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About this ebook

After faking my death darkness, despair, and pain filled most of my days for the past decade. Breaking free had been no easy feat, and battling my resulting demons seemed like a never-ending nightmare.
Those struggles only fueled the need for revenge on the people who had done me wrong, who had betrayed me and left me to die.
Now I've been pulled back into the world of my family's sketchy business, I find myself staring into the faces of my past. In particular, two men who want to claim me as their's heart and soul. Their love has stood the test of time, and their touches still leave me breathless and wanting more.
Will they attempt to pull me from the pit of hatred or will they help me burn my enemies into the ground? The only thing I know is that they, nor anyone else, will get in my way.

Release dateOct 3, 2023

Brooke Gaspard

Brooke Gaspard is a native of southwest Louisiana. She loves to connect with her readers to talk about the books or just connect with one another. You can contact her on Facebook page The Mage realm or on ticktock and instagram. You can find her when she is not lost in her own imaginary world gardening, tending to animals, at a good rock concert,  or homeschooling her two children. She is an avid reader, always up for some wild adventure, a watcher of hell's kitchen, and Joe Kendra. She can not wait to see everyone in the next book for another part of the adventure and would love to hear your thoughts. Until next time, keep causing Chaos and Mayhem.

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    Betrayed - Brooke Gaspard

    Onyx Chapter 1

    There she sat at the bar, a lace half top hardly covering any part of her body and a leather jacket accented with skin-tight jeans. She screamed she was a handful in the way she sipped her drink.

    I’m sure she thought she had everyone else fooled, but not me. I knew exactly who she was. I could never forget her.

    I watched them bury her over a decade ago. She had been nineteen and daddy’s little princess and I was always just the enforcer.

    The first night I saw her, I swore it was just someone that looked like her. That’s not the case.

    That’s when I caught it. Jack grabbed her wrist, pulling her back toward him, causing her eyes to snap to him. His soft smile spoke of affection, causing me to grind my teeth. Callie, let me drive you home tonight.

    A dark smile crossed her full, plump lips as she cocked her head to the side. Her eyes went dangerous as she leaned forward, giving me the most beautiful view of her ass.

    Jack, if you have to ask for permission, I am not the one for you.

    With a small push away from the gleaming wood bar, she sauntered her way out of the room. I couldn’t blame Jack for watching the sway of her hips or the hungry look in his eyes, but the poor boy had no clue what he was playing with.

    Following her home I stuck to the shadows, watching as she made her way into a run-down apartment building. Silently, I stayed that way for damn near three hours, watching her from the shadows until the lights finally turned off for the night.

    The long walk back to my Audi only gave me time to think as the cold wind whipped around me. The second I was inside, my phone started ringing, causing me to sigh loudly as I turned it on, annoyed.

    Are you done chasing ghosts yet Onyx?

    Rolling my eyes at Bren’s snotty tone I sneered. It’s her. I know it is and tomorrow I’m proving it to you.

    Bren’s dark laugh filled the interior of my car as I started it up. Or you are just going to prove I’m right. Faye died ten years ago. That’s the cold hard facts.

    Grinding my teeth together I gripped the steering wheel in a white knuckle grip grating out. Brenden, I’m telling you something doesn’t add up. I’m telling you I know where she lives. Now I need to finish this job for the night and will see you tomorrow morning.

    The job I needed to finish was at the docks, not too far from where Faye was now living. How she had flown under the radar living in these parts of town was something I would have to find out.

    The second I stepped out of the car, I was on full alert. My job wasn’t anything other than having a little chat with someone from the past.


    I gave Waylen a curt nod, watching as he lit a smoke, flashing me a soft smile. I’m surprised you came alone.

    No, he wasn’t. There was no way in hell he thought I would bring someone with me. Waylen wasn’t really a threat to me. He had no fucks to give if he lived or died. Ever since Faye had died, he seemed to become more reckless and not care about his life anymore.

