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Plundered by the Pirates of Swampy Cove
Plundered by the Pirates of Swampy Cove
Plundered by the Pirates of Swampy Cove
Ebook58 pages45 minutes

Plundered by the Pirates of Swampy Cove

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An hour after the relentless stream of trick-or-treaters trickled off, I'm making my way along dark, unfamiliar streets to a Halloween party my bestie, Carrie, insisted I join her at. Thrown by people I don't know. At a frat house I'd never been to, down near Swampy Cove, according to the GPS. 

Then she runs off to meet her newest fling and leaves me, the directionally challenged, to find her own way to the party.

What could go wrong, right?

One black cat, a glass of red wine, and four pirates later, I still haven't found Carrie. She better be having a great time, because goodness only knows what's gonna happen next. 

Maybe I should've just stayed home. 

Four pirates tell me that would've been much less fun.

Release dateOct 30, 2023
Plundered by the Pirates of Swampy Cove

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    Book preview

    Plundered by the Pirates of Swampy Cove - G.G. Wylde

    Chapter 1

    O h, my goodness, Pats , my bestie, Carrie, grabbed my arm, did you hear about the Kappa Sig party this weekend?

    Jesus, I swiped a hand across my lips and dodged the splash onto the sidewalk, coffee abuse is wrong, babe. Wrong! She didn’t mean to spill my restorative bean juice, but still. I had classes to get through. That wouldn’t be happening without my caramel macchiato with an espresso shot.

    Dismissed by a wave of her hand, Carrie slipped her arm through mine and raved about this guy she met the night before.

    Forget about that, Pats. You should have seen the Adonis I met last night. Boy crazy at the best of times, Carrie laid her head on my shoulder with a sigh. He was perfect. And he’s Kappa Sig. Invited both of us to their Halloween party Saturday night. Her nails dug into my arm, reminding me how I’d become a hermit the last few months. Please, Pats, come with me. Don’t let that dickwad steal your sunshine.

    I knew she was right. My ex didn’t deserve to steal my sunshine. I needed to show him I’d shine bright without him, but it wasn’t easy. 

    My self-esteem took a nosedive at the end of last semester after Brent broke our engagement to be with his pregnant stepmother. The woman he’d cheated on me with. Then left me for. Now they’re shacked up together, expecting their love child, and his father and I are out in the cold.

    Should’ve just hooked up with Kent. He’s good-looking. Bet he’s a great kisser, too. A beleaguered sigh drifted behind me. I’d crushed on my ex’s father when we were together, but never would have had the guts to seduce him.

    What do you say, Pats? Carrie made a face when she stole a sip of my coffee. Don’t know how you drink that shit. Blech. Now. About that party. She stopped in front of me, hip cocked, finger wagging at me. You’re coming with, missy. And we’ll get a kick ass costume for you, too. She skipped along beside me. It’s gonna be so much fun. Might even get laid!

    I snatched my coffee back with a giggle. Glad you hated it. Tongue out, I took a sip and said, We’ll see. I think I still have my Queen Victoria costume in the closet.

    Carrie grunted her displeasure. I ignored her. She harrumphed and muttered under her breath. I bit back a grin. She hopped in front of me, arms crossed, and pouting. No. 

    I barked out a laugh and sidestepped her. Come on, pouty face, we’ll be late for class.

    I’ll go to the party after the trick-or-treaters have stopped. Slight breeze chilled me, brushing my dark hair over my shoulder. I’m not giving up seeing all those cute kids in their costumes for a frat party.

    Or their dads, I’m sure. My cheeks flushed as I thought of the hot single dad across the street from us. Don’t want to miss Curtis in his hot dad costume, huh? I’m onto you, Pats, Carrie grinned and grabbed my arm. We’ll go after. Now, what sexy costume can we rustle up for you in three days? She gave me a squeeze, her natural exuberance bubbling over. Hot nurse? Sexy witch? Oh, I know! She snapped her fingers and jumped in front of me. Sex-starved nun! My family’s atheist background made her last suggestion funnier than anything and we collapsed together, hysterical laughter turning heads our way. 

    A cat’s panicked mewl and an ebony flash streaked past us, a bulldog pulling its running owner behind it hot on its tail. Something about that cat tugged at me.

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