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Cracking The Christ Code: Exposing The Ancient Egyptian Origins Of Jesus
Cracking The Christ Code: Exposing The Ancient Egyptian Origins Of Jesus
Cracking The Christ Code: Exposing The Ancient Egyptian Origins Of Jesus
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Cracking The Christ Code: Exposing The Ancient Egyptian Origins Of Jesus

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About this ebook

Have you ever doubted the historical Jesus or traditional biblical stories? Felt guilty for questioning your faith? This book will free you from those fears by uncovering the truth.


I'll answer questions like: 


- Did Jesus literally rise from the dead? No - you'll learn how this story originated from Egyptian astrology.


- Did Jesus die on the cross? No - I'll break down the Egyptian numerological meaning behind this mythic motif. 


- Where was Jesus during his "missing years"? There were none - it's explained by Egyptian numerology.


- How are Horus and Osiris connected to Jesus? Through comparative mythology, etymology, and astrology, you'll see how this Egyptian divine pair became the composite figure of Jesus.


Jesus was never a historical person, but a personification of ancient spiritual principles shared by saviors worldwide. The church altered these teachings to control followers with guilt, shame, and threats of divine retribution. 


In these pages, you'll freely explore the Egyptian origins of biblical symbols and stories. 


If you've ever felt restricted by dogmatic religion yet longed for mystical truth, this book will empower you. I build an accessible case for a non-historical Jesus by connecting Egyptian mythology to Greek philosophy, numerology, astrology, etymology, and more.  


No previous experience with Egypt is required - just an open mind. Claim your birthright to profound wisdom - let's rediscover these hidden truths together!


Release dateOct 6, 2023
Cracking The Christ Code: Exposing The Ancient Egyptian Origins Of Jesus

Reginald Martin

Founder of Kemetic Centered Living, course creator, speaker, and author. Through my class, courses, and youtube content, help those transitioning from Christianity into spiritually and a working knowledge of metaphysics.   🌼I help those that have left Christianity remove negative Christian programming so that they can live life boldly, authentically, unapologetically, and on their terms without any guilt or shame.🌼   🌷I teach through my experience of Christianity, so my work is not just academic, it is very personal.🌷 🌞What makes my work unique and impactful? 🌞 💪🏿If you are former Christian and beginner in African spirituality and metaphysics, I connect ancient Kemetic knowledge to your previous religious knowledge and Christian experience so that you can quickly grasp and apply metaphysical knowledge. You don't have to throw everything you knew away and start over 💪🏿

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    Cracking The Christ Code - Reginald Martin


    Hi, my name is Reginald Martin. I am the founder of Kemetic Centered Living. I am an independent researcher, a life coach, and a YouTube content creator. I create online content that teaches distinct aspects of connecting to your higher self. I’m also an ex-Christian. I create my content to help those who are journeying away from Christianity and its negative programming. I do so in the hopes that it frees others who have lived life through limiting Christian beliefs to live life boldly, authentically, unapologetically, and on their terms, free of guilt or shame.

    My work has helped thousands that have come to my YouTube channel Kemetic Centered Living do just that, deprogram and deconstruct the religious indoctrination of Christianity. The foundation of this content is from years of research. However, this is not a purely academic pursuit. It is intensely personal. This book will be part historical, part metaphysical, and part self-help.

    The foundation of what the ancients were teaching was all about how we, as a human beings living a human experience, can recognize our own divinity within ourselves and rise above our fears which end up causing so many of the world's isms.

    Therefore, I express the contents of this book through my experience of being born into a very conservative Christian family and living life as a Christian from my early adulthood to now being an ex-Christian. But I write it for the sake of humanity. For those who crave living life on their terms boldly, authentically, unapologetically, and on their terms without guilt or shame.

    The contents of this book will open a portal to a new level of consciousness on the planet for those who are ready and willing to be open to the ideas expressed here. If you are not, it is perfectly ok.

    Like many who first leave Christianity I became an atheist. For me it was a rebellion against the Christian idea of God that I grew to believe was a psychotic monster based on what I was taught growing up and how those beliefs affected me and thousands in my family and community.

    I was told how God was angry, jealous, vengeful, killed people for seeming minor offenses, needed me to adore him, would send you to hell for making a choice he didn’t like even though you are to you have free will. On analysis, I didn’t like that God.

