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The immortal lover
The immortal lover
The immortal lover
Ebook230 pages2 hours

The immortal lover

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In this fantasy novel, Yang and Mei are immortal lovers who have watched as their kind diminishes and the world changes. They are determined to remain together, even as the world crumbles around them. Yang's magic continues to grow stronger, and he creates a magical garden for them to reside in peace. However, they sense danger approaching and p

Release dateMay 31, 2024
The immortal lover

Hash Blink

Hash Blink, born Thomas B. Sherriff, is a hip hop artist and storyteller. With a global perspective shaped by his Liberian roots and his experiences in the vibrant hip-hop scene of Chicago, Hash Blink's music and literature transcend boundaries and captivate audiences.

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    Book preview

    The immortal lover - Hash Blink

    The immortal lover

    A fantasy novel

    Chapter 1

    Yang had lived for centuries, but the love he shared with his wife, Mei, never faded. They had met in a time long ago, in a world where magic was as common as the air people breathed. It was a time where immortals roamed the land, and the world was in balance. Yet, as time passed, the world changed. The magic that kept the balance was fading, and with it, the immortals started to wither away.

    Yang and Mei had watched as their once-glorious kind diminished. They had fought to keep the balance alive but knew that it was a losing battle. But they refused to give up on each other. They were determined to remain by each other's sides for as long as they could. Even if it meant watching the world crumble around them.

    Yang had always been the stronger of the two. Despite his aging body, his magic continued to grow stronger. He used it to create a magical garden, where they could reside in peace. Mei was content and happy to spend her days tending to the garden and her husband.

    One day, as she tended to the flowers, Mei sensed something was off. There was a feeling of unease in the air. She looked over to her husband and saw that he had sensed it too. Something was coming, and they both knew it was not friendly.

    Yang reached for Mei's hand, and the two of them stood together, ready to face the unknown. As they waited for whatever was coming, Mei knew that, despite the danger, she would do anything to protect her husband. For their love was eternal, and nothing could ever break it.

    Chapter 2

    As Yang and Mei roamed the forest, they came across a group of mischievous fairies. The fairies, in their tiny bodies, were busy trying to lift a massive acorn.

    Yang couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, Do you need help, little ones?

    The fairies looked at Yang and Mei with a mix of surprise and suspicion. But as they realized that the two were immortals, they quickly changed their tune.

    Yes, please! one of the fairies exclaimed.

    Yang and Mei immediately started to help the fairies lift the acorn. As they exerted their combined strength, Mei couldn't resist teasing Yang.

    Looks like we need to hit the gym more often, don't we? she joked.

    Yang rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile. They finally managed to lift the acorn and the fairies cheered.

    As a token of their gratitude, the fairies offered Yang and Mei a basket of freshly picked berries. Yang and Mei thanked the fairies and continued on their journey, their hearts lightened by the silly moment.

    But as they moved forward, they couldn't shake off the feeling that something dark was brewing. They knew that they had to be prepared for whatever was coming their way.

    Chapter 3

    Yang and Mei returned to their home in the enchanted forest, carrying the basket of berries that the fairies had given them. As they walked, they could feel a sense of unease in the air. The once vibrant forest now seemed muted, and the animals that once frolicked in the meadows now moved with slow and lethargic steps. Something was wrong.

    When they arrived at their home, they found Miya, Yang's wife,

    waiting for them. She had sensed the same feeling of foreboding that Yang and Mei had felt and had come to warn them of the danger that was brewing.

    Miya was a beautiful immortal, with long dark hair that cascaded down her back, and eyes that sparkled like diamonds. She had lived for centuries, always by Yang's side, and was fiercely protective of both Yang and Mei.

    As they sat down to discuss their next move, a group of dark elves burst into their home. The elves had once been allies, but now they were clearly enemies. They advanced on the three immortals, brandishing their swords.

    Miya was the first to react, drawing her own sword and facing off against the leader of the elves. She was quick and nimble, dodging the blows that rained down on her. Yang and Mei soon followed her lead, and together they fought back against the attackers.

    The battle was fierce, but the immortals were skilled warriors, and they fought with all their might. But then, in a moment of weakness, Yang was caught off guard and the leader of the elves plunged his sword into Yang's chest.

    Mei and Miya watched in horror as Yang fell to the ground, his once strong body now limp and lifeless. The elves, thinking they had won, soon retreated, leaving the three immortals alone.

