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Restoration: Tulsa Town Romance, #3
Restoration: Tulsa Town Romance, #3
Restoration: Tulsa Town Romance, #3
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Restoration: Tulsa Town Romance, #3

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A Past Tragedy… 

As an ER nurse and sexual assault examiner, Ashley McClure is no stranger to tragic events. But while helping others find closure, she allows her own attack to convince her she'll never be able to love—or be loved. She throws herself into little more than her work, with hope that gathering evidence against other assailants will make up for letting hers get away.

A Past Failure…

Tulsa police officer Ryan Stone allowed his youth and cockiness to tank an undercover operation that left several people wounded. Even though everyone tells him different, he doesn't believe he's worth the position of detective. He strives each day to be a better cop, but no matter his accomplishments, they aren't enough to eradicate the stain of guilt.

A future awaits them both.

Persuaded she needs a life outside the ER, Ashley agrees to attend a dinner party thrown by her friend and coworker. Unbeknownst to her, the handsome cop who frequents the ER has been invited too. Over dinner with friends, Ryan and Ashley develop more than just a professional relationship, but the more he pursues, the more frightened of giving her heart away she becomes. How can Ryan use what he's learned from his mistakes to be the man Ashley needs? How can Ashley overcome the trauma of her past to let Ryan love her?

PublisherKristy Werner
Release dateOct 23, 2023
Restoration: Tulsa Town Romance, #3

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    Book preview

    Restoration - Kristy Werner


    It was a pleasant June evening. At least, it’d started out that way.

    As the bright lights of passing cars lit up the Audi’s interior, Ashley McClure kept her gaze on her clenched hands. Her fingertips turned red with her effort not to fall apart. But no matter how tight she held them, they wouldn’t stop shaking. They shivered along with the rest of her body and not from the AC blowing on high. The smell of used baby wipes, cologne, and dirt muddled her senses.

    Her teeth smashed together, she filled her lungs again and again with shallow breaths. The Roadster’s passenger seat grew smaller and smaller.

    Collin’s parents had bought him the dark-gray car. A gift for making it through Harvard Medical School. He’d be the second plastic surgeon in the family, he was quick to tell her.

    Of course, the conversation had been all about him. Did he even know she’d start her third year in the BSN Program this fall? In two more years, she’d be an RN. The prospect of a nurse marrying a doctor had been fun to think about. Had that been why she’d accepted the date?

    The warmth of his large hand seeped into both of hers. A jolt went through her chest, and she gasped as his slender fingers wrapped around hers. The hands of a future surgeon. Soft and uncalloused. We had a good time tonight, didn’t we?

    At his sultry voice, her knees pressed together, and her hands clenched tighter under his. A good time? Her brain couldn’t formulate an answer. Bile rose in her throat. With a hard swallow, she kept it down.

    The rip in the shoulder of her new pink dress exposed her skin. She’d have to fix it. Or she could burn it. She’d never wear it again anyway.

    You were so flirtatious, coming on to me the way you did and in that dress. Just asking for it, weren’t you? His low chuckle unsettled her further. You little vixen.

    She was? She did? The evening replayed in her mind over and over. Expensive dinner by candlelight courtesy of his parents’ credit card. A drive up to Turkey Mountain. A walk through a deserted trail. His hand over her mouth. His body crushing hers. Expensive dinner by candlelight...

    Had she flirted? Of course she had. Don’t all girls flirt on dates? Had she asked for it?

    She’d flirted.

    Had she asked for it?

    They swung into the parking lot of the apartment she’d insisted on having. No living at home. She was going to have the ultimate school experience, even though her parents’ house was a short drive to Schusterman Center. Right now, she was glad of that decision. No way could she tell Mom and Dad what she’d done. No way could she put that disappointment and hurt in their eyes.

    She’d flirted.

    When the car stopped, she moved to open her door, but Collin held fast to her hands. She whimpered as he twisted her bruised wrists. His firm voice commanded her fear. Wait right here.

    If she waited much longer, she wouldn’t be able to hold the bile down. Deep breaths. With numb arms, she reached into the floorboard past the used baby wipes for her tiny clutch purse he’d thrown in at her feet. It matched her pink dress. When the car door swung open and his hand appeared, her body jerked. Even though his hands were soft, his touch was like sandpaper on her sensitive skin as he lifted her from the car.

