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My lover's collaborated against me
My lover's collaborated against me
My lover's collaborated against me
Ebook225 pages2 hours

My lover's collaborated against me

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In this text, Chris discovers that his lover, Deniz, has been collaborating with his business rival and sharing confidential information about his company. Feeling betrayed, Chris confronts Deniz and his other lovers, Brednell, Deni, Backey, and Ruth, who were also involved in the collusion. Chris struggles with forgiveness and trust as he navig

Release dateJun 7, 2024
My lover's collaborated against me

Hash Blink

Hash Blink, born Thomas B. Sherriff, is a hip hop artist and storyteller. With a global perspective shaped by his Liberian roots and his experiences in the vibrant hip-hop scene of Chicago, Hash Blink's music and literature transcend boundaries and captivate audiences.

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    My lover's collaborated against me - Hash Blink

    My lover that collaborated against me

    Chris stood in the middle of his empty apartment, staring at the white walls. Everything seemed different now that Deniz was gone. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to shake off the suffocating feeling that had been consuming him for the past few weeks.

    It all began when Chris started seeing Deniz, a beautiful and successful hotel manager. They met at a conference and sparks flew instantly. They fell in love, and Chris' world was transformed. He felt alive, rejuvenated, and in love with life again.

    But something was off. Chris couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he had a nagging feeling that something was not quite right with Deniz. She was always working late, and whenever Chris tried to surprise her at work, she was never there.

    It wasn't until Chris stumbled upon some confidential documents on Deniz's computer that he realized what was happening. She had been collaborating with his business rival, sharing confidential information about Chris's company.

    Chris felt like his whole world had shattered into pieces at that moment. How could the woman he loved, the one who swore to stand by his side, betray him like this? He couldn't wrap his head around it.

    And yet, as much as he still loved her, he couldn't bring himself to forgive her either. The trust was broken, and Chris didn't know how to recover from that.

    As he opened his eyes and surveyed the empty apartment, Chris realized that his life would never be the same. He would have to start rebuilding it from scratch, and he didn't know how to do that without Deniz.

    But before he could even begin to contemplate his next steps,

    Chris heard a knock on his door. His heart raced with anticipation.

    Could it be Deniz? Is she here to explain herself?

    Chris walked to the door, his heart pounding. He slowly opened it, and there, standing in front of him, was Deniz.

    Chapter 2

    Chris couldn't believe what was happening. He had been blinded by love and trust, but now he knew the truth: Deniz had been conspiring against him. As he stood there, lost in thought, he heard a knock at the door. He opened it to find his other lovers standing there, Brednell, Deni, Deniz, Backey and Ruth.

    Chris, we have something to tell you, Brednell said.

    What is it? Chris asked, still feeling numb.

    We know what Deniz did, and we want to apologize for not telling you sooner. She had us all in on it, and we feel terrible for betraying you like that.

    Chris felt a sudden wave of anger wash over him. He knew that he couldn't trust any of them, and he felt like he had been played for a fool.

    I can't believe this, he muttered.

    We understand if you want to walk away from all of us, but we wanted to confess and make things right, Deni said.

    Chris stared at them all with a mixture of sadness and anger. He knew that he had to make a decision, but it wasn't going to be easy. Part of him wanted to forgive them, but another part couldn't forget the betrayal.

    We'll talk about this later, Chris finally said, as he closed the door.

    As he stood there alone, Chris realized that he was going to have to make some tough choices. He couldn't keep living like this, constantly surrounded by people he couldn't trust. But at the same time, he didn't know if he was ready to let go of the love he had for these women.

    He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he also knew that he had to face it head on. With a heavy heart, Chris sat down and began to think about what he needed to do next.

    Chapter 3

    Chris was seething with anger at the thought of his lovers conspiring against him. He couldn't believe that Deni, with whom he had shared so many intimate moments, would stoop so low as to work against him. And now, Deniz had proven to be just as treacherous.

    He paced up and down his living room, trying to calm himself down. But the more he thought about it, the more his anger grew. He couldn't let them get away with this.

    Chris decided to confront Deniz and Deni in person. He arranged to meet them at a cafe in town. When they arrived, Chris could see the fear in their eyes.

    What have you got to say for yourselves? he asked, his voice trembling with rage.

    Deniz tried to speak, but Chris cut her off. You think I don't know what you've been doing? You've been working with my business rival, sharing confidential information, trying to hurt me and my company.

    Deni hung her head in shame, while Deniz tried to defend herself.

    But Chris wasn't interested in anything they had to say.

    "You've both betrayed me. And you know what? I've had enough.

