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Seven Pillars of Discipleship: Pillar 1 Salvation
Seven Pillars of Discipleship: Pillar 1 Salvation
Seven Pillars of Discipleship: Pillar 1 Salvation
Ebook204 pages1 hour

Seven Pillars of Discipleship: Pillar 1 Salvation

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title of this book, Seven Pillars of
Discipleship: Book One
, is the first in a seven-part series on
discipleship. Pillar one or book one deals with the beginning of the
discipleship process (salvation). In order for one to become a disciple of
Jesus the Christ, he/she must first be born again—that is the acceptance of
Christ as Lord and Savior and the repentance (turning away from) sin. Book one
seeks to show why salvation is necessary and God’s plan to redeem the world
through the death of His only begotten Son. A misunderstanding of salvation
results in an eternal outcome, hence, this is probably the most important
message in the series and the most essential to the foundation of the
discipleship process.


Release dateApr 19, 2022
Seven Pillars of Discipleship: Pillar 1 Salvation

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    Book preview

    Seven Pillars of Discipleship - Dr. Terren L. Dames

    Table of Contents




    Introduction to Salvation


    Church Membership & Doctrine

    Personal Devotion (Prayer/Praise/Meditation)

    Bible Study

    Biblical/Christian Worldview



    Lesson 1: Cause and Effect

    The Cause

    The Attributes of God

    The Effect

    Lesson 2: Problem and Solution

    Man's Original State

    Man's Free Will

    God's Solution to Man's Problem of Sin

    Lesson 3: The New Reality: The First Requires a Second (Part 1)

    Our New Reality

    The Effect of the First Adam

    Lesson 4: The New Reality: The First Requires a Second (Part 2)

    A Man Named Nicodemus

    Lesson 5: God Is Still the Cause

    Every Cause Has an Effect


    Lesson 6: Justification: Not Guilty



    God Works All Things for Good

    Lesson 7: Adoption: Membership into God's Family

    The Prerequisite of Adoption

    Lesson 8: Sanctification: Growing in Likeness

    The Fundamentals of Sanctification

    The Call of the Sanctified

    Love and Sanctification

    Lesson 9: The Living Water: The Person and Works of the Holy Spirit

    Living Water

    The Dwelling of the Holy Spirit


    Lesson 10: Eternal Security (Perseverance): Can I Lose My Salvation?

    The Promise of Eternal Security

    Lesson 11: Death and the Intermediate State: What Happens When We Die?

    Truth # 1: Death is the Final Outcome of Living in a Fallen World

    Truth # 4: Death is used as an Aid to Assist in our Unity with Christ

    Truth #5: Death is a Reality that Should Lead Us to Become Obedient to Christ

    Lesson 12: The Final Outcome of Salvation: The New Life

    Glorification is the Final Result of Salvation




    About The Author


    Seven Pillars of Discipleship

    Pillar 1 Salvation

    Dr. Terren L. Dames

    ISBN 978-1-64559-094-1 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64559-095-8 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2019 Dr. Terren L. Dames

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books, Inc.

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576


    Introduction to Salvation

    As we begin this venture into becoming disciples of Jesus Christ, we must start at the beginning—that is, the beginning of everything. Salvation is the first step in the process of becoming a disciple and part of the Ekklesia (church/body/bride of Christ), and in order to understand salvation, we must first discover why it is that we need to be saved and what it is that we need to be saved from.

    Every believer must have a clear understanding of what it means to be saved according to the Scriptures, which shows us how God intervenes on behalf of sinful humanity. It is the act whereby God the Father, before the foundation of the world, appointed Christ the Son (creator of the world) to redeem mankind by His death on a cross (Matt. 25:34; Jn.17:24; Eph. 1:4; Heb. 4:3; 1 Pet. 1:20; Rev. 13:8). Christ the Son of God would send the Holy Spirit of God to call, baptize, seal, regenerate, indwell, justify, sanctify, and ultimately glorify all those who would believe on Him (Jn. 14; Acts 2; Rom. 8:30, 33; 1 Cor. 6:11). The Holy Spirit initiates the process of salvation by opening the ears and eyes of those who are lost to an understanding of the gospel message. He simultaneously begins the regenerative work which results in a new birth (Jn. 3; 1 Cor. 6:11). This new birth is totally and completely the work of God and does not depend on the acts of human will (Rom. 5:15; 6:23; Eph. 2:8).

    This concept was articulated by Jesus in John 3 where he told Nicodemus he must be born again to see and enter into the kingdom of God. The concept of being born again was foreign to Nicodemus, so he began to use human reasoning as to how the process works. Jesus then shared with him that it is the work of the Spirit of God who gives one the understanding of the gospel and thus newness of life. For the new believer (disciple), this is essential to his/her understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit and our dependence upon Him as Ekklesia (Church).

    The goal of this study is to help those seeking to gain a better understanding of the process of salvation. It is essential for every member of the church (the body of Christ) to know that it is the love of God the Father (Jn. 3:16) that results in the work of the Holy Spirit whereby He leads one to the saving knowledge of Jesus the Christ as the Son of God, through the proclamation of the gospel; in which He (that is the Holy Spirit) calls, baptizes, seals, regenerates, indwells, justifies, sanctifies, and ultimately glorifies at the day of redemption all whose names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world (John 3; Rom. 1:16; 8:26-30; 10:10; Phil. 4:3; Titus 3:5; Rev. 13:8; 17:8). This will become much clearer as we continue in the study.

    Take note of the following chart at the end of the study. It should be much clearer in your thought process as to the flow, its meaning, and implications.

    Jesus commanded the disciples in Matthew 28: 19–20

    Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching

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