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Kofi Sai And The Anansi Guardians: And The Anansi Guardians
Kofi Sai And The Anansi Guardians: And The Anansi Guardians
Kofi Sai And The Anansi Guardians: And The Anansi Guardians
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Kofi Sai And The Anansi Guardians: And The Anansi Guardians

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Kofi Sai and the Anansi Guardians

In a realm woven with ancient prophecies and age-old traditions, young Kofi Sai bears a tragic legacy. Born as the last of the Anansi Twelve - a lineage fated with immense power -

Release dateOct 31, 2023
Kofi Sai And The Anansi Guardians: And The Anansi Guardians

Antonio T. Smith, Jr

Antonio T Smith Jr., a best-selling author and former Special Operations Intelligence Sergeant, masterfully blends reality with fiction to create suspenseful and thrilling narratives across multiple genres. His adept storytelling is marked by a seamless weaving of intricate plots, richly drawn characters, and a palpable authenticity derived from his intelligence background.His novel, "Kofi Sai and the Anansi Guardians," book 1 of the Kofi Sai Series immerses readers in African myths, painting vivid scenes of magic and destiny where characters navigate the fine line between hope and doom. The "United Cities of Salleria" series, a post-apocalyptic techno-thriller, showcases Antonio's skill in depicting survival amidst chaos, following protagonist Ashton "The Ghost" Jace as he navigates a world devastated by an EMP attack while being pursued by serial killers."Vegetation Wars," book 1 of the Vegetation Wars series, set in a post-apocalyptic world where sentient vegetation dominates, follows miner Callan as he uncovers ancient secrets and faces the Verdant Overlord's menacing forces. This narrative explores themes of survival, betrayal, and freedom, challenging the distinctions between ally and foe in a world transformed by ecological upheaval.Antonio's works are a testament to his versatile prowess in crafting engaging, suspense-filled stories, whether exploring mystical realms or gritty realities, ensuring that readers are consistently gripped by the unfolding drama.

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    Book preview

    Kofi Sai And The Anansi Guardians - Antonio T. Smith, Jr

    Chapter One

    The Phoenix Prince

    Two Years Ago, Which Is Also Two Years After The EMP Events Recorded In Ch 2 of The United Cities of Salleria, Burn Together.

    Mr. And Mrs. Sai stepped out of the Kumasi Airport, their bags in tow, their hearts nearly beating out of their chests. Something was wrong and they both felt they were walking into a trap. Their only son, eight-year-old Kofi ran closely behind his father. Kwame Sai made sure not to run ahead of his son, so he did the only thing that made sense. Kwame put Kofi between him and his wife Adwoa. They were in the last place they’d ever thought they would be in, again. Kumasi, Ghana.

    The hot and murky rain beat against the left side of Kwame’s face, as he and his family left the covering of the Sallerian Arrivals terminal. The rain had already taken over the city. The storm was in full force, with lightning striking the sky at regular intervals, illuminating the hot and dreadful dark night.

    The Shadow Council had cars waiting for them in a nondescript location in the parking garage of the airport. With each panicked step forward, Kwame knew none of them should have been in Ghana. It wasn’t safe for them anymore.

    Kwame's heart raced as he and his wife, Adwoa, made their way towards the waiting car. It was his job to make sure his family was safe after everything happened. As Kwame took each step closer to the car, he noticed a familiar, yet faint, scent in the air — the same intoxicating aroma of ancient herbs and spices that wafted from the ceremonial cauldrons during the Akomaa Feasts. It was a smell he had not encountered since their last time in Ghana, one he had almost forgotten. He chalked it up to his heightened senses and nervousness. It had been seven years since they were last in Ghana, and under the orders of the Supreme Commander, Kwame and Adwoa hid their son Kofi in Salleria. Their time in Salleria was peaceful, even with the invasion of North Kangavar two years earlier, the Sai’s managed to keep their heads down and stay out of trouble.

    The Sai family went unnoticed, which Kwame considered to be a miracle since they were… well, different. Kwame took his eyes off his surroundings for a split second and stole a nervous look at his son. The little kid was special and seven years ago he became a target. Today, on the twentieth day of July, Kofi was the biggest target in the world.

