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Describing Leo and Lila's initial connection as "love at first sight" would be a gross understatement. Their serendipitous encounter in a quaint midtown Manhattan bookstore ignited a whirlwind romance that seemed destined for eternal bliss. However, as the harsh realities of marriage begin to unfold, their idyllic love story takes an unforeseen

Release dateSep 20, 2023

G. Sylvester

Named after Saint Geneviève, the Patron Saint of Paris, Geneviève started writing stories at the age of five. Originally, she went to college to become a doctor, but that chapter of her life didn't last long. She found herself unable to concentrate in class, often dazing off into her own world creating characters and stories that she would jot down in her notebook with hopes of one day sharing them with the world. Despite initial pushback from others, Geneviève decided to take a leap of faith and follow her dreams. She started her career in writing as a script reader while also copywriting for major music labels, honing her skills and developing much needed connections.Following several years of helping other writers achieve their goals, she decided to apply her skillset to her own work by writing her first romance novel. Her garnered success over several novels encouraged her to expand her brand into forthcoming young adult novels. No matter the genre, all of Geneviève's stories have an underlying theme of faith.Despite the impressive professional strides she has made, Geneviève, has chosen to work towards her goal of elevating her passion and talents by currently pursuing her creative writing degree at the illustrious University of Oxford in England. Outside of her writing career, Geneviève is passionate about the environment which she and her husband express through sustainable living, their plant-based diet, and their various business ventures. Although now based in London, they also split their time in the USA and Italy. When not at home, they can often be found traveling the world doing what they love most, which is charity work.


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    Written By G. Ltd















    Eleven BEGIN AGAIN

    About The Author


    PLEASE NOTE: This is the only book by this author that contains scenes and language that is not suitable for all readers. This book was published before the author was fully an inspirational/Christian fiction writer.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.  In the case of actual real places mentioned in this book: Those places are there only for effect with no intention from the author to endorse them or link them to real events.

    UNDERNEATH THE BLOSSOM TREE. Copyright © 2022 Written By G. Ltd.  All rights reserved.  No Part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Please forward inquiries to:

    Third Edition

    ISBN: 978-1-7395800-5-6


    This book is dedicated to the person who once believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.   The person who fought with me through the fire as we survived together in the trenches of life.

    Although our lives have taken separate paths now, I continue to hope and pray that the Universe gives you an immeasurable amount of love and happiness.


    First, and foremost, I thank GOD who, despite my imperfectness, continues to show grace and mercy towards me, and who constantly demonstrates to me that with him,


    A special thank you to my mother who taught me that I should never be ashamed to


    To all my readers old and new, your positive words encourage me more than you know.  You keep me going especially on those days when my mind is tired, and all I can see is a blank page and a blinking cursor.




    "Push!  Push!"

    I am pushing.  I yell at the overbearing nurse as I fight exhaustion while trying to deliver my baby.

    You’re almost there!  Just a couple more pushes and your baby will be here! After ineffectively trying to encourage me, the doctor proceeds to spread my legs wider, in his attempt to get my baby out.

    I look up at my mother Sarah, who is lovingly wiping the forming sweat from my forehead. I manage to fight the increasing pain long enough to shape a sentence.  Did you call him?

    Yes Lila, I called him and he said there were no flights available, but he was able to charter a plane.  He said he would get here as soon as possible.

    I wanted to be mad at him for not being there yet, but I knew it wasn’t his fault.  I told him to go on the business trip thinking that we still had two more weeks until my due date. 

    Ahhhhhh! I scream as I continue to push what seems like a hardened watermelon from the small opening of my now beyond stretched lady part.  It hurts so bad.  I can’t do it!

        Noticing the tears accumulating in my eyes, my mother leans down closer to me and whispers in my ear You can do this.  This has been your dream for so long and you are right at the finish line.

