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Ending the Fight
Ending the Fight
Ending the Fight
Ebook252 pages3 hours

Ending the Fight

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Despite her tough upbringing, Wren Langston has found success as a UFC fighter and a career criminal. Yet when a series of murders draw a chilling connection to her, Wren fears her past is catching up with her. Nikolai Michelson, the man behind the murders, is a part of one of the most dangerous mafia families in the country - and he also holds a personal grudge against Wren.

Knowing she can't face Nikolai alone, she turns to his older brother Seth. The elder Michelson brother is immediately drawn to Wren and is determined to protect her from his family at all costs. As they work together to expose Nikolai’s crimes, they find themselves drawn together by mutual attraction.
Unfortunately, the Michelsons don’t forgive easily, and Seth's actions put him at odds with his own family. As the tension between the brothers escalates, Wren finds herself caught in the middle of a dangerous power struggle that threatens to destroy everything she holds dear.

With betrayal lurking around every corner, Seth and Wren are running out of time. Can they reveal the truth before it's too late? Or will their love be the ultimate sacrifice in this deadly game of power and revenge?

PublisherL.P. Dover
Release dateNov 28, 2023
Ending the Fight

L.P. Dover

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author L. P. Dover is a southern belle living in North Carolina with her husband and two beautiful girls. Everything’s sweeter in the South has always been her mantra and she lives by it, whether it’s with her writing or in her everyday life. Maybe that’s why she’s seriously addicted to chocolate.Dover has written countless novels in several different genres, including a children’s book with her daughter. Her favorite to write is romantic suspense, but she’s also found a passion in romantic comedy. She loves to make people laugh which is why you’ll never see her without a smile on her face.

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    Ending the Fight - L.P. Dover


    Craving the Fight

    Taking the Fight

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    Ending the Fight

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    The afternoon air was thick with the sweet scent of spring flowers, and I could feel the golden rays of the sun warming my skin. A few months ago, I never would have thought I’d be sitting by a pool in California talking to one of the most famous actresses in the country. But Peyton wasn’t that to me; she was more like a sister—we were brought together by tragedy, and now she was having twins with her husband, Ethan.

    Her gaze turned to me and she pushed her sunglasses onto her head, revealing her emerald-colored eyes. Do you want to grab some smoothies after we soak up a bit more sun?

    I glanced at her round belly before answering. Are the babies hungry again? I teased, referring to the two handfuls of peanut-butter-filled pretzels she had just devoured.

    She playfully pursed her lips. What are you trying to say, Wren?

    We both laughed and I shook my head. Nothing. But if I ever decide to have kids one day, I hope I look as good as you do in that yellow bikini!

    She eyed me curiously. Kids, huh? When did that happen? Last time we talked, you said you weren’t ready for any yet.

    I shrugged nonchalantly. I still want to focus on my career first, but it’s nice to know that if I ever do settle down, I’ll be able to give them something much better than what I grew up with—no foster homes or anything like that.

    Peyton’s smile faltered. I’m sorry you didn’t have a family of your own growing up. No kid should have to struggle the way you did.

    My life wasn’t all cupcakes and rainbows, but I survived.

    I’m stronger because of it, Peyton, I assured her. If I didn’t have such a hard upbringing, I doubt I would’ve been able to help you when we were in Louisiana.

    I could see the goosebumps on her arms, and she rubbed her hands over them. And I will always and forever be grateful that you came into my life, she replied. I still remember everything about the day we met.

    So did I.

    I remembered it very well. I thought I had been offered the dream of a lifetime, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

    Leaning my head against the lounge chair, I closed my eyes, and the memories came flooding back.

    Please, make yourself at home, Ms. Langston, Martin Fairchild said to me.

    I gazed all around the foyer of his mansion, at all the crystal chandeliers that had to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    Don’t mind if I do, I replied, following him down an opulent hallway adorned with expensive paintings.

