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Chasing Shadows: A Comprehensive Guide to Locating Missing Persons in the U.S
Chasing Shadows: A Comprehensive Guide to Locating Missing Persons in the U.S
Chasing Shadows: A Comprehensive Guide to Locating Missing Persons in the U.S
Ebook175 pages1 hour

Chasing Shadows: A Comprehensive Guide to Locating Missing Persons in the U.S

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In "Chasing Shadows: A Comprehensive Guide to Locating Missing Persons in the U.S.," Investigative Consultant Andrew Bano takes readers into the challenging world of missing persons cases, revealing the methods used to solve these complex mysteries.

Drawing from his extensive experience as a Certified Missing P

PublisherBishop Matrix
Release dateSep 28, 2023
Chasing Shadows: A Comprehensive Guide to Locating Missing Persons in the U.S

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    Book preview

    Chasing Shadows - Andrew R. Bano

    Table of Contents


    Overview of the book’s purpose and content

    The Role and Importance of Private Investigators in Missing Persons Cases

    Chapter I: Historical Context of Missing Persons in the U.S.

    Chapter II: Understanding Missing Persons Cases

    Chapter III: The Sociological and Psychological Aspects

    Chapter IV: Human Trafficking: A Closer Look Through the Investigative Lens

    Chapter V: Domestic Violence and Missing Persons: An Investigative Perspective

    Chapter VI: The Investigative Process: An Overview

    Chapter VII: Gathering and Analyzing Information

    Chapter VIII: Surveillance and Fieldwork

    Chapter IX: Utilizing Technology in Investigations

    Chapter X: Working with Law Enforcement and Other Agencies

    Chapter XI: Case Studies

    Chapter XII: Future Trends in Missing Persons Investigation

    Chapter XIII: Building a Career as a Missing Persons Investigator

    Chapter XIV: Conclusion



    This book is written by Andrew R. Dickson, an investigative consultant at Casper Investigative Observations, LLC. His journey in the field of private investigations began with a Diploma in Private Investigation from Penn Foster. His education equipped him with a thorough understanding of legal principles and requirements, skills in locating individuals, performing detailed background investigations, and understanding court‐related issues essential to private investigations.

    Further supplementing his expertise, Andrew pursued a Certificate in Criminal Investigations from Texas A&M University. This program provided a comprehensive understanding of the aspects of criminal investigations, including the process of criminal investigation, types of criminal offenses, and the relationship between criminal investigation and the courtroom process. It also gave him an in‐depth understanding of criminology and crime.

    Recognizing the importance of preparedness in the face of emergencies, Andrew earned a Certificate in Emergency Management & Disaster Preparedness from the Federal Emergency Management Agency Institute in Washington. The certification honed his skills in crisis management, disaster recovery, and preparedness measures which are critical in managing emergencies.

    His dedication to combating human trafficking led him to complete a Certificate in Anti‐Human Trafficking, also from the Federal Emergency Management Agency Institute in Washington. This training equipped him with the ability to identify potential indicators of human trafficking and the knowledge to assist victims effectively.

    Andrew also completed training in Active Shooter Response, making him proficient in identifying potential workplace violence indicators, taking preventative measures, and managing the aftermath of incidents. This skill is essential in ensuring the safety of all parties involved in an active shooter situation.

    In addition to his investigative consulting role, Andrew serves as a Lead Instructor at Bishop Matrix’s Intelligence Training Academy. His proficiency in website development and advanced analytics, coupled with his capability for improvised problem‐solving, has earned him recognition as a Top Rated Professional in the field by Thumbtack and a Preferred Business by Bark.

    His extensive education, experience in private investigations, and his current role as an instructor provide a unique and comprehensive perspective on the field of missing persons investigations in the United States. This book is the culmination of his expertise and years of experience, designed to serve as a detailed guide for aspiring investigators and students who wish to specialize in missing persons investigations.

    Andrew’s hope is that this book will serve as a comprehensive guide to finding missing persons within the United States, tailored to fellow investigators or students who wish to join the field of a missing person’s investigator in the private sector.

    Overview of the book’s purpose and content

    The aim of Chasing Shadows: A Comprehensive Guide to Locating Missing Persons in the U.S. is to provide a thorough, accessible guide to the complex and often misunderstood field of missing persons investigations. This book is designed for a diverse range of readers, including aspiring investigators, law enforcement officers, social workers, legal professionals, and anyone interested in the process of locating missing individuals.

    The scope of this book is comprehensive, covering all aspects of the investigative process from initial case acceptance to working with law enforcement and other agencies. We delve into the sociological and psychological aspects of missing persons cases, the legal and ethical considerations, the use of technology in investigations, and more. We also cover the practical aspects of the job, including interviewing techniques, surveillance and fieldwork, navigating bureaucracy, and the use of digital forensics.

