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The Third Day Explained
The Third Day Explained
The Third Day Explained
Ebook106 pages1 hour

The Third Day Explained

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A messenger of God’s words and chosen by Jesus to share them with the world, José Luis Rodríguez Calderón offers Christians—from spiritual leaders to those looking for reassurance during times of faltering faith and everyone in between—brand-new insight into the Scriptures in his latest book.

The Third Day Explained is a compilation of some of the spiritual messages that God personally revealed to the author during his studies of the Scriptures. Most people don’t notice when God wants to reveal new information to them in the form of spiritual revelation. Or they may read something but not fully understand the spiritual meaning…until the time is right. That is what happened here, for Rodríguez Calderón, and he hopes that in sharing it, readers will also receive guidance.

All that’s needed is an open mind and heart—a willingness to truly hear God’s messages now.

Release dateSep 23, 2023
The Third Day Explained

José Luis Rodríguez Calderón

Jose L. Rodriguez is a licensed minister of the Assemblies of God. He is married to Lydia de Jesus Delgado, and they have four daughters and eight grandkids.

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    The Third Day Explained - José Luis Rodríguez Calderón

    The Third Day Explained

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    Copyright © 2023 José Luis Rodríguez Calderón


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    Table of Contents


    About Religions in the World

    Concerning the Divinity of God

    Some Other Mistaken Beliefs

    A Sample Table of the First Thirty-One Centuries

    Basic Assumptions

    Finding Pertinent Scriptures




    It is surprising to see we can find many biblical passages harboring the idea that very important things are going to take place in this third millennium. These relevant things, I believe, are the second coming of our Lord Jesus, God’s judgments, and the establishment of the eternal kingdom of God on Earth.

    In the meanwhile, how much does our Lord want us to know?

    The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we might follow all the words of this law (Deuteronomy 29:29).

    In the Old Testament we find, among other things, that God the Father instructed Moses to register the information we find in the Pentateuch. We can clearly see there are things not for humans to know. If we knew it all, we would be gods as well. The word of God reminds humanity, time and again, that we are not gods, for we are just men. Read, for example: Psalm 9:20; Isaiah 31:3; 41:21-29. However, Deuteronomy also says the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever.

    The new question is: Does everyone know what has been revealed?

    I suggest in order to see or understand what the Bible says is exposed to view, we have to do as Ezra did: For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel (Ezra 7:10). Ezra discovered and learned by studying the Scriptures. We can also discover and learn by emulating him.

    Look, this is found in the Old Testament as well: Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). Let’s agree to the fact that God is still active doing many things. This includes His involvements affecting human affairs. He made us and has not abandoned us. Let’s also agree to the fact that prophets are still active in the world today. If we were to conclude that prophecy is not a gift for this time in history, we are undeniably suggesting God is completely inactive. That conclusion will make us atheist, don’t you think?

    The Old Testament is an amazing book, regardless of whatever translation we might have! It even challenges us to find God’s secrets that are difficult to discover, but they are there. King Solomon wrote: It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings (Proverbs 25:2). With all due respect to King Solomon, I believe it is the glory of all humans to search out a matter and not just the glory of kings.

    What can be found in the New Testament?

    In the New Testament we find, among many other things, the following references:

    So was fulfilled what had been spoken through the prophet: ‘I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world’ (Matthew 13:35).

    No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (Matthew 24:36).

    For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open (Mark 4:22).

    Our Lord Jesus spoke the words we find in the New Testament to the first-century saints. Reading these words today, we arrive to the conclusion that no matter what people do, no matter how hard they try to hide their bad behaviors from others, sooner or later everything is going to come to light. Surprisingly, we can also open our spiritual eyes to see the hidden secrets contained in the Bible that God is divulging now. Jesus’s words to the saints suggest the Father has the authority to reveal such information at the right time and to the right people. We are now living in the twenty-first century! It looks like the Good Lord wants to give us the ability to take notice of these things now. Don’t you agree?

    So, when they met together, they asked him, ‘Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?’ He said to them: ‘It is not for you to know the time or dates the Father has set by his own authority’ (Acts 1: 6,7).

    Acts 1:6, 7 suggests God has providentially hindered mankind from knowing the time when the kingdom to Israel is going to be restored, so far. Many are interpreting that this particular message from Jesus to his disciples is literally applicable to the saints of all ages. That is the wrong interpretation. The Father has the authority to reveal this information to whoever and whenever it pleases Him to do so.

    In order for us to be able to embrace new concepts in religion, let’s start by discerning the time in which we live and take notice on how different religions emerged. This will give us the assurance that we are all products of our cultural inheritance and circumstances. We have been undeniably exposed to what our particular culture has given us.

    There are many belief systems dividing us, among them: our understanding of the divinity of God, the correct order of authority in social life, our right to study and learn from history, to say the least.

    Due to the nature of the comments found in this book, it is expected that the teachings suggested here are going to be rejected by contemporary critics and commentators. However, time is going to demonstrate that these views are remarkably valid. Hopefully, our government will continue to allow freethinking writers to publish new ideas, even when they challenge the preferred theological establishment in the nation.

    Interestingly, we can find patterns throughout the entire Bible suggesting messages that have been hiding in plain sight all along. It is based on personal convictions regarding these ideas that this book is presented to you. Furthermore, if you are interested in supernatural beliefs and experiences where God has intervened in a person’s life, this book is for you.

    May the Lord bless you more and more as you consider this information as well.

    About Religions in the World

    WHERE AND IN what order did the major religions of

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