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101 poems for highly sensitive persons: Struggle and Acceptance
101 poems for highly sensitive persons: Struggle and Acceptance
101 poems for highly sensitive persons: Struggle and Acceptance
Ebook116 pages28 minutes

101 poems for highly sensitive persons: Struggle and Acceptance

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A few years ago, I came into contact with the concept high sensitivity and HSP (high sensitive person). I read books, websites, stories from other highly sensitive persons and did tests. It was very clear to me that I was a highly sensitive person. It didn't change my reality, but it gave me explanations for why I always felt different, why I didn't seem to be able to function like others.

Most of the poems in this book were written before I knew the concept of high sensitivity. They are about searching, about not fitting in, about being different, but also about having an enormously strong drive to create, to be creative, and that it can be a way to exist.

Many of the poems are dark, some really dark, but I believe that there are other highly sensitive persons who have felt and thought similarly. Maybe my poems can be helpful by showing that you are not alone in this. That the darkness can exist with acceptance instead of being fought and that it is possible to find light even where and when it is darkest. We cannot ignore the darkness; we cannot pretend that it does not exist. It exists. It is part of us and therefore has the right to exist. Expressing the darkness through writing and reading or other creativity can be a way to get it out and thus give it an opportunity to sink away and release its grip on you. You may even be able to direct that energy into something constructive instead of destructive.

The poems can convey that this is our reality and it's ok. It may still be hard and difficult but you are not wrong as a human being. You are ok as a human being and this is part of what we go through as highly sensitive persons.

HSP - Highly sensitive people have a nervous system that is more sensitive than the average person. They notice many subtle details in their environment and process them deep within themselves. High sensitivity is an innate personality trait found in 15-20% of the global population.
Release dateOct 19, 2023
101 poems for highly sensitive persons: Struggle and Acceptance

Eric Rosenqvist

Eric Rosenqvist runs his own business as an environmental consultant and independent author. Eric writes both non-fiction and fiction for both children and adults. Eric's stories move between different topics and genres.

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    Book preview

    101 poems for highly sensitive persons - Eric Rosenqvist


    There seem to be no openings


    Despite the inflow

    No outflow

    Despite incoming

    No outgoing

    Levels are being raised

    Increasing pressure

    For those of us who are there

    Who want to escape

    Who want to create something

    Something that can get out

    Something that can grow and flourish

    But it continues to rise

    With us in

    But we keep looking

    After an opening, a crack, a joint

    It is the only thing we can do

    Until we disappear


    Cut thin strips

    to see

    the blood

    the creation that is being destroyed

    because it feels right

    to do wrong

    the words that hurt more than the blows

    the fear that confuses itself

    because there are threats from all sides

    from outside


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