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Legend of Silver and Gold: Pawns of Divine, #1
Legend of Silver and Gold: Pawns of Divine, #1
Legend of Silver and Gold: Pawns of Divine, #1
Ebook273 pages4 hours

Legend of Silver and Gold: Pawns of Divine, #1

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When a group of young elves stumbles upon a legend about Golden heroes of the people that has long been forgotten, it changes their lives and plunges them deep into danger, their destinies are no longer their own as they are given the power to fight a great evil. But the question is where is the evil? The forest is, for the first time in centuries, at peace. Ara'e, the only shapeshifter in the entire Forest thought she was too lucky to finally have friends when she joined the mandatory decade of military education, but little did she know that it wasn't fate that brought them together, but cruel hands of gods who decide to play a disturbing game of chess with the lives of everyone in the Forest.
When Ara'e joined the military she thought it was a way to start fresh. After a life of feeling like an outcast without a single memory of her real family, she is determined to make new friends. 

She is learning to what lengths she is willing to go to protect those who have her back and to fight for a love that everyone, even the man she loves calls forbidden. 

PublisherJovana Dubaic
Release dateOct 25, 2023
Legend of Silver and Gold: Pawns of Divine, #1

Jovana Dubaic

Jovana is a hopeful author who wrote books only her eyes have seen. Recently she decided to share her stories with the world, hoping to find those who would love them, and get lost in their imagination between the pages. 

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    Legend of Silver and Gold - Jovana Dubaic

    Chapter 1: Part of a Team

    THIS IS WHERE WE PART. Rhydian straightened his back and pinched her to do the same. Stand straight and tall. Never stain your name and bring honor to the Elladyr family. he cleared his throat. Are you listening to me, Ara’e?

    She turned to him, shrinking in size under his stern gaze. Yes, brother, she whispered trying to ignore the commotion around with so many people walking by, all of them seemed excited and overjoyed to be there.

    Rhydian’s finger lifted her chin. Do not be afraid. This time you are a lioness, not that small kitten I picked up from the street. Remember that day?

    She nodded so quickly her entire body was shaking. Yes. I am sorry you thought I was a cat.

    Well, I am not. he winked at her. Now is the time you become a woman of the Elladyr family, you might not be my blood but I consider you my beloved sister and I wish you luck in the upcoming years of military training. Sadly, I will not be able to visit you in the meanwhile, however, I am certain that these ten years will pass as swiftly as a breeze and we won’t even feel the fang of separation.

    I will miss you, Rhydian. she soaked in his face, long elegant, soft elven facial features, his long golden hair, and extravagantly ostentatious head circlet with thin golden chains flowing through his hair attached to petite green leaves above his elongated, pointy ears. Ara’e raised her gray hand to touch his, equal in color, and press it onto her face. One last time?

    She could see his teeth as he laughed at her request, scratching her head with his free hand. Stop purring, you silly elf. he shook his head and picked up her backpack to hand it over to her. "Take care of your things and don’t forget that you are my sister."

    Ara’e wrapped her arms around her backpack and nodded. Rhydian gave her one last look and then turned to leave. Ten years? It seemed like such a long time. As she turned to look at her future life all she could see were swords, bows and arrows, soldiers, and superior officers.

    Every elf who lived in the Great Forest Kingdom Brynnweald, knew that all young kinsmen were to pass the training no matter if they wished to spend their lives as soldiers or not, she could decide to become a scholar afterward, but all needed to know how to fight, track enemies, hunt and defend the closest to them. Not a single elf was a walk in the forest to defeat. Ara’e observed an overwhelming line of military houses with strong dark wood walls and rooftops of twisted branches and vines intertwined with beams encrusted with silver and gold decorative leaves. All those houses were round and placed in a perfectly symmetrical fashion when compared to the others around it. The main house where the lieutenants and captains resided was the largest and on the far end of the military encampment, just up the hill and partially embedded into a large Redwood Tree with pink blossoms showering them from above like snow, which was sheltering the entire area, as far as Ara’e could see.

    Ten years in that small place? It seemed too small for such a long time.

    Ara’e Elladyr? a female voice made her jump when a pale woman with a hay-colored olden hair stepped before her, with a bow on her back and a uniform of a lieutenant. "

    Ara’e nodded.

    My name is Aranel Chromos, I am the commanding officer in charge of the new arrivals to the Elderwood Grove.

    Ara’e quickly brushed her forehead with her left hand and placed her right hand over her heart. May our eyes be sharp and our hearts untainted.