    What is this about Waylen?

    His eyes went to mine as a slow smile tilted the edge of his lips making him look more dangerous. I need a favor from you.

    I couldn’t help but scoff at him, causing him to wave his hand at me nodding.

    Sure you wouldn’t do me a favor since neither of us really like one another, but this really is a favor for both of us. I need you to find Faye.

    Boy, did that have my attention. I kept my dark eyes on him as he spoke softly. My father has been secretive about some things. Naturally, I checked out what he was hiding. Now I want retribution. I need this to go off without a hitch and no interference from the rest of the families.

    We weren’t born related. No, we were worse than that. Our families were bound by murder and other criminal activities.

    Our fathers had started out as friends growing up. They had all started legal activities but opportunities presented themselves. They were too good to pass up. So the friends joined forces, each taking a criminal empire to run for their own watching one another's backs as they divided up the city into special sectors. Loyalty to one another was worth money, or so we thought.

    The years wore on and eventually they ran damn near everything. If you caused trouble for one of them you were bound to meet a bloody end by the others.

    Waylen had shocked me into silence. This was him declaring war on his own father. The ripples this would cause could become tidal waves if not handled correctly.

    Waylen leaned against his black SUV casually pulling out a smoke and putting it to his lips as he spoke roughly.

    Watch the videos. Read the files, Onyx, and then tell me where your loyalties lie, but no matter where they are, I’m taking this in my own hands.

    Pushing a simple brown suit case toward me with his foot, Waylen changed the dynamic of the city with a simple narrowed look. I didn’t dare move as we locked eyes.

    Why don’t you tell me what happened, Waylen?

    Shaking his head, Waylen tossed me a devilish smile. It’s better you read all the facts for yourself. Just like I did.

    Just like that, Waylen climbed into his SUV, giving me a single nod. Call me with your answer. A week, that’s all I can stand to hesitate.

    My mind was officially spinning as I picked up that damn brown suitcase and put it in my car. Driving home with it was like driving home with an active bomb. One that was going to emotionally destroy everyone.

    I made my way to the penthouse, keying in my code, closing the heavy wooden door tightly behind me. The silence of home was now smothering. On a normal day, it would be the perfect end to my day.

    My stomach twisted with fear of the unknown as I plucked my phone out of my pocket dialing Bren’s number. He picked up on the second ring.

    Well, are you done being all mysterious and distracted by ghosts?

    Snorting softly I set the briefcase down on the marble countertop, raising my chin as I looked it over.  Such a simple hallowed object that seemed so life changing.

    Bren, stop being such an asshat and get over to the penthouse.

    Bren didn’t bother responding before hanging up. We had been through hell together and the tone of my voice would have sent him into fight mode.

    Bren and I weren’t like the others. We weren’t biological siblings, but we didn’t need to be to be completely loyal.

    We met when I was only nine. Both of us had been street kids down on our luck when our boss and now adopted father took us in under his wing. Our parents had been killed while preforming some of their enforcers duties to our Don, now adopted father.

    As we grew up and became the go to for any type of hit that needed to be done we learned to depend on one another only. That’s how we worked our way through the ranks together solidifying our friendship through bloodshed and constant threats.

    While Bren and I were learning how to make people disappear, fighting tooth and nail for our respect and our places among the criminal hierarchy; the others were living simple spoiled lifestyles.

    Liam, Mia, and Amanda’s father, Danta, ran the casinos and dirty money. He would allow Ricky’s father to run his drugs through them unseen. If they were high they spent more money and made stupid decisions. That was good for business.

    Ricky’s father always ran drugs through the city but then they expanded into stolen goods which meant he needed Faye’s family's loyalty.

    They ran the guns and drugs and guns always went hand in hand with stolen goods.  Hell we all needed Faye’s family. Their legal business was the largest real estate business in the state and they ran all the ports in the city. Without the docks we were all fucked.