    She was right.  Becoming a mother had been my dream for a very long time.  It was surreal to be in this place in life especially considering all that it took to get here.  The memories of how it all started are still so clear in my mind it seems like it happened yesterday


    Ten Years Earlier

    I was living my Sex In The City single girl life style in the pee stained concrete jungle known as Manhattan.  Being in my early twenties I felt as though the whole world was my oyster and I was going to enjoy it to the fullest.  After several uneventful relationships, if they could even be called that, I was enjoying being single. 

    With less attention being paid to my dating life, I found myself free to explore the city in new ways.  I discovered great museums and wonderful little hidden gem cafes in the east village.  My favorite finds were the great bookstores that I would come across when I took my own personal sightseeing walking tours after work.

    Yeah, those were good times.  No real worries, just me, my ballet flats, and the ever-changing wonder that is the island of Manhattan.  I was not in the market for a big life altering romance but as I’ve learned, when you are not looking, sometimes you get the best unexpected blessings.

    It had been a long day at the entertainment law firm that I worked at which was located right in the thick of things on forty-fifth and Broadway.  My plan was to hop on the train and head straight to my small yet cozy one bedroom apartment on the upper west side.  As I was making my way, through the crowd of tourists, rushing to make my train, I spotted a little bookstore that I had never noticed before.  My first thought was to go in but I was beyond tired so I decided I would come back to it the next day. 

    When I got down to the train platform a small portly man in a uniform came out from behind a door and announced to everyone that due to mechanical issues, the train would be running thirty to forty minutes behind schedule.  He could tell from the loud grumblings coming from the crowd that no one was happy about this.  The man quickly rushed back behind the steel door into the unknown.

    I stood on the platform looking at the magazines left behind on the benches, from what I assumed were previous riders.  I contemplated picking one up to read just to help pass the time away, but my slight OCD set in, and then all I could think of was how many germs could possibly be on them.  After realizing that the magazine idea was out, I remembered the bookstore that I passed on my way to the train. So, once again I made my way through the crowd and back up the stairs to the street level.  I eventually found the door to the inconspicuous bookstore.  Smiling as I read the name of the store, The Book Peddler, I made my way in.

    Once inside, I could tell that this place was special.  It wasn’t a typical fancy, oversized bookstore like some of the ones I had previously frequented.  It was warm and inviting.  From the self serve coffee station that sat perched in a corner, to the beautiful mahogany bookshelves that lined the walls, to the comfy, warm, earth tone-colored fabrics in the living room type setting that was what I assumed to be the reading section; that place just screamed WELCOME!

    Hi!  Welcome to The Book Peddler.  Is there something I can help you find today? Asked the friendly brunette who stood behind the cash register. 

    No thank you.  I’m just looking for now. I said to her as I found my way to the bookshelves.

    Okay.  Take your time.  I’m here if you have any questions.

    I thought to myself, what’s her problem?  Why is this girl so damn perky!  Then I realized that it was me with the problem.  Without even noticing it, I had become the typical cynical New Yorker who felt that anyone with an upbeat attitude and constantly smiling must be a tourist or on some sort of barbiturates.

    Meandering through the isles, I finally stopped in the mystery section.  After picking up and glancing over several books, I found one that peaked my interest.  I brought my book up to the energetic cashier who by now, after watching her greet other customers, had me admiring and almost envying her sunny disposition.

    Will this be all for you today?  She asked as she rang up my purchase.

    Yes, that will be it.  I told her while trying to muster up a smile to match hers. 

    Well, we appreciate your business.  It’s pretty cold outside; so, if you want to grab a cup of coffee on your way out, please feel free to do so.  We also have a really comfortable reading section if you want to get started on your book while you are here.

    I was starting to think I was on that TV show Candid Camera or something like it.  A friendly person and free coffee, this was not the New York that I knew.  Since I didn’t really have any plans that evening, I decided to soak up the welcoming environment and take her up on her offer.

    Thank you.  I think I will grab a cup of coffee and sit and read for a bit. I said to her with my now actually genuine smile.

