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Of Passion and Power
Of Passion and Power
Of Passion and Power
Ebook43 pages35 minutes

Of Passion and Power

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About this ebook

Mayoral candidate Bianca Ferris is a strong, beautiful, and married woman wants to crash the good old boy network in her Florida town. When her tryst with a hot male escort is photographed by her opponent, he tries to blackmail her into dropping out of the race. What's a woman to do? She hires Jacquie Dumont, a tough private investigator with an eye for gorgeous men who turns the tables on the crooked mayor and helps elect Bane City's first female mayor!

In Of Passion and Power, feminist erotica author Megan Hussey weaves a tale of lust and political intrigue against the sultry background of a sleepy Florida town. Hot men who are eager to please strong, modern heroines combine to make Of Passion and Power a satisfying read, one that leaves readers anxious to visit Bane City again.

Release dateOct 18, 2023
Of Passion and Power

Megan Hussey

Megan Hussey is a feminist erotica writer and editor with nine single-title ebooks, twelve anthology stories, an erotic audio CD, and seven paperback novels in print. From mermen to vampires, Megan's stories feature sexy, kind-natured heroes and strong, real woman heroines. Megan won an Honorable Mention for Love Romances and More Cafe's 2007 Vampire Book of the Year award, for her book "Under Cover of Night: The First Book of Nuit". She was also a nominee for the Erotic Romance Reviews for Women Golden Shoe Award; and her book The One that Got Away received a Recommended Read rating from the Erotica Readers and Writers Association. She lives in Florida.

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    Book preview

    Of Passion and Power - Megan Hussey

    Of Power and Passion


    Megan Hussey

    Jacquie is a tough PI with an eye for hot gentlemen. She sweeps in for the rescue when a lover lands in hot water.


    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you'd like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.

    Copyright © 2023 Scandalous Publishing. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the author's express written permission.

    Chapter One

    Crouched low above a mahogany desk, Bianca Ferris struggled to focus on the complex position papers that defined her mayoral campaign. It’s only a few weeks before the election. She glanced at a nearby grandfather clock as it tolled the midnight hour, and my debate with Swindle is tomorrow.

    Larry Swindle, the current mayor of Bane City, Florida, was her opponent in this year’s election. He was also, or so Bianca liked to joke, the most aptly named man in the history of the free world, if not the universe. Rumor had it that Swindle accepted bribes from lobbyists and contractors, spending many of these funds on expensive cars and high-class hookers.

    A number of informants—shady sorts willing to sell her the photos and info that could cost him the election—had approached Bianca throughout her campaign. She rejected them all; a seasoned law professor and community activist, she was determined to run a clean campaign.

    The only problem is the old bastard has been in office so long, she snorted, part and parcel of the Old Boys Network. I wonder if I even stand a chance.

    The opening of her office door disrupted her troubled meditations, a gentle, unobtrusive sound that made her jump in her seat nonetheless. Soon, she faced the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. The muscular, green-eyed hunk dwarfed the surroundings with his towering height; his long ebony hair flowed free across broad, silk-clad shoulders.

    May I help you, young man? Bianca’s eyes took a leisurely walk down his sleek, muscular frame.

    Oui, Madame. He further charmed her with his thick French accent. I am here to answer your ad for an administrative assistant.

    Excellent. Bianca beamed a warm welcome. May I see your resume?

    The man’s charming smile dissolved, and he looked momentarily like a naughty student caught without his homework.

    Actually, Madame, he leaned forward, charming her with his full, sensual lips and the flash of his green eyes, I am new to this country, and have not had the opportunity to put together a resume.

    "Well, hey, I always

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