    You may be asking yourself how my father fit into all of this. Well his specialty was making others go missing. You see we were more the violent merciless type. That meant all the families needed us just like we needed Faye’s family.

    So you see we were different but yet the same. We didn’t trust one another but we needed one another to survive. Bren and I’s family may still be on shaky ground with everyone else since we were adopted and our father had passed away a year after Faye had but it could also be because we were violent and merciless.

    Half an hour later, Bren and I stood staring at that damn suitcase unsure what we should do.

    Onyx, are you sure he’s not playing you a fool? I mean, come on, Waylen didn’t exactly like us before Faye died. He likes us even less now, and it’s all because of your previous obsession with his sister.

    Bren wasn’t wrong. Waylen hated both of us enough to try and bar us from the head of the family meetings. Hell, he had tried to get a few of my clubs shut down even after Faye had been buried just out of spite.

    Reaching out I pressed the release on the clips, sighing. The loud thumps sounded around us  signaling the change of our lives. I guess we are about to find out. We dove into the deep end of the pool of unknown without a second thought.

    The night wore on and when we finally paused the video; it was the perfect picture  of Faye’s desperate face on the screen. There was no sound, but you could see the fear in her every move.

    The deafening silence had both our stomachs churning as guilt and shame crashed down around our ears.

    How did we not know about this? I mean, there had to be signs, right?

    Bren’s hands were shaking. I didn’t know if it was from anger or guilt. Bren ran one hand over his tortured face, closing his eyes as he tried to pull himself together. I shook my head, still too numb and lost to pull any type of sentence together for several long minutes.

    She escaped from him, Bren. That has to be her. There is no way in hell it wasn’t her. This proves it.

    Bren barked out a maniacal laugh as he looked at me wildly.

    This proves that her father is a piece of shit. It also proves her brother is about to take over. There is no way I will stand against a man avenging his sister after she was sold to someone like Danta.

    I pushed myself off the couch, going towards my room to change, only to have Bren talking to me loudly. What are you going to do Onyx? There is no way in hell that was Faye. Danta was fucking ruthless and we know it. That’s why Liam took him out. There was no evidence of Faye there.

    Running my hand  through my hair I desperately spun to face him, rage suddenly coated every word as I spat out loudly. Why can’t it be? Give me one good fucking reason.

    Bren shook his finger at me, nodding. There was not a single shred of evidence of Faye ever being taken by Danta and kept alive. That means that is her in that fucking grave. I’m sorry, but she’s gone Onyx.

    Snatching up a lamp, throwing it against the far wall I shook with rage. We didn’t know to look for her. None of us knew Danta had his filthy fucking hands on her. Now that we do we can look for her. She had to escape his grasp.

    I was desperate, and Bren could see it. The look of pity flashed deep in his eyes as he nodded slowly. Onyx there is no way she escaped. We both know how, not only her father was, but Danta. There were cameras everywhere. Danta wouldn’t have let his prize out of his sight. Not alive. You need to accept that Faye is gone.

    I wanted to punch him. My own best friend didn’t believe me. I know I saw her. I knew the moment she sassed her way past me.

    Onyx, I get it. You loved her. We both did, but she’s gone.

    Snatching a hold of his shirt. I jerked him toward me refusing to believe him for even a second as I hissed in his face. Faye is not gone.

    Bren’s hands went into the air in surrender. Then prove it to me.

    Shoving him a few feet back I sneered as I turned my back on him getting my clean clothes out. Proving Bren wrong would be easy. Faye had been at that bar every single damn night for the past month. There was no way in hell she wouldn’t be there tonight.

    The car ride to the bar wasn’t silent like I would have preferred. Bren was constantly drumming his fingers on the car door as he spoke.

    So what are you going to do, Onyx? Are we just going to sit in the dark corner and be the freaks watching her? Or are you wanting to take her back with us? Kidnap her? What if it’s not Faye? Now you will have one irate, frightened woman on your hands and no way to get rid of her. I mean, unless you pay her off or even kill her.

