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Money TALK$: Uncut Convos With Financial Experts on How to Grow, Leverage and Protect Your Assets
Money TALK$: Uncut Convos With Financial Experts on How to Grow, Leverage and Protect Your Assets
Money TALK$: Uncut Convos With Financial Experts on How to Grow, Leverage and Protect Your Assets
Ebook308 pages2 hours

Money TALK$: Uncut Convos With Financial Experts on How to Grow, Leverage and Protect Your Assets

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This groundbreaking literary collaboration spearheaded by Dr. Constance Craig-Mason, MRFC® is set to change the financial landscape for BIPOC families and small business owners across the nation. "Money TALK$ Vol III" is a remarkable book author by 24 accomplished, African American financial thought-leaders from across the wor

Release dateOct 23, 2023
Money TALK$: Uncut Convos With Financial Experts on How to Grow, Leverage and Protect Your Assets

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    Book preview

    Money TALK$ - MRFC® Dr. Constance Craig-Mason

    Money TALK$

    Volume Three

    Uncut Convos with Financial Experts on How To Grow,
    Leverage and Protect Your Assets

    Money TALK$

    Volume Three

    Uncut Convos with Financial Experts on How To Grow,
    Leverage and Protect Your Assets

    Copyright © Dr. Constance Craig-Mason 2023

    Money TALK$:

    Uncut Convos with Financial Experts on How To Grow, Leverage and Protect Your Assets

    Published by Pierucci Publishing, P.O. Box 2074, Carbondale, Colorado 81623, USA

    Cover design by Stephanie Pierucci

    Edited by Russell Womack

    Ebook ISBN: 978-1-956257-91-5

    Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-956257-92-2

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023919487

    All rights reserved. Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law. Thank you for purchasing only authorized electronic editions, and for withdrawing your consent or approval for electronic piracy of copyrightable materials. Your support of the author’s rights, as well as your own integrity is appreciated.

    Pierucci Publishing books may be purchased in bulk at special discounts for sales promotion, corporate gifts, fund-raising, or educational purposes. Special editions can be created to specifications. For details, contact the Special Sales Department, Pierucci Publishing, PO Box 2074, Carbondale, CO 81623 or or toll-free telephone at 1-855-720-1111.


    Information in this publication does not involve the rendering of personalized investment, insurance,  tax nor legal advice but is limited to the dissemination of general educational information on financial instruments, products or services.  None of the content should be viewed as an offer to buy or sell, or as a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any of the securities discussed.

    A licensed, qualified, investment, insurance, tax or legal professional advisor should always be consulted before implementing any of the options presented. With regards to general investment information, all investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss. Changes in investment strategies, economic conditions, contributions or withdrawals may significantly alter a portfolio’s performance. There is no guarantee that any specific investment or strategy will be suitable or profitable for a particular client. Past performance is no guarantee of future success. None of the content should be viewed as an offer to buy or sell, or as a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities discussed.


    This book is dedicated to my amazing matriarchs:

    Great, great grandmothers Addie and Lena

    Great Grandmothers Nathelma and Elizabeth

    Grandmothers Nathelma and Constance

    Mother Dorothy

    I carry their names as Constance Nathelma...

    I carry their blood, hopes, dreams, voice, and legacy.

    Constance Craig-Mason

    October, 2023

    Special Acknowledgments

    Money TALK$ Vol III is presented by Dr. Constance Craig-Mason, MRFC® and sponsored by the following companies and organizations.


    Special Acknowledgments

    Thank you to the following pre-sale supporters and our generous small business partners.

    Presale Supporters                        Small Business Partners

    Table of Contents


    1. The Sacred Guardian

    2. The Three E’s of Rewiring Your Money Mindset

    3. From Broke and Broken To Financially at Peace

    4. The Two Elements of an Effective Legacy

    5. The Treasure House Within You


    6. They Would Have Killed Me For It

    7. Unlocking Financial Clarity and Growth: Strategies for Business Owners

    8. The Winning Team

    9. Double Taxation Doesn’t Scare Me

    10. DeFi and its Impact on the Black Community

    11. Accelerating Prosperity: Unleashing Your Entrepreneurial Financial Growth

    12. I’m An Investor?


    13. It’s In Your Hands

    14. Keys To Establishing (Great) Business Credit

    15. The 3 P’s to Living Your Best Life

    16. Leveraging Debt to Achieve Wealth

    17. The Credit Catalyst: Transforming Debt into Wealth


    18. Breaking Down the Tax Burden: How to Stay Ahead of the IRS

    19. The 9 to 5 Hustle

    20. Rising From the Ashes: A Tale of Resilience and Redemption

    21. A Journey in Generational Wealth Building

    22. Creating A Well-Structured Love Letter

    23. Mastering Wealth Defense: Unlocking the Secrets of Trust Curation and Sovereign Shielding

    24. Benefits Aren’t Beneficial If They Aren’t Understood

    25. Empowering BIPOC Families and Business Owners through Life Insurance


    Les Brown

    Money Talks: Uncut Convos with Financial Experts on How to Grow, Leverage and Protect Your Assets is an insightful book that will help individuals discover the path toward financial wealth. Financial security girdles between employment, inheritance, investments, cultural diversity and awareness, and opportunity. My intention in life has always been to create generational wealth for my children, grandchildren and now my great-grandchildren. And, over time I’ve learned that a big part of positioning oneself to obtain wealth is not only about intention but also about discipline, focus and perseverance.

    Money is not earned in a day nor lost in a moment. People sometimes work their entire life and then transition before they’re able to enjoy all of their lifelong earnings. Or, they execute the necessary paperwork to assure their assets are allocated according to their own will and desire. That’s why this book is so timely.

