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Superpower: Superduper, #2
Superpower: Superduper, #2
Superpower: Superduper, #2
Ebook143 pages1 hour

Superpower: Superduper, #2

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In the heart-pounding young adult science fiction novel "Superpower" by Suz Korb, Jendi is just an ordinary teenager yearning for a night of fun with her friends at a seemingly ordinary house party. Little does she know that her life is about to take a cosmic turn.

As the music blares and laughter fills the air, the unimaginable occurs – a sudden and vicious alien attack shatters the revelry. The shocking twist? These extraterrestrial invaders bear an uncanny resemblance to Jendi herself. In the chaotic aftermath, it becomes clear that Jendi is not who she thought she was, and her very existence holds the fate of the galaxy in the balance.

With her friends by her side, Jendi embarks on a perilous quest to unlock the secrets of her enigmatic past. The key to salvation lies within her long-lost memories, buried deep within her psyche. For if she fails to unearth the truth, one or more of her alien clones will seize dominion over the cosmos, ushering in an era of malevolence and chaos.

In a world where superpowers are real, Jendi discovers her elemental ability to manipulate the power of air, a power that could tip the scales in their favor. But she is not alone in this cosmic battle. Tenessa commands the earth, Klonda wields the might of water, and Linna controls the fiery forces of nature.

As Jendi and her friends traverse the labyrinth of memories, they face not only their own doubts and fears but also an ever-looming threat that seeks to extinguish their very existence. The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance, and the path to victory is fraught with danger, mystery, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship.

"Superpower" is a mesmerizing and gripping tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats, as Jendi must come to terms with her extraordinary abilities, unravel the enigma of her true identity, and ultimately decide the destiny of the universe. Can she harness the combined might of the elements and restore normality to the galaxy, or will the cosmos fall under the sinister rule of the alien clones forever? Prepare for an electrifying journey where the line between hero and villain blurs, and where the power of self-discovery can change the course of the universe itself.

Release dateOct 10, 2023
Superpower: Superduper, #2

Suz Korb

Suz Korb writes Young Adult and Adult fiction. Originally from Hawaii, Suz grew up in Utah, and has been living most of her adult life in England, where she writes novels and short stories. A multi-genre author writing Science Fiction & Fantasy, Romantic Comedy, Coming of Age, and more. Suz is also an academic in that she continually changes her major with the Open University. Just like with her multi-genre fiction writing, she researches and writes essays in wide and varied subjects such as biology, genetics, literature, and psychology. Combining these disciplines with real world experiences, and the author’s wild imagination, Suz Korb books are born. If you’ve enjoyed this, or any Suz Korb books please do leave a rave review, it would be greatly appreciated. And get in touch with the author, if you like. She’d love to hear from you about all things fiction.

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    Book preview

    Superpower - Suz Korb


    Suz Korb

    Superpower Copyright © 2017 Suz Korb.

    All rights reserved.

    First edition published in 2016.

    This edition published in 2023.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permissions, requests and queries contact

    Any references to historical events, real people, real places, or real circumstances, are used fictitiously. Names, characters, places, and circumstances are products of the author’s imagination. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

    For my daughter Rose, my English Rose and your fiery spirit.


    Chapter one

    Chapter two

    Chapter three

    Chapter four

    Chapter five

    Chapter six

    Chapter seven

    Chapter eight

    Chapter nine

    Chapter ten

    Chapter eleven

    Chapter twelve

    Chapter thirteen

    Chapter fourteen

    Chapter fifteen

    Chapter sixteen

    Chapter seventeen

    Chapter eighteen

    Chapter nineteen

    More Books

    About the Author



    I’ve been cloned.

    Someone, somewhere, at some point in time up to this date of June 1st 1991, got hold of my DNA and cloned me.

    How this happened I have no idea, but there’s the evidence standing right in front of me.

    She’s a girl.

    I’m a girl.

    She’s leaning against the red brick wall of a house. The house of my friend.

    I’m stopped dead in my tracks, unable to move at what I’m seeing.

    The likeness is uncanny.

    Her hair is a brown bob haircut, just like mine. Her face is like looking into a mirror. She’s even dressed similar to me in Girbaud jeans and an Esprit top.

    Who are you? Is the only thing I can think to say right now.


    She just told me her name. Of all the weird things to do. She chose telling me her name as the thing.

    Wait. Frustrated now. Why did you just tell me your name?

    Because you asked.

    "I mean... I meant what are you and how do you look exactly like me?"

    The girl shrugs her shoulders like she just don’t care. I dunno know what you’re talking about.

    And she storms off into the house mumbling something under her breath as she goes. But I heard her. She said, I’ve got a bad feeling about tonight.

    A bad feeling?

    On top of her looking like me giving me a bad feeling, her feeling bad makes me feel worse now! So of course I follow her through the front door, through the kitchen, down the stairs, and into the basement where my friends are partying because the parents are away.

    When I reach the bottom of the stairs, she vanishes into the crowd.

    I grab the person nearest. It’s my friend Banny. He’s a Junior at school like me. He’s got thick black hair that somehow always manages to look perfectly voluminous and coifed about half a foot above his forehead.

    Did you see that girl? I have hold of Banny’s denim shirt by the collars, causing him to spill the drink in his hand a little bit. She looked just like me!

    Jendi! Banny looks at me like I’m crazed. You made me spill, yo.