    Kwame couldn't shake the feeling this whole meeting was a trap set by the Shadow Master. Twenty-four hours ago, the Sai family received a letter from the Supreme Commander specifically telling them to not apparate but to take a commercial flight back to Ghana so as not to be detected by the enemy. Ordinarily, Kwame would have questioned the authenticity of the letter but it passed all magical inspections and The Supreme Commander was the only person in the world to know where the Sai family was hiding. Yet, Kwame was certain they were being pursued by The Shadow Master and his minions.

    Kwame was a level three wizard, one of the most powerful in the world and so was his wife. Today was Kofi’s birthday, but Onyame hadn’t given Kofi his legacy yet. There are the cars, Adwoa, yelled over the rain hoping her husband could hear her. Onyame should have given Kofi his legacy by now, Kwame said loudly in response to his wife. It wasn’t an actual response to what she said to him, but the words slipped from his mouth before he knew he said them. He should have had his legacy by now, Kwame thought to himself and he was angry. Rage coursed through his veins and was replacing his fear by the second. How is he going to be able to protect himself if he doesn’t have his legacy, Adwoa? Onyame knows all, M’ade Pa. Kwame loved the Twi phrase his wife always called him that meant, My good thing. She always had a way of making him feel better even in the worst of times.

    As they approached the car, Kwame's fears were only compounded by the dark and stormy night. The winds howled, and lightning illuminated the surroundings, revealing familiar landmarks that only added to Kwame's anxiety. He clutched his wand tightly in his right hand, ready to defend himself and his family if necessary. His left hand tingled with the pressure of his legacy ready to release from it. Kwame was a Fire Thrower, which made his legacy the fireball. The more angry he got, the more his left hand glowed the red-orange fire that flew from his hand whenever he needed it. It was a rare legacy and very few people had it. He was a level three and his fireballs were powerful, destructive, and fast-moving.

    Kwame, are you alright? his wife whispered to him, her voice filled with concern and her eyes looking at the water evaporate as it collided with his left hand.

    Kwame nodded, but he could tell his wife could see the fear and anger in his eyes. He was scared for her and for their son. Kofi looked up at them both, and then he stared at his father’s glowing hand. His eyes went wide in shock. This was the first time Kofi saw magic. Kwame and his wife kept this life from him. The Supreme Commander gave them the option to tell their son the truth, but they opted to wait until he was eight. They found other ways to train their son, but for all that Kofi knew, those were just games played in the backyard. The thought of his wife and son in harm's way made Kwame's heartache, and he couldn't help but wonder if they had made a mistake by coming back to Ghana.

    Wow, it's really coming down out here, isn’t it? Before the young woman who asked the question could introduce herself, Kwame sent a fireball in the direction of her voice and a fiery explosion erupted into a hundred smaller explosions. Hey, Calm down. I’m friendly, the woman shouted in Kwame’s direction, but after she used the biggest electric legacy Kwame had ever seen to shatter his fireball in midair.

    The crash of the two legacies was like nothing Kwame had ever seen before. The two opposing forces of magic, one a vibrant orange ball of fire and the other a pulsing blue-white electric current collided in midair with a deafening boom. The explosion was blinding, with orange flames and blue sparks flying in all directions.

    As the electric force reached out from the mysterious woman's hand, it was like serpents of lightning, crackling and spitting with intense energy. The electric legacy was unlike anything Kwame had ever encountered. It was thick, like a physical entity, writhing and pulsing with raw power. The bright blue-white light cast stark shadows across the woman's face, making her appear almost otherworldly. The sound of the electric current was like a freight train, the roar of the energy dominating everything else in the rain.

    The only way you have stopped my fireball is if, Kwame was interrupted and the woman finished his sentence for him. If I am a level four. Exactly, I guess you don’t see many female level four wizards? The mysterious woman wizard asked.

    She was a force of a woman and her presence filled the Sai family’s eyes. She stood tall and regal, her long, dark hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of midnight. Her skin was the color of rich, creamy chocolate and her eyes were a deep, piercing blue. They seemed to glow and spark with an inner light, reflecting the energy of the electric legacy she wielded so effortlessly.

    She was dressed in a simple, yet elegant, gown that hugged her curves, the fabric a deep shade of midnight blue. The dress was adorned with intricate gold embroidery that shimmered in the light of her electric charge. The woman wore a crown of gold on her head, studded with diamonds and other precious gems that sparkled like stars in the night sky. She was a picture of power and mystery, her very presence commanding attention and awe.

