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The Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ Unveiled: Christhood Priesthood
The Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ Unveiled: Christhood Priesthood
The Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ Unveiled: Christhood Priesthood
Ebook162 pages1 hour

The Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ Unveiled: Christhood Priesthood

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Release dateSep 29, 2023
The Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ Unveiled: Christhood Priesthood

John Entsuah

John Entsuah was born in Ghana, West Africa. He came to the United States in 1974. John has a beautiful wife and is the father of five wonderful children. He has studied religion at Summit University in Malibu, California, where he learned more about the nature of God, Jesus the Christ, the universe and creation, as well as the origin of man.John has had many occupations, including maintenance technician, refrigeration technician, maintenance engineer at the Ablestick plant in Los Angeles, California, and electrician on merchant marine ships and U.S. Navy ships.For more than 30 years, John has had personal, spiritual experiences that have enriched his life and motivated him to research man's purpose in life. This has inspired, motivated, and compelled him to write this book. He himself has had to wrestle with who God really is, learn about his relationship with Jesus the Christ, develop an understanding of the nature of the universe and Heaven, and examine man's spiritual fall, as well as how to return to his former state of existence.John wrote this book in the hope that the reader will develop Christ-consciousness which is also the priesthood power of Christ. He strongly believes that Christ-consciousness is the only hope for the human race.

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    The Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ Unveiled - John Entsuah


    Copyright © 2023 by John Entsuah

    ISBN: 978-1-77883-181-2 (Paperback)

    978-1-77883-182-9 (E-book)

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    The views expressed in this book are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. Some names and identifying details in this book have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.

    BookSide Press





    About The Author

    My Spiritual Experiences


    I. The Holy Priesthood Of Jesus Christ Unveiled

    The Priesthood Power

    The Family

    Father or Mother

    The Priesthood of God

    Priesthood Goes with Temples.

    Priesthood and Temple

    God’s Spiritual Communication System

    Light Energy

    The Family in Relationship with the Priesthood

    Priesthood Power of Christ

    The Ordination of Woman

    Communication with Physical Invisible Energy Similar to the Christ Energy.

    The Power of Christ is Not the Church


    The Kingdom of God

    Your Planet

    The Nature of God

    The Divine Mother

    Clean Your Heart by Faith, Love, and by the Priesthood Power of Christ

    That Which Can Be Created By the Light Can Also Be Destroyed By Increasing or Decreasing the Amount of Light in the Object or Substance

    Salvation Plan of God

    Alpha Truth and Omega Truth

    Understanding the Priesthood, Ancient and Modern

    The Greatest Spiritual Fallacy

    II. The Temple Of Faith And Righteousness

    In the Beginning

    Holy Christ Commandment for Earth

    The Loss of Your Internal Spiritual Awareness

    The Spiritual Fall

    Christ and Anti-Christ

    Sin as Enemy of God, Righteousness as a Friend of God

    Goal of satan

    God’s Goal

    The Golden Age

    Through Abraham, God Blessed All the Nations of the Earth

    The Holy Messianic Priesthood of Christ

    III. The Temple Of John The Baptist

    The Great Salvation Plan

    The Gospel Plan Implemented

    What does water baptism do?

    The Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ


    The History of the Apostles and Jesus Christ and Their Mission on Earth

    IV. The Temple Of Jesus Christ

    Jesus’ Ministry, Starting Point, the History

    Purification of Your Heart

    Crucifixion and Resurrection

    The Mission of Jesus Christ

    The Priesthood Power

    There is Power in Your Word and Thought

    Internal Communication Channel

    Christ in Our Hearts Now

    The Change Must Come From Within

    The Christ Power

    Mysteries of Soul Purification

    The Mysteries of Meditation

    Meditation Precedes Purification




    The Mysteries of Love and Peace

    The Enlightenment Scale

    The Age of Empowerment


    Earth Changes

    The Great Shift and Awakening of the Human Race

    The Spiritual Fall of Earth

    How to Conquer Death

    Awakening the Holy Christ Power

    The Mysteries of Immortality and Eternal Life

    The Holy Priesthood Family

    The Priesthood Power of the Soul

    How to Use the Spoken Word to Generate Power

    The Power of Christ

    Meditation in a Different Context

    V. The Temple Of The Holy Spirit Or The Divine Mother

    Unity of Man and Woman as Holy Priesthood Family

    The age of balance

    Man and Woman United for a Purpose

    Commandment for the Holy Arms of Jesus Christ

    The Holy Christ Fire in Your Heart is Your Passport and Your VISA to Heaven.

