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Blood Moon
Blood Moon
Blood Moon
Ebook292 pages4 hours

Blood Moon

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Werewolf bounty hunter Sarah Vargas has only one goal in life; to kill the Were that attacked and changed her. However a slew of werecreature murders send Sarah and her partner, Jared Fontaine, on the mission of their lives, ending with a discovery about Jared's past that might destroy them both.

PublisherHeather Dade
Release dateOct 13, 2023
Blood Moon

Heather Dade

Heather Dade was born near the Great Lakes, but made her way to South Carolina where she lives to this day. She's the author of Blood Moon and At All Costs, and over seventy short stories, books, and poems under the name Heather Kuehl. For more information about Heather's published works, upcoming releases, and events visit her blog at

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    Book preview

    Blood Moon - Heather Dade

    Book One

    Chapter One

    The night is dark, full of violence and mystery. The cycle of the moon rules all. I stand outside, gazing at this thing that controls me three days a month. Once upon a time I thought werecreatures and vampires were in fairy tales, alive only in books and in the imaginations of humans. Now, I hunt them for a living. My tiny fortune grows daily with every kill. 

    My name is Sarah Vargas, and I am a werewolf. But I wasn’t always a Were. Five years ago a werewolf attacked me and tore my throat out. I was clinically dead, but by some miracle I survived. I knew something about me was different. I just didn’t feel human anymore. That day my human side was killed. Although I am alive, I hardly feel like it. I have one goal: to pay back the Were that killed me. 

    But first, there is business to attend to. 

    I am in an alley in Boston, Massachusetts. Not a good place for a girl to be alone, especially at night. I cross my arms, letting my hands slide over the knife sheaths on my wrists. I’m starting to get impatient while I wait for my partner. I don’t really know what his deal is. All I know is he has a vendetta quite like mine. I take a drag on my cigarette, impatience starting to get the better of me. As I exhale, he turns the corner, walking purposefully toward me. 

    Jared Fontaine is the epitome of a bad boy rocker. Numerous tattoos cover his arms. His eyebrow is pierced along with his lower lip. Today he wears black jeans tucked into his boots. A blue muscle tee shows off his perfect physique. A black leather duster hides his many blades and guns. His wavy brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail, exposing scars on the left side of his neck. He is heavy metal hot, and he knows it. 

    Who does the BMC want us to kill today? he asks. His thick British accent still makes my knees weak, even though we have worked together for the past six months. 

    The BMC, or the Blood Moon Corporation, is a group of bounty hunters and politicians. I joined them soon after I was turned into a Were. They consist of just about every type of supernatural creature, and even a few humans. According to rumors, the BMC was originally called the Blood Moon Guild. It is said that a vampire, Were, witch, and shifter formed it during the Black Plague. The Blood Moon Guild formed to try and keep the rouge Weres and vamps in line. Note the word try. The founder of the Blood Moon Guild hired bounty hunters into their payroll once they realized their attempts weren’t good enough. By 1928, the Blood Moon Guild dropped the title of Guild and added on the title of Corporation. It is much like a corporation now, with locations all over the world. We get assignments to kill. For the right price that is. Some of us have preferences. I don’t like killing humans unless they are pure evil. I’m not sure if Jared has any stipulations about killing. I’ve never bothered to ask. 

    Our assignment is to go Charleston, South Carolina and eliminate two vamps, I say. I don’t bother with a greeting. It is straight to business with us. 

    Do we have names? 

    Jackilin and Jerrikin Skyner. 

    Aren’t those the vamp twins? Didn’t the BMC have a hit out on them before? 

    I take another drag. Yes, but they killed the last bounty hunters that crossed their paths. They want us to give it a go. Any reason? Jared asks. 

    Werecreature murders. A lot of them. 

    Jared smiles. He knows I don’t like Weres Why agree to this? 

    I narrow my eyes. I hate to be reminded of my dislike for my own race. The price is right. 

    Jared nods, his eyes showing that he really doesn’t believe a word I say. I don’t care. Jared’s just my partner, and I don’t give a shit about his opinions. 

    When do we leave? 

    Within the hour. We’re taking a red-eye flight out. I toss the still smoldering butt on the ground and turn to walk back toward my apartment. I feel Jared’s eyes watching me as I walk. He reminds me of a hawk watching its prey. I feel like an insignificant mouse. 