    I'm going to make sure you both pay for what you've done."

    With that, Chris got up and left the cafe, leaving Deniz and Deni sitting there, looking shaken and afraid.

    Chris didn't know what he was going to do next, but he knew one thing for sure: he couldn't let them get away with it. His anger and hurt had turned into a burning desire for revenge. And he was going to make them pay, no matter what it took.

    Chapter 4

    As Chris sat across from his three former lovers, his anger simmered. He couldn't believe how they had conspired against him, sharing confidential information and plotting with his business rival. He had trusted them with his heart and his business, and they had thrown it all away.

    But then, something unexpected happened. Deni spoke up, her voice trembling as she confessed everything. She had been the one to initiate the collusion, she said, but only because she had been blackmailed. Ruth had found out about her secret affair with Deniz and threatened to ruin her life if she didn't cooperate. Deniz, meanwhile, had only gone along with the plan to protect Deni.

    Chris was shocked. He had never suspected any of this. As he listened to their stories, he realized that he had been too quick to judge. He had assumed that they were all colluding against him, when in reality they had been trying to protect themselves and each other.

    Feeling a sense of guilt, Chris apologized for jumping to conclusions and offered to help Deni out of her blackmailer's grip. Deniz and Ruth also expressed their regret and offered to do whatever they could to make it up to him.

    As they left the cafe, Chris found himself wondering if he could forgive them after all. He still felt hurt and betrayed, but he also

    saw that they were flawed and human, just like he was. Perhaps there was a way to salvage their relationships, both personal and professional.

    But as he walked away, a nagging voice in the back of his mind warned him that things were not as they seemed. There were still secrets to be uncovered, and conspiracies yet to be uncovered. Chris realized that he would have to dig deeper if he ever wanted to trust again.

    Chapter 5

    As Chris sat across from his former lovers, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Brednell, Backey, and Faith sat in silence, their eyes downcast, their faces full of shame. But Deniz looked up at him with pleading eyes, her lips trembling as she begged for his forgiveness.

    I'm sorry, Chris, she said, her voice barely a whisper. I never meant for any of this to happen. But he had something on me, something I couldn't ignore.

    Chris shook his head in disgust. I can't believe you let him manipulate you like that, he said. You knew how important this project was to me, how much it meant to me. And yet, you still went behind my back and conspired with my enemy.

    I know, Deniz replied, her voice breaking. And I hate myself for it. But I had no choice. He threatened to ruin my career, to expose something from my past that I wanted to keep hidden. I didn't know what else to do.

    Chris sighed, his anger dissipating a little. He reached out and took Deniz's hand, squeezing it gently. I understand, he said. And I forgive you. But the others...I'm not so sure.

    Brednell, Backey, and Faith looked up at him, their expressions

    hopeful. Please, Chris, Brednell said, her voice pleading. "We

    were stupid and thoughtless. We should have told you what was

    going on. But we were afraid of losing you."

    Chris stared at them for a moment, his mind racing. He knew that he couldn't trust them completely anymore, not after what they had done. But at the same time, he couldn't bear the thought of losing them. They had been his support system for so long, through thick and thin.

    Finally, he spoke. I'll forgive all of you, he said. But you have to prove yourselves to me. You have to earn back my trust. And you have to promise me that nothing like this will ever happen again.

    They all nodded, their faces full of relief. Chris knew that it wouldn't be easy, but at least they were all on the same page now. The wounds would take a while to heal, but he was willing to try. For Deniz's sake, and for his own sanity.

    Chapter 6

    Chris couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. He felt like he had been played for a fool and couldn't believe that Brednell, one of his lovers, had been involved in the collusion. He decided to reach out to her to try and understand why she had done it, and whether she really was sorry for what she had done.

    Brednell agreed to meet with Chris at a local coffee shop. As soon as she arrived, Chris noticed how nervous she looked.

    I can't believe I did what I did, Brednell began, tears welling up in her eyes. I was so stupid and selfish.

    Chris listened intently, trying to understand her point of view. Brednell explained that she had been struggling financially and that Deni had offered her a large sum of money to pass on confidential information about Chris's company. At first, Brednell had refused, but when Deni threatened to reveal some of her own personal secrets, she felt like she had no choice.

    I was backed into a corner, Brednell said, her voice shaking. "I

    felt like I had no other option."

    Chris nodded sympathetically. He could understand how difficult the situation must have been for Brednell. But he couldn't help feeling hurt and betrayed by her actions.

    I want to forgive you, Chris said, looking deep into her eyes. But I don't know if I can ever trust you again.

    Brednell looked down at

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