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Fat. Sick. Broken.
Fat. Sick. Broken.
Fat. Sick. Broken.
Ebook163 pages2 hours

Fat. Sick. Broken.

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Holding on to labels from man keeps us from our true identity in Christ Jesus.

Most of our identities come from man and our agreement with the labels put on us. Around 63 percent of Americans are Christian. Removing God from schools and allowing the devil in has led us to the identity crisis we are battling today

Release dateDec 8, 2023
Fat. Sick. Broken.

Nana Creamer

Nana Creamer is a wife, mother, grandmother, and entrepreneur who was raised in Texas and still resides there. She is currently working on a new comic book series for children called Master Yogi & the Ferminators, as well as her second book. Her passion is educating women and children on the goodness of God, while helping women to create healthy lifestyle habits and set boundaries.

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    Fat. Sick. Broken. - Nana Creamer


    I want to give thanks to my family. I love them unconditionally and pray they find the peace God has given me. Growing up without God as our guide, we relied only on our own strength and understanding to fight against this world. It took me a while, and I am very grateful for Jesus being patient with me. I have had many who have supported me even when they did not realize it. My husband, my children, and my beautiful grandchildren have been my biggest cheerleaders. Thank you all for seeing and believing in me. I love you all. And a huge thank You, Father, for giving me another chance in Your Kingdom and sending Your only begotten Son to die for me.


    All my life I knew I was destined for something bigger than just working forty hours a week and living in debt. I felt trapped in a marriage; however, it was me that was trapped by the devil. This story is about finding God and rising above the chaos we are born into. I was broken from the beginning. Not being raised by Christians, I was unsure what was out there for me. I needed answers, and the one thing I knew for sure was that I could not find them in a man or myself. I remember the old song about the future being so bright I gotta wear shades and think that is my motto now in life. It is bright because I have seen the light. Not proverbial but real light, Jesus Christ my Savior. He brought me up out of the dust and breathed life into me.

    "I had this dream many years ago. I was lost, and Jesus had come to me in my dream. I remember looking at Him dressed in all white and thinking He was beautiful. He was speaking to me, but I could not understand what He was saying. I kept asking Him to say it again because I could not understand. I wanted to hear Him so desperately but soon woke up and He was gone. I asked my husband, Lonnie, at the time what this could mean, and he said that I didn’t know Jesus and that was why I could not understand Him. It was spot on. I did not know my Savior and therefore did not know my Father.

    I am thankful today that I can understand what Jesus is telling me. It took me way too many years to wake up and seek Him. He was there waiting for me the whole time. I do not want other women to not understand what Jesus is saying to them, which inspired me to write this book. I am not a nutrition graduate, but God called me qualified. Noah was not a boat builder, but he would have been recruited by the best shipbuilders in the world had he lived today. So do not doubt what God is putting in your hearts. Learn to be a disciple of Jesus and set boundaries. This is the key to hearing in the spirit. We must learn to obey and be submissive. My story is no different than many of your stories. Fat, sick, and broken are the American way. We have pills and surgeries that fix" our problems.

    "When we lived in Germany for three years, coming back to the United States I saw things that were only normal for Americans. Take, for instance, the motorized shopping carts. Going to the store in Europe, we were nearly run over by them, and I did not notice until I came back. Obesity is a health issue that is unacceptable and avoidable. The Standard American Diet (SAD) should not be a person’s standard for eating. Real foods and boundaries on those foods should be our standards. God showed me so many things; all I needed to do was pray and ask for wisdom and guidance. He is a faithful Father and a great disciplinarian. I hope you find my story helpful in your journey. It is all a choice. You can either choose to be better or choose not to be.

    "It was in 2013 when I decided I needed the Lord. I was fat, sick, and broken. I knew who God was, but I never relied on Him. I told folks I was a Christian, but the reality was I was lukewarm. I had no passion or fear of the Lord. I ran with the devil. But I was desperate, and I knew He loved me no matter what.

    "I remember sitting upstairs at my desk and praying. Asking God to forgive and heal me. I was just waiting to die, and I needed hope. It was time for me to trust in God because trusting in man was killing me.

    The first thing the Lord showed me was my vessel. It was a hot mess. I had lost all my womanly appeal. I was gray and dull looking, as if there was little light left in my spirit. I had been almost snuffed out by the devil. I remember thinking the word can’t" could not be spoken if I was going to live.

    The first thing the Lord had me do was fast for a year. I did not understand what fasting was or that I was even doing it. I quit cigarettes, sugar, diet sodas, beer, and bread at the same time. Now, folks, this is not an easy task and many will say they are not as strong as me; however, that is a devilish lie. I was not that strong. It was never me alone.

    That is what many do not understand. The strength I found was not me, but God in me. When I began to break the bondage of addictions, God sparked something in me. He began to guide me and strengthen my every move against obstacles.

    Now, I can go on and say these last seven years have been golden, but that would be a lie. When one turns to God, then the world turns against them. I have backslidden and tried to do things my way; however, God has corrected me and set my feet back on the right path.

    So Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

    Matthew 17:20:21

    It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I started to understand fasting and how to use it to move mountains.