    May they indeed. she saluted back. I will take you to your team. I am certain that you have been informed that you will share your life with four others. In the upcoming years, you will be each other’s support, and that you will depend on one another to survive the training. she started walking. I know that your family is of high status in the society, however, here, the title means nothing. Here, you are equal with the next peasant you see dragging firewood or sharpening a blade, a woman crafting arrows, and the one doing the laundry. You will do your own dirty business, you will clean your rooms and you will, if needed, hunt for food. Understood?

    Understood. Ara’e realized that Lt. Chromos wasn’t aware that she had been adopted into the family, and it was because Rhydian insisted when they were very young. She could only imagine his shock when he picked up a stray cat, stealing food from the taverns and it turned into a little girl when she had a nice long rest on his pillow. The shock was even greater for the Elladyr parents. And ever since she had grown close to maturity, they had been concerned with her marriage prospects, since she couldn’t bring them any really important connection due to her unknown origin and strange ability to turn into a cat. When do we start training?

    Tomorrow at dawn.

    Where do I do my laundry?

    In the river south from here.

    Where do we bathe?

    In the river south from here. Ara’e could hear the smile in her voice.

    Where do we hunt food?

    In the river south from here...and the surrounding hunting grounds, however, you will be given further instructions about that. Anyhow, you are the second to arrive. she pointed at the last military house in the line. That one, carrying the mark of the prowler is yours. Be warned that there aren’t separate rooms for males and females and also no romantic relationship between the team members.

    Ara’e blushed and nodded. Understood. But I am only ninety-nine years old...I am way too young for dating.

    For some races that would have been too old. Lt. Aranel smirked and pointed towards the house. Off you go.

    Ara’e saluted once again and made her way to her new home. She passed people who were already trying to get along, newly formed teams, or the ones who had been there for a very long time and had the chance to decorate their homes with flowers and paintings, room dividers, and areas for fun, some even had a tub in their house, it was made of wood and poorly crafted, probably left a splinter or two in the unfortunate bodies of its perusers. Also, the smell in each of the houses was different, some people smelled like the flowers growing on their window sill, some like gunpowder, some like manure and some were deliciously reeking of fresh meat, still, bloody and warm.

    The last one was interrupted by the smell of perfume she has never smelled before which was radiating from her new house. Unlike most others it was barren and empty, lacking noise and joy the others had. She stepped inside, pushing her way past the veiled curtain which covered the entrance and entered the medium-sized chamber with five beds on one side and a sofa facing a small fireplace before which lay a rug of a panther, with its head gaping wide open, its glassy eyes staring right at her. She took a long, shivering breath and set her gaze on the only present team member who was trying to line his clothes on the floor of a beautifully simple chest in the bottom of his bed, all the way to the end of the room, facing nothing but a wall and a long, empty bookshelf.

    He was an Aurum elf as well, with golden hair long enough to be slicked to his right side while his left was shaved. His beady piercing chestnut eyes lingered on her for a moment before he lifted his hand and waved. Hi, he said with a voice smooth and pleasant and yet somehow clear and articulated, slightly cracking with the last note. Lokien Chromos.

    Chromos. Chromos? Their Lieutenant’s name was Chromos. So, they were from the same family. And not just that. As soon as she saw a crest of a coiled snake around a long stick with leaves growing from its very top she felt really stupid for not realizing it sooner. Chromos was another of the noble Aurum elven families. Ara’e Elladyr. she waved back looking at the beds before she chose the one right next to his. It was just below the window and when she lay there, she could look at the stars. Are you related to Lt. Chromos?

    She’s my sister. The less annoying one, he admitted. The other one is into clothes and boys.

    Ara’e smiled thinking of her brother. Rhydian was always very nice to everyone. Do you think that others will also be from other noble families?

    He glanced at the door and shook his head. I doubt it.

    Ara’e shrugged and started unpacking, crouching in front of her chest. She was pulling her clothes, her three towels and underwear, an old drawing of Rhydian and herself when they were children, a book of fairy tales, a nature survival guide, and her family insignia of a golden sparrow, along with some hair ribbons, since her long golden hair almost always got in the way. 

    She had just placed the books on the shelf when the curtain moved once again and two high elves walked in. At first, they stood right there, staring at Lokien and her before they nodded and each of them took a bed. One of the newly arrived was a male and the other one was a female. The girl introduced them both as Valeera and Delimbira Laurel but they were nothing alike aside from their pale skin.