    With his fire still pulsating in his left hand, Kwame pocketed his wand and responded. No one is used to seeing any kind of level four. Male or female. You’ll be a level four soon, your fireball almost broke my hand. Impressive. Thank you, Kwame responded. He still let his legacy flicker in the night’s rain. He wasn’t ready to let down his guard just yet. He still didn’t know this woman.

    And who is this mysterious, electric-glowing lady? You first, Kwame demanded. He wasn’t being rude, but he wasn’t in the mood to play nice with strangers either. Especially a stranger blocking their getaway car. "Fair enough. Mystique. Ama Mystique. He was too angry to be impressed right now. There weren’t too many level fours in the world and Kwame almost had his fireball to level four power, but he was standing in the presence of a real-life level four.

    These cars are just decoys, Ama said. We just had to be sure the right people were coming our way. Can’t ever be too safe, right? Finally feeling better, Kwame let the fire in his palm go out. Ever, Kwame responded. We are headed this way, Mystique said as she jerked her head over her left shoulder pointing into more darkness with her chin.

    As they began to walk, Mystique began to small-talk, It's been too long since you have been home, yes? Her tone was pleasant and empathetic. Absolutely, but we had to keep our son safe, Adwoa replied. He is all that matters.

    That’s very sweet of you, Mystique offered as a gentle reply. Just a little bit further ahead, she gestured into the darkness. Everyone continued to walk, the rain soaking through their clothes, as they made their way towards the getaway car. Despite the harsh weather, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what was to come. They were finally back in Kumasi, and they were ready to explore their hometown once again.

    Kwame, Adwoa, and Kofi followed the level four wizard down a dark corridor, her electric legacy crackling and pulsing with raw power. The sound was like a constant hum, a low growl that filled the air and made their hair stand on end. The crackling was intense, with blue-white sparks of energy snapping and jumping along the lengths of her body. The sound echoed off the walls of the corridor, amplifying the power of Mystique’s legacy, and making it feel like a living, breathing entity.

    Kwame couldn't help but feel intimidated by the sheer power and raw energy of the legacy. They felt uneasy, unsure of what was going to happen next. But despite their fears, they continued to follow the wizard, staying close and alert, ready for anything that might come their way. Kwame and Adwoa whispered back and forth, their voices filled with unease. They had no idea where they were going, and the eerie feeling in the air made them both nervous. Kofi followed in step, his eyes darting around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings.

    Just as they reached the getaway car, four figures appeared from the shadows, blocking their path. They seemed like ominous apparitions, emerging from the darkness like specters. He could sense the danger radiating from them, and a cold feeling of fear settled in the pit of his stomach. Despite his fear, he was determined to protect his family, and he stood protectively in front of Adwoa and Kofi, his hand radiant with the burn of his legacy’s fire.

    The figures were imposing, their broad shoulders and imposing postures giving them an air of authority. Their eyes were cold and unyielding, their expressions unreadable. The flickering light from Mystique’s electrical glow cast harsh shadows across their faces, making them appear even more menacing. Kwame could feel the pressure of their gaze, as if they were sizing him up, trying to decide if he was worth the effort of killing. He could feel the weight of their power, and he knew that he and his family were in serious trouble. Despite the fear coursing through his veins, he was ready to do whatever it took to protect his family.

    The four men were wielding strange legacies of their own: one had the power of stone projection, another earth manipulation, the third acid spraying, and the fourth plant manipulation.

    Kwame was quick to respond and he unleashed a powerful burst of orange flames, aiming straight for the first attacker. The man countered with his slow but precise stone projection, causing the room to shake and rubble to fall from the ceiling. Kwame’s second fireball didn’t miss. The man was too slow and he went down.

    The man writhed and thrashed on the ground as the orange flames licked at his skin, engulfing him in a scorching inferno. The heat was intense and palpable, singeing the hairs on Kwame’s arms as he watched the man burn. He was no longer recognizable.

    Adwoa activated her Level Three Time Manipulation, slowing time to a crawl, and providing her family a tactical advantage. She quickly analyzed her opponent's movements and was able to dodge their attacks with ease.

    Kofi stood frozen, watching in awe as his parents battled for their lives and this was the first time he’d seen magic. This was the first time he’d seen his parents fight. He had no powers of his own yet and was completely helpless.

