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Dark Love Clouds (A Classic Novel)
Dark Love Clouds (A Classic Novel)
Dark Love Clouds (A Classic Novel)
Ebook153 pages1 hour

Dark Love Clouds (A Classic Novel)

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Unexplained Sorrow
An Unexpected Guest
Memories Returned
The Cave
Fire Rekindled
Secret Revealed
Thoughts of Betrayal
Thoughts of Departure
She in His Room
Secret Departure
The Best Gift

Three years into an arranged marriage, she found herself yearning for that elusive conjugal bliss, the ultimate joy for wedded hearts. She began to suspect her husband's affections lay elsewhere, but it wasn't infidelity; he was affectionate but kept his distance.

His pursuit of wildlife on the hunting grounds left her with opulence but a desolate existence, akin to a melancholic, voiceless figurine. Then, an unforeseen event shattered their world, setting off a cascade of change.

Vijaya Kapoor's "Dark Love Clouds" transports you to an unimaginable realm. With eloquent, simple prose, this novel seeks to nestle in the core of your being. Once you commence this literary journey, nourishment and sustenance may become secondary as you become wholly absorbed in the tale. It promises to be a valuable addition to your literary collection.

PublisherRaja Sharma
Release dateOct 20, 2023
Dark Love Clouds (A Classic Novel)

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    Book preview

    Dark Love Clouds (A Classic Novel) - Vijaya Kapoor

    Dark Love Clouds (A Classic Novel)

    Vijaya Kapoor


    Copyright@2023 Vijaya Kapoor

    Smashwords Edition

    All Rights Reserved

    Table of Content

    Unexplained Sorrow

    An Unexpected Guest

    Memories Returned

    The Cave

    Fire Rekindled

    Secret Revealed

    Thoughts of Betrayal

    Thoughts of Departure

    She in His Room

    Secret Departure

    The Best Gift

    A Few Words

    Three years into an arranged marriage, she found herself yearning for that elusive conjugal bliss, the ultimate joy for wedded hearts. She began to suspect her husband's affections lay elsewhere, but it wasn't infidelity; he was affectionate but kept his distance.

    His pursuit of wildlife on the hunting grounds left her with opulence but a desolate existence, akin to a melancholic, voiceless figurine. Then, an unforeseen event shattered their world, setting off a cascade of change.

    Vijaya Kapoor's Dark Love Clouds transports you to an unimaginable realm. With eloquent, unembellished prose, this novel seeks to nestle in the core of your being. Once you commence this literary journey, nourishment and sustenance may become secondary as you become wholly absorbed in the tale. It promises to be a valuable addition to your literary collection.

    Chapter 1

    Unexplained Sorrow

    Upon hearing the approaching horse hooves at the entrance gate, Mallavika eagerly opened the window and peered outside. Her husband had returned unusually early today. She swiftly tidied up the disarray in the room and descended to welcome him.

    With the sun already set and darkness gradually enveloping the surroundings, Mallavika instructed her maid, Gauri, to illuminate a lamp, and she herself stood in the courtyard. Abhinav unloaded his shoulder-mounted gun, handed it to a servant, and wore a warm smile as he faced Mallavika. They made their way toward each other, hand in hand.

    The external darkness remained unbroken. Observing the lamp's glow in the room, Abhinav inquired, Have you already lit it?

    Hmm... you're home early today! Mallavika replied with a cheerful and teasing tone.

    But what if I had returned in the afternoon?

    When you're absent, the house feels gloomy, and solitude makes me very sad.

    Why solitude? We have Gauri, the servants, and the comforting embrace of nature.

    Everything is here, but without you... Mallavika interrupted her husband, beginning to remove his heavy coat.

    Abhinav shed his coat and reclined on the bed. Mallavika sat beside him, running her fingers through his disheveled hair, and asked, How was your day today?

    Unfortunate. Not a single bird was captured, he lamented.

    It's fortunate that you've avoided wrongdoing.

    The boundaries between virtue and sin are quite narrow; life doesn't adhere to such simplicity.

