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The Magic of Inspirational Messages
The Magic of Inspirational Messages
The Magic of Inspirational Messages
Ebook220 pages2 hours

The Magic of Inspirational Messages

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About this ebook

Albert Einstein once said, "I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious". Einstein inspired us to examine our experiences and to look for reasons for their occurence. As a curious person, I have spent an entire lifetime looking for reasons of why things are the way they are. I have documented and shared what I have experienced with my family and friends over the last 30 years using emails in the nineties and currently using books, texts and other forms of electronic communication.
I have discovered that there is magic in the inspirational messages I have sent. The magic of the messages not only raised the spirits of the receiver, but lifted my own spirits because the positive focus raised my own energy levels. May the contents of this book provide you with positive energy and focus to lift your spirits and raise your energy levels when needed.
This book covers fifty-two of the magical experiences I have documented ranging from self-mastery and how to create what you want in your life to people who think that they must always be right. It also develops the idea that the most important belief we can ever cultivate is to trust and believe in ourselves. I have included fifteen inspirational and thought-provoking poems that can be put to music or enjoyed as poetry. This book also has three Tales and five Short Stories to enjoy and stimulate your deeper thinking.
Since many of the subjects in this book are designed to help the reader expand their thinking, I want the readers to determine for themselves which texts are applicable to them or work for them.
Some of the subjects in this book include how others might try to manipulate your thinking and beliefs along with how you can take control of your own thoughts and beliefs. The subjects are also designed to help the readers create a more fun and exciting life.
This book is written in fractal format so that you can skip around and read only those parts that are of interest to you.
May this book help you expand the idea that you have the right to be happy, to be creative, and to use your free will to make your life more inspirational, interesting, joyful, and fulfilling.
Release dateOct 20, 2023
The Magic of Inspirational Messages

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    Book preview

    The Magic of Inspirational Messages - Paul William Johnson


    Copyright 2023

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    ISBN: 979-8-35091-412-2 (softcover)

    ISBN: 979-8-35091-413-9 (eBook)


    I. Comments

    II. Introduction

    III. Fifty-two Magical and Inspirational Messages

    1. Magic

    2. Inspiration

    3. Training Your Mind

    4. Focus

    5. You Are the Center of Your Personal World

    6. Attraction to Groups

    7. Seeing With Your Mind’s Eye

    8. Eye Contact

    9. Thought Transmission and Reception

    10. Self – Mastery

    11. The 80/20 Principal

    12. The Cyclical Nature of Everything

    13. Occam’s Razor

    14. Actuality, Reality, and Omens

    15. Skills Needed for Today

    16. Exuberant Ideas, Imagination, and Your Subconscious Mind

    17. Destructive And Constructive Criticism

    18. Making Your Own Decisions

    19. The Perils of Proselytizing

    20. The Power of The Spoken Word

    21. Accept Life on Life’s Terms

    22. To Attune

    23. Unlimited Probable Futures

    24. Other Dimensions and Other Lives

    25. Life Between Lives

    26. Habits

    27. Repetition and Thoughts

    28. Hypnosis

    29. The Purpose of Existence

    30. The Outer Ego and Inner Ego

    31. Detachment

    32. Hatred

    33. Optimism

    34. Thinking Time

    35. Extemporaneous

    36. Intent

    37. Interpretation of Words

    38. Anxiety, Stress, and Fears

    39. Busy

    40. Jealousy

    41. People Who Need to Be Right

    42. The Business of Life

    43. Could Have, Would Have, Should Have

    44. The Subconscious Mind

    45. More on Choices

    46. Personal Financial Cycles

    47. Gates of Horn and the Gates of Ivory

    48. More on Judgment

    49. Accepting People as They Are

    50. Creating a Balance Between Electronic Devices and Creative Thinking

    51. Illusions

    52. Emotions

    IV. Fifteen Poems That Can Be Put to Music or Enjoyed

    V. Three Tales and Five Short Stories for Inspiration

    Three Tales

    1. The Tale of the Caterpillars

    2. The Tale of the Goose Herders

    3. The Tale of the Fox and the Coyote

    Five Short Stories

    1. Life Is a Dream

    2. The Mirror World

    3. The Dream Catcher

    4. The Instrument Maker

    5. Stories Read and Whispered at Bedtime

    VI. About the Author

    VII. Appendix 1

    VIII. Appendix 2

    IX. Appendix 3



    This book is a wonderful guide for making the most of those sparks of inspiration to create a life full of joy and creativity.


    The confidence message genuinely helped me pick myself up and gain that sense of confidence and inspiration I needed for tomorrow’s exam.


    Thank you for this book, I really needed some of the messages it contains.


    These messages have changed the way I have looked at certain things.


    The messages in this book are so inspirational and they motivate me to be a better person.


    I loved the idea that trusting and believing in yourself will work like magic in your life.




    Albert Einstein once said, I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious. Einstein inspired us to examine our experiences and to look for reasons for their occurence. As a curious person, I have spent an entire lifetime looking for reasons of why things are the way they are. I have documented and shared what I have experienced with my family and friends over the last 30 years using emails in the nineties and currently using books, texts and other forms of electronic communication.