    But over the years, I came to understand that I am a soul having a human experience. The soul that I am is an aspect of God expressing itself as a human being for a fleeting time. I can’t really say that I totally bought into the atheistic belief that the material world was all that there was. But I definitely did’ not believe in the idea of a jealous God who would send his son to earth and sacrifice himself to save the world from burning in the eternal flames of hell.

    The idea of hell is a heinous belief that psychologically scares billions of human souls. Many spend a lifetime living through beliefs of being a born sinner and trying to atone for something that they had no choice in. Just simply being born. In college, I gravitated toward the study of psychology. That degree was the foundation of me recognizing the damaging effects of the negative Christian programming on me, my family, people in my community, and people all over the world. But it wasn’t until I discovered the knowledge of pre-historic Egypt called ancient Kemet that I was able to unravel so many of the mentally damaging Christian doctrines.

    My journey to discovery of this knowledge

    Several years ago, I was asked to speak at a spiritual center during Black History Month. I wanted to discuss the spirituality of ancient Africans, not just the typical history starting from slavery. At the time, I honestly had little knowledge of what that meant. I had been studying metaphysics for years and moved away from Christianity, but I wanted to unlock my mind and help others break free of damaging religious programming.

    What I stumbled upon was a treasure trove of concepts aligning with my new-age philosophy that originated in ancient Kemet. I struggled to find coherent resources explaining the full Kemetic spiritual system. Many focused-on history or mythology without conveying the profound metaphysical truths underneath.

    After years of intensive study, I finally had a breakthrough! I developed the Kemetic Centered Living Esoteric Stack Framework to decode the symbolism. This framework connects the dots between Egypto-Gnostic knowledge and allows intuitive understanding at a deeper, inner level. My goal was to answer questions for those transitioning from Christianity, so they may live freely without guilt, shame or torment.

    The rapid emergence of Greek philosophy, theology, mathematics, and science was termed the Greek Miracle by scholars. This period saw a pivotal shift from what many might believe was mythical and magical thought to more rational approaches.

    It is a well-known fact that the civilization of ancient Greece rose from the dust in Europe like a big bang to command a level of knowledge in many areas that had not been seen before in Europe so much so that their era was termed the Greek Miracle by many scholars.

    The Greek Miracle

    The Greek Miracle" is a defining period in the development of Europe and Western civilization.

    The Greek miracle refers to the emergence of what is considered the first philosophers. This movement, upon revision from historians, is seen as a miracle from mythical thought of divine power to a more rational approach. Although it is contested, the event appeared to be localized in Greece and was not seen anywhere else prior in the world and is so called the Greek miracle. -

    In other words, the rapid rise of Greece, according to historians, had never happened anywhere else in the world. There was not much of a European system of philosophy, theology, mathematics, or science to speak of until the Greeks brought them to Europe.

    The divergence by the Greeks to elevate the rational mind to assess life and existence led to the dismissal of the area of an existence beyond the material world in the West.

    However, not all Greeks nor ancient people thought this way.

    Ancient Greek historian Herodotus confirms in his book Ancient Histories that many of the well-known Greek scholars like Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, and Socrates were educated in the ancient Egyptian Mystery schools. When they brought this knowledge to Europe, it subverted the longstanding oral tradition of the mystery schools.

    It is because of a group of Greek theologians, philosophers, and poets that were later called Gnostics because of their foundational belief of an inner knowing and intuition that we can link the bible back to its Egyptian origins. Before the Gnostics, in ancient Egypt, the deepest aspects of this knowledge were only passed on orally.

    Ancient Egypt and the knowledge of the Egyptian mystery schools is where Christianity got its foundation. It was through the Greek Mystery schools in the Mediterranean that the early Christian fathers gained their spiritual knowledge that became the foundation of the Christian religion. However, it seems that many of the Christian fathers didn’t have the benefit of learning directly from the Egyptian priests and philosophers. Because of this, they ended up twisting many of the beautifully powerful ancient teachings.

    Part of the mistake of early Christian fathers was to historicize a personified concept of Iesous the Krst in Gnostic traditions.