    Valeera had dark brown hair with seldom purple strands while Delimbira was light-haired and tall while she was of athletic built but short with bright yellow eyes, unlike his brown ones. Valeera didn’t carry a bow only two scimitars at her side, while her cousin had a small dagger and a large, longbow on his back and at least forty arrows in his quivers.

    Does anyone know when we start our training? Valeera asked adding a book on archery on the shelf.

    Tomorrow morning, probably at dawn. Lokien jumped on the sofa and raised his feet on the armrest.

    So many of the other houses are decorated. Maybe we can do the same. Ara’e suggested.

    We can. Delimbira agreed, pulling out a drawing of a bow with a bright blue string and glowing arrows and with one of his own attached it to the wall. There’s my contribution.

    That was far from what she had in mind, but it was a start. I saw some of them with a tub.

    Tub? Lokien laughed. What kind?

    Wooden...I don’t think it was finished at all, but it was a good attempt.

    Valeera nodded. I can’t believe we have to be here for ten years, to learn something we already know.

    Oh? Lokien straightened on the sofa.

    Yes. she sighed. Our family’s territory is always under attack by the orcs. Being here instead of helping there seems like a waste of time. Besides, I’ve been fighting since I was young, I don’t need any military training. Unlike you, who spend your lives in riches and pleasantries Delimbira and I are of warrior origin.

    I am, too, Ara’e whispered.

    Really? Where are you from?


    Not much of a warrior reputation. Valeera rolled her eyes. Did you have to fight for the best dress in the shop?

    That is very mean. Lokien noticed.

    I was adopted, Ara’e confessed. I was scavenging for food when Rhydian found me and took me home.

    Still not a warrior story, more like a beggar survival one.

    Valeera. Enough. Delimbira sighed. We are here, we might as well enjoy the peace.

    But the war...

    "The war does not depend on the two of us, there are plenty more we left behind who are more battle-ready than you and I will be in years. Besides, we haven’t lost a single fight yet. So, relax, develop your abilities, and impress everyone when we get back."

    She pouted her lips and sighed. You are right.

    I know.

    Shut up.

    As she said that the curtain moved for the final time and a tall high elf entered, this one with short brown hair and bright blue eyes, chiseled chin which made him look older than they were. He was also wearing a heavy plated armor decorated with a golden tree on his chest and a buckle on his waist which clearly revealed his religious origin. He nodded at everyone. May the blessings of the Morning Lord be upon you. he approached the remaining empty bed and started removing the armor.

    Upon you as well, Ara’e responded unable to look away from his long sword and a bow which he carried over one shoulder. I am Ara’e, and these are Lokien, Valeera, and Delimbira, it is good to have you on the team.

    I am Eir Aelemar, I come from the temple of the Morning Lord where I was raised, it is good to see the world. he smiled with reluctance as he was struggling with his buckles. However, as soon as he was out of his large plate, he seemed to relax a bit. So, you are the team I will have to protect, he said, laying on the bed, his arms crossed behind his back, on the pillow. What can you do?

    Archer. Delimbira raised his hand. A good archer, striving for the arcane kind.

    Arcane archer? Lokien sounded surprised. Only the ones with innate magic can become Arcane archers. Good luck to you. I am a spellcaster.

    I am a dual scimitar warrior. Valeera yawned, falling on her bed.

    As their eyes turned on her Ara’e sighed and stared at the rug. I can use a sword, a bow...and I am a spellcaster.

    Elladyr surprise, Lokien yelled out. What kind of spellcasting?

    Uhm... can we get rid of the rug? It’s making me nervous, she asked.

    They all shrugged and taking that as approval she grabbed it by the legs and dragged it outside of the house. Rug for taking! she yelled out and an elf ran towards her.

    You are giving it away? That is so good. I’ll pay for it. Money isn’t worth anything here, but I have laundry soap.

    Sure. Laundry soap sounds great since I forgot to bring mine.

    I will be right back. And he was since his house was right next to her. He brought two soap bricks and shoved it into her hand, taking the rug and carrying it to his own home yelling. Boys, our hunting cabin is complete! From the inside, she could hear the loud roaring of thrilled people celebrating the acquisition of that dreaded rug.

    She returned inside and placed soap on the small table in front of the sofa. Since we have to do our own laundry, and all of our cleanings, I thought these could be a good deal.

    You still haven’t told us about your spellcasting.

    Neither has Lokien.

    Well, I can do a few useful things, however, in my family’s veins runs the magic of the wild, so it’s a bit unpredictable. I can grow a beard, or grow in size, reduce and stuff, randomly when I cast my spells.

    I hope none of us become affected by whatever could affect you. Delimbira laughed. Can’t even imagine you with a beard. Look at that baby face!

