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For the Love of a Woman
For the Love of a Woman
For the Love of a Woman
Ebook126 pages1 hour

For the Love of a Woman

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Detectives Olivia Hansen and Callum Palmer faced a puzzling challenge when they were tasked with solving a murder that had occurred 120 years earlier. The case involved a long-forgotten tragedy that had been buried in the annals of history until Isabella Martin, a possible descendant of the victim, unexpectedly walked into the police station one fateful day.


Isabella had come across an intriguing advertisement that had been placed by Olivia and she carried with her a tale passed down through generations, a story that had haunted her family for over a century. It was a story of love, obsession, and a carefully devised scheme that had shattered the lives of those involved.



In the late 19th century, Bradley Hadigan was a man who seemingly had it all. He was deeply in love with his wife, a woman of remarkable beauty, and they were blessed with two children. Bradley was a respected station owner in the remote outback of New South Wales. To those who knew him, his life appeared close to perfection.


However, perfection often breeds envy, and Bradley's neighbor, Mark Jackson, was a man consumed by an obsessive desire for Bradley's wife. His infatuation led him down a dark path, and he hatched a scheme to eliminate his adversary and claim the beautiful woman for himself.


Mark enlisted the help of four former bushrangers, men with a notorious history of violence and cunning. Together, they conspired to orchestrate Bradley Hadigan's demise in a way that would cast suspicion elsewhere, leaving Mark with a clear path to win over the object of his affection.


What is it that causes his scheme to unravel?

Or does it?


With each revelation from Isabella, the Detectives drew closer to the identity of the bones.

The answer lay hidden in the dusty pages of history—a history Isabella knew well.

Release dateOct 6, 2023
For the Love of a Woman

Susan Horsnell

I’m an Australian author who lives in Queensland when not travelling and I write in a variety of Romantic sub-genres, including Western,  Historical, Gay, Mafia, and Contemporary Romance.  I have published over 60 books and novellas, many of which feature strong, independent heroines and rugged, alpha male heroes. Some of my popular series include the Outback Australia series and The Carter Brothers series. My books are known for their well-researched historical details, vivid descriptions of the Australian landscape and real life experiences. My work has garnered praise from readers and critics alike, and I have been a Finalist in both the Rone Awards and Laramie Awards as well as being a multiple times International Bestselling Author and USA Today Bestselling Author. If you're interested in learning more about my books:  Linktree   

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    For the Love of a Woman - Susan Horsnell

    Copyright © 2021 by Susan Horsnell

    Previously published as Beyond The Boneyard by Susan R. Horsnell

    The right of Susan Horsnell to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her under the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000

    All rights reserved. This publication (or any part of it) may not be reproduced or transmitted, copied, stored, distributed or otherwise made available by any person or entity (including Google, Amazon or similar organisations), in any form (electronic, digital, optical or mechanical) or by any means (photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise) without prior written permission from the author.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    This story is set in Outback NSW and written in Australian English.

    Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.

    Edited: Redline Editing

    Proofread: Leanne Rogers

    Published by: Lipstick Publishing

    Note to Reader:

    This book is purely fictional, a product of the author’s imagination and is written for the reader’s enjoyment. No AI was utilized in the writing of this story.

    The characters, town, properties, and businesses are fictional and should be regarded as such.

    The rapid identification of the bones is not realistic and should be treated as fictional for story purposes.

    With thanks to the ACT Police Media Department for their advice on General Police Procedures and Forensic Investigation.

    The looks on their faces when I first told them about the bones to gain background for this story was priceless.



    Mark Jackson

    Born 1842 – Died 1895

    Horace Jackson

    1870 – 1962

    Married 1896 to Patricia Jamieson

    Children - 

    Mathew -       1897 - 1977

    Joshua -       1899 - 1924

    Mildred -       1900 – 1924

    Karl Jackson

    1871- 1921

    Married 1897 to Elaine Baker

    No children

    Mathew Jackson

    Married 1924 to Cynthia Cartwright

    Children - 

    Cody -       1928 – Present

    Madeline -       1930 – 1932

    Cody Jackson

    Married 1951 to Mae Bowers

    Children –

    Braxton –             1953 - Present

    Jayden –             1957 - Present

    Isabella -             1961 – Present

    Chapter One

    Present Day

    Detective Callum Palmer dragged his fingers through his thick hair. He had a murder to solve. A pile of skeletons had been found in an old mine shaft and he’d been assigned the case…well, he and his new partner, who had yet to show up. Irritated, he paced the precinct floor.

