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The Story of Drexell & Honeybees Donations Only Restaurant
The Story of Drexell & Honeybees Donations Only Restaurant
The Story of Drexell & Honeybees Donations Only Restaurant
Ebook126 pages1 hour

The Story of Drexell & Honeybees Donations Only Restaurant

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This book tells the story of a small-town restaurant in Brewton, Alabama that doesn't charge their guests. It is the brainchild of Lisa McMillan and is a donation-only restaurant. That means there are no cash registers, or suggested menu prices. Guests can simply leave a donation if they are willing or able to;

PublisherLisa McMillan
Release dateOct 9, 2023
The Story of Drexell & Honeybees Donations Only Restaurant

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    The Story of Drexell & Honeybees Donations Only Restaurant - Lisa McMillan


    The story of

    Drexell and


    Donations Only Restaurant

    Est. 2018

    Copyright © 2022 by Lisa and Freddie McMillan – All rights Reserved.

    Published by Lisa and Freddie McMillan, Brewton, Alabama.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    ISBN: 9781885091185

    Library of Congress Number: 2022901988

    Book Consultant: Sarah Hernandez

    Printed in United States of America

    In Memorial

    During the last few years, we have had angels on earth helping from near and far. Through words of encouragement, fresh vegetables, fruit from their trees, groceries, or money, these people have given their heart and soul to help us, help others. Even though we have had to say goodbye to many, we will always hold a special place in our hearts for them. This book is written in loving memory of our fallen angels. Each name: someone to whom honor is due.

    Earlie Ray and Bertha Lee Thomas

    Maggie McMillan

    Captain Philip James Nordmeyer

    Earl Horton

    Ellen Hayes

    Helen Aughtman

    Joe Drummond

    Neal Sherman

    Marilyn S. Thomas

    Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Charles Rudy Yuhasz

    Nancy McCall

    Ted Jennings

    Jean Odom

    Betty Lester Singletary

    Mary Eliza Nelson

    We remember you, thank you, and find comfort in the scripture that says we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses as we continue fighting the good fight of faith (Hebrews 12:1-2).

    — With Love, Lisa and Freddie

    Table of Contents


    1. A Dream’s Beginning

    2. The Shaping of Drexell and Honeybee’s

    3. And So We Meet Again, Serendipity

    4. Compassion Turned into Action

    5. The Groundbreaking Year

    6. A Day in the Life of Drexell and Honeybee’s

    7. Joy is the Reward

    8. Why We Exist

    9. The Benefits of Serving Others

    10. The Stories Created at Drexell and Honeybee’s

    11. Defeating Food Insecurity

    12. Food Sharing Benefits

    13. Drexell and Honeybee’s Today

    A Final Plea


    Have you ever had a dream that sort of just fell into your lap? Well, that’s exactly what happened with Drexell and Honeybee’s. From beginning to end, it was shaped by God. It started with a seed and a desire to own my own place, and developed into something more as I became exposed to the needs in my community. Compassion played a leading role in the unraveling of this story.

    Although the journey was long and has required a lot of sacrifice, I see the hand of God all over it. Sometimes we think that a wand’s whip can form a dream, but I’ve found that the dream is made better because of the process.

    In this book, I invite you to journey with me down memory lane as I remember the events that led to what is now Drexell and Honeybee’s Donations Only Restaurant. Along the way, I hope that you are encouraged to pursue your own dreams, despite the sacrifice and the long process, with perseverance and faith. Even better, I hope you will invite God into your journey and be patient in the process. Be faithful to do what you can with what you have, and watch Him do the rest.

    Finally, to all the dreamers, keep dreaming, but don’t forget to start.

    Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.

    — Zechariah 4:10, NLT


    A Dream’s Beginning

    Have you ever had a moment where a name or idea comes to mind out of seemingly nowhere, and you just know that you have to save it in your mental filing cabinet? Well, that’s exactly what happened with Drexell and Honeybee’s. It was almost like serendipity, except it wasn’t. It was a divine appointment with destiny; a seed being planted by God for what is now our Drexell and Honeybee’s Donations Only Restaurant.

    Let me transport you to the day it all started. Thirty years ago, when I lived in Hawthorne, California, right outside of Los Angeles, a space for lease caught my eye while I was driving down the street one day. I began daydreaming and imagining how it would be nice to have a little space of my own; perhaps an ice cream shop. I found myself asking, What would I name my shop? and immediately, the name Drexell and Honeybee’s came to mind. I didn’t know anyone named Drexell or Honeybee, but I immediately fell in love with the name and took a mental note of it.

    The truth is, this was more than just a fleeting, fun, little idea. I actually pulled my car over to peek inside the building. What I found was the perfect size building: not too big, not too small. I thought, How nice would it be to have a little boy and girl clown as the logo? but I also knew that this was not a financial possibility at the moment. Still, I managed to call the number on the building to get some information; they wanted $600 a month. Thirty years ago, that was a lot of money. At the time, renting that location wasn’t a possibility, but it wasn’t about that, nor about having an ice cream shop. That day was about God increasing my capacity to believe for more.

    There’s a scripture in the Bible that says, Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more, than all we ask or imagine, according to His power at work within us, to Him be the glory… (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV).

    That day was the beginning of more. Every reality starts with an idea or a dream; God put a dream in my heart that day. I didn’t know exactly what it would look like or what it would be, but I now had a dream to own a place of my own and the name to go with it. The location and the ice cream shop idea were just tools used to trigger it. God used those things to make me aware of a greater possibility. He also gave me the faith and hope for it. Instead of walking away empty-handed and looking at what I couldn’t have at the moment, I walked away rich. Rich with a skeleton of a dream that has now become a reality, far greater than anything I could have asked or imagined.

    Some people might not understand, but sometimes having a dream is all you need to be hope-filled and excited for what is to come. At the time, people could have looked at me and thought, So what? I could have my own dream too; I want to have my own place, and I’ll use this and that name. Yet, this wasn’t a dream that originated from my own mind or sarcasm. It was a dream revealed to me by God and one I held onto in faith. Despite the noise and those who didn’t understand, I chose to hold onto the joy and excitement of the initial idea. As I made myself available to God and His leading, I got to see and be a part of the making of Drexell and Honeybee’s Donations Only Restaurant.


    The Shaping of Drexell and Honeybee’s

    When I initially had the dream to own a place and call it Drexell and Honeybee’s, I could have never imagined it would become what it is today. Drexell and Honeybee’s is a free restaurant built around people of all walks of life coming together to share a meal. It has become a beacon of light and hope for many as we strive to meet a basic human need by providing free meals, and restoring dignity to those who don’t usually have a place at the table.

    After seeing what we have created here, many have asked how they could start this in their hometown. Before sharing that, I feel it is important to note how this concept came to be; it’s not just about doing or building, but catching the heart.

    In 2002, after realizing that food shortages were a considerable concern for many people in my community, I started a 501(c)(3) food bank called Carlisa, Inc. The name was in honor of a dear friend whose last name started with car and who was killed in a

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