    The three new attackers were relentless, their legacies providing both offense and defense. Mystique was the first to pull her wand. The acid sprayer was fast-moving, and the plant manipulator could control the surrounding foliage, using it to their advantage. With a flick of her wrist, bolts of blue-white electricity raced from her wand, arcing toward Kofi like deadly snakes. The sound was deafening, like a million thunderclaps all at once, as the electricity crackled and danced across the stone floor. Adwoa slows down time just long enough to step in front of her son. She died in an instant. Kwame’s screams fill the concrete corridor with his agony.

    Kwame and Kofi are outnumbered and outmatched, Kwame is ready to give up when he catches a glimpse of his son. He is beginning to glow. His legacy is coming. Onyame did not forget him. Kwame was forced to run and try to outsmart their enemies, or stay and fight to the death. Grabbing his son by the shirt and lifting him off his feet, Kwame and Kofi ran, dashing down the corridor, hoping to escape the deadly ambush.

    The battle was intense and chaotic, with legacies flying and crashing into each other with explosive force. The sound of the electric currents, the stone projections, the acid sprays, and the plant manipulations filled the air, Kwame’s ears felt like they were going to explode. This fight was about keeping Kofi alive. He was humanity’s last hope. He was the Wizarding World’s last chance.

    Kwame and Kofi ran as fast as they could, dodging the explosive magic of their pursuers. The sound of the electric currents, stone projections, and melting acid sprays filled the air as they ran, with Kofi clinging onto Kwame's chest for dear life. Kwame could see Kofi’s glow was growing. It was taking over his body, but it would be another hour before it would become a usable legacy. And even then, there would be no way to know if it could help them. That’s if they were alive an hour from now.

    Kwame kept his mind focused on keeping Kofi safe, his heart pounded in his chest. As they reached a bend in the corridor, Kwame saw a figure standing in their way. The figure was shrouded in darkness and reality seemed to bend around him. Kwame could feel the immense power radiating from him and at once, Kwame knew it was the Shadow Master. The Dark Lord of the Wizarding World coming to kill Kofi — the last remaining of the Anansi Twelve. A shadow began to move violently at Kwame and Kofi.

    Kwame skidded to a stop, holding Kofi tightly in his arms. He could hear the footsteps of their pursuers closing in behind him. Kwame was trapped, but he stood his ground, facing the Shadow Master.

    Kwame's heart sank as he faced the Shadow Master, a towering figure of darkness and power. Time and space seemed to bend around him as if his very presence was distorting reality. The Shadow Master's eyes glowed a florescent color, illuminating his face with an eerie light. His nose was sharp and hooked, giving him a sinister appearance, while his muscles were well-defined, rippling with raw power.

    His dark robes flowed behind him like a cloak of shadows, each movement of his body causing the fabric to ripple and swirl as if it were alive. The Shadow Master radiated an aura of fear, a feeling that was compounded by the knowledge of his terrifying powers. Possession, memory modification, shapeshifting, mastery of death magic, animal control, flight, and immortality were just a few of the many gifts he had acquired through his dark arts. All of these legacies were rare and nearly unwitnessed and every wizard that was known to have them all turned evil. Every single one.

    The Shadow Master's skin was a dark, ashen gray, with spikes jutting out along his forearms and across his back. His skin was covered in scales, giving him a reptilian appearance. With his enhanced strength, his muscles bulged, looking like they were made of solid stone. He stood tall and imposing, a true embodiment of darkness and terror. His mutations only added to his already intimidating presence, making him a force to be reckoned with. Despite his monstrous appearance, his movements were graceful and fluid, displaying a preternatural grace that was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

    The Shadow Master's face was surprisingly attractive. He had chiseled cheekbones, a strong jawline, and piercing, florescent, emerald green eyes that sparkled with intelligence and cunning. His ashen grey skin was warm, with golden brown veins glowing on the outside of his skin like golden armor, and his entire body seemed to glow softly with an inner light. He had a charismatic smile that could charm even the most stubborn of opponents, and his deep, smooth voice was like music to the ears. Darkness lingered in his eyes, a hint of the evil that lurked beneath the surface. He was the epitome of a charismatic and brilliant mind, using his charm and cunning to manipulate those around him to further his own ambitions.

    Kwame’s training from the last few decades of preparing to face the Shadow Master began to scroll through his mind as he stared at the Dark Lord.