    Calm down, Palmer, one of the other detectives growled, You’re driving me nuts.

    Tough, Callum shot back at him.

    A petite woman dressed in black entered the room and his line of vision. She was exquisite. Callum wondered who she was and what she was doing there. Her posture and dress gave an image of a professional. She certainly wasn’t the type of victim he usually dealt with.

    Detective Callum Palmer? she asked.

    Yes? Uh oh. Callum hoped the thought that just popped into his head proved wrong.

    She held out a hand so delicate, he feared he’d break the tiny bones if he grasped it. My name is Detective Olivia Hansen, you can call me Liv. I’m your new partner.

    Really? They sent me a female partner? Great. Just great. Resigned to the fact there was nothing he could do about the situation, he sighed and accepted her offered hand.

    All right, Hansen, you’re just in time. Come with me. A murder has been called in and we’ve been given the job of investigating it.

    Fine, she snapped, probably picking up on my attitude. Nothing I like better than keeping busy.

    Turning away, Callum rolled his eyes and led the way to his car.


    Crouching down, Callum inspected the bones scattered over the mine shaft floor. Christ, there must be twenty or more skeletons here, all jumbled together. Forensics is going to love untangling this mess.

    Olivia knelt beside him. Have you ever seen anything like this before?

    Not like this.

    Seeing Jack Martin, head of the Forensics Lab, arrive, Callum called out, Jack, what do you think?

    The lab team got busy taking copious photographs while Jack stood nearby looking over the mound of bones. I’m not sure. Hard to know exactly how long these bones have been here. They won’t have bleached out or aged at the same rate they would if they’d been exposed to sunlight and the elements.

    Callum nodded, not because he agreed with Jack’s assessment—Callum knew little about the science of bones—but because Jack knew what he was talking about.

    Jack tipped his head in question towards the young woman who thrust a glove-covered hand towards him.

    Detective Olivia Hansen. Callum’s new partner.

    Whoa! Cal, did you ever luck out. Jack shook her hand and introduced himself.

    Behind Olivia’s back, Cal flipped him the bird.

    Jack laughed, slipped on a fresh pair of latex gloves and set to work. These are definitely human. My guess, from what I’ve seen so far, would be elderly people. Lots of arthritis evident in these bones.

    Callum thanked him, but the man’s comment about Olivia still rankled. Jack knew Callum hated working with women and loved rubbing it in.

    Let us know as soon as you know more, Jack. In the meantime, Olivia and I will go through missing persons reports and see what we can come up with. I just hope we haven’t got a serial killer on our hands.


    Stumped, Callum tossed his pen on the desk and sat back in his chair. Four hours he’d spent going through missing persons reports and he’d come up with nothing. He didn’t have a clue who the bones belonged to or where they came from.

    Olivia, you find anything?

    Not yet. She shoved tendrils of hair off her forehead and blew out a breath, looking as weary as he felt.

    Maybe Jack’s found something, I’ll go and check. Rising, Callum walked to the elevator and rode down to the Forensics Department. He opened the door to the lab entered the cold, stainless steel world of Jack Martin.

    Callum. Good timing.

    Got something?

    Yep. We have some DNA matches in the database. A couple were former military and others were elderly. All were listed as vagrants who’d been living on the streets before they died. None had family to speak of. It was damned difficult running this info down but once we all got started, the hits came fast. Jack handed Callum a list of names.

    Appreciate your time and effort, Jack. Any ideas on how they died?

    "At this point, I’d say old age for the elderly. Suicide, malnutrition and disease for the others, but I still have tests to run. Several of the bones

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