    I’m so preoccupied with Jared that I almost miss it. The faintest scent of a wolf. Not just any wolf, but the one that attacked me. I stop dead in my tracks and sniff in the scent. It isn’t much, but it’s enough to tell me he’s nearby. My breath catches in my throat. Am I really this close to my goal? My newest assignment surfaces in my mind. Damn, I mutter. In a matter of hours, I’ll leave this creature to ruin more innocent lives. I close my eyes, taking the scent to memory. I vow that when I return home, I’ll find and kill him. He’s lucky this time, but his luck is about to run out. 

    I stand in front of my apartment door, keys dangling in my hand. I close my eyes and send my wolf instincts to search my home. Not my literal wolf of course, just the essence of my Were self. I smell and taste the air. I listen. When I’m certain no one is inside, I unlock the door and let myself in. 

    My apartment is small; perfect for little bounty hunter me. The kitchen, living room, and dining room are all open. A one bed, one bath abode. My apartment looks like that of any other female in her late twenties lives here. Lavishly decorated and fully stocked with food. My bedroom, on the other hand, is anything but. Blades cover the walls. It is my workout room. My death room. 

    Chapter Two

    Jared meets me at the airport. For a little over three hours we’ll be stuck in an airplane with each other. I know I’ll be teased for gripping the seats due to turbulence. Fun? Hardly. I really hate to fly. 

    I decide to carry my usual set of throwing blades: two boot sheaths and a sheath at the small of my back. I also have my beautiful katana with me. The blade itself is a mixture of silver and cold iron, as well as steel for durability. The pommel is a wooden spike, oak to be exact. Leather bindings give the handle a soft but firm grip. I love this thing like a mother loves her only child. Rose Mykal, the witch leader of the Blood Moon Corporation, gave it to me for my kill record. Every assignment I’ve been given I have finished. I’ve never backed down, and the katana is proof of that. 

    My carry on bag holds an assortment of stakes, holy water, and other miscellaneous weapons, including a Walter P22 with silver, lead, and wooden rounds. Jared gave it to me as a Christmas gift. I hate guns, but decided I might as well carry it. Just in case. I’m over armed to handle a couple of vamps, but one can never be too prepared. Just by glancing at Jared, I can tell he agrees. 

    Getting on board is no problem. Some BMC people work as airport security so we can board with all of our weaponry. Getting buckled up is no problem either. It’s the bumpy take off that alerts Jared to my fear. 

    Afraid? he asks. His tone throws me off guard. He doesn’t sound teasing. He sounds concerned. 

    I just believe that if we were meant to fly, we’d have wings, I snap. The plane shakes and my hands resume their hold on the armrests. Jared’s hand covers mine. I glance at him, but he looks out the window. As shocked as I am, I’m not about to shake it off or question him. This sudden show of affection is rather odd…but sweet. 

    For the entire flight his hand stays on mine, massaging the back of my hand with his thumb whenever turbulence sets in. 

    The plane lands at Charleston International Airport and we retrieve our luggage. Charleston’s skies pour down rain as if it will never stop. Dark clouds churn in the sky, sending bolts of lightning thundering down. I’ve only been to Charleston once before, and the weather was as inviting then as it is now. Just replace the torrents of rain with humidity and mosquitoes. 

    The Blood Moon Corporation set Jared and I up with a rental car and a place to stay. We’ll meet some local Weres this evening. Jared retrieves the car and I stand out front with our luggage. Several minutes later, Jared drives up in a forest green Land Rover. We load it up, and then we’re on our way downtown. According to our information the BMC has a house on East Battery Street, known to the locals as The Battery, to accommodate us. I look forward to staying there. The houses on The Battery are so beautiful. It’s almost like another world in another time. 

    I-26 isn’t all that busy this early in the morning. Everyone’s still trying to climb out of bed and dress for the day. Jared drives and I gaze out the window, trying to ignore the rain. Traveling is my favorite part of this job. 

    The house we are staying in is called Haven. It is suppose to be a duplex, but the BMC bought the entire building for its own devices. I can’t blame the Blood Moon Corporation for investing in it. It looks as though two separate people designed and built it. One half is circular, with large pillars creating a balcony that overlooks the waters of the Charleston Harbor. The other half is rectangular with large, welcoming windows. A family does live in it so the neighbors aren’t suspicious of strange people going in and out at all hours. The family is paid to keep us well hidden behind these doors. The neighbors never know we are here. 