    Changing how we view money, assets, and wealth is critical to real financial success. And that’s exactly what the visionary, Dr. Constance Craig-Mason, and the co-authors accomplish with this book. I recommend reading the insights contained within and getting a copy for someone you love.

    As you delve into the advice and guidance offered in this book, take the time to reflect on your own views about money, wealth building, and protecting your assets. Ask yourself: What are my financial goals in the short-term and long-term? Am I living within my means and budgeting effectively? Have I considered different investment options like stocks, real estate, or bonds? Do I have a will and estate plan in place to protect my assets and legacy? Am I continuously learning about personal finance and investment strategies?

    Always remember even as it relates to your financial status in life, Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars. Now is the time to hold yourself accountable for shifting your internal financial conversations and your ongoing financial actions in order to manifest a life you desire.

    Dr. Les Brown

    About Les Brown

    As one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers, Les Brown is a dynamic personality and highly sought after resource in business and professional circles for Fortune 500 CEOs, small business owners, and non-profit and community leaders from all sectors of society looking to expand opportunity. For three decades he has not only studied the science of achievement, but he’s mastered it by interviewing hundreds of successful business leaders and collaborating with them in the boardroom translating theory into bottom-line results for his clients. He has received the National Speakers Association coveted Council of Peers Award of Excellence (CPAE) and its most prestigious Golden Gavel Award for achievement and leadership in communication. In addition, Toastmasters International also voted him one of the Top Five Outstanding Speakers Worldwide.


    Dr. Constance

    Hey, it’s Dr. Constance here. Let me be the first to welcome you to the village- it’s a safe space where you can be yourself and express yourself without fear, shame, or wondering if anyone will assume that you "are having financial challenges" if they see you engaging with this piece of work or the contributors herein. We don’t do that here or in any of the social spaces that we curate to continue engaging with you. So again, welcome– have a seat, take your shoes off, and grab a snack ‘cause we want you to take your time and enjoy the stories, insights and perspectives of our contributors.

    As the Visionary of this collective, I have partnered with 23 other African American financial thought-leaders from around the world weaving our stories, lessons learned and perspectives within the pillars of how to manifest (mindset), grow, leverage and protect your assets! This book is the golden key that unlocks the door to your economic liberation.

    Like a lighthouse in a storm, it guides you from the tempestuous seas of financial insecurity to the calming shores of economic tranquility. It's an invitation to embark on a thrilling journey of financial self-discovery and empowerment: a journey that transforms fears into fortitude and dreams into reality.

    Designed specifically with BIPOC families, struggling small business owners, hardworking professionals, and ambitious entrepreneurs in mind, this book tailors its wisdom to resonate with your unique experiences and challenges. Whether you're a parent wrestling with financial stress or a newbie entrepreneur battling the odds, "Money TALK$ Vol. III" has the financial wisdom you need.

    Money TALK$ Volume III is here for those who desire a life of M.O.R.E! It’s brimming with tips that will help you intentionally create more great memories, pursue more opportunities, build more healthy reciprocal relationships, and step into more exciting experiences (M.O.R.E). In these pages, you will learn how to navigate the financial world confidently, how to manage your assets and debts like a pro, and how to infuse tradition and innovation for success. Dive in to discover the tools and strategies needed to unlock financial freedom and build a legacy of wealth.

    We believe that all sustainable and behavioral change begins in the mind. Therefore, we open this powerful collective with a focus on developing a positive, growth-oriented mindset and healing from financial traumas. We endeavor to teach, equip, empower and inspire BIPOC families, small business owners and professionals to make more, save more, enjoy more and leave more money by prioritizing financial literacy, financial wellness and financial planning.

    Positive mindset, along with consistent, intentional money habits combined with the support of knowledgeable, passionate financial experts is a recipe for long term, financial independence and freedom that you deserve.

    Dr. Constance

    Mindset & Money

    Chapter One:

    The Sacred Guardian

    I understand that money isn’t a core value; but money is a reflection of living in your values with purpose and productivity. It is a reflection of being a sacred guardian of my destiny; and doing that well.

    In February 2021, my life changed forever when my brother passed away. My perspective of relationships, interactions, friendships, and even the concept of time changed.

    For most people, including myself, February is a month of love, joy and showing gratitude for your partner, spouse, and loved ones with lots of flowers, hugs, smiles, candles, cupid arrows, hearts, and romanticizing. Previously, my Valentine’s months were just that: filled with flowers, hugs, gratitude, love, and joy.

    In this chapter, I’ll show you how I leveraged a tragedy I didn’t choose to transmute previously limiting beliefs into empowering lifestyle changes, specifically with regards to my relationship with money.

    For whatever reason, the tragedy of my brother passing was part of my divine destiny. I often tell people that this interaction chose me, even though I didn’t, and would never, have chosen to lose my brother.  My brother passing away was a smack in the face: everything felt like a tangled mess in my life for that February as well as for many months thereafter. It wasn’t the material responsibilities of life insurance, a homegoing service, and supporting my family that overwhelmed me. Those were handled in weeks.. But for months following my brother’s passing, the emotional and psychological transformation was stifling.

    In the next few minutes, I’ll show you how this tragedy turned depression eventually turned out to be a rebirth in my life. I began with this affirmation:

    Tragedy transforms me. I accept all things because I powerfully use all things to my advantage.

    The year following my tragedy was filled with confusion, embarrassment, tears, skepticism and forced smiles. However, I was also devoted to the work of building a new relationship with money while grieving. Previously, nobody had taught me how

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