    Mei and Miya wept for hours, holding Yang's lifeless body in their arms. They knew that this was just the beginning of a much larger battle, one that they would have to face without Yang by their side.

    As the sun set over the enchanted forest, the two immortals made a vow to seek revenge for Yang's death and to protect the balance of magic that was slowly fading away. They would continue to fight together, even without Yang's physical presence, and they

    would make sure that his death was not in vain.

    Chapter 4

    Mei was inconsolable for days after Yang's death. Miya tried her best to comfort her, but nothing seemed to lift Mei's spirits. One day, as Miya was preparing a meal, Mei stormed into the kitchen and accused Miya of not doing enough to save Yang. You were always his favorite, Mei hissed. He would still be alive if you had fought harder.

    Miya was shocked and hurt by Mei's words. She had loved Yang just as much as Mei had, and had fought just as fiercely to save him. How could Mei say such cruel things? But Miya kept her composure and replied calmly, I did everything in my power to save Yang. I grieve just as much as you do. But blaming me will not bring him back.

    Mei seemed to realize the cruelty of her words and her eyes filled with tears. I know, Miya, she said softly. I'm just so lost without him. I don't know what to do.

    Miya wrapped her arms around Mei and held her as she cried. We will get through this together, she whispered. We will honor Yang's memory and continue to fight for the balance of magic. And we will never forget the love we shared with him.

    Mei clung to Miya, grateful for her forgiveness and her unwavering love and support. And together, they vowed to keep fighting, even in the face of the darkest of foes.

    Chapter 5

    Mei and Miya spent weeks mourning Yang's death and preparing for the next attack. They knew that the dark elves wouldn't stop until they had destroyed everything they held dear.

    Mei's grief had turned into rage and a fierce determination to avenge her husband's death. She spent countless hours practicing her magic, perfecting every spell she knew and

    learning new ones. Miya, on the other hand, was researching the dark elves, trying to find any weaknesses they might have.

    One night, as they sat by the fire, Miya finally spoke up. Mei, I know you're angry, but we can't just blindly attack them. We need a plan.

    Mei sighed, I know, but it's hard not to feel angry. Yang was everything to me, and they took him away.

    I know, Miya replied softly, but we need to be smart about this. We need to find their weakness, and we need to strike when they least expect it.

    Mei looked at her friend and nodded. You're right. We need to be strategic.

    They continued to plan, coming up with a plan that involved using Mei's magic to lure the dark elves into a trap while Miya attacked from the shadows. They trained relentlessly, making sure they were ready for whatever came their way.

    As the days passed, they could feel the dark elves getting closer. They knew it was only a matter of time before they would be attacked again.

    But this time, they were ready. They stood together, united in their determination to protect the balance of magic and honor Yang's memory.

    They waited, their hearts pounding with anticipation, and then they heard it. The sound of the dark elves approaching.

    Mei and Miya took their positions, ready to fight. And as the dark elves burst into their home, they stood their ground, fierce and determined.

    The battle was intense, but they fought with all their might, never

    giving up. And in the end, they emerged victorious.

    As they stood, panting and covered in sweat, Mei and Miya looked at each other with pride. They had done it. They had protected the balance of magic and avenged Yang's death.

    But they knew that their fight wasn't over. The dark elves would never stop, and they would always be ready to defend what they held dear. Together, they would face whatever came their way.

    They were a team, and their love for each other was stronger than anything the world could throw at them.

    Chapter 6

    As the smoke cleared and the dark elves retreated, Mei and Miya stood victorious but exhausted. They looked at each other with a mix of relief and sadness, knowing that Yang should have been there with them. But they fought on, with his memory as their guide.

    Mei's heart was heavy, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something worse was yet to come. She practiced her magic more fervently than ever before, determined to be ready for anything that came their way. Miya, meanwhile, delved deeper into her research, determined to uncover any information that could help them in the future.

    Days turned into weeks, and as they patrolled the forest, they came across a group of centaurs in distress. Their leader had been captured by a band of trolls, and they needed help to rescue him. Mei and Miya knew they had to help, and they set off with the centaurs into the heart of the troll's territory.

    The trolls were fierce, and the battle was long and arduous. But Mei and Miya fought on, determined to save the centaur leader and protect the balance of magic. With their combined strength and magic, they finally emerged victorious.

    As they made their

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