    A big, bulky-looking guy with a shaved head was standing guard at the end of the hallway. Of course, a man like Martin Fairchild would surely have his fair share of bodyguards. He was a big-time movie producer, and I was in his home. How the hell did that even happen? Not only did I get accepted for the movie role, but I’d also get a massive paycheck. I wouldn’t have to worry about money for a very long time. I just hoped to hell the old man didn’t expect me to jump into bed with him. That shit wasn’t going to happen. I’d turn down the movie role in a heartbeat.

    Martin stopped in front of a door and opened it slowly. I have someone here for you, he said to whoever was on the other side. I figured you could give her some pointers.

    I had no clue who he was talking to, but I figured it was probably an acting coach. Martin knew I had no acting experience. All I knew about the movie role was that they were looking for female fighters.

    Martin flourished a hand at me and beckoned for me to go inside. When I stepped past him into the room, my mouth dropped. Standing just a few feet away from me was the famous actress, Peyton Emerson, dressed in a simple pair of black leggings and an oversized green sweater.

    I have to be dreaming. Peyton Emerson? I said, staring at her in awe.

    Martin nudged me further inside. I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about. I glanced at him over my shoulder, and he continued, When you’re done, your room is right next door. I had your things put in there.

    My mind was reeling with everything going on. I could only nod and hope I didn’t sound like an idiot. Great. And thank you for choosing me. This is an opportunity of a lifetime.

    Martin smiled. Yes, it is. Make sure you get some rest. You have a busy day tomorrow.

    The second he shut the door, Peyton stalked past me and opened it wide. The guy standing guard barked a rude response, catching me a little off guard.

    Problems, Ms. Emerson?

    Peyton huffed and glared at him. You have no idea, she spat before slamming the door in his face. I would have gotten an attitude with him as well.

    There was a fainting couch across the room, so I strolled over and sat down, propping my feet on the edge. Martin said I could make myself at home, and that was exactly what I was going to do.

    What’s your name? Peyton asked.

    I folded my hands behind my head and stared at the ceiling which had golden swirls painted on it.

    Wren Langston.

    Do you have a phone on you?

    Nope. They took it as soon as I stepped into the house. They didn’t want me taking videos and posting them on social media. I hope my room’s as nice as this, I gushed. Talk about the lap of luxury. I turned to her and smiled. Not to mention, I get one-on-one time with Peyton Emerson. You’re the last person I expected to be here. Guess there’s more to Hollywood life than I thought. I sat up and rested my elbows on my knees. Talk about a dream come true, though.

    Peyton shook her head, her expression serious. I wouldn’t call it that.

    Maybe not for you, I challenged. But for someone like me, it’s a life changer. She had no clue what it was like not to have anything.

    Peyton moved closer, her voice low and eyes pleading. And I’m not here of my own free will, she explained. I was kidnapped, along with Ethan Jameson. Do you know who he is?

    I knew all the UFC champions; I wanted to be one someday.

    Narrowing my gaze, I burst out laughing. Of course, I know who he is. What is this, a joke? You’re kidding me, right? I scanned the room. Where are the cameras? I thought she’d laugh with me, but my face fell when she didn’t. You’re serious?

    She nodded and sat down beside me on the fainting couch. Sadly, I am. What do you know?

    Now that I thought about it, I didn’t know much other than how much money I was getting.

    I know I’m going to fight and get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to do it, I said with a shrug.

    Peyton stared right into my eyes. You’ll be fighting men, Wren. You’re playing the role of my mother. She was a competitive fighter when she was younger.

    My eyes widened. I was right, then.

    Peyton’s brows furrowed. What do you mean?

    I couldn’t deny the excitement coursing through me. When I saw the website about the auditions, there were videos of a woman fighter. It looked exactly like your mom. I knew it couldn’t be her, but the fighting style was exactly the same.

    You know who my mom is? she asked.

    Clearly, she didn’t realize how amazing her mother was. Seriously? I scoffed. Your mother’s a legend. I’ve studied her moves my entire life. She’s the only role model I had.

    I didn’t like seeing the pity in her eyes.

    Tell me everything, she begged. You said you saw a website about the auditions. How?