    The Mysteries of Meditation

    The Mysteries of Communion

    The Order of the Son of God and the Holy Melchizedek of Priesthood

    Fire Cleansing of the Soul by Jesus

    The Mysteries of Purification

    The Last and Final Baptism

    The Spiritual Attainment

    The Earth’s Ascension


    The Author’s Advice




    Loving appreciation is given to Starla Porter for her many hours of dedicated labor in typesetting, text arrangement, and correction of manuscript.

    To my daughter Amethyst Entsuah, my son Zadkiel Entsuah and my friend, Kwasi Attah, who helped type my handwritten manuscript.

    To Starla Porter’s daughter, Tajeh, for her assistance in typing my manuscript.

    My sincere appreciation goes to Nancy Deyo for her suberb editing.

    Finally, my personal deepest gratitude and loving recognition goes to all of you who assisted in birthing my book.



    This book is dedicated to Jesus Christ, the son of God, Who came to earth to redeem us from our spiritual fall and restore to us the Christ power of the priesthood that will enable us to return at last to our celestial home.

    It is also dedicated to the Holy Spirit, the divine Mother who gave birth to Christ the divine man child in every heart, man or woman. This is the restoration of the priesthood power of Christ in these last days, directly from heaven to you through your meditation. Most particularly, it is dedicated to the feminine gender. Mothers have been denied the Christ priesthood power, especially by the Catholic and the Mormon Churches which have denied women ordination into the priesthood of Christ.

    The power of the priesthood must bring a balance between father and mother to bring spiritual harmony, love, peace, progress, divine family and the kingdom of God on earth. This has never been understood by the Catholic Church or by the Mormons.

    Finally, we wish to dedicate this book to each human personality who dares to be open-minded and willing to discover the truth, and who is ready to assist in the establishment of the kingdom of God and Christ on earth.

    About The Author


    John Entsuah was born in Ghana, West Africa. He came to the United States in 1974. John has a beautiful wife and is the father of five wonderful children. He has studied religion at Summit University in Malibu, California, where he learned more about the nature of God, Jesus the Christ, the universe and creation, as well as the origin of man.

    John has had many occupations, including maintenance technician, refrigeration technician, maintenance engineer at the Ablestick plant in Los Angeles, California, and electrician on merchant marine ships and U.S. Navy ships.

    For more than 30 years, John has had personal, spiritual experiences that have enriched his life and motivated him to research man’s purpose in life. This has inspired, motivated, and compelled him to write this book. He himself has had to wrestle with who God really is, learn about his relationship with Jesus the Christ, develop an understanding of the nature of the universe and Heaven, and examine man’s spiritual fall, as well as how to return to his former state of existence.

    John wrote this book in the hope that the reader will develop Christ-consciousness which is also the priesthood power of Christ. He strongly believes that Christ-consciousness is the only hope for the human race.

    My Spiritual Experiences


    Through intuitive direction, I learned that prayer and meditation are the greatest tools that our God parent has given us to use to crawl our way back to him. Meditation is receiving energy from God, while prayer is transmitting energy to God, energy which contains what you want from God.

    With this in mind, I devoted much time to prayer and meditation. I asked Jesus to open my spiritual eyes that I might see Him and my spiritual ears that I might hear Him, so that I might become a better and more perfect instrument for His great and glorious work on earth.

    One day, as I was in a meditative state, I felt a quickening movement in my heart. It was a soft, sweet feeling that spread throughout my entire body as if invisible water or energy had poured over me. It penetrated my core and my every cell. It gave me a sweet joy and a sense of inner knowledge that my prayers had been fulfilled by the Lord Jesus. The next intuitive direction was constant meditation and prayers. Dreams were also continual; every night’s sleep was as if I were putting my physical body down and going to another world to receive training. I would wake in the morning and know what to do. Sometimes I would know which of the Psalms to read as my prayer and message from the Lord Jesus.

    This meditative intuitive experience taught me that my heart is the teacher and my mind is the student. The student must always communicate with the teacher to learn and practice. It made it clear to me that the heart is the shepherd and the mind is the sheep; the sheep must always submit to the shepherd for divine guidance and protection in order to reach its destination. This is the foundation of my life. It

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