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Death Stalker: The Poison ID Unit
Death Stalker: The Poison ID Unit
Death Stalker: The Poison ID Unit
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Death Stalker: The Poison ID Unit

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FBI agent Lance Knight specializes in identifying obscure toxins. But when victims show up carved with sinister calling cards, he's thrust into a cat-and-mouse game against a diabolical serial killer called The Master. Lance's obsession with finally defeating this enemy from his past threatens to destroy his career and his team. Every twist leads Lance further down a tunnel of paranoia and mind games designed specifically to torment him. This adversary seems to see all and know all. But unknown to Lance, the greatest poison is within the deception itself. With lives on the line, Lance must separate truth from the web of lies before a brilliantly sinister plot consumes everything he holds dear.

Release dateDec 5, 2023
Death Stalker: The Poison ID Unit

Erik Daniel Shein

Erik Daniel Shein was born Erik Daniel Stoops, November 18th 1966. He is an American writer, and Visionary, film producer, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, entertainer, and philanthropist, Pet enthusiast and animal health advocate. He is the author and co-authored of over 30 nonfiction and fiction books whose writings include six scientific articles in the field of herpetology. His children’s book, “The Forgotten Ornament” is a Christmas classic, and was endorsed by Hollywood legends Mickey and Jan Rooney.

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    Death Stalker - Erik Daniel Shein


    Death Stalker

    The Poison ID Unit


    Erik Daniel Shein, Melissa Davis & Karen Fuller

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    WCP Logo 7

    World Castle Publishing, LLC

    Pensacola, Florida

    Copyright © 2023 Shein Partnership, LLC

    Authors: Erik Daniel Shein, Melissa Davis & Karen Fuller

    Smashwords Edition

    Hardback ISBN: 9798891260849

    Paperback ISBN: 9798891260856

    eBook ISBN: 9798891260863

    First Edition World Castle Publishing, LLC, December 5, 2023

    Smashwords Licensing Notes

    All rights reserved. The Poison ID Unit and universe are Trademarks of Shein Partnership, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, Digital, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews without the prior permission of the publisher. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for the author or third party’s web sites and their content. Requests for information should be addressed to:

    Shein Partnership, LLC

    4766 East Eden Drive

    Cave Creek, AZ 85331

    Cover: Cover Designs by Karen

    Editor: Gwyneth Fullerton

    Chapter 1

    The cold morning air hung heavy with the metallic scent of blood, and the eerie silence was punctuated only by the distant hum of traffic. A grim tableau lay before Special Agent Lance Knight: Jeffrey Jenkins’ lifeless body sprawled across the unforgiving wood floor. His flesh was a canvas of strange markings carved with dark intent. Blood pooled around him, thick and viscous, seeping into every crevice of the worn wood.

    He might not have been called in for this had it not been for the suspicious bite marks near the carvings. Snake bite. That was easy to determine and something he had certainly run into in the past. Snakes, venom, poison, they had become part of his specialty since wrapping up a serial homicide that put him and his team on the map. That case was why the new Poison Identification Unit (PIDU) was created at the FBI. Lance and his team were heading up the New Orleans department as the first unit of its kind.

    As the forensic team meticulously scanned the scene, cameras clicking and latex gloves snapping, Lance approached the jogger who had stumbled upon the gruesome discovery. Her breath came in shallow gasps, eyes wide with shock.

    Ma’am, I’m Special Agent Knight, he said, his voice steady despite the gnawing unease rising. Can you tell me what happened?

    Y-yes, she stammered, her gaze fixed on the mutilated corpse. I was just running my usual route when I saw…him. At first, I thought it was some homeless man who passed out drunk on the porch. We get a lot of those around here, but then I saw the blood.

    Did you notice anything unusual leading up to this? Any sounds or movements? Lance asked, scribbling notes in his notepad.

    Nothing out of the ordinary, no, she replied, shaking her head. Just the normal city noises.