    His enhanced strength is visible in the muscles that run along his arms and legs, and the veins that bulge from his skin as he uses his strength. This makes him a formidable opponent in hand-to-hand combat.

    His ashen gray skin was now a deep shade of black, covered in scales that gleamed in the light, providing him with an additional layer of protection. His gift of Invisibility is achieved through the manipulation of light, causing him to fade in and out of sight at will.

    His regenerative powers are a result of his control over death magic. Wounds heal quickly, leaving behind scar tissue that adds to the fearsome appearance of his body.

    His telekinetic abilities are reflected in the glowing aura that surrounds his body, crackling with energy as he uses his power. His control over the elements is demonstrated in the way his skin reacts to the elements, taking on the properties of the element he is manipulating.

    Finally, his mastery over the minds of others is shown through his piercing gaze, which can freeze a person in their tracks, leaving them at his mercy. The Shadow Master's mutations are a testament to his mastery over the dark arts and a reflection of his insatiable thirst for power.

    The Shadow Master stepped forward, his dark robes billowing behind him. You cannot escape, he said in a deep, menacing voice that threatened to crack the concrete. The end of the Wizarding World is at hand, Kofi is the last of his kind, and he dies tonight.

    You will have to kill me first! Kwame yelled while raising his hand as the strongest fireball he ever produced jetted from it. The orange flame that blazed from his hand was like a miniature sun, growing in size and intensity as it roared from his outstretched hand. The heat was palpable, crackling and sizzling as it consumed everything in its path. Kwame was shocked he didn’t burn Kofi because what flew from Kwame was every bit of a level-four fireball. Kwame had finally reached level four to protect his son. The brightness of the flame was almost too much to bear, bathing the surrounding area in a warm, radiant glow. Concrete melted, but Kwame and Kofi remained unharmed. The intense heat and light seemed to reach out and touch everything, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The fireball was a symbol of Kwame's power and determination and the love he had for his son.

    As the smoke cleared and the bright light dimmed, there was The Shadow Master. Laughing and unharmed. It was a dark and evil sound. Your legacy is no match for mine, he said, raising his wand hand and screaming, Ɔhwi Ahyɛaseɛ! (Oh-wee Ah-hyeh-ah-seh-eh). A blast of dark magic hit Kwame and engulfed him and Kofi in flames. Kwame knew at once the Shadow Master used the most powerful of the unforgivable curses, the Infernus Curse. It was the most powerful and evil of all curses. Kwame and Kofi were consumed in an eternal flame, and Kwame’s body was reduced to ashes in mere moments. The magic words echoed through the corridor, sending shivers down Kwame and Kofi's spines. They could feel the intense heat radiating from the spell, their skin prickling with the energy of the dark magic. The light from the curse was so bright, it was as if the sun had descended upon the earth. And yet, amid the light, there was an aura of darkness, a shadow that seemed to be moving and shifting within the flame.

    Kwame and Kofi were trapped, surrounded by the blazing inferno of the Infernus Curse. The heat was intense, the roar of the flames deafening. They could feel their skin beginning to blister, and their clothes starting to smolder. They could feel the heat of the flames closing in on them, the crackling roar of the fire growing louder.

    All of the Shadow’s Master’s Shadow Walkers came from the shadows and witnessed the death of Kofi, the weakest of the prophetic twelve. The Shadow Walkers cheered and the scene was one of chaos and horror. As the roar of celebration echoed through the concrete garage, the strangest thing began to happen. The shadow-clad figures watched in disbelief as Kofi's eight-year-old head emerged from the ashes, his body still aglow but now unmistakably changed. His skin was ashen grey, like the Shadow Master himself and his skin looked as if it was mutating at that very moment. As the Shadow Walkers gasped in shock and, some in fear, a loud crack echoed through the concrete corridor, causing some to jump.

    Suddenly, the Head Master of the Anansi Tower of Enchantment and School of Wizardry appeared out of nowhere and swiftly grabbed Kofi from the ashes. The Head Master's eyes glimmered with an unspoken determination as if he had a plan for Kofi's newfound powers. The Shadow Walkers stepped back, recognizing the raw power radiating from the Head Master, and watched in awe as he disappeared into the shadows with Kofi in tow, leaving the scene in stunned silence. There was only one person in the world stronger than the Shadow Master, and that was the man who just saved Kofi from his father’s ashes. But now, it seemed, there was someone who would become stronger than them both, and he was now an eight-year-old orphan.

