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Understanding the National Commission on Higher Education in Liberia
Understanding the National Commission on Higher Education in Liberia
Understanding the National Commission on Higher Education in Liberia
Ebook208 pages1 hour

Understanding the National Commission on Higher Education in Liberia

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"Understanding the National Commission on Higher Education in Liberia"

Author: Dr. Mogana S. Flomo, Jr., Former Special Technical Consultant of the National Commission on Higher Education

If you're deeply invested in improving higher education quality and its impact on national development, "Understanding the National Commission on Higher Education in Liberia" by Dr. Mogana S. Flomo, Jr., is your comprehensive guide. Drawing upon his extensive experience as a Former Special Technical Consultant of the National Commission on Higher Education, Dr. Flomo has crafted this invaluable resource to serve as a consultant to administrators and all stakeholders of the NCHE.

With the unique insights of an insider, this book meticulously explores key challenges encountered by the NCHE, including:

Inadequate Funding and Resources: Delve into how a scarcity of financial resources hampers the NCHE's ability to ensure quality education, impacting accreditation and quality assurance processes.

Limited Capacity and Expertise: Gain insights into the shortage of qualified staff and technical expertise within the NCHE and its consequences on the evaluation and monitoring of higher education institutions.

Inconsistent Standards Enforcement: Understand the implications of inconsistent standards enforcement on compliance with accreditation requirements and education quality.

Limited Coordination and Collaboration: Uncover the hurdles arising from limited coordination and collaboration with stakeholders, which obstruct effective policy development and implementation.

With Dr. Flomo's intimate knowledge of the NCHE, this book doesn't just point out challenges; it offers innovative solutions to address them, including:

Advocating for Increased Funding: Discover how advocating for additional funding, both through government support and international partnerships, can be a game-changer for higher education in Liberia.

Capacity Building and Staff Development: Explore initiatives like training programs and collaborations with academic and professional organizations that are essential for overcoming the expertise gap within the NCHE.

Strengthening Regulatory Mechanisms: Learn about the significance of revising and enhancing accreditation standards and criteria to ensure effective quality assurance.

Improving Stakeholder Engagement: Understand the importance of establishing regular communication channels with stakeholders and how collaboration can enrich the development and implementation of policies.

Authored by Dr. Mogana S. Flomo, Jr., a former Special Technical Consultant, "Understanding the National Commission on Higher Education in Liberia" is a vital resource for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders deeply committed to enhancing the NCHE's effectiveness and promoting the development of high-quality higher education in Liberia. It's a hands-on guide and a consultant's perspective, poised to make a significant impact, turning challenges into opportunities and paving the way for a brighter future in higher education.

Join us in this transformative journey. Together, we can shape the future of higher education in Liberia and contribute to national development on a broader scale.

PublisherMGI Inc.
Release dateOct 30, 2023
Understanding the National Commission on Higher Education in Liberia

Mogana S. Flomo, Jr.

Dr. Mogana S. Flomo, Jr., born in 1976 in Liberia, is a prominent figure in academia, agriculture, and public health. As Founder of CEPRES Inc. and CEPRES International University, he champions education, environmental sustainability, and public health. With 26 years in academia, he serves as a lecturer and consultant, shaping higher education in Liberia. Notably, he led Liberia's agricultural sector as the Former Minister of Agriculture, advocating for sustainability and smallholder farmers empowerment. Dr. Flomo's entrepreneurial endeavors focus on innovative strategies for smallholder farmers. A prolific author, he contributes significantly to literature in agriculture, environmental sustainability, Education, and public health. Board memberships further showcase his commitment to holistic development, leaving an indelible mark on Liberia's progress.

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    Book preview

    Understanding the National Commission on Higher Education in Liberia - Mogana S. Flomo, Jr.

    Chapter 1.  Introduction

    1.1  A. Brief overview of the National Commission on Higher Education (NCHE) in Liberia

    The National Commission on Higher Education (NCHE) in Liberia is a regulatory and oversight body responsible for the administration and supervision of higher education in the country. Established by an Act of the Liberian Legislature in 1989, the NCHE plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and standards of higher education institutions (HEIs) and programs across Liberia.

    The primary mandate of the NCHE is to promote and coordinate the development of higher education in the country. It oversees the establishment, accreditation, and regulation of universities, colleges, and other higher education institutions. The commission is responsible for evaluating the quality and relevance of academic programs, ensuring compliance with standards, and facilitating continuous improvement.

    The NCHE also serves as a link between the government, higher education institutions, and other stakeholders. It formulates policies and guidelines for the development of higher education, advises the government on matters related to the sector, and collaborates with relevant bodies to enhance the quality and accessibility of higher education in Liberia.

    By upholding standards and quality assurance, the NCHE aims to ensure that higher education institutions in Liberia provide students with valuable learning experiences, produce competent graduates, and contribute to national development.

    1.2  Importance of higher education for national development

    Higher education plays a critical role in national development and has numerous important contributions. Here are some key points highlighting the significance of higher education for a country's progress:

    1.2.1  Human Capital Development:

    As an educator, I understand the pivotal role that higher education plays in human capital development. Higher education equips individuals with advanced knowledge, skills, and competencies that are crucial for the development of a skilled workforce. Well-educated individuals contribute significantly to innovation, productivity, and economic growth. This concept is supported by research and real-life examples, which I will discuss in this context.

    Higher education serves as a critical catalyst for human capital development by providing individuals with knowledge, skills, and competencies that are essential for their professional growth and contribution to the economy (Jenkins, 2016).