    I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at him as I parked. It’s Faye, I just want to talk to her.

    That’s what my plan was. I wanted to talk to the woman I had mourned for and get her answers. The need to make her see me again was something I couldn’t deny.

    Just like normal Friday nights, the bar was packed with businessmen and women. Jack, Faye’s tall, lanky, somewhat good looking friend, was behind the bar as I made my way toward it ordering two whiskeys. The look in his eyes held a note of fear as he slid the drinks over. I couldn’t help but lean toward him, flashing him a dark smile.

    Jack was more than aware of who I was. Hell, everyone in the city and probably the state knew who I was.

    Can I help you with something else?

    Jack’s blue eyes stayed locked on mine as I nodded slowly. Is Callie in tonight?

    Bren shot me a questioning look, but the second Jack’s eyes turned dark and his damn chin rose, I knew I had hit my mark.

    How do you know Callie? He asked, trying to sound offhand as he reached for another bottle.

    Bren gave him a smooth smile, accompanied by a good roll of his eyes. Just call us old friends.

    Jack glanced down the bar, lowering his voice as he spoke for just our ears. She’s gone.

    Two words that more than devastated my soul.

    Faye Chapter 2

    Adecade ago, my life turned not just upside down but inside out. I didn’t know who to trust anymore. Things were so twisted that I didn’t know up from down and yet here I stood. I survived a year of captivity. A full year of torture in every form and fashion.

    When I escaped, I didn’t even know who I was anymore. Fear ruled my life, but with my friend Jack, I managed to pull up my mask and push forward with my life somewhat normal. Like I stated, somewhat normal.

    I was still being hunted, and technically, I was dead. I mean dead on paper. Physically, I was still breathing and thinking.

    With Jack’s help, I managed to pull my life together. I had a shitty apartment with my friends. My jobs were always lowkey and off the radar being paid in cash, but I was surviving and somewhat happy.

    That all came crashing down when I was working in the local bar, and he came walking through the door. I knew it was him just from the sounds of his footsteps. How could I not? He was the man that haunted my dreams, plus I had been checking on him for ten long years.

    I never thought he would just run into me out of chance. I had prayed he wouldn’t. Things would turn for the worse if he saw me. Onyx, the beautiful man I had loved and sacrificed everything for, was now sitting in the bar.

    I could damn near feel those dark eyes watching my every move over the next two weeks. I thought and prayed Onyx wouldn’t recognize me but, it was becoming more obvious he knew exactly who I was.

    Onyx rolled his white sleeves up, giving me a peek at his tattooed covered arms making him look even more mouth watering, if that was at all possible. Onyx was the devil in disguise, but what a wonderfully wicked devil he was.

    I shouldn’t have stayed this long. I should have ran the second he walked through those doors and never looked back. I was absolutely stupid and the reason for my own downfall, but I didn’t want to walk away.

    Leaning on the bar I watched Jack closely giving him a slow smirk. Thanks Jack, see you another night.

    Jack’s eyebrow rose as I went to back away, causing him to reach out, snatching my wrist up pulling me back to him. Callie, let me drive you home tonight.

    Jack couldn’t leave, and we lived together. This was our code, and he was implementing it. He was seeing the same thing I was. It was time for me to disappear once again. Jack offering to drive me home was telling me to use the tunnels and disappear. That he would come find me once the smoke had cleared.

    Jack, if you have to ask for permission, I’m not the one for you.

    My confirmation that I would be heading to Ghost's house. Then changing phones and  leaving my number there so he could catch up. When he did, I would have to inform Jack of my new plan. I was no longer willing to run.

    With that quick exchange, I sassed my way out of the bar, feeling Onyx’s eyes on me the entire time. I knew he had been following me home. I had seen him standing in the shadows, sometimes close to sunrise.