    A woman escorts Jared and me upstairs to our individual rooms. Her gray hair is up in a loose bun and her silver eyes won’t meet ours. A feeling, deep inside, tells me she’s a shifter. Probably a bird of some kind. Shifters are very solitary creatures. They don’t fit in with the supernatural community. Shifters are outcasts, and seemingly happy to stay that way. I don’t question her to see what type of bird she is. She won’t even give us her name. Shifters are worth a lot of money. She’d be a fool to let us, bounty hunters, know what she is. 

    Your rooms should meet Blood Moon’s requirements, the woman says. Her voice is feather light and soft, almost like she is afraid of offending us. Mr. Fontaine, I hope you don’t mind, but I gave Ms. Vargas the room with the balcony. I trust that isn’t a problem. If you need anything, just let me know. 

    The shifter turns and leaves without another word. Jared’s room is across from mine, and he slips into the room without a word. All I want to do is sleep. I’m so tired and today is still a very busy day. I open the door to my room and walk inside. The room is so beautiful that I just stare for a moment or two. A four-poster bed in the corner is covered in red and black silk sheets. The walls are painted blood red to match. A black dresser is in the back corner by the window. I walk over to the window, setting my bags on the bed as I pass, and see that it opens onto the balcony. 

    The view is fantastic. The furthest corners of the sky are beginning to light up. It’s going be day soon. It’s hard to turn away from this sight, but I know I’m going to have to get some sleep. We still have to meet the local Weres. I sigh and enter back into the bedroom, locking the window, the door, and setting the alarm as I go. I don’t bother unpacking my bags. We won’t be here for long anyway.

    Chapter Three

    That evening, Jared and I drive to Randa, a small town about thirty minutes outside of Charleston, to meet the Weres. They dealt with the murders first hand. Several members of their Clan died because of Jackilin and Jerrikin Skyner. The Romi and Roma of the Clan live in a house off Highway 176 on a large portion of land. The Romi and Roma are the official names for the King and Queen of a werewolf Clan. This title is named after Romulus. Yes, as in Romulus and Remus. You know, raised by wolves. Founded Rome. But as punishment for killing his brother, Romulus was painfully forced to take the shape of a wolf at every full moon. Romulus ended up spreading his curse to others and Clans were born. Among the Clans it is said that Remus was blessed and was reincarnated as a man who could change his shape into a wolf at will. No pain was said to be involved with his change. A wolf shapeshifter. Although no wolf shifter has ever been found, I do believe they can exist. After all, if werewolves exist, why can’t wolf shifters? Werewolves are the only Weres with formal names for their leaders. I think it’s because the other Weres don’t know their origins. 

    Jared turns onto a dirt driveway barely detectable on the side of the road. The only thing that indicates this road is the one we need is an old bronze statue of a wolf on the side of the driveway. The bronze wolf has its head thrown back, making it look as though it howls at the moon. We drive for several miles until we come to a clearing. A green farmhouse with rust-red roofing and shutters sits in the center. A couple on the wrap-around porch wave and start to walk over as we stop the car. I can tell at a glance they aren’t human. The man is a werewolf and the woman with him is a witch. We climb out the car and Jared leads the way over to them. The rain has stopped, but the humidity still hangs in the air like a wool blanket. 

    Sarah, I’d like you to meet Donavan DeLocket and his wife, Monique. They are the Romi and Roma of the werewolf Clan in question, says Jared. 

    Donavan’s black hair is pulled up into a ponytail. He is muscular with ice blue eyes that look right into the depths of your soul. He wears leather pants with black boots and a leather vest. Monique is beautiful. Her hair is corn silk blonde styled in an intricate up do. Her eyes are light brown outlined in black. I know just by looking at her that she is one powerful witch. I smile, and then just stare at Jared. 

    I didn’t realize they knew each other. It’s obvious Jared has researched for our mission, since he knows exactly which Clans are affected. But I didn’t realize he knew them. It seems stupid to ask, since it’s noticeable, but I can’t help it. 

    I take it you all have met before? I ask. 

    Several years ago, says Donavan. We had a rouge Clan member killing people. None of us could do anything to control it. I came to deal with him, finishes Jared. 

    I nod and shake Donavan and Monique’s hands. It’s a pleasure to meet you both. So, what’s the deal with these vamps? 

    Straight to business I see, says Monique with a soft laugh. I’ll go inside and tell the other’s that you are here and that we’re ready. Others? question Jared and I simultaneously. 

    Yes, others, says Donavan. Other Clans have been affected as well. I thought you’d like to talk to all of us at once. 