    Before she’d taken two steps, her legs threatened to buckle. She cringed in his grasp. I can get in by myself.

    Now what kind of gentlemen would I be if I didn’t walk you to the door?

    Gentleman? One hand around her wrist, he slid his other around her waist, tugging her intimately to his side as he guided her toward her apartment. The body she’d thought fit and nice, now an uncomfortable presence beside her. The musky cologne she’d thought sexy, now overpowered. She clutched her purse to her chest and trudged along the best she could with a broken sandal strap. When had that happened?

    His high-dollar brown dress shoes moved in a confident step until they came to rest under her porch light. He put his mouth close to her ear, his voice low, sultry... disgusting. Remember. You wanted this. You practically begged me for it. And if you say you didn’t, no one will believe you. Now... Hands on her shoulders, he turned her to face him, pulled her close, and kissed her forehead. Go inside and take a hot shower. It’ll help you sleep.

    No worries there. A shower would be the first item on her agenda... right after she puked.



    The world swayed when he let her loose and backed up a couple of steps. His eyes were... kind? Go on now. A shower and bed. Doctor’s orders.

    She swiveled around, her shaky hands having trouble extracting the key fob from her purse. Jerking it out, she waved it over the sensor. The weight of his stare made her skin prickle and crawl, her muscles draw tight. She could almost feel his hands reaching for her.

    The door thrown open, she hurried in and slammed it behind her. Back against it, her whole body shuddered. A wave of relief rushed over her, and her stomach lurched. With a push off the door, she ran the short distance to the bathroom. She tossed her purse to the vanity, displacing various bottles and jars, and just raised the toilet lid before her expensive dinner made its way out.

    He’d wanted one little kiss. And she’d given it to him. Then he’d asked for more. No. Not asked. Taken.

    She sank to her knees on the cold white linoleum as her throat burned with a second heave.

    But she’d asked for it... right? She’d flirted. Made eyes at him. Worn a short dress.

    On autopilot, she flushed the stool, scooted over to the bathtub, reached past the curtain, and cranked the faucet all the way to scalding.

    Her legs wobbled as she stood and faced the mirror. She pulled blades of grass from her hair. Rubbed at the mascara under her red eyes. The pretty pink dress she’d been so proud of had more rips and tears than she thought.

    In a glorious day of shopping with her sister, they’d picked out the dress just for tonight.


    What she wouldn’t give for her sister to be here right now.

    But hadn’t she given everything? The one thing she could never recover. Never restore.

    She’d promised herself she’d wait. And now, she’d sent the wrong message to the wrong man. At least, now she knew he was the wrong man. Would she have to see him again? Would he call?

    As she stared at her haunted pathetic reflection misted over with steam, she held back her sobs, but couldn’t hold back the tears streaking her face. She swiped them away. No. You can’t cry. This is your fault. You and your pretty pink dress.

    She crossed her arms, filled her fists with fabric, and hauled the dirt-stained dress over her head. She gasped at the scrapes and red marks all up her backside.

    Her nerves sparked when the phone hanging halfway out of her purse vibrated against the white quartz vanity. Him. No. Heather. She swiped open the text message.

    Hey, how’s the date going?

    A whimper escaped her throat. The desire to talk to her sister was excruciating, but she had no words. How could she tell her? What could she say? Great. Talk soon.

    A picture of Heather and Josh populated her screen. They wore silly faces with their tongues sticking out. Home from college for the summer, they were out on a date tonight too. And having a lovely time.

    Her vision blurred. Josh was perfect. And Heather loved him. They’d end up married. Soon. And Ashley would have the perfect brother-in-law. It would be wonderful. If she had to pick a man for her sister, she’d pick Josh.

    Would she ever find her Mr. Perfect? Maybe. But she knew one thing though. Mr. Perfect didn’t drive an Audi Roadster. But then again, why would he want her now?

    The phone clattered to the vanity, and she stepped past the curtain into the hot shower.