    Onyx, the most dangerous man in the city and I was in his sights. Yeah, now was the time to run for the hills. If Onyx knew I was alive and around it was only a matter of time before the others found out. Onyx would be putting himself in danger without knowing it because of the past’s shady deals.

    Acting as casual as I could, I closed my apartment door tightly behind me after entering. The twelve locks I had on the door wouldn’t stop him if he wanted to come in, but it would give me time to run if I needed to. Making sure I passed in front of the window for appearance, I packed my lone backpack, waiting until close to two in the morning.

    That’s when I made my escape creeping out of my apartment door, making sure to avoid the window at the end of the hall,  I scurried down to the basement.

    There behind an old board was the dirty, damp escape tunnels. The Irish bootleggers back in the day used these, and it was fitting that I was now using them to avoid my very own Irish angry father. I took off hunched over, sometimes crawling under the city away from the docks to the building outside of town.

    Pushing the door up from under the floorboard of a home I found it empty and still. This was my freedom and I was taking it for just a little longer before playing with my food.

    Climbing through the hidden door I made sure to put everything back in its place before creeping out of that home noting where it was in case I ever needed to escape again. Then I went to Ghost’s house with my half baked plan begging to be put in place.

    My friends lived on the poor side of town. Honestly hiding in these parts was just as hard as it was on the richer side. Onyx and the other three families had people everywhere. It was almost as if I could feel their spies watching from the shadows.

    When they thought I was dead, hiding was simple. Now they would have my name and face plastered everywhere and my father would be alerted along with Ricky.

    The shit would hit the fan faster when I put my plan into motion and I couldn’t help but muse over every detail just before I knocked on Ghost’s door.

    Callie, what are you doing here?

    I leaned on the door frame. My bag clutched tightly in my fist. I need a new phone and to leave Jack with all the info. Disappearing is a bitch this time.

    Ghost pulled the door wide, letting me step into his drug den. The bags littered the coffee table, along with several beer bottles. Ghost was an older man that life hadn’t been kind to, but he was kind enough to help me out when I needed it.

    I watched as he lumbered to the back of the house coming back with a cell phone in his hand. That has the scrambler on it. Do you need something to eat?

    Wrinkling my nose I took the cheap phone he was handing me with a lopsided smile. You know Callie, a girl like you could have the world in the palm of your hand if you found the right man to use.

    Rolling my eyes I tucked my auburn hair behind my ear sneering. Don’t worry Ghost, if I make it to the top, I won’t forget you.

    His tired laugh sounded around me as he shoved a soda in my hands. Good to know I will have friends in high places.

    Tipping my can at him I managed a single nod. My mind was spinning with all of the paths I could take before I mumbled absently. And it’s nice to know I have friends in darker places. Now tell Jack to call when he gets here. We have things to figure out.

    With that I was leaving the dilapidated drug den and making my way down the dark, desolate street. Most normal people would be afraid of walking down these types of streets alone, but I had developed a reputation over the years.

    I wasn’t afraid of killing. Blood didn’t bother me and mercy wasn’t in my vocabulary. I guess having your own father sell you off like a piece of trash would make the best person in the world cold and heartless.

    Kicking a can down the desolate road I made my way back toward the suburbs. My phone rang almost a full hour later.

    Where are you Callie?

    I glanced around at the semi nice homes in the immediate area. There was no one in sight and not a damn car to be seen. Close to the new safe house. Where are you?

    I could hear Jack’s smile in his voice. I will be there before you. I just left Ghost’s place and managed to pick up a car while I was at it.

    Hesitating, I cocked my head to the side. You stole a car?

    Jack laughed mockingly before clicking his tongue at me. Don’t act like you are above stealing a car first off. Secondly, I didn’t steal it. I actually bought it tonight from the  boss man as a severance pay for not reporting my face meeting a wooden desk several times. The paperwork can be done in the morning. This was all courtesy of Onyx.

    Letting out a soft relief-filled laugh, I watched as a dinky car suddenly crawled its way toward me stopping next to me. There he was with a broad smile on his face. Get in hot stuff.