    Of course, Jared says as Donavan heads into the house. Jared and I have no choice but to follow. Donavan glances at me as I enter his home and I can’t help but grimace. My hatred for my Were self makes him nervous. I smell Donavan’s fear; its metallic-like taste lingers in the back of my mouth. He’s afraid I will kill his Clan. As long as he isn’t hiding my prey, he needn’t worry. 

    Donavan meets my eyes and then turns away, going to talk with a man in the corner. Donavan talks in Spanish so fast I can’t catch a single word. I wonder what he is saying. 

    The room is crowded. Monique comes over to me and smiles. 

    Everyone’s here, she says. 

    I nod and walk into a corner of the room, where a blonde girl sits. 

    From this angle I can see every single person, every entrance and exit. 

    Donavan slams his fist on a table and calls the meeting to order. 

    Chapter Four

    Welcome, says Donavan. As you may already know, my name is Donavan, Romi of the DeLocket Clan. We’re here because of Jackilin and Jerrikin Skyner. As you can see, we have two bounty hunters from the Blood Moon Corporation here with us. He turns to Jared and I. We’re in dire need of your help. Several months ago, Jackilin and Jerrikin Skyner arrived here. We assumed they were meeting with the vampire who rules over Charleston. 

    We were wrong, interjects Monique. 

    They killed her and took over. At first we didn’t know Weres from different Clans were missing. We hardly ever talk to each other unless something happens. But then Clan leaders started to go missing. 

    Two women across from me choke little sobs at this statement. Jared and I glance at each other. Missing Clan leaders is bad. Clans need their leaders to survive, and without them civil war will break out within the Clans. I want to know exactly what is going on. Now. 

    I step forward, a movement fast enough to make everyone turn toward me. Several people step back. 

    I’m Sarah Vargas, bounty hunter for the Blood Moon Corporation. I wave my hand toward Jared. This is Jared Fontaine. I want to know what in the hell is going on. I don’t want a speech. I want to know who is missing and where the vamps are staying. Jared stands and comes to my side. Who else is missing? Why didn’t you contact us earlier? 

    She demands an answer, sneers the brown haired woman across from me. 

    And you are? I snap. 

    Amelia Stone, queen of the jaguars, she says proudly. 

    She deserves an answer, the woman beside Amelia snaps. They glare for a moment or two, letting their tension wash over the room. The woman looks at me, and I can see her emerald green cat eyes. I’m Destiny Haydon, queen of the panthers. Tears slide down her cheeks as she looks between Amelia and me. 

    What happened? I growl. The wolf enters my voice, turning its usual softness gravelly. Before anyone can speak I hold up a hand. From. The. Beginning. I spit out each word like it is poisonous. I’m tired. I need a nap and a cigarette, not in that order. 

    Donavan takes a deep breath. His eyes dart every which way and then settles on us. 

    Jerrikin and Jackilin know that with our leaders we are strong, that together we can rise up and kill them, he pauses. We’ll do anything to get our leaders back. Jerrikin and Jackilin have kidnapped Edward and Maribeth Hughes, the king and queen of the bears. Lev Steiner, the king of the panthers, as well as the king of the jaguars, Nicolas Stone. The vampires have said they’ll give them back if we give up our titles to them. They’ll rule our Clans. Destroy them. That’s where the BMC comes into play. We called them to see what to do. They sent the best…you. 

    It takes everything in me to breath. Anger is bubbling to the surface. I can’t believe they held such an important fact from us. From the BMC. Jared’s hand settles on the small of my back, covering my lower back sheath. I look to him and see his normally navy eyes have changed to the icy blue of a wolf. He is also pissed, but his warning hand is to prevent me from doing anything drastic. I want to scream. I take a deep, calming breath, and look Donavan in the eyes. 

    Why didn’t you tell the BMC? I growl. 

    We wanted to, but we were forbidden. 

    You are Weres. You are their betters. I can’t understand why they would obey a vamp’s orders. 

    If your loved ones are in danger, wouldn’t you do anything to make sure nothing happens to them? Donavan demands. 

    A deep, guttural growl escapes my throat. Everyone looks uneasy. Jared is ready to hold me down if I go ballistic. My body settles into my sense of peace before a kill. My zone. A slow smile spreads across my lips. 

    I will call the BMC to find out our orders, I drawl. We are bounty hunters. We kill. It isn’t our job to clean up your messes. Jared… I squeeze his shoulder. I am too pissed to finish my sentence. Instead I turn on my heel and walk out the door into the woods surrounding Donavan’s house. 

    I feel the moon calling to me, singing its silent song, but the full moon is less than a week away. I hope to be

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