    She’d forget about it. Not think of it again. The water scorched her skin, but she had to get it off. The filth, the dirt, his cologne—all of it clung. Clenching her loofah, she scrubbed and scraped. But they lingered. Just under the surface where the water couldn’t reach, the soap couldn’t penetrate.

    God, take it away. Please take it away.

    Sobs she could no longer control shook her. Her Jell-O legs gave way, and her hands and knees clunked against the cheap fiberglass tub. The water mingled with her tears and washed them down the drain.

    But some things it would never wash away. No matter how hot or how pure the water was, she’d never be clean again.

    Chapter One

    Ashley McClure swept through the open sliding glass door of one of Hillcrest Medical Center’s thirty-seven emergency department rooms. The last three hours of her twelve, and the end couldn’t come quick enough. After her three-day shift, exhaustion ran through her like IV fluids. No food all day except a smooshed granola bar from the basket in the nurses’ station. Now, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich lurking in her lunch bag called to her like a five-course meal.

    Before she could get too far into the room, Julie, the triage nurse, swooped to her side and took hold of her arm, the medical assistant coming in behind her. She stared knowledge into Ashley’s eyes. We have one. Her roommate drove her in. They’re taking her to room 16. I know a drunk with a broken wrist isn’t a fair trade, but...

    Ashley’s heart rate kicked up a notch. And I thought it was going to be an easy day.

    Never when you’re the SANE.

    Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. That’s her. Whatever was she thinking?

    Revenge. That’s what she was thinking.

    Ashley stepped outside the room and slid the door closed. A deep breath never quite settled her nerves, but she took one anyway. She stopped for a rape kit and psyched herself up to collect evidence.

    The girl’s half-closed eyes stared straight forward. With dried blood caking her nose, lips, and temple, her swollen face competed with a victim of an alley brawl. Her pretty yellow top torn and her hair a mess, she wore a pair of gym shorts her roommate must’ve put on her before bringing her in. Purple bruises pocked her thighs and arms. Ashley sometimes braved herself lucky—if one could consider a rape victim lucky. But at least Collin hadn’t beaten her to a pulp and left her to die.

    She crossed to the girl’s side and pulled up the rolling chair. As techs hooked up the EKG leads, her vitals were taken, and an IV placed, Ashley touched the girl’s arm but spoke over her shoulder to her friend and fellow nurse, Natalie St. John. What’s her name?

    Beth. She’s nineteen. The police have been notified and the crisis center called. Dr. Levine is on her way.

    Ashley turned back to Beth. Beth, my name is Ashley. I need to ask you some questions, okay?

    The monitor showed the girl was stable and her vitals strong. But the look in her eyes was the haunted look of one who wanted to give up.

    Owen, one of the med techs, brought in a white warming blanket and handed it to Natalie who laid it over the girl. Ashley helped tuck the blanket around the unmoving body and laid a hand on the girl’s arm. Sorry, Beth. It can get a little cold in here, but we’ll get you warmed up. Can you tell me what happened? Do you know who did this to you?

    The girl’s staring narrowed eyes blinked and tracked to Ashley’s voice.

    Beth, were you sexually assaulted?

    A tear etched its way down her emotionless face. All the proof Ashley needed, but the girl would have to say.

    I’m a sexual assault nurse. I recommend that you let me collect evidence even if you don’t think you want to press charges. Stupid script. Preservation of evidence is time sensitive. Now is the best time to collect it. So you can prosecute the guy who did this to you.

    Beth’s face contorted, and a panic took over her. No. No. No.

    Beth, it’s okay. You’re safe here. The police are on their way. They can arrest whoever did this to you. But you have to tell them who it is.

    Her body came alive with her crying noes, and she fought the blanket and wires. No. No exam. I won’t tell you. No cops.

    Gripping Beth’s shoulders, Ashley pressed the girl back against the bed. If she had to grab her hands, it wasn’t going to be pretty. Ashley hated holding hands. Especially when the person she held onto was fighting her. Okay. Okay, just relax. The doctor’s on her way, and we’re going to get some X-rays to make sure you have no internal injuries.