    Chapter Two

    Mystical Woodland of Wonder

    Two years have passed since Kofi miraculously survived the unsanctioned and illegal attack at the Kumasi Airport, which was witnessed by hundreds of uncharmeds, non-magical humans, and Head Master Nana Opoku Asante-Akoma took Kofi into hiding in an enchanted forest.

    When Asante-Akoma brought Kofi to the Mystical Woodland of Wonder, Kofi couldn’t believe his eyes. What he saw could not be described as anything but magic. Everything was mystical and there were thousands of different types of magical creatures, each one more fascinating and awe-inspiring than the last. Kofi saw dinosaurs and dragons, and mischievous faeries. This was a place where magic was the norm and the impossible became possible.

    Kofi thought about the first time he entered the forest. He could still remember the lush, verdant growth that surrounded him on all sides. The forest floor was covered in a dense carpet of soft, springy moss that cushioned your every step. With every step Kofi took on the forest floor, he could hear the springy moss giggle and moan in happiness. Beneath the moss, there flowed a river of sparkling fruit juice that was sweeter than a thousand sugar canes and colder than an Ashanti Winter. The sparkling river of fruit juice meandered its way through the forest, providing sustenance to every living creature who participated in its sweet, life-giving liquid. The flavor danced in Kofi’s mouth and his taste buds sang of the flavor’s goodness.

    As Kofi walked through the forest, he forgot about all his worries and life was perfect. Head Master Asante-Akoma would walk with Kofi and teach him how to survive in the enchanted forest. He made Kofi promise to never sleep in this happy side of the forest because time stood still here. And anyone who fell asleep in the most beautiful parts of the enchanted forest, could fall asleep for what felt like eight hours but wake up five hundred years later.

    Some days, when Kofi was alone, he would walk deeper into the forest and stumble upon a colorful display of candy scattered across the ground. The forest floor is enchanted, candy appears in all different shapes, sizes, and flavors, each piece a feast for the eyes and the taste buds. Kofi spent months playing with the large, juicy gumdrops that bounced when he stepped on them. Sometimes shiny lollipops in every hue of the rainbow would fall softly on Kofi’s head, almost inviting him to give them a taste. He did, of course. Hard candies in the shape of flowers were beautifully arrayed and colored the landscape with indescribable beauty. Kofi would stare at the stars and moon, while little packets of sour gummies shaped like cute, little animals would dance and sing songs of joy and praise. Kofi could spot bright yellow lemon drops, and rich, chocolate truffles playing instruments in the orchestra.

    The trees of the Mystical Woodland of Wonder were like nothing Kofi had ever seen before. They were as tall as skyscrapers, reaching up towards the sky with gnarled, knotted branches that were covered in brilliant green leaves. At the very top of the trees, there was the fruit that glowed in the day and night, but unless Kofi learned how to fly, he would never be able to taste them. The leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, sending a shower of glittering sparkles cascading down to the forest floor and every day Kofi would get showered with the sprinkles that fell from their leaves.

    In the Mystical Woodland of Wonder, the sun was a radiant, shimmering orb that radiated warmth and light. It was said that its rays held the power to heal any wound and that those who basked in its warm glow were granted peace and happiness.

    And then there was the moon. It smiled on the forest in the sun’s absence as a wise and ancient being, always watching over the forest and its inhabitants. Its silvery light always seems to calm and soothe Kofi, and for some strange reason, Kofi always felt stronger when the moon was in the sky. Head Master Asante-Akoma told Kofi a story of the moon's tears, which sometimes fell to the earth in the form of gentle rain and had the power to grant wishes. Kofi wasn’t sure about how true this story was, because every time it rained Kofi would wish for his parents to be alive to live in the forest with him, but it never happened.

    The clouds in the Mystical Woodland of Wonder were not like any Kofi had ever seen before. They were fluffy and white, providing a cool cover from the sun's rays, and their edges were rimmed with a rainbow of colors that danced and changed with the shifting winds. Not only were they beautiful to behold, but the birds and other faeries would eat them. Kofi wondered how a magical cloud tasted?

