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The Benefits of Stillness in a Turbulent World
The Benefits of Stillness in a Turbulent World
The Benefits of Stillness in a Turbulent World
Ebook49 pages30 minutes

The Benefits of Stillness in a Turbulent World

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About this ebook

Life in the modern world is quite complex. We overwork and overdo it all the time. We never seem to make enough time for rest. Instead, we keep adding more stuff to our already overloaded schedules. This has taken a toll on our overall health and well-being. It has also created more tension and stress for us than ever. Further, our mental health and well-being are suffering because of our overloaded minds. There just does not seem to be enough hours in a day to relax and enjoy life. We are always going and doing.

This full-on lifestyle can also harm our relationships. We may end up being intentionally mean or even abusive to others, especially those closest to us. This is because unless we live in the present and pause before acting and speaking, especially if we feel frustrated, angry, hungry, or tired, we may do and say things we will later regret. This can destroy our closest relationships and cause undue tension in our lives.

As I explained in my previous e-book on How to Manifest Stillness in Our Turbulent World, we are anything but silent and peaceful in our culture. Our default position is to stay on the periphery of things. Finding our way out of the mode of overdoing and living in this moment is possible by turning inward and focusing on our breath for a few seconds. Or we can focus on the sounds around us or on what we are feeling at the moment. We can also look at our hands for a few seconds. Any of the above activities will help us turn inward and sense the vibrancy of our lives, both inside and out.

In my previous e-book on stillness, I showed how you must schedule times of stillness and solitude into your day. I also showed how you can shift from the doing mode to the being mode so that you do not keep getting overwhelmed by the many tasks you perform every day. The good news is that you can learn to rest and be still to discover your true essence. In that e-book, I asserted that one way you can discover your true essence is by focusing on this breath and this moment.

However, in this e-book, I will focus on some of the important benefits of living in the present and cultivating silence daily. I will argue that you should try to create a time for solitude at least once a day by pausing and focusing on your breath. This is where your true essence lies.

PublisherIrene S. Roth
Release dateApr 8, 2021
The Benefits of Stillness in a Turbulent World

Irene S. Roth

Irene S. Roth, MA is an academic and freelance writer. She writes academically, for teens and tweens and adults. When she isn't writing, she is teaching. She is also pursuing a Master's of Social Work Degree.

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    Book preview

    The Benefits of Stillness in a Turbulent World - Irene S. Roth

    The Benefits of Stillness in a Turbulent World

    By Irene S. Roth

    Copyright 2023 Irene S. Roth

    License Notes. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with someone else, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Content


    1. You Will Become Calmer

    2. You Will Listen to Your Inner Voice

    3. You Will Understand Yourself Better

    4. You Will Improve Your Awareness

    5. You Will Become More Creative

    6. You Will Lower Your Stress Levels

    7. You Will Reduce Negative Self-Talk

    8. You Will Become More Patient

    9. You Will Connect to Your Essence

    10. You Will Waste Less Energy

    11. You Will Discover Your True Purpose

    12. You Will Improve Focus and Concentration

    13. You Will Make Better Decisions

    14. Your Mind, Body, and Spirit Will be Harmonious

    15. You Will Live in the Moment

    16. You Will Gain Perspective



    About the Author


    Life in the modern world is quite complex. We overwork and overdo it all the time. We never seem to make enough time for rest. Instead, we keep adding more stuff to our already overloaded schedules. This has taken a toll on our overall health and well-being. It has also created more tension and stress for us than ever. Further, our mental health and well-being are suffering because of our overloaded minds. There just does not seem to be enough hours in a day to relax and enjoy life. We are always going and doing.

    This full-on lifestyle can also harm our relationships. We may end up being intentionally mean or even abusive to others, especially those closest to us. This is because unless we live in the present and pause before acting and speaking, especially if we feel frustrated, angry, hungry, or tired, we may do and say things we will later regret. This can destroy our closest relationships and cause undue tension in our lives.

    As I explained in my previous e-book on How to Manifest Stillness in Our Turbulent World, we are anything but silent and peaceful in our culture. Our default

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