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With Jesus: an Intimate, In-depth Study of the Book of Luke
With Jesus: an Intimate, In-depth Study of the Book of Luke
With Jesus: an Intimate, In-depth Study of the Book of Luke
Ebook469 pages6 hours

With Jesus: an Intimate, In-depth Study of the Book of Luke

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With Jesus: An Intimate, In-Depth Study of the Book of Luke is the culmination of a three-year intensive study with the Lord Jesus. This real-world teaching invites a deeper level of intimacy with our Savior as it kindles the heart through self-examination and enlightenment.

This book is an inspiring, thought-provoking verse-by-verse study of the book of Luke. It ministers to those seeking truth and exploring Christianity, satisfies those searching for biblical meat, and is a passionate teaching tool helping to disciple as it revives the hearts of readers.

Meant to be read alongside the Bible and used as a tool for personal or group study, this book is permeated throughout with relevant scripture as it unpacks and examines the gospel of Luke. Readers can expect to find edifying revelation, life application instruction, and the power tools needed on their journey of discovery and growth towards becoming rock-solid followers of Jesus Christ.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 16, 2023
With Jesus: an Intimate, In-depth Study of the Book of Luke

Debi Plekan

Debi Plekan is co-founder of OutlawRidge Ministries, a grass-roots ministry located in the beautiful wilderness of Wyoming’s Black Hills. She is an ordained teacher of the gospel of Christ, a seasoned Bible study teacher, biblical mentor, and pastoral leader of a non-denominational Christian church. Living a simple life with her husband of over forty years, she enjoys learning and discussion about God; creating inspirational photography; and tending horses.

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    Before You Begin

    Who Is Luke and How Did He Write This Gospel?

    The Luke Study: Part One


    Prayer of Salvation

    The Luke Study: Part Two



    The author expresses heartfelt gratitude to so many but would like to give especial acknowledgment to the following who have supported, tended, and encouraged her in the publication of the Luke study journals.

    First and foremost, Jesus Christ, the one and only Messiah, His precious Holy Spirit, and Almighty Father God. There is no other Savior! There would be no journals to publish without Him and His constant grace, wisdom, and presence. It is unfathomable that He would desire to sit day after day, the Patient Counselor, opening Scripture, unpacking, and explaining in such depth the mysteries and secrets hidden in His Word, to a mere maid.

    Second, Miss Bonnie Klein, a quiet rock in the background yet ever the positive encourager, not only for OutlawRidge Ministries but the author personally. Her belief in and desire to see the Luke study published has been an impetus to remain diligently faithful in this assignment. Toward the culmination of writing, she provided priceless assistance checking scriptural references, punctuation for accuracy, and delved into research needed to write a proposal for publication. Her dedicated support and assistance are deeply appreciated.

    Third, the Tuesday evening OutlawRidge Ministries Open Discussion Bible Study group. In keeping confidentiality, individual names will respectfully not be mentioned. This phenomenal group of godly men and women have listened to, discussed, pondered over, and absorbed several portions of the Luke study journals during our meetings. I am immeasurably grateful for their insight, comments, wisdom, and experiences as well as their abundant love and support.

    And last but not least, Mr. David Plekan, husband, counselor, confidant, encourager, and a servant of the Most High God. What a privilege to be his wife. A man who takes seriously the Lord’s command of husbands, love your wives continually offering to complete even the most menial of tasks so that time with the Lord in study could continue uninterrupted. An example of a godly man in so many ways, he is deeply loved, respected, and appreciated.

    My heartfelt gratitude to you all.


    As Christians, our walk is a continual journey, one of intimacy and fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding rarely come in a moment, and the application of these gifts is the result of being molded, shaped, corrected, and chiseled and is evident in how we live each and every day. We love the Lord, and our lives are to be a representation and reflection of the love we have been given through Jesus, in humble obedience.

    Prior to this study, the prayer I set at the foot of God’s throne was a request He reveal deeper teaching, knowledge, and understanding of His Word. My anticipation was to receive the meat of the Word. To my surprise, the Lord’s answer was to study the book of Luke from the very beginning, including the introduction written in my Bible. My immediate thought was But Lord, that is the very beginning of the Gospel message—formula, not meat. Why must I revisit and start my study with You here? His answer came through my husband, who said, Because He is giving you the meat of the foundation.

