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Th'Evacuation of Planet Earth
Th'Evacuation of Planet Earth
Th'Evacuation of Planet Earth
Ebook79 pages32 minutes

Th'Evacuation of Planet Earth

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Requires color.  Requires color!  Requires color!

How does one go about emptying a world?  By destroying it of·course – too easy – but one might also wish to consider some of the less·popular options.  No?  Already decided, dead·set on global destruction, sure, knew that already, no surprise.  But what if some other option shows·up uninvited?

Th'e·novel The Guardian Dæmons is a highly formatted yet reflowable experimental hybrid that makes significant use of multi·colored texts and backgrounds, is thus not intended for most e·readers.  This short·story #3a excerpts a few pieces from that novel, for use in checking the compatibility of any such device.  Good luck!  If the device fails yet the story succeeds, do try a different device.

Release dateNov 1, 2023
Th'Evacuation of Planet Earth

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    Book preview

    Th'Evacuation of Planet Earth - Dennis Black


    of Planet Earth

    Th'e·novel The Guardian Dæmons

    is a highly formatted yet reflowable

    experimental hybrid that makes

    significant use of multi·colored texts

    and backgrounds, is thus not intended

    for most e·readers.

    This short·story #3a excerpts a few pieces

    from that novel, for use in checking

    the compatibility of any such device.

    Good luck!

    If the device fails yet the story

    succeeds, do try a different device.

    Dennis Black

    Copyright © 2023 by Dennis Black

    All rights reserved.

    Excerpted with permission

    from The Guardian Dæmons,

    copyright © 2023 Dennis Black.

    ISBN:  978-1-962461-06-1

    Publisher:  non·standard thought

    First edition:  November 2023

    This is a work of escape fiction. 

    As such, any resemblance to reality

    is a failing for which you have

    my most embarrassed apology

    as·well·as my keenest curiosity

    about the nature of the reality

    that you personally inhabit,

    and I encourage you to please

    write it all down in great detail,

    so that your semi·detached state

    might provide that much further

    escape for the rest of us, for which

    we shall all be most grateful.




    Collapse + laaps : WestCoast, Terra

    Political campaign season is shaping up as a 3·way race, essentially asking the voters to decide which world·view is more valid:  technology, oblivion or god.  All 3 are focused on the long·over·due yet still·pending end of the world, as if no·one had any·thing better to worry about – briefly stated:

    Keep fighting·jailing each other, in hope that this will trigger a new tech solution.

    Stop fighting·jailing each other, since there is no longer any future to be had.

    Keep fighting·jailing each other, in hope that some god will think we're cute.

    In a city park, all 3 campaigns have erected small booths to woo potential voters.  The god ticket is drawing the biggest crowd, so th'Alien stands off to one side, listens carefully to try to determine what's th'attraction.  Right away it becomes clear that they do have at·least 1 distinct advantage.  Ambiguity.

    voter.  Which god are you campaigning for?

    candidate.  Whichever one you like.

    voter.  What if I don't like any of them?

    candidate.  Maybe you just haven't met the right one.  Looking for a god, or a spouse?

    voter.  Maybe there isn't any right one.

    candidate, confident.  There's a religion to fit anyone.

    believer suggests to voter.  If none of them fits, then make up your own.

    voter.  That sounds arbitrary.

    candidate.  The Lord works in mysterious ways.  Per 18th·century poet Wm Cowper.

    believer to voter.  You could start with one that's at-least interesting, and branch out from there.

    preacher to voter.  Don't listen to him.

    voter.  Why not?

    preacher.  Sectarianism is the bane of all religion.


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