    After pouring myself some coffee into one of their eco-friendly disposable cups, I headed for the reading area.  As I sat down on the sofa, it became very clear that it was just as comfortable as it looked.  The gas fireplace, with its old-world charm, across from the sofa was a delightful bonus not only to this part of the bookstore, but also to my day.  I was now so relaxed that I wondered if I would ever leave.  One thing was for sure, once I did eventually leave, I knew I would certainly be back.

    While I sat there reading what was turning out to be a better book than I had even thought it would be, I found myself glad that the New York City train had mechanical issues earlier.  I wondered if it not for those issues would I have ever come back to this place even though I had planned to on another day.  The sound of the door chimes, which rang out in their glory every time someone would enter, snapped me out of my inner thoughts.  I looked towards the door to see who the next person to discover this jewel of a place would be.

    Man, it’s cold out there! Said the handsome stranger coming through the door.  Hey Samantha.  How’s it going today?

    To my surprise this man was no stranger to the bookstore or the cashier, who, thanks to him, I found out went by the name of Samantha.

    Hey there.  It’s been busy today.  Samantha said as she continued to sort through boxes of books.

    That’s always nice to hear.  The man responded.

    Now I knew for sure that he was not a stranger to this place.  I tried to focus so I could get back into my new book.  That task was getting harder and harder to do the closer this stranger came towards my area.  He was an incredibly handsome man.  A little over six feet tall, medium built with just the right amount of muscles, dark curly hair, and the most beautiful deep olive, with a hint of caramel, skin complexion I had ever seen.  He wasn’t white, black, or Asian.  I knew he had to be some sort of nationality melting pot of attractive genes.  To be honest, at that point I didn’t really care if he was a Martian.  All I knew is that I couldn’t stop staring at him.

    On one of my many glances towards him, he noticed me, and we ended up looking eye to eye.  I quickly looked down at my book as to make it appear that I was deep into what I was reading.  Before I knew what was happening the man I had spent the last few minutes visually stalking was now standing in front of me.

    That’s a really good book you’re reading. He said to me through his perfectly shaped lips.

    Oh, you’ve read it? I responded in a sexy tone that I unconsciously decided to use.

    Yeah.  I read it a couple of months ago.  If you really like it I have another one I could suggest that you might like also.

    That would be nice.

    Can I get you a refill on your coffee?

    Oh, you work here?

    Something like that.  Actually, I own the place.

    Oh.  This is my first time here and I must say I am quite impressed.

    I’m delighted to hear that.  We aim to please. The stranger extended his arm forward to shake my hand.  I gladly accepted the gesture.

    Leonardo Dubois, but everyone just calls me Leo.

    Lila St. Clair.  Pleased to meet you.  I said as I enjoyed his firm handshake.

    Enchante mademoiselle St. Clair.

    Before our conversation could go any further, we were interrupted by Samantha, who, unbeknownst to her, thanks to her intrusion, became my least favorite person on the island of Manhattan.

    Leo, there’s a call for you in the office.  It’s from one of the distributers.

    Thanks Samantha.  I’ll be right there.

    Samantha went back to the cash register to assist some customers as Leo turned his attention back towards me.

    Well, duty calls.

    I suppose so. I said while trying to hide my disappointment.

    Here’s my card.  If you’re ever interested in the other book I mentioned, just give me a call and I can make sure that I have it in stock for you.

    That sounds great.  I really appreciate that.

    It was nice meeting you Lila.  I hope to see you back here again.

    I’m almost sure of it.  I said as I watched him walk away.

    After that, I felt that it was time for me to finally head home.  I tossed my coffee cup in the trash and walked towards the door.

    Thanks for stopping by.  Samantha said as I exited the store.

    Several days later I sat at a corner table, in the cafeteria area of the law office I worked for, finishing the last few pages of the book I had recently purchased.  Once done reading, I put the book down on the table, took a sip of my tea, and sat contemplating the great mystery story I had just read.  While sitting there, I also couldn’t help but think about Leo, the handsome bookstore owner.  He had

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