    Each time of study began with prayer, communing with my Lord, requesting wisdom, revelation, and retention of what He desired to make known. Self was turned aside, replaced by a yielding to the guidance and direction of His Holy Spirit, each pen stroke of my notes an act of obedience to His will. His presence was known. This journey with Jesus was amazing! Each day I sensed the presence of the Lord seated next to me at table while we poured over Luke together, digging deep within each Scripture. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! (Matthew 13:9). I wrote in humble gratitude what He revealed during this intimate connection with my heart of hearts, that secret place where He resides and speaks with us through His Holy Spirit. At times, the Holy Spirit so rapidly flooded my mind with understanding and additional Scripture that it was necessary to grab notepaper and jot down a few words pertaining to each revelation as I read. It would come so fast that I dared not try to remember each one and then proceed to write that day’s study! What an incredibly privileged time submitting to, listening to, and serving our Lord!

    October 5, 2018, was the date this intimate and in-depth study began with the finalization of our study being March 20, 2020. Periodically we would pause for a time of review where the many pages of handwritten notes were then transferred into journals, one day at a time. During reviews the Lord provided further insight and revelation. Throughout the duration of our study, only a few days were missed, but woe unto me if I did not rush back to my Savior. My heart ached for our time together as it was beautiful. Some days we would barely cover one half of one Scripture; He had so much to teach! And I would lose track of time, even spending hours with Him studying but a few sentences.

    The knowledge and understanding gifted through this study are not to be hoarded but to be shared with all, as work for His kingdom. Therefore, fall of 2020 a third writing began, transferring the handwritten journals into a typewritten manuscript. During this time, the Holy Spirit unveiled even deeper insight and revelation, organizing or combining days of study into sections of fine-tuned instruction found within the pages of this book. This third writing was completed November 18, 2021.

    With Jesus was written as an act of loving obedience for the Lord’s purposes and His glory alone. Throughout our study, the Lord sifted and purified, removed dross, and gifted maturity, revealing how little I really knew of His Word. Scripture tells us not to think too highly of ourselves, and of this I was repeatedly reminded through the insight and understanding He revealed. Humility, repentance, cleansing, and forgiveness are part of His favor, and the fruit is walking in newness of life, trusting and believing our Savior. With humble gratitude it is an honor to be used by Him and to be His servant, a willing vessel.

    Dear Reader, as you use this book in your study of Luke’s gospel, my hope is you will humbly seek the Lord’s face, asking the Holy Spirit guide you to a greater depth of understanding and revelation in His Word, inviting His presence before you delve in. Ask Him His purpose in your study time as a good steward of the knowledge He imparts, not only to apply to the life He has given you but how He might have you assist others as well. No matter our level of education or how long we have walked with the Lord, we all have more to learn. Be honest with yourself, and above all with Him. Receiving His teaching in humility will deepen your relationship and walk with Jesus, allowing you steadfastness and greater revelation in Him. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you (James 4:8).

    As you read, expect to be chiseled, fine-tuned, renewed, corrected, refreshed, and blessed beyond measure with growth, insight, and revelation. The enveloping love evident in the message of the gospel of Luke will become real to those who have never sensed how precious they are to the Lord, helping direct them in a closer walk with their Savior. The personal nature of these writings will have a deep effect, pricking the heart, altering the very path of some readers, channeling them toward the narrow gate that leads to eternal life that is contracted by pressure from the world around them. His Word is alive and sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). You are encouraged to proceed in your study time with a teachable spirit for He has much to reveal!

    If you have not yet made the decision to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I pray that you will seriously consider Him, for your decision determines your destiny—here in this life and the life to come. Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). These are words well heeded. There is only one way to God: Jesus Christ. If you are reading this now, I believe the Lord is wooing you, calling you to a deeper realization of Who He really is, and I urge you to respond in the affirmative. Simply tell Him of your belief, acceptance, and submission to Him as Lord, requesting His forgiveness in repentance and honesty.

    Whether you be a seasoned Christian or a brand-new babe in Christ, I pray you seek His will for your life and that With Jesus will help to enlighten and awaken in you a deeper level of intimacy with our Lord, realizing the intense love of Jesus through the teaching in this book from the Master Himself. God does speak! We need only to seek and listen then obey Him and go forth in trust and confidence, for you can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13).


    Readers, you are encouraged to start your study of this book from the beginning, for many times a Scripture studied later is referenced in earlier pages. You will need a Bible as you go through With Jesus. Luke’s Scriptures have intentionally not been included at the beginning of each study section, encouraging and allowing you to dig into the Word of God yourself, reading the study Scriptures from your Bible first and then using this book alongside as a tool. My personal study includes several different biblical translations; however, my primary translation of choice is the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. Unless identified otherwise, most Scripture referenced in this book are from the AMPC. As you study, remember every Scripture is God-breathed, profitable for instruction (2 Timothy 3:16), and a rock-solid fact we can rely on.

