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The Recipe: Living Life with Ease
The Recipe: Living Life with Ease
The Recipe: Living Life with Ease
Ebook170 pages1 hour

The Recipe: Living Life with Ease

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About this ebook

Dive into a transformative journey with Ramdas Ormond as he unveils "The Recipe" - a timeless approach to embracing life's challenges with grace and mindfulness. Drawing from his personal triumph over decades of depression and the wisdom of ancient teachings, Ormond offers a simple yet profound roadmap to inner peace. Through interactive exercis

Release dateOct 27, 2023
The Recipe: Living Life with Ease

Ramdas Ormond

An internationally recognized teacher and mentor, Ramdas Ormond has dedicated over two decades to guiding individuals towards a life of mindfulness, acceptance, and inner peace. His teachings, deeply rooted in personal experience, have touched the lives of thousands across 21 countries spanning six continents.Ramdas's journey is one of transformation and resilience. After grappling with depression for 30 years, he discovered a path to freedom and well-being. This personal liberation fueled his passion for teaching and became the foundation for his renowned methodology. Drawing from his insights, the wisdom of ancient teachings, and the guidance of esteemed mentors, he offers a holistic blueprint for individuals to navigate life's challenges, from daily stressors to deeper struggles like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.In recent years, Ramdas has channeled his expertise towards supporting those in addiction recovery. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by this community, he believed that if his approach could aid their journey, it would indeed be a universally applicable tool. This focus underscores his commitment to making a tangible difference and his belief in the transformative power of genuine self-inquiry.Beyond his teachings, what sets Ramdas apart is his ability to foster an intimate dialogue with his audience. His sessions are not just instructional but are conversations-spaces of shared exploration, understanding, and growth. His genuine, relatable approach resonates deeply, making complex concepts accessible and transformativeToday, Ramdas Ormond stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to the enduring beauty of the human spirit. Through his teachings, he continues to inspire and guide individuals on their journey to self-discovery and lasting inner peace.

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    Book preview

    The Recipe - Ramdas Ormond




    Hello and welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. Let’s talk about The Recipe.

    Like all recipes, The Recipe is best when shared with a friend. If you look at the cover, you’ll see a comfy couch and a cup of chai or spiced tea on the table. Imagine that you and I are sitting there, about to enjoy a cup of chai together as we talk. In fact, I actually recommend using the chai recipe you’ll find at the end of this conversation to make a cup of chai so you can sip while we talk.

    If you listened to my introduction over in the foreword, then you already know a little about me. It’s also possible you came right here to the kitchen and sat down first; so, let me quickly tell you a little about me.

    Hey look. I’m just this guy, ya know? which really means, despite all appearances, there’s not much difference between you and me. Sure, what we’ve experienced might be wildly different, but the ones who experienced all of that, you and me, we’re not that different.

    I’ve experienced 30 years of depression, which included multiple suicide attempts. I’ve lived over 14 years now, completely depression free. Every day for the last three years, I’ve started each day excited to be alive. That part is a bit of a shocker, even to me.

    The Recipe allows you to experience relief from the things in your life that disturb your mind now. And, be honest, that’s the reason you’re here.

    Why are you here?

    You and I are sitting in this kitchen, sipping chai, and having this conversation because you believe I have something that can give you relief from whatever is disturbing you.

    What makes you think I can help you? I already know you believe I can help you or we wouldn’t be sipping chai together. We wouldn’t be having this conversation. Right now, however, it’s extremely important that you are very clear about why you think I can help you.

    You might remember that I said there would be empty space in our conversation and that these empty spaces would provide a time and place for you to write out your thoughts. You have some thoughts about why you believe I can help you. I see an empty space.

    Write out your thoughts about why you think I can help you. What you write will help you remember why we’re even having this conversation.

    I know The Recipe will transform your life.

    In the space below or in a journal, write why you believe that as well.

    How to use our conversation.

    I’ve already mentioned once that our time together must be interactive. Let’s quickly review what that means.

    First, this is a conversation. Remember to keep that pictured in your mind, that we're two friends sipping chai together in the kitchen.

    Second, your direct participation and experience are vital. When we come to an Investigation—you just experienced your first Investigation, writing out why you believe The Recipe can help you—do not continue the conversation without investigating first. If you don’t investigate, you’re stuck believing me and that won’t be effective.

    Finally, the empty spaces provide a time and place for you to write out your thoughts. This is a form of Investigation. Use the empty spaces.

    Use. Them.

    The Recipe is amazing. Even though it’s amazing, it’s not the most important ingredient. The most important ingredient is your enthusiasm. To help nurture and increase your enthusiasm, join the growing online community through the social media links at

    You’ll find conversations around questions and answers. You might join the conversations where you can report your success stories and listen to the success stories of others. There are also conversations about difficulties using The Recipe. In the near future, there will be opportunities for one-on-one conversations with myself and other mentors.

    Still, you have to use The Recipe yourself. There’s also lots of encouragement and support available.

    Now, we’ve been talking for a bit. Let’s take a short breather and relax for a moment. In fact, our next Investigation is exactly that, a short

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