from above.

    With knowing eyes He set me,

    Amid blank books to fill.

    He asked if I was ready.

    I said, Do as You will.

    With gentle arms around me,

    He leaned close to my ear,

    And spoke the words before us,

    With opened mind you'll hear.

    As you close your mortal eyes,

    Blink away what you can see.

    Now, inhale the invisible,

    And come away with me!

    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    Ephesians 6:12 (NIV)


    Evelyn’s Hope


    Sarah Earlene Shere

    Chapter One

    There is a place, not so far away, a realm that can not be seen with the human eye. I shall endeavor to describe this region to you as best as is within my simple, human power. This territory resembles an enormous crater, just a large, flat piece of desert surrounded by a tall wall of iron. This place has many names, but its most defining name is Epicureanism.

    At the center of this large wasteland stands a pile of rocks, each one bearing a word written in a language unknown to any man on earth. Even if you could understand the language, it would be impossible to read it for lack of sufficient light. As a matter of fact, the only thing that does not leave Epicureanism in total darkness is a narrow bit of colorful light at the top of the iron wall racing around its perimeter. There are no suns, moons or stars overhead,

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