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The Summoning Part I: The Pact
The Summoning Part I: The Pact
The Summoning Part I: The Pact
Ebook51 pages44 minutes

The Summoning Part I: The Pact

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Desperate for the love of her roommate, Josh, Kelsey enlists the help of her friend and Wiccan priestess, Donna. Together, they cast a spell to summon the demon Asmodeus, the Prince of Lust.

But when their spell actually works, the ladies find themselves handling way more than they bargained for.

PublisherTom Radical
Release dateOct 13, 2023
The Summoning Part I: The Pact

Tom Radical

Orgasm fuel in 10,000 words or less.

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    Book preview

    The Summoning Part I - Tom Radical

    The Summoning Part I: The Pact

    By Tom Radical

    Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10


    Her backpack felt like it weighed a thousand pounds, but she was as light as a feather. This was it. She’d spent two months preparing–studying, memorizing, sketching–and now she was mere minutes away from bringing it all to fruition. She was breathing heavily, and despite the cool night air, she was sweating in her sports bra. She kept her flashlight trained on the trail ahead, scanning for roots and divots. She realized she was smiling.

    How much further? Her friend, Kelsey, was barely breathing at all. Unlike Donna, Kelsey was maybe one hundred pounds soaking wet, and also unlike Donna, she wasn’t carrying any of the ritual supplies in her pack.

    Just a little bit, Donna said.

    Why? No one else is out here this late anyway.

    We’re not exactly planning–on cracking open–a few beers–and smoking a blunt, Donna said, pausing every few words to take a breath. We need to be sure we’re far enough from–the trailhead–to be totally out of sight.

    Kelsey’s shoulders sagged. She threw back her head and whined. But we’ve been walking for like, two hours.

    One. We’ve been walking for one. Hey–I’m doing this for you.

    I know. Kelsey pulled in her pouty lips and caught Donna’s eyes. You’re right. I’m sorry.

    Donna shook her head and giggled. Just a bit further, OK?

    Another thirty minutes of hiking brought them to a sharp bend in the trail at the opening to a small grove, encircled by brown and yellow-leaved oaks.

    This is it, Donna said. We’re here.

    The two of them stepped into the grove, wading through shriveled grass, fallen leaves, snapping twigs, and dropped their packs near a stretch of dirt with a fire pit in the middle. Kelsey pulled a neatly folded blanket from her bag and shook it loose.

    What is that?

    I just thought–

    No, Donna said. You didn’t. We’ve been over this. No unapproved items. You’re not using that. She carefully laid her journal, a bag of chalk, a dagger, a lantern, a paint brush, and a jar of red liquid in the dirt next to them.

    I just thought, ya know, we might as well be comfortable.

    Donna’s head snapped up to glare at Kelsey who was clutching the blanket to her chest.

    Comfortable? Kelse, nothing about what we’re about to do is going to be comfortable. If you don’t understand that, I think we should just forget it. She put the jar of liquid back into her pack.

    No. No! Kelsey squawked. Please. Donna. Look. She tossed the blanket onto the trail. No blanket.

    Donna sighed and stood up. She was taller than Kelsey by seven inches, and even trapped inside a tight sports bra, her breasts stuck out menacingly in Kelsey’s face. Kelsey, I love you, babe. But this is no time to fuck around. We’re not playing a game here. This isn’t some sort of fantasy. We are attempting to summon a real flesh-and-blood demon, and if we fuck up… She sighed again, cupped Kelsey’s face in her hands and pulled her closer. We need to be on point tonight. Everything we practiced. To a ‘t’. OK?

    I know, Kelsey said. I’m just nervous.

    Donna nodded and tried to smile. Me too.

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