    I have a friend. Well, I said with a shrug, he’s more than a friend. He’s practically my brother; his name’s Parker. We ended up in the same foster home several times over the years. When we turned eighteen, we left that life behind. It’s been hard, staying in hotel rooms here and there. Sometimes we’ve had to sleep on the streets. But, anything was better than what we dealt with our entire lives. Anyway, that’s enough of my sob story. You have better things to do than listen to it.

    Hey, Peyton said, setting her hand over mine. I’m no better than anyone. Keep talking. I need to know what you know.

    I blew out a sigh. The website. Parker is kind of a hacker. He’s stolen money a few times from accounts, but only a little here and there if we were having a rough week. It just so happened that he came across the website one day. It mentioned the auditions for fighters and stunt doubles. I love to fight, so he thought it was something I could do. And if picked, we’d get the chance to win three hundred thousand dollars. I couldn’t pass that up. That money could do so much for us.

    With the other women, did you talk to them much?

    I nodded. Most of them, yeah. They’re just like me. Hard up for money.

    What about families? Do any of them have husbands or kids?

    Hell no, I said with a snort. They were pretty much loners, doing everything they could for a buck. Damn good fighters, though. Guess that’s how you have to be when you live on the streets.

    What else was on the website? Did it lead you here to this house?

    I shook my head. Oh no, there was only a phone number. When I called it, I was told I had to pass the interview first. It turned out where I had to meet the guy was only an hour from where I lived.

    Where did you meet this guy? And when? she questioned.

    Charlotte, I answered. North Carolina. At a hotel downtown. It was three weeks ago.

    Her lips pursed as if she was deep in thought. Were you not scared to meet a stranger in a hotel room?

    That was one of the least of my worries. I shook my head in reply. No. When you’re someone like me, you get used to fighting off men. I’m not a stranger to violence, Peyton. I’ve had to escape a lot in my life.

    Peyton blinked a few times as if trying to hold back tears. I’m sorry. I can’t even imagine.

    I didn’t want her to feel sorry for me.

    It’s the cards I’ve been dealt, I said, shrugging. But anyway, I met with the guy. He was young and sexy as hell with sandy blond hair and crystal blue eyes. I thought back to the day. He was regal, but there was something dangerous about him. Very sexy if you ask me, especially dressed in his expensive suit.

    It looked as if all the blood had drained from her face.

    Did he give you his name?

    I nodded. His name was even sexy, too. Nikolai. Nikolai Michelson. He’s the one who gave me the money to travel here.

    Peyton clutched her stomach and stood, her steps swift as she hurried over to the bed to steady herself. I had a feeling I wouldn’t like what she was about to say next.

    You’re not getting your money, Wren. Nikolai Michelson is a fucking douche. He’s been after my family for months now. She glanced at me over her shoulder. None of you are getting out alive. This movie Martin wants to film is brutal. Now that you know I’m here, he’s not going to let you go.

    That wasn’t going to happen.

    Like hell he’s not, I growled, jumping to my feet. I’ve gotten myself out of tighter spots than this.

    Her pleading gaze penetrated mine. Then help me. I’ll give you five times the amount of money you’d get from this stupid film. And if you want to fight professionally, I’ll get my mom to train you. Your name will spread far and wide. You won’t have to steal money or day-to-day where you’ll be sleeping. She closed the distance between us and grabbed my hands. Please, Wren. I can’t do this alone.

    My gaze narrowed at her. She looked like her mother, but she didn’t act like her. Don’t take this the wrong way, I began, but are you sure Gabriella Reynolds is your mother? If she were in this situation, she’d throw punches left and right to get out of here.

    Peyton blew out a sigh. Believe me, I would if I could. My mom taught me how to fight.

    Then why don’t you? I wondered.

    Her eyes started to glisten. Because I can’t risk it.

    Risk what? But then the breath caught in my throat, and I dropped my gaze to her stomach. Oh my God, are you pregnant?

    Yes, she whispered.

    It all started to come together.

    It’s Ethan’s, isn’t it?

    She answered me with a nod. No one knows. I don’t know what they’d do to me if they found out.