    Sitting in the room, Nana looked around. She saw people with cameras and other equipment. She found her spot at the table and sat down. Someone came in, put the microphone in front of her, and gave her a pair of headphones. She soon looked like she belonged to the group sitting on the other side of the table. A few moments later, she heard the host speak:

    Good morning to all. I am excited to be here today with Nana. Some of you may have heard of her, but most have not. She has come a long way in her journey with the Lord. So Nana, tell us a little about yourself.

    Nana responded, Glad to be here. Essentially, I teach women how to set boundaries, enforce them, and keep them. I feel it’s my job to help ladies become the best they can be by teaching women how to open a lifeline and receive love and guidance from the Lord.

    The host asked curiously, So Nana, how do you teach women to set boundaries? And is it easy?

    Being disciplined is never easy, especially on ourselves. With accountability and the best support team—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—and with faith the size of a mustard seed, anyone can do it. I want women to be warriors instead of worriers. They are the disciples of today.

    Can you physically see when women need this type of discipline? the host asked.

    Unfortunately, Nana began, yes. Gluttony is such a problem in the United States of America. We can look around and see the gluttonous demons, whether food, drugs, drinking, sex, and more, and see the toll it has on our vessels, our temples for the Lord.

    As the interview went on, Nana explained to the host how she was once sick and broken. I remember the first time I truly tried fasting for strength. I felt so weak. It makes you think, how can one be strong when they are weak?

    Nana continued, We know Jesus fasted forty days on the mountain before He was crucified. He took up the cross that day and showed His strength was not in man, but in God. So we have to ask, why did Jesus call out to God about forsaking Him? Was it because the strength was leaving His fleshly body? Was He dying to His flesh?

    Looking at her with curious eyes, the host asked, So Nana, how did fasting get you here? What was that moment that made you decide to take a leap of faith and fast?

    Nana, with an intense look in her eyes, began thinking about what brought her here. She remembered as a child how her family struggled and how it could have been so much easier had they known the Lord. It took a lot for Nana to get here, and it is a story worth sharing.

    Chapter 1

    Diet Sodas & Chocolate Donuts

    Nana, remembering back a few years prior, began slowly talking.

    "I felt like I got the same story over and over from the doctors. ‘You are going to have to take this medicine for the rest of your life.’ It seemed there was always something wrong with my body back in those days. I was sick in some form or another without a real answer. ‘We will run tests. We will biopsy that. We will do an MRI. Try this and come back.’

    "This day at the doctor’s was no different. I had gone in for pain and came out with new medicines and a stern warning to take it because it was expensive and there was no need of wasting it.

    "After many years of being in the crazy cycle of running to a man for answers, I decided to try a different way. I decided to go to my Father, the Creator of man. My Creator and the lover of my heart.

    "Not being raised to understand who my true Father was, I always relied on what my family taught me. It seemed when you were sick, sad, did not feel ‘well,’ or were just wanting to sleep or even lose weight, the answer was to run to a man with a degree to get a prescription and/or surgery. We ate and medicated all feelings and emotions. You could see the toxicity in our holiday photos. The grownups all smoked cigarettes and drank beer and whiskey. The whole room would be filled with smoke, like a bar scene. I knew nothing different from how I grew up, and we were oozing with demons, aka fleshly addictions. I only knew the ‘running to the doctor’ method when it came to taking care of my health needs.

    "With religion, I could count on my fingers how many times I heard my parents say that they had prayed for someone. I, like many, thought it was an emergency call, not a daily chat. Delving into God was going to be something new, not only to me, but even to my family. I had one sister, Tabitha, who went to church with her friends, but only because she was crushing on their brother, and on top of that, it was a Jehovah’s Witness church. Her belief was never rooted in Jesus, only Abe, her boyfriend at the time.

    "I needed my Father in heaven. He created me and He knows me, but I had no idea how to get closer and build our relationship. The only thing I knew was to fast, as I had heard the stories about Jesus fasting and that He is our Savior. If my life is supposed to look more like His than like those around me, then I was going to have to fast.

    "I had tried a three-day fast in the past. I felt this was sacrifice enough at the time. I did not know what I was doing or why I was doing it. I just knew I wanted to prove that I could survive. This was only a peek at what was about to come.

    "As I left the doctor’s office that day, I knew I was through with the lies. I was done with the visits, the probing, and the hypocrisy that modern medicine had become. I was tired of being the guinea pig to big pharma drug trials. I had decided to leave all that behind and pursue who I heard could heal and give peace and joy. I was going on a journey. One that would lead me to help other women become modern-day disciples.

    "I knew little about the journey I was about to embark upon. The only thing I knew about God was through religion. I was not keen on religion, but I wanted to know God. As I sat that night in front of my computer, I had a thought put in my heart that started me on the path to the truth, the way, and the life.

    "A few years before this last doctor’s visit, I went through a phase I referred to as my ‘Ozzy’ phase. I was not making light of anyone else’s affliction; however, I found myself identifying with them. Identity in man’s disorders was a mistake, I soon realized.

    "This phase had me stuttering with simple words. I was shuffling my feet, as well as running into everything. I started having cluster headaches at this time. It was causing tinnitus,

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