    The girl’s body gave way, and she sank back under the blanket. Ashley tucked the poor soul in as Dr. Levine entered the room and introduced herself. When Dr. Levine lifted the blanket and palpated the girl’s midsection, Beth whimpered at the touch. The familiar pain made Ashley cringe. Dr. Levine worked her way from toe to scalp, checking for any pain, swelling, or blood, and called out orders as she went, talking to Beth the whole time. Ashley followed, taking mental notes and, with the ER’s smartphone, took pictures to load into Beth’s chart. Natalie clacked away on the keyboard. Beth stayed quiet.

    The roommate. Ashley excused herself and headed for the waiting room. She shouldn’t. The questions she wanted to ask should be left for the police, but if Beth wouldn’t speak, maybe her friend would.

    And it wouldn’t hurt to have answers, right?

    She bypassed clusters of people to a young girl who sat by herself looking out the window, her bottom lip firm in the grasp of her teeth. Excuse me. Did you bring in...

    The girl whisked around and jumped to her feet. How is she? Is she okay? Was she attacked? She wouldn’t tell me anything.

    Ashley held her palms out. Calm down and tell me what you do know.

    I don’t know anything. I came home from class, and she was in the corner of her room on the floor.


    We both just started nursing school.

    Ashley sucked in a stuttered breath. Nope. Shouldn’t have come out here. In her three years as a SANE, she’d never treated a nursing student. God, I know I’ve been a little AWOL, but—No. She wouldn’t ask. Do you know who’d want to hurt her? Does she have a boyfriend?

    She’s not dating anyone. Panic struck the girl’s face. Do you think someone broke in?

    No boyfriend. This was a random attack. No. Not random. This girl was scared to reveal her attacker. He’d threatened her. She must know him somehow. I’ll let you know what we find out. But you need to remain calm. She’s going to need a good friend to get her through this.

    When Ashley returned, the X-ray techs were in full form, and the doctor was exiting the room. Dr. Levine, were you able to convince her to talk?

    She heaved a sigh. She’s adamant about keeping her attacker secret. We won’t be needing a rape kit on this one. At least, not yet. We’ll keep her overnight. If she consents, we’ll do a pregnancy test, offer contraception, and provide STD prophylaxis. Call the police and the crisis center, Ashley. She patted her shoulder before moving away. Tell them to stand down.

    Her sigh went to her toes as Ashley lounged her hands in the pockets of her scrubs and watched the techs through the door. She couldn’t judge the girl. For the first few months, she’d had trouble remembering most of the night she’d been assaulted and had withdrawn from everyone. When Heather and Josh demanded to know what was wrong, she’d broken down and told them, but refused to press charges. She’d believed Collin. It’d been her fault. She’d led him on. Gotten what she deserved.

    Of course, that wasn’t true.

    Or was it?

    Poor girl, huh?

    Ashley flinched at the intrusion as Natalie stopped behind her.

    Natalie’s narrowed eyes scrutinized Ashley’s face. You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.

    Almost every day. I’m fine. I just wish she’d talk, you know?

    Unfortunately, we can only help those who want to be helped. Natalie turned on her heel and went to the nurses’ station. Hey, Ash... With a nod toward the ER entrance, she smiled. Cops are here.

    A smile? Really? What was she so happy about? The cops wouldn’t like being called out for no reason. Ashley glanced toward the door. Her gaze halfway back to Beth’s room, it and her clenching heart zoomed back to the police officer and his confident gait through the hall. He nodded at other nurses as he passed and shook hands with the two EMTs hanging out.

    She’d seen Tall, Dark, and Handsome several times in her ER and drooled over him. But always privately. Her sister thought she hated every man on the planet. Not true. Just one. And God willing, she’d never have to see him again.

    Was He willing?

    Well, she’d never have another man in her life. But if she did, Ryan Stone would be the one she’d ask for.

    He caught her gaze as he rounded the nurses’ station. Hey, Ashley.

    She cleared her throat to hide the stomach flutter and blinked away her doe eyes protruding from their sockets. Ryan, uh, Officer Stone.

    He stopped a couple of feet away, his hands on his hips and a smile brightening his gorgeous face. Ryan’s fine.

    Oh, she did know that. But she had to keep this professional. Besides, he’d never want the likes of her.

    Is this our girl?