    In addition to providing practical information and techniques, this book also includes a series of case studies. These real‐world examples have been carefully selected to illustrate a range of scenarios, challenges, and outcomes to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the field.

    Finally, in recognition of the rapidly evolving nature of this field, this book also discusses future trends in missing persons investigations, including emerging technologies and changes in the legal and policy environment.

    It is my hope that Chasing Shadows will serve not only as a practical guide for those in the field but also as a resource for those interested in understanding the complex, often heart‐wrenching world of missing persons investigations. It is a world that demands our attention, compassion, and best investigative efforts. By shedding light on this important work, we can all play a part in helping to locate missing individuals and bring resolution to their loved ones.

    The Role and Importance of Private Investigators in Missing Persons Cases

    Private investigators play an integral role in the search and location of missing persons. Their unique position allows them to bridge the gap between law enforcement agencies and the family or individuals directly involved in the case. This chapter will explore the crucial role that private investigators play in missing persons cases, and why their involvement can often make a significant difference in the outcomes of these cases.

    One of the key attributes of private investigators is their ability to dedicate significant amounts of time and resources to a single case. Unlike law enforcement, which often has to juggle multiple cases at once, a private investigator can focus solely on one case, providing a thorough, detailed investigation.

    In addition, private investigators often possess specialized skills and knowledge that can be invaluable in missing persons cases. These can include knowledge of specific local areas, experience with particular types of missing persons cases, and a deep understanding of the legal and procedural landscape.

    Private investigators also provide a crucial communication link between law enforcement and the families of missing persons. They can provide updates, explanations, and reassurances in a way that overworked law enforcement officers may not have time to do. This role is essential in maintaining the emotional wellbeing of the family and ensuring that they feel involved and informed throughout the process.

    Further, private investigators can tap into networks and resources that may not be readily available to law enforcement. These can include other private investigators, specialized databases, and contacts within various communities. This broad network can often yield information that may otherwise be overlooked.

    Lastly, the role of a private investigator is not just limited to the active phase of an investigation. Even after a case is closed, private investigators often continue to provide support to families, helping them navigate the aftermath, whether that involves legal proceedings, media attention, or personal matters.

    In conclusion, the role and importance of private investigators in missing persons cases cannot be overstated. Their dedication, specialized skills, and ability to connect with families and law enforcement agencies alike make them an invaluable asset in the quest to locate missing individuals. This book aims to provide a comprehensive insight into this challenging yet rewarding profession.

    Chapter I: Historical Context of Missing Persons in the U.S.

    Colonial Era to the 1800s: The Frontier’s Unknown

    Colonial Disappearances: Into the Unknown

    In the earliest days of what would become the United States, the vast and untamed wilderness posed a significant challenge and mystery. Settlers from Europe, unfamiliar with the landscapes and indigenous tribes of the New World, often found themselves in perilous situations. Disappearances during this era were both common and shrouded in layers of intrigue.

    The Enigma of Roanoke:

    Perhaps the most haunting and infamous of all colonial mysteries is the story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke. In 1587, English settlers, led by John White, established this colony on Roanoke Island, present‐day North Carolina. When White returned from a resupply trip from England in 1590, he found the colony abandoned with no trace of the 115 settlers he’d left behind. The only clue was the word CROATOAN carved into a wooden post. Despite various theories, from integration with local tribes to hostile takeovers, the fate of the Roanoke settlers remains an unsolved enigma.

    Challenges of the Frontier:

    The vastness of the American frontier meant that many early settlers who ventured out for hunting, exploration, or travel would sometimes not return. Reasons ranged from getting lost, animal attacks, conflicts with native tribes, or even succumbing to the elements. Disappearances became so frequent that they became an accepted risk of colonial life.

    Colonial Notices and the Role of the Church:

    As communities and colonies formed, their inhabitants sought ways to communicate about those missing. Local churches became the nexus of community life, and the pulpits often served as platforms to announce the disappearances. Ministers would sometimes include pleas for information in their sermons, and church bulletin boards would carry handwritten notices about the missing, offering rewards or simply seeking information.

    Interactions with Native Tribes:

    Misunderstandings and conflicts with indigenous tribes led to several disappearances. While some settlers formed peaceful relations and trade agreements, others faced hostilities. Captures, whether for ransom, retaliation, or other reasons, were not uncommon. Tales of settlers being taken by tribes and either being assimilated or held captive pepper colonial diaries and records.

    Indentured Servants and Runaways:

    Another unique aspect of the colonial period was the practice of indentured servitude. Individuals would sign contracts binding them to work for a specified number of years in exchange for passage to America. However, the harsh conditions and mistreatment led many to run away, contributing to the count of missing persons. Notices of runaways, complete with descriptions, were

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