    Sorry. I hiss and let him go. But did you see her?

    No. He brushes off his wet shirt. What are you talking about?

    Throwing my hands up in disgust I part ways with his uselessness, and sink into the crowd on the prowl for my doppelgänger.

    But first, I notice an unfamiliar face.

    This night is getting weirder by the second. First I see a girl who looks like me, and now there’s a stranger in our midst.

    I’m going to get to the bottom of this.

    The strange boy is at the pool table. His longish sandy brown hair has two braids like floppy antennas down the sides of his face to his shoulders. The rest of his hair is cut short.

    Whoever this guy is, I hate to admit it to myself, but he’s hot.

    Shut yo mouth girl. Someone says and I think they’re talking to me.

    Turning, I see Zrent wearing his school team jacket. And he’s grinning. Come and meet my new friend Coconut so you can slobber all over him properly.

    I... what? There’s no way my observance of the new guy could have been that obvious. How embarrassing!

    Calming myself by acting cool, I figure I might as well be introduced. But then I’ve got to find that girl who looked like me. Maybe Zrent’s seen her. But what did he say just now?

    Coconut? I feel idiotic saying that word.

    That’s me.

    The new guy smiles and my heart skips a beat inside my chest.

    Jeez! Since when did my hormones decide to kick in like a wannabe girlfriend desperate to find her new beau?

    Zrent snaps me out of it by slapping the smile off the new guy’s face. Well, he smacks him on the back, but Zrent’s a big football player with hands the size of dinner plates. So the new guy gets the wind knocked out of his lungs, making me feel slightly sorry for him, and it’s Zrent who’s got to speak for him for a sec.

    Yep! Zrent booms. His actual name is Coconut and you adore him you know you do, Jendi.

    Whoa. What’s going on here? Why did Zrent just say exactly what I was thinking just now?

    Hold on just a minute there buddy boy. I do protest. I don’t know what you’re talking about—

    Zrent looks intently at me and I can’t seem to tear my gaze away from him. His next words are hypnotic. You want Coconut to suck your toes.

    I want Coconut to suck my toes. I repeat Zrent’s command like a robot, for some unknown reason. Then I lay myself down on the cushioned bench along the brick wall.

    Ew! Zrent suddenly screeches, makes a large show of pinching his nose shut with two fingers. Your feet stink, Jendi!

    What? How come he can smell my feet?

    Oh! It would seem as though the Coconut fellow has removed my shoe and sock.

    Dazedly and confused, I wonder how that happened and also whether or not I’m losing my mind.

    Nah. I’m amongst friends. I don’t know why Zrent’s so hypnotically convincing with his words right now, but they’d never do anything to upset me. I’m sure of it.

    Just as sure as I am that I must be losing my mind!

    Snap out of it Jendi, before someone sucks your toes!

    Too late. My mind is not my own and I swear someone’s playing tricks on me when the guy called Coconut starts rubbing my foot.

    I’m so shocked by how much this relaxes me, that I shriek the only thing that comes to mind.

    My feet don’t stink! I say woozily to Zrent, and for some reason to many other people. Because many have gathered to watch the weird goings on.

    I don’t blame them. My friends. I’d look on too if someone I knew was suddenly agreeing to have their toes sucked for no sane reason whatsoever!

    Why am I doing this?

    They don’t smell. Coconut says this somehow sexily and I suddenly can’t concentrate on anything but him. And now they really won’t!

    What the?

    Coconut has pulled a bottle from his pocket. He flips open the lid and pours darkness all over my exposed toes!

    Argh! I start laughing my head off crazily confused when I realise it’s chocolate syrup!

    Come on and suck ‘em, Coconut man!

    Oh my god seriously, Zrent? I laugh and throw my head back. My mind is out of control and I don’t know how to feel in this moment.

    And then I feel a tongue on my toes.

    Yeah! Lots of teenagers all around start yelling and laughing.

    I’m totally freaked out by the sensation of my chocolate covered toes actually being inside someone’s mouth. More freaked out than the fog that seems to be shrouding my mind with giddiness.

    So all I can do is stare and stare at Coconut as he works his tongue around my toes and foot.

    This tickles, and yet it’s hecka sensual too. I start laughing and my head tips back. My eyes close and I revel in the weird sensations happening to my feet digits.

    Something suddenly booms within me so deep, I swear it felt like someone dropped a bomb outside.

    When it happens again, I realise it’s not Coconut sucking my toes that’s making my heart go bang.

    What the? Zrent was sitting, but now he lifts the goth girl off his lap with ease, and gets to his feet. Other teenagers are already running out the door that leads straight into the four-car garage.

    My foot is still inside Coconut’s mouth, and it’s as though he’s oblivious to the booming sounds outside. When he proceeds to add more chocolate syrup to my toes, I’ve had enough. We’re the only two left in the basement.

    Ummm, Coconut? I yank my foot away and chocolate drips onto the carpet. Can’t you hear that?

    There’s a funny crooked grin on his face as he opens his eyes. Hmmm?

    Wow. He must have really been orally enjoying sucking my toes, because it’s taking him a while to zone back into reality.

    And come to think of it, my own mind is clearing up now too.

    Are you on something, dude? I hope he’s not some kind of druggy. Actually, that must be it! The cloned girl who looked like me must have spiked my drink and that’s why I

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