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The Parable of the Coal
The Parable of the Coal
The Parable of the Coal
Ebook56 pages38 minutes

The Parable of the Coal

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How can you love someone who is ornery and downright unlovable? The Parable of the Coal is the story of Edgar and Steve, neighbors separated not just by a broken-down fence, but by a gulf of anger and frustration, and in Edgar's case, years of offended pride. Have you ever been hurt by someone and saddled with a grudge that you could not overcome? Find out how one man and his young family re-shape the miserable future ahead of a broken soul- and in the process gain an even greater reward for themselves. The Parable of the Coal will cause you to look outside yourself, outside your own front door, to find how you can make a difference in the lives of those who have hidden their hurts away. Love changes hearts and this little story shows how simple and plain that miracle can be.

Matthew Swam has given readers a gift. The lesson from The Parable of the Coal is that no one should be judged until you've worn their clothing, walked in their shoes, or seen with their eyes. This touching story reveals the human tendency to complicate life and miss the simplistic beauty of living, and it shows readers how to discover the way to find that beauty again. Its lasting message is that unselfish love and service come with great and eternal rewards. -John Daly, Host of Real TV

Release dateOct 10, 2023
The Parable of the Coal

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    The Parable of the Coal - Matthew Swan




    Matthew H. Swan

    Illustrated by Mark Swan

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    Praise for

    The Parable of the Coal

    The Parable of the Coal is an inspiring tale of forgiveness, friendship and the blessings that come from overcoming grudges. This short story teaches a lesson in such a meaningful way that you will want to share it with family and friends. Matt Swan has created one of the best fables I have read in a long time.

    —Richard Paul Evans, #1 New York Times

    bestselling author of The Christmas Box

    Matt Swan has provided a timely and moving lesson on a couple of very important eternal principles. The Parable of The Coal is a gentle reminder that the worth of every soul is great in the eyes of the Lord and that our lives can be forever blessed by the principle of service, not just by our service to others, but by allowing others to serve us. Well done.

    —Warren B. Hardy II, Nevada State Senator

    This is a touching parable for our day depicting a Samaritan, a brother’s keeper loving his neighbor, finding the one and saving a lost offended soul. The author has beautifully illustrated the reality, opportunity, and possibility to influence for good and the blessing of joy experienced as one extends his hand in fellowship and friendship.

    —Jim and Pat Neel

    The Parable of the Coal brings to life springtime as it blossoms after a long winter, a change that can take place in our lives if we will but get rid of the cold thoughts of bitterness in our hearts and let in the warmth of forgiveness by helping others who may be suffering. This parable can help you realize how important showing kindness and caring for others is in our lives.

    —Maureen Howell

    The Parable of the Coal was the best short story I’ve read in a long time. In everyday life it is so easy to hold on to the negative especially when your feelings get hurt over a simple remark. We, as human beings, always seem to think if we remove ourselves from a situation, it’s going to get back at others. This story puts everything into perspective—we hurt ourselves, not others, when we do this. It made me rethink my attitude toward church and people and showed how easy it can be to share our lives when we open our hearts and let go of the hurt.

    —Gloria Alvey

    The Parable of the Coal - Matthew H. Swan

    © Copyright 2023 by Matthew H. Swan

    ISBN: 978-1-961526-54-9 (Paperback)

    :978-1-961526-57-0 (E-book/Kindle)

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Proisle Publishing Services LLC

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