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The Ten Commandments of Copywriting: Copy Gold Rush Series, #1
The Ten Commandments of Copywriting: Copy Gold Rush Series, #1
The Ten Commandments of Copywriting: Copy Gold Rush Series, #1
Ebook81 pages55 minutes

The Ten Commandments of Copywriting: Copy Gold Rush Series, #1

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About this ebook

Do you want to be a Copywriting Champion?


Copywriting seems so simple, but many aspiring writers don't even know where to start!

Good news….


If you can read and write at a fourth grade level, then YOU can learn how to write copy that is fit for a king or queen.

Many get so lost in the nuances of copywriting that they don't even start to learn the basics.

Or they are too busy to wade through volumes and volumes of copywriting lessons. 


It's a cryin' shame!


They just need the right information at the right time!


If this sounds like you, it's your lucky day!


"10 Commandments of Copywriting" was designed to get you writing and learning copy as fast as humanly possible.


This is not a book that you are going to leave on the shelf to collect dust. 


It's a guide that will inspire you to START WRITING TODAY. 



Like learning any skill, the more you write, the better you will get. 


Here's what the 10 Commandments of Copywriting will go over:

  • How knowing your audience will help you even BEFORE you put pen to page.
  • How tweaking your Headlines can almost 10X your results!
  • Why spinning stories is a stellar writing strategy.  
  • How not to suck: Standards for writing Successful Copy
  • And 6 more Commandments!


Plus it features 11 Exclusive interviews from the world's best copywriters like:

  • Bond Halbert
  • Perry Marshall
  • Mike Samuels 
  • Bob Bly
  • Robert Ashton
  • Jon Benson
  • Nick Verge
  • Peter Tzemis
  • Jacob McMillen
  • Jay Baer
  • Brian Kurtz

It's your choice to take action NOW to use this amazing wealth of copy wisdom.



If you ever wanted to jumpstart your copywriting journey, you now have your chance!

Let's start your copywriting journey by clicking the button.


Publisherkj jensen
Release dateOct 13, 2023
The Ten Commandments of Copywriting: Copy Gold Rush Series, #1

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    Book preview

    The Ten Commandments of Copywriting - kj jensen

    Introduction: The Power of Words: An Introduction to Copywriting

    If Moses were alive today he’d come down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments and spend the next five years trying to get them published.

    Amit Tiwari

    The beginning is the most important part of the work.


    The scariest moment is always just before you start.

    Stephen King

    Whenever you read a good book, it’s like the author is right there, in the room, talking to you, which is why I don’t like to read good books.

    Jack Handey

    Buy the ticket, take the ride.

    Hunter Thompson

    I’m just an alcoholic who became a writer so that I would be able to stay in bed until noon.

    Charles Bukowski

    As a copywriter, you have the power to change lives. 

    You have the ability to persuade and motivate people to perform actions they would have never done without your words.

    If you truly believe in your message and want to serve your audience properly, you will get the right people to get the right solutions at the right time.

    That’s the aim of creating A level copy, the cream of the crop, the cat’s pajamas.

    Everyone wants to be a word wizard. But not everyone knows how...

    Copywriting is a world where the words that come out of your brain can turn into magic commands. 

    But let’s be precise.

    Many think of copywriters as creative writers.


    Copywriting isn’t an art project.

    It’s not a journal entry for your feelings, whims or flights of fancy. 

    Copywriting is about selling, period. Full stop.

    The power of words isn’t just a cliche, it’s the everyday mantra of a pro copywriter.

    But is Copywriting that complicated?

    Many of my students ask, 

    Can’t we just cobble some words together and get the same result?

    That’s like tossing a few random ingredients in the blender, like ketchup, soya sauce, poptarts, onions, hitting frappe and throwing it in a pan. Now Hit HIGH in the microwave for 10 minutes.

    Do you really expect an amazing casserole to pop out?

    Or would you only eat it after having 9 beers?

    Good dishes need good recipes!

    It’s the same deal with copywriting.

    You need the Colonel’s secret recipe to make your copy finger lickin’ good.

    There is a catch, of course. 

    Great Copywriting isn’t just about competent writing. 

    This is good news, especially if you have a curious nature.

    There is the old adage: 

    The best salesmen know their customers better than they know themselves.

    It’s the same with professional copywriters!  They are good writers, for sure.

    But they are also amazing word psychologists.

    They know what makes their clients tick. They know what their hungry audience wants.

    A lot of my students confess I’m not a good writer. I got a D in grammar in my English class.

    When I hear this, I just smile.

    Of course you want to write in a competent manner. But no one will care about your grammar or punctuation skills if you are reaching their hearts and getting them to act.

    In fact, as you will learn in future commandments, some of the best copywriting of all time was written at the fourth grade level. 

    Big, fancy words don’t matter.

    If you can’t communicate to your audience with simple language, it might mean that you can’t communicate with them at all. Harsh, but true. 

    It’s not about crafting the PERFECT sentences per say. It’s about using simple words to connect with your audience emotionally.

    That’s the great power of the right combination of words assembled in the right order.

    Great writing can get someone to perform actions without you being there.

    The great copywriter Anik SIngal talks about it in his book The Silent Salesman.

    He mentions that if you get it right, it’s like you are in person selling to your prospect face to face.

    It’s like Michael Keaton in the movie Multiplicity.

    Ever seen that one? It’s a gooder!

    Spoiler Alert: He cloned himself to get tasks done without him being there.  It’s the same with you when you create amazing copy!

    You can clone yourself by using the written word.

    But it will take practice.  Daily practice.

    It’s like learning a new instrument.  Or if you're not the musical type, an exercise routine.

    You don’t work out once and look like Arnold Schrawzeneggar.

    The more you exercise, the easier and more effective it becomes.

    You need to workout your writing muscles!

    Like learning any new venture, copywriting is about practicing the basic skills until you gradually improve to reach new levels of competency.  This is the aim of The 10 Commandments of Copywriting.  I wanted to create a concise guide on how

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