    Vitally important is that you enter prayer before diving in. Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance, requesting He unveil the Word of God to you, providing the understanding and wisdom God desires for you to obtain during your time with Him. The Bible is the Living Word, and each time we enter its pages, we have revelation anew. Humbly receive, and enjoy this journey.


    Before we begin our study, let’s learn a little bit about Luke. He was undoubtedly a loyal disciple of Jesus Christ, and he was a close associate of the apostle Paul. Contrary to what some assume, Luke was not one of the twelve apostles. He was a learned man, evidenced by his language skill and attention to detail, and he was the beloved physician Paul referred to in Colossians 4:14. It is thought that Luke had been a Gentile and is believed to also be the author of the book of Acts.

    Many scholars believe Luke may not have been an eyewitness to the ministry of Jesus, but his close association and travels with Paul would have provided him contact with those who were. He accompanied Paul, and he is mentioned by him in Philemon, Colossians, and 2 Timothy. In fact, during one of Paul’s times of imprisonment, he states in 2 Timothy 4:11, Only Luke is with me.

    Luke reveals in his first chapter, verse 3, what his purpose is in writing this gospel: to write an orderly account. The Holy Spirit uses Luke in his writings to emphasize the love and grace God extends to humankind, His plan of redemption, and the purpose and life of Jesus. We learn about several women only through his writings, and he discusses children more than the other gospel writers.

    Now let us be clear about the author of the Word of God, which includes Luke’s gospel. The answer to our question of how Luke wrote this gospel is found in 2 Timothy 3:16–17. Every scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action), so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. And in addition, 2 Peter 1:20–21 states, [Yet] first [you must] understand this, that no prophecy of Scripture is [a matter] of any personal or private or special interpretation (loosening, solving). For no prophecy ever originated because some man willed it [to do so—it never came by human impulse], but men spoke from God who were borne along (moved and impelled) by the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus Christ’s believers have an inherent knowledge and confirmation that the Bible is truly the Word of God, divinely inspired by His Holy Spirit. This is difficult to explain to those who might find this belief nonsensical. However, that makes it no less true, and the fact that His Word is infallible is therefore embraced in a believer’s mind and soul. The Lord God Himself is the author of the Holy Bible; of this there is no doubt. Men were used as the instruments of God to write His Holy Scriptures. The Bible is a manual of instructions for living the lives we have been given; it provides a path of understanding with revelation of the beginning of this world, including its history, dramatic events, and people. The Bible teaches us God’s plan for redemption of all humankind, prophesies the future, tells us of the consequences of rebellion and disobedience, prepares us for His coming and the end of the age, and informs us that all have an eternal choice to make.

    Luke’s gospel was written in his hand by the power of, and through the message given by, the Holy Spirit of God.

    The Luke Study


    LUKE 1:1–33

    L uke states the nature and purpose of his gospel in Luke 1:3–4. It seemed good and desirable to me, [and so I have determined] also after having searched out diligently and followed all things closely and traced accurately the course from the highest to the minutest detail from the very first, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus. [My purpose is] that you may know the full truth and understand with certainty and security against error the accounts (histories) and doctrines of the faith of which you have been informed and in which you have been orally instru cted.

    Luke 1:4 informs us of the Lord’s purpose for inspiring Luke to write this gospel. It is so that all, each and every one of us, may know the full truth and understand with certainty and security against error. First Peter 3:15 instructs us to always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks us to account for the hope within us. But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully. According to Luke 1:4, through this gospel, readers will gain a full understanding and the wisdom of the base of our faith. We will be ready to answer confidently and intelligently any question posed to us and able to teach in the same manner. This is establishing a firm foundation! We may think we know many things of and about God and Scripture, but we must seek to establish a firm foundation, especially in anticipation of growing in faith and being ready to teach others. People are seeking! If discussing and applying the meat of the Word is to be accurate and effective, we must be firmly established in His Word, cultivating and obtaining understanding through His Holy Spirit and building upon a firm foundation of truth. The foundation must come first! Romans 12:3 says, For by the grace (unmerited favor of God) given to me I warn everyone among you not to estimate and think of himself more highly than he ought [not to have an exaggerated opinion of his own importance], but to rate his ability with sober judgement, each according to the degree of faith apportioned by God to him.