    A fire burned within me, and I knew without a doubt that I wouldn’t fall victim to whatever game I’d been thrust into.

    Don’t worry, I promised her. If they want a fight, it’s a fight they’ll get. I don’t know what to do right now, but I’ll figure something out. I always do.

    The memory ended but was replaced by the one that would forever change my life.

    Do you know what you have to do? Martin asked.

    I’d just watched several videos of Peyton’s mother when she was my age, being forced to fight men for entertainment. Martin was just a young, aspiring movie director at the time and was obsessed with her.

    Sick fuck. The way he talked about her was creepy as hell.

    I want you to act just like Gabriella, Martin warned. He pointed at Gabriella on the TV. She appeared scared when put in the ring with a man, but it was all an act. She wasn’t terrified . . . she was pissed. I knew the feeling.

    I want you to look weak and scared, he advised. The men get off on it.

    There were so many comebacks I could’ve spat out, but I had to be smart. I was outnumbered, and all of Martin’s men had guns. My sharp tongue wasn’t going to get me out of this mess, only my wits.

    I understand, I said, trying not to shake with rage. I can do this.

    Martin touched my shoulder, making me want to rip his arm out of the socket. I know you can. It’s time.

    He walked out of the room, leaving me to myself. Unfortunately, I only had a second to breathe before two men came in, wearing long dark robes that covered their heads.

    Let’s go, one of them ordered.

    I didn’t resist.

    Holding my head high, I followed them through a dark hallway to the cage in the wide-open room where I’d be fighting. They motioned for me to climb up the stairs, and I did, only for them to push me into the ring. I moved to the center and circled around, widening my eyes as if terrified. I knew my role, and I was going to play it right. If I died, Peyton would be left alone; I had to help her. And to do that, I had to do everything I could to survive.

    Footsteps pounded on the floor, and I jerked around to see the two robed men being followed by another man, who was strolling behind them. He wasn’t like the men Gabriella had fought in the videos; they were all overweight and moved as slow as molasses.

    This guy, however, was in semi-shape and about a hundred pounds on me. What made it worse was that he had a whip in his hand.

    The lust in his eyes made me sick.

    As soon as he was in the ring, the robed men locked the cage door. There was so much adrenaline coursing through me that I was pretty sure I could rip the cage door open and escape. But if Martin wanted a grueling fight, he was going to get it.

    The guy cracked the whip, the sound echoing all around me. I jumped back, and it made him laugh. He licked his lips and raked his disgusting gaze down my body.

    I’m going to enjoy this.

    So am I, I snarled back, too low for him to hear.

    He circled the ring, and I countered him, averting my gaze to the tinted window that overlooked the cage. I knew Peyton was up there, forced to watch the fight, but I couldn’t see her. The last thing I wanted was for her to get upset and jeopardize the babies.

    My sole focus returned to the guy, watching his every move; I knew he was about to attack. He lunged and I jumped out of his way, rolling across the mat to get some distance. However, in doing that, he slapped the whip across the back of my thighs. The pain radiated through my entire body, and I screamed, not out of fear but sheer anger. I dropped to my knees, pretending to be the damsel in distress. The guy charged at me and tackled me to the mat, pressing his body into mine. He slung the whip away so he could use both of his hands to pin my arms above my head.

    He held me captive with one hand while he used the other to jerk my sports bra aside and grip my breast. I clenched my teeth so hard that I thought my jaw would break. I wanted to fight back but had to make it good for the camera.

    The second the guy’s hand moved to pull down my shorts, I could feel the fire blazing through every fiber of my being. His cock hardened and he pressed it against me; I knew that was where I had to end it.

    Pulling my wrists out of his hold, I elbowed him in the face, his blood splattering across the mat. He grunted in pain, but I was nowhere near done. I kneed him in the balls, pounding his face until he rolled off me.

    He clutched his face and got to his feet, blood blinding his vision. It gave me time to fix my sports bra and grab the whip. I swung it through the air and repeatedly slashed it across the man’s head. The leather straps marked his body and drew blood everywhere it met skin.

    His screams pierced the air, and I enjoyed every second of it. I had never

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