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Cookin' With Coolio: It's Goin' On In The Kitchen
Cookin' With Coolio: It's Goin' On In The Kitchen
Cookin' With Coolio: It's Goin' On In The Kitchen
Ebook98 pages37 minutes

Cookin' With Coolio: It's Goin' On In The Kitchen

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Cookin' With Coolio "It's Goin' On In The Kitchen" is an exciting culinary journey authored by the multi-talented Coolio, the Grammy-winning artist and Smooth Jazz artist Jarez, formally Coolio's manager and longtime friend. Coolio is known for his iconic music and now acclaimed for his culinary prowess. This cookbook is more than just a collect

Release dateNov 1, 2023
Cookin' With Coolio: It's Goin' On In The Kitchen

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    Book preview

    Cookin' With Coolio - Jarel "Jarez" Posey


    Cookin' The Coolio Way

    Why everybody should know how to cook something

    Everybody should know how to cook because you might find yourself in a situation where you by yourself or you might be somewhere you can't find anything but uncooked food and if you find yourself in a situation like that then you better know how to cook or you'll be trying to cook and your food won't come out good and it will come out bad and you wouldn't want to eat it and there's nothing worst then being hungry and eating bad food. Cookin’ the Coolio way is cookin’ with flavor cookin’ with style cookin’ with some flare trying to make something taste not so traditional. I try to cook with so much flavor that it makes your forehead sweat that what cookin’ the Coolio way is I try to make something taste so good that you can't stop eating, it's like eating Lays Potato chips you just can't eat one. Imagine making a steak taste so good that you know you can't do it but you try to eat five steaks. I try to cook so good that I can make Olive Oyl gain weight. If Olive Oyl would have eaten my cookin' you would be calling her big momma. After people eat my food I want them to be so full that the only thing that they can possibly do is go to sleep and I want them to be sweating when they finish eating my food it's so good that they just break out into a sweat because they never tasted anything like that and I want them to say, damn that Coolio can cook or I might want them to say, every time I eat Coolio's food I gotta eat it like this and I want eat it no other way. Cookin’ on the fly is using what you got. Whatever you have in your refrigerator or cabinet you just use that you don't go buy anything and really cookin’ on the fly is out of necessity because you don't have the money to buy anything. Date night at home, first thing is a bottle of wine, a bottle of red wine I don't drink much white wine but you know every now and again you'll have a white wine drinking chick that you’re dating or that you’re seeing or it might even be your girl, but white wine doesn't get them tipsy enough. With women you don't want to get them to full because if the get too full they might say they are going home or they might go to sleep and don't want you to touch them so you want to cook so chicken or fish or a nice salad you want to keep it light. You don't want to have no potatoes, maybe some type of rice dish but keep your rice dish small and try to stay away for cheese because women get embarrassed when they start forting so go with the light stuff. Some fish with a little rice or some salad and a real light desert like maybe some sorbet you give them one of the restaurant scoops. It's good to know your seasoning because if you know

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