    Real-Life Example: South Korea's Investment in Higher Education

    A real-life example of the impact of higher education on human capital development can be observed in South Korea. In the latter half of the 20th century, South Korea made significant investments in its higher education system. As a result, the country witnessed a remarkable transformation from a low-income nation to a high-income one in a span of a few decades. The Korean workforce, equipped with advanced knowledge and skills from higher education, played a pivotal role in this economic miracle. Skilled professionals, researchers, and innovators emerged from the country's universities, contributing to South Korea's rapid economic growth and technological advancements. This transformation underscores how higher education can drive human capital development and subsequently boost economic progress.

    In conclusion, higher education is an essential driver of human capital development. It empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to enhance their professional capabilities and contribute to economic growth. South Korea's remarkable transformation serves as a compelling real-life example of the positive impact of higher education on human capital development and its far-reaching effects on the economy.

    1.2.2  Economic Growth and Innovation:

    Higher education institutions play as hubs of research, innovation, and technological advancement. These institutions foster entrepreneurship, creativity, and critical thinking, leading to the development of new industries, technologies, and solutions that drive economic growth and competitiveness. This concept is well-supported by research and real-life examples, which I will discuss in this context.

    Higher education institutions are recognized for their role in fostering innovation and driving economic growth by nurturing creative thinking, developing entrepreneurial skills, and conducting groundbreaking research (Etzkowitz, 2003).

    Real-Life Example: Silicon Valley and Stanford University

    One of the most renowned examples of the close relationship between higher education and economic innovation is Silicon Valley in California. Stanford University, in particular, has been instrumental in shaping this technology hub. The university's research and innovation initiatives have led to the development of countless startups and the growth of major technology companies.

    For instance, Google, a global tech giant, had its origins at Stanford University when Larry Page and Sergey Brin, both Stanford students, developed the search engine in their research project. Stanford's culture of innovation, combined with its ties to the entrepreneurial ecosystem, played a significant role in the creation of this tech giant.

    This real-life example underscores how higher education institutions like Stanford can act as catalysts for entrepreneurship, research, and the development of new industries. These innovations not only drive economic growth but also enhance a region's competitiveness on a global scale.

    In conclusion, higher education institutions are indeed hubs of research, innovation, and technological advancement. They play a vital role in nurturing creativity, entrepreneurship, and critical thinking, which, in turn, lead to the development of new industries, technologies, and solutions that drive economic growth and enhance competitiveness. The example of Stanford University and Silicon Valley exemplifies the profound impact of higher education on economic innovation and development.

    1.2.3  Social Mobility and Equality:

    As an educator, I firmly believe that higher education serves as a powerful catalyst for social mobility. It offers individuals from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to access education, acquire knowledge, and improve their socioeconomic status. By breaking the cycle of poverty and providing avenues for upward mobility, higher education promotes social equality. This concept is well-supported by research and real-life examples, which I will discuss in this context.

    Higher education plays a pivotal role in fostering social mobility by providing access to education and skills that allow individuals to improve their social and economic standing (Blanden & Machin, 2013).

    Real-Life Example: The G.I. Bill in the United States

    A compelling real-life example of the role of higher education in promoting social mobility is the G.I. Bill in the United States. After World War II, the G.I. Bill provided educational benefits to millions of veterans, enabling them to pursue higher education at universities and colleges. This transformative policy had a profound impact on social mobility.

    Many veterans, who may have faced economic and social challenges prior to their military service, were now given the opportunity to access higher education. They could acquire new skills and knowledge, ultimately leading to better employment prospects and improved socioeconomic status. The G.I. Bill not only benefited individual veterans but also contributed to the post-war economic boom in the United States.

    This example underscores how higher education can serve as a ladder for individuals to move up the socioeconomic hierarchy, regardless of their background. It demonstrates that policies aimed at expanding access to higher education can have far-reaching effects in promoting social equality and upward mobility.

    In conclusion, higher education is a key driver of social mobility, offering individuals the chance to improve their economic and social standing. The G.I. Bill in the United States serves as a compelling real-life illustration of how higher education policies can break the cycle of poverty and provide avenues for upward mobility, ultimately promoting social equality.

    1.2.4  Enhanced Governance and Democratic Values:

    Higher education plays a crucial role in fostering the development of informed and engaged citizens. It promotes democratic values, critical thinking, and civic participation, thereby strengthening governance, democratic processes, and social cohesion.

    Higher education serves as a cornerstone for nurturing informed and engaged citizens who contribute to the strengthening of democratic processes and social cohesion (Voorhees, 2017).

    Real-Life Example: The Role of Universities in the Arab Spring

    The Arab Spring, a series of pro-democracy uprisings in the Arab world in the early 2010s, highlighted the pivotal role of universities and higher education institutions in promoting democratic values and civic engagement. University students and faculty played a significant part in these movements, advocating for political change, social justice, and human rights.

    For example, in Tunisia, where the Arab Spring originated, university students and academics were at the forefront of the protests that eventually led to the ousting of the autocratic regime. These educated individuals, who had been exposed to critical thinking and democratic values through their higher education, sought to bring about political reforms and participate actively in shaping the future of their country.

    This real-life example underscores how higher education can empower individuals to engage in civic and political activities, advocating for democratic principles and contributing to social cohesion. It highlights the role of universities in nurturing informed and engaged citizens who actively participate in governance and democratic processes.

    In conclusion, higher education is a key driver of informed and engaged citizenship, as it imparts democratic values, critical thinking, and civic participation. The Arab Spring serves as a poignant example of how university-educated individuals can play a significant role in advocating for democratic change and social cohesion, further emphasizing the transformative power of higher education in strengthening governance and democratic processes.

    1.2.5  Research and Development:

    Higher education institutions are pivotal contributors to

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