    Lance’s brow furrowed as he studied the gruesome scene. This was not the average murder. Something more sinister was at play here. The markings on Jeffrey’s body seemed almost ritualistic, and the blood was just too much of it. A sense of dread settled in the pit of his stomach. He needed answers.

    Thank you for your help, he told the jogger, offering a reassuring smile. Please contact us if you remember anything else.

    As he returned to his team, Lance could not shake the feeling they were dealing with something beyond their comprehension. The weight of his mother’s words echoed in his mind: Always trust your instincts, Lance. They’ll guide you when reason fails.

    At that moment, his instincts were screaming that they were on the cusp of unearthing a darkness that even the most seasoned detectives might struggle to comprehend. But he was determined to see justice served—no matter how deep the shadows or twisted the path.

    Lance approached Special Agent Maria Lopez, who was hunched over her clipboard, reviewing the preliminary findings of the forensic team. She looked up as he drew near, concern etched on her face.

    Any leads? she asked, her voice steady despite the gruesome scene around them. This was not the special agent’s first crime scene. She had transferred into the PIDU last month and was settling into the groove of things.

    Nothing concrete yet, Lance replied, scanning the area once more before locking eyes with Maria. But there’s something off about this. The markings on his body... they’re not random.

    Maria nodded. I noticed that, too. They seem almost…deliberate.

    Lance rubbed his chin thoughtfully, unable to shake the uneasy feeling crawling under his skin. We need to get those markings analyzed ASAP. I’ll check in with Gina to see if anything else turns up during the autopsy.

    Sounds like a plan, Maria said, returning to work.

    As Lance walked to his car, he couldn’t help but feel the weight of the case bearing down on him. He knew the sooner they found answers, the better. This killer had an agenda, and he feared they were only seeing the tip of the iceberg.


    When Lance arrived at the morgue, the sterile scent of disinfectant overpowered the metallic tang of blood still clinging to his nostrils. The fluorescent lighting flickered overhead as he descended the dimly lit hallway, his footsteps echoing off the white-tiled floors.

    In the sterile, cold confines of the morgue back at the PIDU, Special Agent Gina Goodwin, medical examiner and forensics expert, carefully cataloged Jeffrey’s wounds. Lance stood nearby, observing intently as the examiner pointed out symbols carved across the young man’s chest. Gina greeted him with a nod as he approached the exam table.

    Got anything for me? Lance asked, striding toward the slab where Jeffrey’s body lay, pale and lifeless beneath a white sheet.

    Gina pulled off her gloves, her eyes fixed on the body. Cause of death appears to be a combination of blood loss and venom toxicity, she said. I’m running more tests to determine exactly what snake was used.

    Lance grimaced. What about those markings on his body? Anything unusual?

    Gina hesitated before holding up a small plastic bag filled with ash. This was found under Jeffrey’s fingernails. Not sure what it is yet, but it’s not organic.

    Lance took the bag from her and examined it closely. It looked like ash, but he knew there was something more to it than that. This could be DNA or, at the very least, a substance that could bring more information to the case. He had learned long ago not to discount any evidence on a body.

    Look here, Gina said, motioning to the intricate patterns. These are definitely not random cuts. Someone took their time with this.

    Lance nodded solemnly, studying the symbols. Any idea what they mean?

    Can’t say for sure just yet, Gina admitted. But I’ll have a look through the database to see if we can make any connections. She then gestured to the odd bruising patterns on Jeffrey’s limbs. These bruises could have been caused by some sort of restraint. And over here… she continued, indicating the small puncture marks dotting the body, it’s almost as if he was injected with something.

    Injected? What about the snake bite? Lance’s brow furrowed as he considered the implications. Could this be a new lead? Or is it just another dead end?

    False bite. Man-made. Someone wanted us to think it was a snake bite.

    Why would someone go to all that trouble? Lance stepped closer to look at the bite.

    Your guess is as good as mine. Of course, we’ll need to run more tests to determine what was used, Gina said, anticipating Lance’s next question.