    Thank You for this revelation, Lord. We cannot run ahead, eager for the meat, the signs, and wonders, without firmly establishing the foundation. Our learning will never end. We will always need study, and we must remain humble. For even when we feel or think we have established and obtained, we still will not know all, nor will we have completed our wisdom. The Holy Spirit has more to reveal—always as and when You see fit, Lord. This study guide is preparation to have our answers according to 1 Peter 3:15 and to enhance our growth and maturity in Christ. We must remain humble but certain as in Luke 1:4.

    For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment (Luke 1:37).

    LUKE 1:33–55

    W hat is the house of Jacob? Is it Israel? The Lord tells us it encompasses more; refer to Isaiah 9:7 (Of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end … ) and Daniel 2:44 (And in the day of these [final ten] kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to another people). Per a quick internet search, the house of Jacob is the nation Israel (the Israelites), the house of Jacob is the covenant family of God, Jacob is regarded as the patriarch of the Israelites, and the Jews are sometimes called the House of Jacob and sometimes the Children of Israel. Jesus is the Son of God. He will reign over the house of Jacob; however, there will be no end to the increase of His governance. He is Lord of all!

    Mary asked an honest question in verse 34 and displayed an unhesitating, willing obedience to be useful for God’s purposes. Mary spoke her agreement, and she did not falter or hesitate. Verse 38 says, Then Mary said, Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to what you have said. And the angel left her. Verse 35 states that Mary will conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit, which will overshadow you [like a shining cloud]. His power settled upon her. We do not know the exact manner His power settled upon Mary, but it is not unreasonable to imagine an enveloping, draping, soft presence, even for a moment. It was not physical like human sexual relations, nor was it forceful as some secular explanations have implied, for that is mere human speak. Mary was draped with a cloud in a spiritual, holy way. She willingly and fully accepted the Lord’s will in the message she received through His angel.

    One might ask why Zachariah was struck dumb for a time when he questioned the angel’s message (verse 18) and why Mary had no rebuke for her question (verse 34). The difference is Zachariah asked for a sign as proof; Mary asked an honest question from an obedient and willing heart.

    An explanation of how Mary’s cousin Elizabeth was able to conceive in old age is found in verse 37. For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. When Mary visited Elizabeth, the baby leapt within Elizabeth’s womb. This was a physical confirmation, with spiritual revelation discerned by Elizabeth, as we see in verses 41–44. It is also evidence of what had been told to Zachariah (verse 15)—that Elizabeth’s child would be controlled and filled by the Holy Spirit even in his mother’s womb.

    Let’s take a closer look at verse 37. Nothing is ever impossible with God and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. Never shall words from God be powerless or come to naught. His Word does not return void! Isaiah 55:11 says, So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth; it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. It does not matter how incredulous something may seem or how impossible it may appear in the natural sphere. We can learn from Mary’s example in verse 45 where she believed the message and the messenger who delivered it. When God speaks, has a message for us, or gives us an assignment, we must believe Him! The Lord’s Word is filled with His instruction and command to believe and trust Him. In fact, we are commanded to believe, and when we do, we will be blessed. Jeremiah 17:7 tells us, [Most] blessed is the man who believes in, trust in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is.

    We must be aware of the enemy’s attempts to have us listen to him as well. Satan tries to confuse us, and he twists the Word of Truth. In fact, Scripture tells us he is the great deceiver. Revelations 12:9 says, And the huge dragon was cast down and out—that age-old serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, he who is the seducer (deceiver) of all humanity the world over. Praying for discernment is wise and a vital gift. First John 4:1 instructs us to test the spirits to know if they are from God. Beloved, do not put faith in every spirit, but prove (test) the spirits to discover whether they proceed from God; for many false prophets have gone forth into the world. When we diligently seek guidance from the Holy Spirit, requesting the gift of discernment, we will be helped. John 16:13 (NKJV) says, However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. Hebrews 11:6 (NASB) teaches, And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for the one who comes to God must believe that He exists, and that He proves to be One who rewards those who seek Him.

    Mary believed there would be a fulfillment of what the Lord had said through His messenger Gabriel. She professed to be His servant and for it to be done as he said (verse 38). In verse 45 we read Elizabeth proclaim that Mary is blessed because Mary believed in the fulfillment of the message. This proclamation shows further revelation through Elizabeth as noted in her words spoken to her from the Lord.

    What was Mary’s answer to Elizabeth’s proclamation? Mary magnified the Lord. She was humble and worshipped and praised God with thanksgiving. In verses 46–55, Mary goes on to proclaim Who the Lord is in regard to His deeds. She shows wisdom, understanding, and revelation, evidence of the Holy Spirit upon her. These verses give us a glimpse into Mary, including her thoughts and relationship with the Lord. Mary believed, sought, and served Him. Proverbs 3:5–6 comes to mind. Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. The KJV words these Scriptures this way: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Thank You, Lord God!