    The skies of the Mystical Woodland of Wonder were filled with wondrous creatures. There were birds with iridescent feathers, each one more dazzling than the last, and flocks of magical flying creatures that darted and swooped through the air. They swooped down to pluck the fruit from the trees and to drink from the river of fruit juice. They were playful, mischievous creatures, always ready to chase each other through the air or to playfully nip at a passerby.

    The Mystical Woodland of Wonder was a place of magic and wonder, a place where the impossible became possible and where the fantastical was the norm. It was a place of peace and happiness, where the worries of the world were left behind and where Kofi could simply bask in the beauty of the magic all around him and forget, even if just for a moment, The Dark Lord wanted to kill him. It was a place like no other, a place that would forever hold a special place in his heart. There were no bullies, so Kofi thought.

    Head Master Asante-Akoma wanted Kofi to relax in the Mystical Woodland of Wonder, but he made Kofi promise to train and sleep in the forbidden part of the enchanted forest, called The Shadowed Glade. The forbidden part of the enchanted forest was more than a place of mystery and wonder. It is a place of trials and death, and it is rumored to inhabit the most powerful and dangerous creatures the world has ever seen. The air in The Shadowed Glade is thick with a heavy, oppressive aura that clings to the skin. It has a musty, earthy smell, with a hint of decay and rot, like a long-forgotten room. It tastes like iron, and rust and leaves a metallic aftertaste in the mouth. The air is cold and clammy, leaving a chill that seems to seep deep into one's bones. The trees are twisted and gnarled, casting deep shadows over the forest floor.

    The river that runs through the Shadowed Glade is different from the one that flows through the Mystical Woodland of Wonder. It is black and still, and it is said that the water has the power to turn any creature that drinks from it into stone. The fruit that grows on the trees here is poisonous and should not be touched. Drinking the water from the river in the Shadowed Glade is a dangerous and deadly act. The water is corrupted and poisonous, filled with dark magic and curses that can cause instant death to anyone who drinks from it.

    One night, Kofi found himself in a desperate situation. He had been wandering in the Shadowed Glade for days, training and trying to become stronger. His water supply was long gone. His throat was parched, and he was a long journey away from the sparkled juiced river he could safely drink. Kofi’s tongue felt like sandpaper. As he stumbled through the dark, overgrown forest, he was tired of training and even more tired from defending his life. Kofi knew he needed to get himself a drink soon, or he wouldn’t have enough strength to defend himself from the dangerous creatures in the forbidden forest.

    He spotted a glimmer of hope in the form of a river. Kofi was hesitant at first. He knew the water in the Shadowed Glade was dangerous, and that it was forbidden to drink from it, but a person can survive a month without food, but only about a week without water. But as his thirst grew more intense with each passing moment, he realized he had no choice. He approached the river and knelt down beside it, his hand shaking as he reached for the water. He was so thirsty. At this point, Kofi’s body was moving without his permission. He needed water or he was going to die. He took a tentative sip, fully expecting to feel the poison coursing through his veins. But to his surprise, he felt nothing. He took another sip, and another, and still Kofi recognized he didn’t die. Before Kofi knew it, he was drinking deeply from the river, lapping the poisonous liquid and filling his thirst. With each swallow, Kofi grew stronger and stronger and he felt his blood heat up like a furnace and his dark brown and ashen grey skin began to glow and shimmer. Kofi was too thirsty to be sure, but it looked like the water around his hand shimmered as if it were being bent into another dimension.

    As he drank, Kofi felt a strange tingling sensation in his body. It was as if something was changing inside of him. And then, suddenly, he felt his vision go black and he collapsed beside the river. When he awoke, he was no longer the same. He had survived the poison, but he had also been mutated multiple times by it. He now had the power to drink from the Shadowed Glade's water without suffering any ill effects, but at what cost?

    The sun in the Shadowed Glade is also different from the one in the enchanted forest. It is a pale, ghostly orb that casts an eerie light over the landscape, and it is said to be capable of driving anyone who gazes upon it insane. The moon, too, is different in the Shadowed Glade. It is a brooding presence that hovers in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the forest. It is personified as a watchful, malevolent eye that observes all who enter the Shadowed Glade and reports their movements to the creatures that reside there. The clouds in the Shadowed Glade are not like the beautiful, edible clouds in the enchanted forest. They are dark and menacing, and they are said to be capable of summoning powerful storms that can level entire forests. The birds and other flying creatures in the Shadowed Glade are also different from those in the enchanted forest. They are sinister

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