    Lance’s mind raced, attempting to piece together the puzzle before them. The markings, the bruises, the puncture marks, and the fake bite marks are all seemingly connected but still form an incomplete picture. He clenched his fists, frustration bubbling beneath the surface.

    Looks like we have another puzzle to solve, Lance said, Keep me posted on any updates.

    Will do, Gina replied, already returning to the task. And Lance?

    Yes, Gina?

    You still owe me that drink, Gina reminded him with a half-smile.

    No, it was a tie. We both called it at the same time. Lance put his hands up and waved off Gina’s words. You said the rookie wouldn’t last more than a week. It’s not my fault it happened right at daylight savings time. Gina shrugged her shoulders.

    By an hour. We weren’t calling it by hours, but by days. Lance shook his head. Fine, I’ll buy you a drink, but it won’t be top shelf.

    I knew you’d see it my way eventually. Gina smiled in triumph.

    Yeah, yeah. Bask in the afterglow. It will be the last bet you win.

    Lance left the morgue feeling a mix of relief and unease. Relief that the forensic team was progressing, and unease at the sickening perversion that someone could inflict on another human being. He checked his phone: it was already past midnight, but there was no way he could go home to his empty apartment just yet.

    He wandered the streets, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the scant clues they had. What did these symbols mean? Who would take the time to carve them into someone’s skin? And what of the fake bite mark — why would someone go to such lengths to deceive them?

    As he walked, Lance felt a pair of eyes watching him. He slowed his pace, surveying the empty streets in the darkness. His hand instinctively reached for his sidearm but forced himself to keep it holstered.

    Who’s there? he called out, his voice echoing off the concrete buildings.

    Silence was his only answer. Lance kept walking, his senses on high alert. As he turned a corner, he caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of his eye. He spun around, gun at the ready. But it was only a stray cat darting behind a dumpster. Lance let out a sigh of relief and lowered his weapon.

    That’s it, I need some sleep, he muttered.

    But as he returned to his car, his mind still reeled with the case’s implications. Who was this killer? And what was their motive? Was this merely one in a series of murders, or was there something more sinister going on? Lance knew he needed to keep his wits about him if they would solve this case. He couldn’t let the weight of the crimes drag him down. As he got into his car and drove away, Lance promised himself to get some rest and work harder than ever to bring this killer to justice.

    The streets were quiet as he headed home, his mind still racing. But as he pulled into his apartment complex, Lance couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being followed. He parked his car and scanned the lot but saw no one. Somehow, the feeling still nagged at his gut. It felt hauntingly familiar, yet not. Maybe he just needed sleep. Lance shrugged it off and headed inside, hoping a good night’s sleep would help clear his head. But as he settled into bed, Lance couldn’t help feeling that something big was about to happen — that they were closer to solving this case than they realized.

    Chapter 2

    The PIDU headquarters stood tall and imposing, its large glass windows reflecting the early morning sun. Its sharp angles and modern design gave it an air of authority, while its gleaming steel exterior conveyed a sense of strength. A flag with the PIDU logo flew proudly in the breeze.

    The PIDU was formed to take on cases wrapped up in unusual circumstances, tainted with poison, toxins, or venoms. They had an elite team of investigators, each with unique skills that made them invaluable for delicate cases. Today, they would all be tested in one of their most challenging cases yet: the mysterious bite marks on Jeffrey Jenkin’s body, which were artificial.

    This was not the first time Lance had seen something odd, like a manufactured puncture mark, but the person who had created those was no longer with the living. So, to see it again so soon took him for a left turn. Last night, he had relived some of that case as his dreams projected his memories like an old movie. Lance would probably never forget Lexie Goodman and all the crazy, messed-up things she had orchestrated. She was the quintessential crazy ex-girlfriend, probably the craziest on the planet, and why he was swearing off women for the foreseeable future.

    Lance made his way from the parking lot to the building’s entrance, mentally preparing himself for the tasks ahead as he steeled himself for the day. He greeted the security guard at the desk. Stevie.