    I have discovered that there is magic in the inspirational messages I have sent. The magic of the messages not only raised the spirits of the receiver, but lifted my own spirits because the positive focus raised my own energy levels. May the contents of this book provide you with positive energy and focus to lift your spirits and raise your energy levels when needed.

    This book covers fifty-two of the magical experiences I have documented ranging from self-mastery and how to create what you want in your life to people who think that they must always be right. It also develops the idea that the most important belief we can ever cultivate is to trust and believe in ourselves. I have included fifteen inspirational and thought-provoking poems that can be put to music or enjoyed as poetry. This book also has three Tales and five Short Stories to enjoy and stimulate your deeper thinking.

    Since many of the subjects in this book are designed to help the reader expand their thinking, I want the readers to determine for themselves which texts are applicable to them or work for them.

    Some of the subjects in this book include how others might try to manipulate your thinking and beliefs along with how you can take control of your own thoughts and beliefs. The subjects are also designed to help the readers create a more fun and exciting life.

    This book is written in fractal format so that you can skip around and read only those parts that are of interest to you.

    May this book help you expand the idea that you have the right to be happy, to be creative, and to use your free will to make your life more inspirational, interesting, joyful, and fulfilling.

    Paul William Johnson









    Magic, defined as we will be using it, is the many creative things we can do with our invisible thought energy. This thought energy can influence our physical reality, convey messages to others and when used along with our beliefs, determine what we can or cannot do in our lives.

    Henry Ford once said, whether you think you can or cannot, you are always right. In other words what you think will magically be created in your reality.

    Your thoughts are the driving force in your natural self-perpetuating cycles. What you habitually think about will directly influence how you feel and how you behave. So, if you think you’re a failure, you’ll feel like a failure. Then, you’ll act like a failure, which reinforces your belief that you must be a failure.

    The opposite is true for success. So, let’s think about success, let’s communicate success, let’s text success and live success. Then we will see that the magic of thinking and communicating success in our lives will lead to more success.

    There is a good possibly that most people will unknowingly pick up your thoughts about them and then act out your thoughts by behaving the way you think they will. Let’s keep our thoughts about others positive and they will magically reflect that positivity back to us.

    The positive magical texts in this book will give you more insight into making your own decisions. They will magically instill within you a greater sense of self-worth and self-awareness. You will then have a calmer and clearer mind and become more aware of the personal impacts of positive and negative thinking.

    To discover for yourself the magical power that your thoughts have on influencing what other people do, try the following exercise:

    Notice the person in front of you. Then focus your thoughts on the point at the bottom of their skull where it is near the person’s neck bone.

    Focus on that skull point while saying and projecting the thought my head itches for a minute or so.

    Then the person will either scratch their head or do so when you let go and think about something else.

    Most people get this to work after trying it a time or two.

    We think between ten to seventy thousand thoughts per day. Once we start noticing and directing our thoughts in a positive way, we will notice that the magic of our positive thoughts will make our lives more enjoyable, healthy, and successful.

    There is also magic that makes it easier to succeed in the things that we love and enjoy doing. We can use this joyful mindset to send our positive magical thoughts to others. Let’s think more positive magical thoughts whenever we can and notice the magic it creates in our lives.

    Quotes on magic

    Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get into that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.

    —-Albert Einstein

    Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.

    —-Ernest Holmes

    Misfortune and fortune do not come through gates, they are created by us. Fortunate people speak virtue, observe virtue, and do virtue. If each day you persevere in these three virtues, after three years, the Heavens will surely descend fortune upon you. Misfortunate people speak evil, observe evil, and do evil. If each day you persevere in these three evils, after three years, the Heavens will surely descend calamity upon you.

    —-Lao Tzu

    Something as simple as moving into an elevated state of joy, love, inspiration, or gratitude for five to ten minutes a day can produce significant epigenetic changes in your health and body.

    —-Dr. Dispenza

    Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your thinking and emotions.

    —-Nun Pedro Chardon

    People see in us what we see in ourselves, so we are attracted to the treatment we think we deserve.

    —-David Schwartz

    Defeat is only a state of mind and nothing more.

    —-David Schwartz

    No one is born with confidence. People who radiate confidence have conquered fear and worry.

    —-David Schwartz

    Be so good they can’t ignore you.

    —-Steve Martin



    Inspiration is the feeling of being stimulated to create or do something. Inspiration can give us ideas and a desire to solve our problems and to develop something new and exciting. It can also help us change directions in our lives.

    Inspiration will help free our thinking on limitations and help us to focus on new possibilities. When you are inspired, your motivation and excitement will increase. This will lead to higher energy, improved clarity, and more creativity. Feeling inspired will elevate your mood and contribute to a positive outlook and general sense of well-being. It helps us focus on activities that bring us joy and give us the courage to go for new joyful experiences and adventure.

    Inspiration can come from art, music, and poetry as a distraction to let inspiring ideas pop into your mind. It will also help you to never give up no matter how

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