    So, how does life work? Mallavika inquired playfully, encircling her arm around Abhinav's neck. Abhinav gazed into her entrancing eyes with a silent but meaningful look, gently disentangled her arm, and sat up on the bed. Mallavika, with a gentle grip on his hand, politely inquired, What's the matter?

    Nothing. Prepare for a bath. Ensure enough warm water is available.

    Mallavika released his hand and stared at him, still as a statue. With a smile, Abhinav retreated into the room to change his attire.

    Even after he departed, she stood there, lost in thoughts for a few moments. Then, abruptly, she called for Gauri to bring water and began preparing her husband's clothes herself.

    It had been nearly three years since they married, yet she couldn't quite fathom his emotions. There was no one in the house with whom she could share her feelings, and she would suppress her emotions day and night. What was she missing? She was young, beautiful, and well-educated, hailing from an affluent family. Her father possessed abundant wealth. She knew all the etiquette of high society. So, what was it that held them together? These questions left her mind in turmoil, but was there any answer? The mere thought exhausted her, rendering her incapable of pondering or comprehending anything.

    She would devise new strategies to win her husband's affection, but all in vain. The chasm between them continued to widen. She put in considerable effort to bridge it, but it proved futile. It was beyond her control, and now she felt compelled to cease trying. She resembled a river, sheltered by the ebb and flow of its waves, with one wave rising here and another there. This was a peculiar life—devoid of love, hatred, joy, or sorrow. There was a constant tug and pull, accompanied by a perpetual ache, as if someone were striking their head with a stone in a dream and deriving pleasure from the pain.

    The sound of the bathroom door opening startled her, causing her to fix her gaze on the tea tray that Gauri had placed on the table, seemingly ages ago. The sound of Abhinav's footsteps reached her ears, and she bent over the tray, preparing tea. She remained silent and melancholic. Abhinav, with a smile, took a seat in front of her and, holding a cup, politely inquired, Why do you appear so troubled?

    Why should it concern you? She responded cautiously, nodding her head, and started preparing a cup of tea for herself.

    If not I, then who else? Abhinav questioned.

    What do I know? You are the one who knows how to hunt... who can predict the fate of the wounded! she replied.



    What solace can I find in causing someone pain?

    What should I know?

    So listen! The agony inflicted by his suffering is more painful than the distress it causes me.

    Then stop hunting.

    No... I can't do that.

    Abhinav fell silent after sipping his tea. Mallavika thought it best not to press the matter any further and remained quiet, sipping her tea in contemplation.

    Abhinav retreated to his room after savoring a cup of tea. Mallavika, meanwhile, retreated into her thoughts for a while before commencing the task of changing her attire. As she changed, her mind wandered—it was her nature to be serious, to feel sorrow unnecessarily, to introspect deeply, and above all, to love her husband passionately.

    Suddenly, a peculiar impulse swept through her mind, leading her to Abhinav's room. There, he stood, engrossed in his bookshelf, searching for a particular book. Mallavika approached him silently, waiting for him to notice her. When minutes passed and he still hadn't turned to acknowledge her presence, Mallavika playfully crafted a handkerchief into a makeshift triangle and gently brushed it against Abhinav's ear. Startled, he jumped and swiftly turned to face Mallavika. A spontaneous, hearty laugh escaped her.

    At that moment, she looked exceptionally beautiful, clad in a light pink silk saree with meticulously groomed hair and a radiant complexion. Abhinav's mind wandered back to the day when she had first arrived at their home as a bride. She had been charming then, and she remains so now. Smiling, Abhinav's gaze traversed from head to toe, and he closed the book he held, carefully returning it to the cupboard.

    Mallavika extended a rose towards him, subtly hinting that he should place it in her hair. Abhinav took the flower and delicately positioned it in her hair bun, causing Mallavika to smile. She pressed her lips against his chest and softly inquired, Shall we go?

    Go where? Abhinav inquired.

    For a walk by the lake.

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