    LUKE 1:56–80

    E lizabeth displayed obedience and boldness by disagreeing with those who would name the child after his father. Zachariah showed humble unity with his wife, in mutual belief and obedience to the Lord. Zachariah, then able to speak, was fulfillment of what the angel had told him in verse 20. Notice that Zachariah’s tongue was not loosened at the babe’s birth but when Zachariah indicated that the child’s name would be John (verse 13). Zachariah needed to put action to his faith and did so through this act of obedience. His action was evidence not only to God that he believed but to all those who were present witnessing the mighty hand of God: a babe with divine purpose, and his father’s tongue loos ened!

    And what did Zachariah do next? He glorified and magnified God with thanksgiving. Verse 66 shows us the planting of a seed in the people’s hearts. All the people laid up these words of praise, realizing that the Lord was with baby John. In verses 67–80 we read how the Lord used Zachariah as His mouthpiece, filling him with the Holy Spirit, speaking forth His remembrance of His promises in covenant to His people. Zachariah spoke that the time of deliverance and salvation was near, that John was to be the Savior’s prophet preparing the way and coming of the Lord. The Lord revealed through Zachariah the path to salvation. Divine instruction was given to take heed for the coming of Christ was at hand.

    John was born to make ready the way of the Lord. This was John’s purpose. He would bring to the people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness and remission of sins, for the Lord was coming. John was to prepare the way for Jesus, and Jesus would shine light on those who were in darkness, directing and guiding them into a straight line to the way of peace.

    LUKE 2:1–20

    V erses 1 and 2 provide us with a specific period of time in history through the identification of who Caesar was and who the governor of Syria was at that time. This information provides us with useful historical evidence. Periodically in Scripture we are given these glimpses allowing the opportunity to research, resulting in a timet able.

    Mary birthed Jesus in humble conditions, a manger in an area where animals were kept. Luke’s account does not say if this actually occurred in a stall, cave, or stable but simply that a manger was used to lay the King since there was no room for them at the inn.

    Verse 9 tells us that the glory of the Lord flashed and shone all about the shepherds in the night when the angel appeared to give them the message of Christ’s birth. One wonders what that glory might have looked like! There was no question or room for doubt of Who this baby was for the angel proclaimed Him to be Christ, the Messiah, the Lord! The shepherds were even told where He could be found.

    We learn that the shepherds went in haste to find Him, and find Him they did, exactly in the manner they were told. Scripture tells us they shared with others all that the angels had spoken. And what did the shepherds do? They proceeded to praise God. We see a glorious theme of praise in Luke 1 and 2 by Mary, Elizabeth, Zechariah, the angels, and the shepherds. There is a lesson for all of us in this praise: all glory to God Almighty! Hallelujah!

    LUKE 2:21–35

    L et’s examine verse 21, where we read Before He was conceived in the womb. At the time the angel told Mary she would become pregnant and to name the baby Jesus, she had not yet spoken her agreement. When Mary spoke her willingness and obedience in agreement, that is when she became a receptive vessel for the divine conception, the growth of Jesus in her womb, and His birth. Mary then proceeded to go about her business in belief and f aith.

    We have a part to play in the Lord’s plan for our lives. We must speak agreement, speak His Word, speak forth. God created man in His image—a speaking, creative being. We put action to our faith when we step out in agreement and speak, Yes, Lord! When we speak forth, it is action evidencing belief and faith.

    In verses 22–24, we understand that Mary and Joseph were obedient regarding matters of the law of the Lord.

    Verses 25–35 teach us that the Holy Spirit was actively at work on the earth and within people. It has been pondered and taught by some that Jesus was the first person to receive the Holy Spirit when the dove descended upon Him at His baptism. However, we see in verse 25 that Simeon had been given foreknowledge as a gift, of seeing the Christ, knowing Who He was, and what was to come as the Holy Spirit was upon him. Looking back to Luke 1:15, we read the angel’s instruction that John would be filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit even in Elizabeth’s womb. And Luke 1:67 gives us another example where Zechariah was filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit. Even the divine conception of Jesus is evidence in itself. All of these Scriptures point to the Holy Spirit being active and operating within people before Jesus’s baptism.

    LUKE 2:36–52

    I n verses 36 through 38, the words spoken by the prophetess Anna were further confirmation of Who the Child Jesus really was. Let’s examine what the Word of God instructs us about confirmation. It has been taught, and widely received, that one should receive confirmation out of the

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