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Why God Hates Religion!
Why God Hates Religion!
Why God Hates Religion!
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Why God Hates Religion!

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There are an estimated 4,200 religions and religious groups in the world, each with their own set of beliefs, practices, and followers. However, there is only one of these religions that is of God. In this book, we look at beginnings, as to where mankind went astray from God and the way that God provided for mankind to be right with Him, plus see why God hates religion!

Release dateOct 5, 2023
Why God Hates Religion!

Roger Henri Trepanier

Roger Henri Trepanier is an evangelist, author, and counselor, who has been serving God on his field of service since 1999. One hundred and twelve books have been published so far in five different series, all available in print format and as an eBook for any type of eBook reader. He is a widower with three adopted children, all now married.The author's two websites have been closed. To access the author's books, please type, "Roger Henri Trepanier, books" in any search engine. All the author's books are available in print and ebook formats for all devices.

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    Book preview

    Why God Hates Religion! - Roger Henri Trepanier

    The Truth Seeker’s Library

    Why God Hates Religion!

    Copyright 2023 by Roger Henri Trepanier

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2023 by Roger Henri Trepanier

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author. An exception is granted reviewer who wishes to quote a brief passage or two as part of a public review of this book

    Scripture taken from:


    Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995

    by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    This book is dedicated to all those who have discovered the difference between what is true religion and what is false religion. To such the following is true:

    and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.

    John 8:32




    What is religion?


    When did the five main religions of the world originate?


    God discloses two types of religion in His word!


    Where did mankind go wrong?


    God has already made known to mankind the religion that is of God!


    God’s gives us a Biblical example at Genesis 4 of the start of man-made religion, which can be called, the religion of Cain.


    Why God hates religion!


    We need to beware, because there are many groups who call themselves Christians, even within Christianity, and who are simply not of God!


    A last word!


    The four ages of time


    For those who may not as yet know God

    The next book

    End page


    As some readers may be aware, the author has worked with seniors for thirty years, eleven of those years while still working fulltime for a Company, and then nineteen of those years while an evangelist on my field of service. A few years ago, the daughter of a woman, who was part of my support group in a Care Home, visited her mother from England. And as always, my primary focus in that support group was threefold, namely to minister to these seniors so as to meet their spiritual, social, and emotional needs.

    In any case, when the daughter visited her mother for the first time, she asked me what took place as her mother took part in my support group. So I told her, and then we got into a discussion about God. During the course of our conversation, I said to her, God hates religion, and at that statement I could tell that she was shocked. In talking with her further, I could tell that she was not as yet one who did have a personal relationship with God through faith in His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ.

    And it is also my belief, after being an evangelist on my field of service since October 2, 1999, that there are many all over this world who also do not realize that God indeed does hate much of the religion that He sees taking place on earth. And now this book is being written in the hope that all who read this book will come to clearly understand why God hates religion in general!

    It should also be mentioned that there is an Addenda at the back of the book with two sections. In Addendum A, we have a detailed look at the four ages that God has divided time into; while at Addendum B we have a presentation of the gospel, which is the good news that God has given in His word regarding His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, for any reader who might not as yet have this vital personal relationship with God, through faith in His Son.

    What should also be mentioned before closing this Introduction, because we are all somewhat curious by nature, is that after completing 21 years of formal education and then spending almost 28 years working in Project Engineering and Management in the Corporate offices of two large utilities, God called His servant as a non-denominational evangelist in early 1999, and then sent him out over two thousand miles, away from family and friends, to the place of service God assigned, which is where His servant has been, and is still serving Him, as evangelist, author, and counselor. The author is a widower with three adopted children, all now married with a family of their own.

    This book, and all the author’s books, are available for purchase in print format or as an eBook on all major distribution channels. Since the author’s two websites are no longer active, one may access the books, and places to purchase, by typing Roger Henri Trepanier, books in any search engine.

    And now my prayer is that God will richly bless you as you read this book, and greatly minister to every need in your life, as only God can! To Him be all praise, honor, and glory, with thanksgiving, both now and forevermore! Amen.

    Make no mistake about it, the religion a person adheres to will either lead one to Heaven or it will lead one to hell! There are no other choices.


    What is religion?

    The Merriam-Webster dictionary says that religion is a personal set, or institutionalized system, of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary says that religion is the service and worship of God or the supernatural. The Cambridge dictionary defines religion as the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief and practice. The Oxford dictionary says that religion is the belief in a superhuman controlling power, especially in a personal God or gods entitled to obedience and worship.

    Britannica has an interesting entry for religion, which is, "human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence. It is also commonly regarded as consisting of

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