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The Ministry Of Praise And Thanksgiving: Prayer Power Series, #8
The Ministry Of Praise And Thanksgiving: Prayer Power Series, #8
The Ministry Of Praise And Thanksgiving: Prayer Power Series, #8
Ebook212 pages3 hours

The Ministry Of Praise And Thanksgiving: Prayer Power Series, #8

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Praise and Thanksgiving are musts for the maturing believer. Praise and Thanksgiving are the exaltation of God: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There are aspects of intercourse with God in which a man seeks to ask and receive from the Lord. These asking and receiving aspects of prayer are primarily man-centred. A man comes to the Lord with a need and asks and receives from the Lord. The Lord is glad to give, but man is the direct beneficiary.
However, in Praise and Thanksgiving, a man forgets his needs and comes to the Lord, receives a revelation of the Person or a deed of the Lord, and then praises and thanks the Lord for who He is or for what He has done. God is thus the object of the Ministry of Praise and Thanksgiving! God's heart is satisfied. His "need" of praise and thanksgiving is met. He is exalted and His heart satisfied.
God demands that the saints render this ministry to Him unceasingly. He wants praise from His own round the clock. He is glad when praise flows from His to Him. He is disappointed when it does not come.
The believer is called to praise and thank the Lord unceasingly -- always, at all times and in every circumstance. It is as if God were saying to the believer, "Forget yourself, forget your circumstances; praise and thank Me. Praise and thank Me when you like what has happened. Praise and thank Me when you see the good in what I have done. Praise and thank Me when you do not see any good in what has happened. I am sovereign. That which has happened, which is apparently good, I will cause to work out for your blessing. That which has happened and is apparently bad, I will cause to work out for your blessing. As long as you remain yielded to Me, I will cause all that has happened to you to turn out for your blessing. I have willed good for you and what I have willed for you will come to pass, regardless of what may apparently be happening."
In the call to praise and thanksgiving at all times and in all circumstances, the Lord is saying to those who know and love Him, "My children, all will work out for your good. Do not look only at the immediate circumstances. Do not look only at the here and now. Look ahead. Look fifty or one hundred years ahead, and then you will see that this apparent tragedy has been moulded into a blessing for you by Me. I know what I am doing. All will be as it should be. The future will hold together. Show that you believe that I am in control; show that you believe that I am sovereign, show that you believe that I am able to transform the ugliest event into a blessing for you, by praising and thanking Me now in every circumstance, even though you do not yet know how I will work in this circumstance for your blessing! Have faith in Me. Believe Me now, in spite of the present situation, for what I will do in the future!
Believing God now and trusting all the future to Him, everyone who loves the Lord should act his faith by now obeying the command of the Lord which says, "Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 RSV), and also the Scripture which says, "Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 5:20).
There will be many events for which you will immediately cry out, "Praise the Lord!" because you see the immediate benefit to you from what has happened. Ensure that that cry is loud, firm and unceasing.

Release dateFeb 24, 2015
The Ministry Of Praise And Thanksgiving: Prayer Power Series, #8

Zacharias Tanee Fomum

For FREE books from Zacharias Tanee Fomum: Professor Zacharias Tanee FOMUM was a man of uncommon spirituality, a leading voice for revival, a workaholic, a prophet-teacher, and a world-shaping spiritual genius. He was a bestselling Christian author (with over 350 books, over 10 million copies in circulation in over 100 languages) and a professor of Organic Chemistry (with over 160 published scientific works of high distinction (earning him the award of a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Durham, Great Britain). His books and the millions of people he influenced in more than 40 years of Christian ministry continue to impact the world with the Gospel today. He founded Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), a missionary movement that has planted churches in more than 120 nations on all continents. He believed in a life of simplicity and with the support and dedication of his wife and their seven children, his all—time, money, heart, and soul— was dedicated to spreading the Gospel. He carried out exploits for God through the making of disciples for Christ, planting of churches, building spiritual leaders according to the model of the Bible, and serving the body of Christ, especially as a teacher on prayer. Learn more and read exclusive excerpts at:

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    Book preview

    The Ministry Of Praise And Thanksgiving - Zacharias Tanee Fomum



    Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    © 1992, Z.T. Fomum

    Published by

    the ePublishing unit of the Book Ministry of CMFI

    I gladly dedicate this book to


    a man of God and a man of prayer in the making

    Unless otherwise indicated, Biblical quotations are from the New International Version of the Bible.