    Morning, Special Agent. Coffee’s hot today. Stevie returned before he drank a sip from his coffee mug.

    I better get some before it goes cold then. Lance swiped his keycard to gain entrance to the first floor of the PIDU.

    He stepped through the large steel doors of the PIDU headquarters. The hallway was lit with a soft light, and the cool gray tiles of the floor stretched before him in a smooth shine. The cubicles of the PIDU team were arranged on either side of the room, their desks and computers illuminated by the sun streaming in through the large glass windows.

    On either side of the hallway, team members sat at their cubicles, eyes focused on their screens, speaking in hushed tones and passing documents between them. Special Agent Nick Ranger and Special Agent Maria Lopez were already deep in conversation when Lance sat at his cubicle. Busy morning?

    More like a busy evening, answered Nick, even though he was in his late forties; his greying hair made him look just a little bit older, something his colleagues gave him grief for.

    We’ve got a lot of ground to cover with this one. Maria nodded to the folder on the desk in front of her. She picked up one of the evidence bags and held it out to Lance. I found this in Jeffrey’s back pocket.

    Taking the bag, Lance glanced over its contents. It was a business card with the logo of a tech company named ‘CyberSolutions’ and an address and phone number. Interesting. Could be a lead, but it could be nothing, too.

    We should follow up either way. Nick grabbed his coffee and sipped while he glanced at the card. Besides, it’s not like we have much of another option right now.

    He stepped away from Lance’s desk before turning back sternly. Let’s find out whatever we can about this company, and hopefully something will stick.

    Do we know anything else yet? asked Maria.

    Nothing concrete, but we’ve been digging through Jeffrey’s contacts and associates. We know he was associated with some tech startups in the area—mostly low-profile stuff like web design and hardware repairs for small businesses, Nick replied. We’ll have to start looking into that angle as well.

    Lance nodded along, his thoughts already running through potential suspects and possibilities. "False snake bite, some poison or toxin. This is going to be one of those cases…"

    What do you mean? asked Maria.

    I mean, this is going to be one of those cases where it’s hard to break through the layers—no easy answers, just a tangled web we’ll have to sift through. Lance sighed. He knew he was right. This case was anything but straightforward, and it would take all their skill and effort if they were genuinely going to get justice for Jeffrey Jenkins.

    Looks like we should pay his workplace a visit, Nick suggested, his eyes narrowing as he tried to deduce its connection to the case.

    Agreed, Maria replied, her voice firm but controlled.

    Lance leaned back in his chair, running a hand across the stubble on his chin. The PIDU team would have their work cut out for them if they wanted to crack this case wide open—but he had faith that they’d get there eventually with enough perseverance and determination.

    You two head on over. I’ll continue digging through the weeds here, Lance nodded at the folder on his desk.

    Nick and Maria glanced at each other before turning to Lance.

    Sounds like a plan, said Nick after a few seconds of silence. He then turned to Maria and gave her an encouraging smile, Let’s go see what we can find out?

    Maria nodded in agreement; although they had no concrete leads yet, it was the only direction they could take right now if they wanted any chance of uncovering the truth about Jeffery Jenkins’ death. Tucking away their doubts for later consideration, both agents grabbed their coats and set off on their mission—ready to confront whatever darkness awaited them with unwavering courage.


    The Special Agents arrived at CyberSolutions and were greeted by a receptionist wearing a bright smile. She ushered them down a hallway lined with cubicles before leading them to Jeffrey’s boss’ office. Inside, Mr. Thompson sat hunched over his desk, his graying hair an unkempt mess and dark circles hanging beneath his eyes. His face was wan and worn, betraying the stress of running a corporate IT department.

    Mr. Thompson, I’m Special Agent Lopez, and this is Special Agent Ranger. We’re investigating the death of your employee, Jeffrey Jenkins, Maria introduced them, showing her badge.

    Ah, yes, I heard about that. Terrible tragedy, Mr. Thompson sighed, rubbing his temples.

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