    How can I make such a bold statement that Jesus Christ was not historical? By backtracking through the knowledge of the Greek mystery schools to ancient Egypt, you can easily fact-check Christianity. Because we are building a case, I will add pieces to the puzzle along the way so you can build a foundation of knowledge that will help you decode the esoteric meaning of the Bible story of Jesus.

    The knowledge that became a part of the bible was accumulated on the continent of Africa and passed down orally for thousands of years on the continent.

    The oral tradition of the ancient mystery schools was broken by the Greeks when they began distilling and writing this knowledge down. However, they did so in a secret esoteric language that was not meant for public consumption.

    But even though religion was born from ancient Kemetic science, in and of itself, Kemetic science was not a religion. It was a metaphysical and philosophical system that was the foundation of their life for most Egyptians. This system connects Egyptian medicine, science, biology, astronomy, and mathematics just to connect a few of our modern categories to understand the ancient system.

    Divination systems like numerology and astrology were as much a part of their system as any science that we know today. They were all intertwined in the Kemetic philosophy called anthropocosmos, which means humankind as the universe today is a deep and seemingly magical tapestry of knowledge.

    The teachings are based on a deep knowledge of the workings of the universe that was and is unsurpassed in human history or modern times.

    For anyone who has been Christian, the knowledge here will help you answer many questions that you may have believed could not be answered.

    Questions about the origin and pre-Christian meaning of holidays like Christmas and Easter, just to name a couple.

    The purpose of this book is not to destroy people's beliefs. On the contrary, it is to bring a perspective that will allow for a great expansion of consciousness into the earth plane.

    In order to do that, the ideas given to us by Christianity must be challenged; those beliefs hold millions in a low-vibration state of being that causes divisiveness and separation.

    This book is for those who are ready to take responsibility for the creation of their life and become gods and goddesses on this plane of existence and step into their power.

    It is to challenge some long-held beliefs about the historicity of Jesus and answer questions for those who are transitioning from rigid Christian doctrines and beliefs so that you may live a life free of the mental torment that Christianity normalized and called religion. Many will feel like they are under attack because I am destroying beliefs. But I promise for those that are ready, what I take away will be given back one-hundred-fold! It will uplift and empower you and humanity.

    The kind of Knowledge you can expect to gain from this book

    There are many nuanced layers to the ancient Egypto-Gnostic story of The Christ. We will address in this book only a small sample of these ancient teachings. The truth will set you free!

    What you know as Jesus Christ today were two separate ideas in ancient times. By the end of this book, you will understand that Jesus and Christ were two different concepts and what they meant from an esoteric perspective that existed at least 10,000 years before Christianity existed.

    The ancient Egyptians left clues to be rediscovered even after it had been twisted into a historical narrative by Christianity. It was the discovery of the Rosetta Stone by French philologist Jean-François Champollion that the Christian deception was discovered.


    The person that we know as Jesus Christ was actually an ancient concept portraying the spark of divinity that fragmented into the universe and all humankind, not a great exception that was personified and historicized by Christianity.

    Once you can grasp the Kemetic paradigm that had been hidden in Egypt for almost 2000 years (until the Rosetta Stone discovery), you will be able to uncover and expose the esoteric meaning of the biblical personages. This will enable you to intuitively connect these concepts to your everyday life as a human being as they were originally intended.

    Today we would say much of it is common sense because the concepts are so simplistic once you break them down esoterically. But thousands of years ago, they were new ideas mapping the psyche of a human being and the journey of their soul. If you are a former pastor or minister, you will have a foundation to teach empowering concepts that will liberate the minds of those you share this knowledge.

    The Christian version binds people into a framework and state of being consciously unaware, disconnected, helpless, afraid, and powerless. People live with distrust and contempt for their fellow man because of doctrines like original sin, the fall, and total depravity that teach we are all born sinful and predisposed to wickedness. This must change. I want to do my part to empower all of humanity that has been adversely affected by negative Christian programming.

    My intention here is to take this small snippet of the ancient Kemetic science and show you how what became Jesus Christ in the bible was, at first universal spiritual principles and archetypes for initiates into the ancient Egyptian mystery system to help them develop themselves and later distilled into another form of written and numerical knowledge by who we know today as Greek Gnostics.

    Gaining ancient knowledge and applying it will be of immense benefit to your life. This knowledge was designed to connect the receiver of it to

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