    I am ninety-nine! We all are! I am almost an adult, I’m not a baby. So, Ara’e?

    She growled and bit her lip. Don’t tell anyone, please. It is kind of frowned upon. she took a deep breath and spat it out. I’m a shapeshifter.

    What? Valeera jumped off her bed. Really?

    What can you change into? Lokien asked.

    A house cat...or a panther...

    All of their jaws fell as they exchanged looks of realization. The rug... they all sighed in unison.

    Ara’e nodded and collapsed to the sofa next to Lokien. Please don’t tell anyone.

    You will be amazing at spy missions. No one would suspect a house cat. Aelemar yawned and stretched.

    When is lunch? I am starving. Lokien jumped on his feet. Let’s go look around.

    Not interested. Valeera turned around on her bed and closed her eyes.

    I am. Delimbira already stepped towards the door followed by Aelemar, Lokien, and Ara’e who turned to look at Valeera.

    Come on, Ara’e said to her. We will be a team for ten years; you could at least give us a shot.

    In the end, the four of them set out to examine the military training grounds.

    There were so many people all around, some were already sparring for fun, some were sitting on the grass or the roots of the trees and talking or playing cards. Most of them were walking around, only seldom new and unfamiliar with the place. However, it didn’t give the feeling of a military encampment, more of a vacation settlement where all came to spend the summer away from obligations at home.

    Ara’e liked her new team, aside from Valeera, but hopefully, she would come around in the next ten years of living in the same home.

    Lokien was going around sizing the girls around him. I know we can’t date within a team, but no one said anything about other teams, he mumbled to everyone when one Aurum elf girl with long golden hair braided down to her knees winked at him so he stood there, watching her leave. I don’t know which family she’s from but it must be one of the spellcasting ones because she’s enchanting.

    That was very lame. Ara’e laughed and was about to mention that the only apparent spellcasting family is his own when in the distance she saw a glimpse of a high elf with long blond hair and her breath stopped. The bubble popped when he continued towards the Main house for the Captains and Lieutenants, apparently only then arriving at the grounds.

    She turned away and followed the others towards the archery field.

    Delimbira was moving up and down before one of the targets and every once in a while, he would lift his bow and aim, but he wouldn’t shoot an arrow. I can still see it clearly, he announced when he was about one hundred and twenty feet from the target. I shall move a bit more back. And he was doing it until he realized he was too far. I need more practice, he concluded. Orcs are big targets, and these are more goblin sized. They are harder to hit."

    Of course, they are smaller, Aelemar stated the obvious and rolled his eyes. Never been the one for archery myself. I prefer a good reliable sword. he raised his expensive-looking blade, pulling it out of the sheath. The shine almost blinded them, as the sword was made out of pristine white steel with a golden hilt and the engravings of tree roots in its base where the blade met the hilt. I received this from the Morning Lord, the priests handed it to me when I was leaving the temple, they said it was a gift from Him.

    Your God must truly love you when he decided to give you such a magnificent blade. Ara’e noticed and he simply nodded and put it away. Morning Lord loves all.

    I don’t know about you, but this might be the time to find the dining area. I hope they will provide us with food at least on the first day. Lokien marched to several elves who were discussing some plants and stayed for no more than half a minute before returning to his team. "We will be delivered food to our rooms, however, if we wish to eat, we can go to the tavern close by called The Fluffy Flea." as those words left his lips the three of them laughed.

    What sort of a name is that? Delimbira was laughing so hard he had to rest his arms against his knees.

    The fluffy flea! Ara’e screamed. Who in the forest came up with it?

    Lokien rolled his eyes. Such children...I can’t believe I have to deal with this.

    I will go get Valeera and we’ll join you there, Delimbira said when he calmed down and then ran back to their house.

    I hope she isn’t mad when she comes, Lokien whispered. The girl’s got a bit of a temper.

    A bit? Ara’e frowned. Valeera was bursting with pent-up anger and she was already feeling the pressure of having to deal with her.

    They found the tavern rather easily as it was the only one there. Ara’e was half expecting a small shack, but it turned out that it was almost as big as the main house and full of people who were already drinking, eating, and enjoying the music of a bard playing in the corner. He was almost invisible thanks to the crowd which was overpowering him with their mighty enthusiasm. The older soldiers were probably glad because they had a day off and the new ones were just getting to know each other.

    As soon as they entered Lt. Chromos approached them. Straight to drinking I see, Lokien. she folded her arms and observed him.

    I am starving, Aranel... he

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