    The Ministry of Praise and Thanksgiving

    God’s Valuation of Praise and thanksgiving

    Giving Thanks When Things Go The Way That Is Obviously A Blessing To Us

    God Is interested in Accurate Records

    Daily Calendar of Praise and Thanksgiving

    The Power of Cold Routine

    A Song Unto the Lord in the Hour of Victory


    The Power of Praise and Thanksgiving

    The Power of Praise and Thanksgiving - 2

    The Power of Praise and Thanksgiving - 3


    God’s Command Through David to Praise and Give Thanks.

    David’s Commitment to a Life of Praise and Thanksgiving

    David’s Practice of Praise and Thanksgiving

    David’s Appointment of People to Offer Praise and Thanksgiving to the Lord God


    Praise and Thanksgiving:The Best Sacrifice to the Lord God - 1

    Praise and Thanksgiving: The Best Sacrifice to the Lord God - 2

    Praise and Thanksgiving to Our Sovereign Lord - 1

    Praise and Thanksgiving to Our Sovereign Lord - 2: The Example of Job

    The Lord Jesus’ Practice of Praise and Thanksgiving as a Sacrifice

    20. Example of Difficult Circumstances Under Which Costly Praise Must Flow Forth to Our Sovereign Lord and God.


    Recording the Details of Your Life With Praise and Thanksgiving in View

    Praising and Thanking God for Future Events

    Praise and Thanksgiving in Heaven




    This book, The Ministry of Praise and Thanksgiving is the eighth in the series, The Prayer Life. The books in this series that have already been written are:

    The Way Of Victorious Praying

    The Ministry Of Fasting

    The Art Of Intercession

    The Practice Of Intercession

    Praying With Power

    Practical Spiritual Warfare Through Prayer

    Moving God Through Prayer

    The Ministry Of Praise And Thanksgiving

    Waiting On The Lord In Prayer

    The Ministry Of Supplication

    Life-Changing Thoughts On Prayer, Volume 1

    The Centrality Of Prayer

    Spiritual Aggressiveness

    Life-Changing Thoughts On Prayer, Volume 2

    Prayer and Spiritual Intimacy

    Life-Changing Thoughts on Prayer Volume 3

    The Art of Worship

    Praise and Thanksgiving are musts for the maturing believer. Praise and Thanksgiving are the exaltation of God: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There are aspects of intercourse with God in which a man seeks to ask and receive from the Lord. These asking and receiving aspects of prayer are primarily man-centred. A man comes to the Lord with a need and asks and receives from the Lord. The Lord is glad to give, but man is the direct beneficiary.

    However, in Praise and Thanksgiving, a man forgets his needs and comes to the Lord, receives a revelation of the Person or a deed of the Lord, and then praises and thanks the Lord for who He is or for what He has done. God is thus the object of the Ministry of Praise and Thanksgiving! God’s heart is satisfied. His need of praise and thanksgiving is met. He is exalted and His heart satisfied.

    God demands that the saints render this ministry to Him unceasingly. He wants praise from His own round the clock. He is glad when praise flows from His to Him. He is disappointed when it does not come.

    The believer is called to praise and thank the Lord unceasingly -- always, at all times and in every circumstance. It is as if God were saying to the believer, Forget yourself, forget your circumstances; praise and thank Me. Praise and thank Me when you like what has happened. Praise and thank Me when you see the good in what I have done. Praise and thank Me when you do not see any good in what has happened. I am sovereign. That which has happened, which is apparently good, I will cause to work out for your blessing. That which has happened and is apparently bad, I will cause to work out for your blessing. As long as you remain yielded to Me, I will cause all that has happened to you to turn out for your blessing. I have willed good for you and what I have willed for you will come to pass, regardless of what may apparently be happening.