    I couldn’t help but squeal as I sashayed my way to the passenger side of the car, pulling the door open. So I have to tell you something.

    That had Jack putting the car in park as he glanced over at me. You have your trouble voice on. I figure putting the car in park so I don’t accidentally drive off the road was best.

    Snorting loudly I pulled out a smoke putting it to my lips as I spoke matter of factly. I want revenge. Care to help me get it before we go our separate ways?

    Jack’s eyes turned dark as he nodded slowly. Are we taking your father out, or Ricky?

    Wrinkling my nose at him I let out a long stream of smoke. My father first. When that’s done, we go for Ricky. The only problem is, once my father is taken out, my brother will know I’m alive, if he doesn’t already. So this could get tricky.

    Jack took my smoke from me, taking a long drag. So you either go inside the belly of the beast or prolong this and be hunted down while you do it.

    Nodding slowly I raised an eyebrow. I don’t mind being eaten alone.

    Jack put the car in drive, shaking his head. First off, I know you don’t mind being alone. Second, Callie, you are never alone when you have me.

    Jack and I pulled into our new safe house, both of us silent for several minutes. So you want to kill your dad and then jump back into the family business?

    Chewing on my bottom lip I slowly nodded. So here’s what I’m thinking. We keep a close eye on all of them for a little while. When the time is right, I can take my dad out. After he’s gone I can run. Walking back into my family business isn’t something I think is wise at the moment. They won’t trust me. Onyx’s behavior tonight is proof of that.

    Jack reached over, turning my face to his as he gave me a soft reassuring smile. Then let’s get started.

    Jack and I spent months hacking feeds to my fathers house. Time slipped by quickly as I watched them from afar. This was harder than I ever imagined it would be. I missed my brother Waylen. I missed the way we had all been.

    Most importantly though, I found myself stalking Onyx more than I should be. I couldn’t stop myself from following him to the tattoo shop he frequented. Bren was always either right inside, facing the opposite direction or right outside facing the street.

    The two would constantly laugh and joke most of the time seeming relaxed. Other times, Onyx would have this dark look about him and a scowl on his face. I often found myself wondering why he would look so stressed.

    Other times, I would sit in the coffee shop across the street from Liam’s restaurant and watch them have their dinners together. I hated watching as Ricky and his brothers would make themselves comfortable at the table. A table I had been kicked out of because of him.

    Ricky had everything I loved, even though he had threatened to rip it to shreds and kill them all. I hated him more than I could even comprehend.

    Mia had started sitting next to Onyx, leaning against him. His hand would go to her thigh discreetly under the table. Their eyes locking in a lust-filled haze. Sometimes she would follow him back to his penthouse, disappearing in it for the night.

    Perfect princess Mia and dark King Onyx fit perfectly. They looked beautiful together and that in itself told me I was stupid. Onyx had moved on, and the only thing I should be focused on was revenge. I shouldn’t be pining for a man that didn’t seem to care about me.

    Tonight I sat watching the video feed of my father’s home. Waylen seemed like a total stranger to me now. He was no longer the man I had grown up with. He was cold and calculated, always watching my father like he was going to kill him at any minute.

    2 years after the bar

    Two years after I had run into Onyx, Jack came rushing through the door. His phone was held out in front of him as he wore a desperate look. "Callie, things are getting complicated. Someone tried to take your father out. He’s in the hospital and supposed to be getting out close to midnight.

    Two Someone is looking for you and by looking I mean showing your picture off to every person passing by. Your picture, name and last seen location has been passed around like fucking wildfire and now there is even an enormous reward. We have to make our move or leave. We can’t risk it any longer."

    Jack was right. They were turning the heat up so much I couldn’t even watch Onyx from the coffee shop anymore. Hell, I had seen him go into the tattoo shop and swore he saw me. When I had braved going near his penthouse, I felt like I was being watched from every corner. Backing off had been smart to do.