    Yes. She mustered her best professional front and led him from Beth’s door. If the girl saw him, she’d freak. Nineteen-year-old nursing student. Her roommate found her and brought her in. But I can only guess she’s been raped, although she shows ninety-nine percent of the signs. She refused the kit and won’t tell us who did this to her. In fact, she became agitated when I tried to get it out of her. She braved looking into his pale-green eyes. I’m sorry. I was on my way to call and tell them not to send you. It seems you came for no reason.

    I don’t mind coming out. His gaze lingered on hers, causing her heart to palpitate before he angled back toward the room and crossed his well-defined arms. The thing I mind is not being able to get the guy who did this.

    His scowl revealed the man’s heart. He honestly cared. She desired to be cared for. Desired to be touched in a loving caring way. But love would never work in her favor. And how could she ever let Ryan touch her, hold her hand, kiss her?

    He stepped back toward her as if to say something, and she blinked her appraising stare away.

    Concern surfaced on his chiseled face. You look a little flush. Are you feeling okay?

    Oh, sure. Way to go, Ashley. Blush, you silly little girl.

    His eyes narrowed. When’s the last time you ate?

    Uh, this morning.

    No lunch?

    No time.

    Not smart.

    No choice.

    His smile widened before fading, and he wet his lips. Would you like me to get you something from the cafeteria?

    What? He was offering to get her food? She took a deep breath. I’m fine. I’m getting off here in a bit, and I’ll eat the lunch I didn’t get to today.

    Well, all right. Was that disappointment? But see that you do. I don’t want to have to scrape you off the road because you passed out on the way home.

    "That would not be ideal."

    She could get used to his chuckle. And the way his eyes shone.

    The lull in the conversation was the moment he was supposed to say goodbye and rush back out to the streets of Tulsa to protect and serve. But he didn’t. She clicked the pen she carried in her scrubs pocket, and the heat from her cheeks started its trek down her neck.

    Will you be here tomorrow to check in on her... in case she changes her mind?

    She turned her attention back toward Beth’s room and shook her head. My shift ends tonight. I’m on call next week, but won’t be back on shift until Tuesday. By then, she’ll be home, and all her parents will have to worry about is suicide. Isn’t that nice? With both hands, she swept the flyaways from her ponytail behind her ears. There’s nothing we can do, is there?

    Thumbs hooked under his belt, he looked off down the hall, clearly racking his logical and lawful mind. Clearly wishing the same thing. She’s a legal adult. Unless she reveals her abuser and opts into a rape kit, there’s nothing we can do but hope and pray her parents can change her mind.

    Pray? It’d be nice to have a praying man. Her arms snugged around herself. A praying man wouldn’t have her.

    A voice piped up on his radio. He lifted the receiver on his shoulder and angled away. Thirty-four, Central, responding.

    His look of regret matched her inmost feelings.

    Gotta run. Looks like I’ll be working late. While backing away, he wagged a finger at her. Don’t forget that dinner.

    As he hurried around the nurses’ station and toward the entrance, she called after him. Careful out there. Don’t wind up in my ER.

    Glancing over his shoulder, he shot her a wink and a wave and a smile that made her guts flinch. All three together almost had her on the floor.

    God, what am I doing? Flirting, that’s what. And flirting hadn’t served her well in the past.

    Are you cuckoo?

    Ashley swiveled to Natalie staring at her over the partition surrounding the nurses’ station.

    The man wanted to bring you dinner.

    Ashley shrugged, but her insides gelled. He had to go.

    You cried PB&J. Natalie listed her head. Ashley, that very nice officer has eyes for you.

    She huffed. What are you talking about? Did she want to know? Not in this case. Him liking her would make not being able to have him much worse. She made her way around the nurse’s desk and sat in front of a computer.

    Please don’t tell me you can’t see it. What are you? Dead inside?

    No. Just dirty, tainted, and unworthy to be his.

    With a shrug, Natalie sat at another computer. The man likes you.

    Ashley rolled her eyes. He was here to do his job. Nothing more.

    Mm-hmm. We’ll see.

    What does that mean?

    Nothing. Do your charts.

    Her fingers flew over the keyboard, pulling up Beth’s medical record and going over every minute detail of her condition, adding the details they’d left out. If these records were ever used in court, they’d need to be accurate.

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