    In the call to praise and thanksgiving at all times and in all circumstances, the Lord is saying to those who know and love Him, "My children, all will work out for your good. Do not look only at the immediate circumstances. Do not look only at the here and now. Look ahead. Look fifty or one hundred years ahead, and then you will see that this apparent tragedy has been moulded into a blessing for you by Me. I know what I am doing. All will be as it should be. The future will hold together. Show that you believe that I am in control; show that you believe that I am sovereign, show that you believe that I am able to transform the ugliest event into a blessing for you, by praising and thanking Me now in every circumstance, even though you do not yet know how I will work in this circumstance for your blessing! Have faith in Me. Believe Me now, in spite of the present situation, for what I will do in the future!

    Believing God now and trusting all the future to Him, everyone who loves the Lord should act his faith by now obeying the command of the Lord which says,

    Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 RSV),

    and also the Scripture which says,

    Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:20).

    There will be many events for which you will immediately cry out, Praise the Lord! because you see the immediate benefit to you from what has happened. Ensure that that cry is loud, firm and unceasing.

    There will be other events which, on immediate analysis, seem to be bad or very bad for you. Also cry out, Praise the Lord! even though you do not see any immediate benefit that can come out of them. Cry out, Praise the Lord! Ensure that the cry is loud, firm and unceasing. God has willed that you thus praise Him. Do. He will act and you will be amazed by the way He will transform apparent tragedies into great blessings.

    Glory be to the Lord !

    I will be glad to hear from you as to the impact and outflow of this message in your life and through your life.

    Zacharias TANEE FOMUM,

    P.O. Box 6090,

    Yaounde, Cameroon

    Part One


    Chapter 01


    The Ministry of Praise and Thanksgiving is the flowing forth of gratitude through the lips to the Lord God: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, for the following:

    All that He was in eternity past.

    All the He has been in time past.

    All that He is at the present time.

    All that He will be in the future.

    All that He will be in eternity to come.

    All that He did in eternity past.

    All that He did in time past.

    All that He is doing at the present time.

    All that He will do in the time that is coming ahead.

    All that He will do in eternity to come.

    So Praise and Thanksgiving involve the flowing forth in gratitude through the lips to God for His Person in the past, in the present and in the future; and for His deeds in the past, in the present and in the future.

    It is possible to distinguish praise from thanksgiving by limiting praise to gratitude for whom God was, is and will be, and then having thanksgiving as the flowing forth of gratitude for what God did, is doing and will do. On that distinction, praise is thanksgiving for His Person, His Being; while thanksgiving is praise for His acts.

    We can represent the Ministry of Praise as follows:


    We can represent the Ministry of Thanksgiving as follows:


    Because the acts of God are the flowing forth of His being, it is difficult to flow forth in gratitude for His being without touching on how His being is manifested. It is difficult to flow forth in gratitude for His character without flowing forth in gratitude for the manifestation of that wonderful character in acts. It is similarly difficult to be carried away in thanksgiving without reference to the Person and character that are seen thus manifested in acts.

    Because it is difficult to have praise without thanksgiving and thanksgiving without praise, we shall treat the two together in this book.

    There are many ways in which gratitude can be manifested to the Lord for His person and for His deeds. Some of these ways are:

    By vocal praise and thanksgiving.

    By costly gifts to the Lord and His service.

    By a more radical commitment to purity and sanctification.

    By a more radical surrender to Him, to His will, and to His purposes.

    By a more radical commitment to His service.

    By the lifting of the hands in praise.

    By the clapping of the hands.

    By song.

    By a musical instrument.

    By a joyful noise.

    We shall look at these ways of expressing gratitude to God as we go on.

    Chapter 02



    The Bible says,

    Yet thou art holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel (Psalm 22:3. RSV) .

    Yes, the Lord is enthroned on the praises of Israel. He must also be enthroned on the praises of the Church. It must also mean that when a believer begins to praise and thank the Lord, his praises rise and establish a throne for the Lord. It can only be expected that the Lord should come to occupy that throne and, by thus coming, reach out to the praising believer as He would not have done without the praise. So, the praising believer ministers to the Lord in praise and thanksgiving and reaps nearness to God as his own reward!


    The Bible says,

    He who brings thanksgiving as his sacrifice honours me (Psalm 50:23 RSV).

    A sacrifice of thanksgiving is a way of saying, I put the Lord first. I put myself last. That is honouring the Lord, is it not?


    The Bible says,

    "Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus travelled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, ‘Jesus, Master, have pity on us!’ When he saw them, he said, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priests.’ As they

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