    He’s getting out of the hospital tonight? What time?

    Jack’s dark smile crossed his lips as he glanced at his phone. Right at three. Apparently he wants to be discreet.

    I watched Jack closely for a moment, causing him to roll his eyes. One of the guys at the bar tipped me off. He’s hired to do the driving. Problem is his wife is pregnant, and he knew I needed the extra cash. So he offered me the quick money making drive.

    My chance fell into my lap. Sounds like good ole pops needs to be rerouted to the warehouse, don’t you think Jack?

    Jack pulled me up from the couch spinning me around the room as if we were dancing. And then we go for Ricky. They won’t think we stayed while the heat is so bad. It will be safer to stick around closer to them.

    What Jack was saying was true. My brother would be out for blood and most people would tuck tail and run, so staying close would be unexpected.

    That’s how I got to the point of standing in front of my own father, beaten and bloodied. His ragged breaths coming out slow as he tried to hold his own head up.

    The desperation in his voice had a thrill of joy coursing through my veins. Faye, just listen to me. We can work this out. You don’t have to do something you will regret.

    I put my booted heel on his hand that was shackled to the chair, leaning forward. A dark smile painted my lips as I put a smoke to them. And just how can we work out that you sold me into sex slavery?

    My father’s eyes opened slowly. The blood seeping out from his ear quickly fell down to his throat. Faye, let’s just talk about this rationally.

    Leaning forward I put the barrel of my gun to his forehead watching him emotionless. Rationally. Like fire is more painful, but then I run the risk of you surviving if I leave. A gun would be quicker. Honestly, I don’t want to give you that mercy. That’s the only rational thinking I have left in me.

    My father’s low groan sounded loudly around the empty warehouse as I stepped back, raising my chin. My voice hardly raised above a whisper as I asked my single worded question. Why?

    My father’s fingers twitched as he tried to figure out anything to say that would give me pause. Faye, you were young and making a mistake. You weren’t thinking about the family. You were supposed to save us all.

    Laughing softly I leaned toward him, my face inches from his as I seethed. By being their whore?

    The look my father gave me was nothing but anger as he hissed out darkly. You were supposed to honor our family over anything else. You ruined it all by being with him. You are nothing but a disgrace. A walking disappointment. I should have never trusted you, just like your mother. You are fucking useless.

    My father spat on the ground next to him. His cold eyes meeting mine as I turned my back walking away from the man that had been the first heartbreak in my life. Shock and fear took the place of his anger as I dropped my smoke on the ground, never breaking eye contact as the fire followed the line of gasoline leading to his body.

    The sounds of his screams filling the air were cathartic. I could have celebrated for years. The man that had hated me enough to kill me was now meeting his karma by my hand and I would forever savor this moment.

    An eerie silence descended on me as my fathers screams stopped abruptly. My job wasn’t done yet but I couldn’t help but take in every second of my victory greedily.

    Pacing around his body I spoke more to myself than him, but still I felt it needed to be spoken out loud just in case. I hadn’t planned on doing any of this. My plan had been to live happily under the radar as Callie, the cute, fun, loving waitress and sometimes bartender. You forced me from the dark and into the light with the constant threats and relentless hunting. I’ve had enough of being weak. Now I promise to burn your empires down around you fucking ears.

    The wooden chair collapsed under the force of the fire. The constraints burning away from heat, leaving my father’s burning body on the floor with nothing truly left to identify him but his teeth.

    Glancing at the camera I rushed my way over to it picking it up. Jack and the rest of my new family would finish the cleanup. I needed to get out of this area of town. If my father or Ricky did have people watching for me, they would know it was me.

    The city came alive with rumors of my fathers death the day after his body had been found causing me to stay hidden inside. Whispered theories were hard to hide from though. I had zero guilt and zero ideas on how I could and would handle the next few weeks.

    The week of my father’s funeral came and

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