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The Chronicles of Sari: Fear Streak: The Chronicles of Sari, #3
The Chronicles of Sari: Fear Streak: The Chronicles of Sari, #3
The Chronicles of Sari: Fear Streak: The Chronicles of Sari, #3
Ebook64 pages51 minutes

The Chronicles of Sari: Fear Streak: The Chronicles of Sari, #3

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What if Fear goes beyond the mind? What if it goes back to the beginning of time, back to Angels and Demons, good and evil. Since the beginning of humanity there has been fear. She has been dormant for centuries, starving from peace. Now man's fear has fed her back to health. Can Sari defeat her, or will her own fears win out?

Release dateOct 31, 2023
The Chronicles of Sari: Fear Streak: The Chronicles of Sari, #3

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    Book preview

    The Chronicles of Sari - Aminah Iman

    Chapter One

    I had the condo to myself for the first time in a minute. Dominic was out with Nick and Manny, they decided to go have some well-deserved drinks after a job well done. I was not a part of the werewolf take down, so I didn’t think I should be a part of the celebratory drinks. The fellas did not agree with my theory, but I truly just wanted some alone time. My plans were to take a nice hot bath with a beer and a good book. But, if you know anything about me, you know my plans seldom go the way I want them to. 

    My name is Sari and I hunt supernatural beings, the bad ones anyway. You have a big bad after you, call me, I’m your girl. My family has been hunting monsters for centuries. Way back when, it was easier because people believed. They knew there were things that go bump in the night. After a while people chose not to believe, they put it on superstition, and it got harder to convince and even harder to do our job without going to jail or the crazy house. Now the world believes once more, and I can get said big bad out in the open and get paid for it.  

    I’m great at what I do, even though I’ve been told on a number of occasions, that I have a bad attitude. But can you blame a girl, shit, I kill monsters for a living.  

    By looking at me you wouldn’t guess I was a hunter. I look like your average twenty-something year old female. I’m five foot two inches tall and one-hundred and thirty pounds. I work out a lot, but I’m not buff, just fit. When you kill monster for a living you have to keep in shape, otherwise you can kiss your ass goodbye.  

    If I had to pick the best thing about being a hunter, I’d have to say the fact that we heal fast, I mean really fast. I’m not sure if God felt sorry for us and decided to give us an extra boost, or if it’s simply hereditary. 

    I wear black a lot because my job is messy. I keep my hair short because monsters fight dirty, and they will pull your hair. My skin is the color of red clay, and my eyes are green. All in all, I’m not bad to look at, even with all of my scars, but to be honest my attitude could use some adjusting.  

    My partner, in this crazy life of mine, is Dominic Salvador. He is not a hunter by birthright, but he’s bad ass all the same. He was recruited by his high school history teacher and the gig fit like a glove. Dom is the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on. He’s six feet even, with honey colored skin. He has soft curly hair, beautiful brown eyes, and perfectly arched eyebrows. His shoulders are broad, and his legs are bowed. Dom has a deep

    booming voice that makes my legs weak and the way he looks at me makes my heart melt, not to mention the man fights like a warrior. He has the temper of his Italian father and the patience of his Indian mother. In other words, he is absolutely perfect for me. 

    Nick and Manny are from a wereleopard pack I inherited after I killed their alpha. My pack also consists of Selene, Nicks mate, and Benny. I know it’s unusual for a human hunter to have a Were pack, but that’s the way it is for us. 

    Anyway, back to my plans for the night. I had run my bath, added my bubbles, and retrieved my ice-cold beer from the freezer. Once everything was set up in the master bath, my phone rang. 

    Fuck! I screamed to no one. I checked to see who it was and said another fuck for good measure.  

    Hey Lonnie.  

    Lonnie was the chief of police in Marion County and my honorary big brother.  

    Hey Shorty, how’s it going? He sounded a bit stressed. 

    I hated it when people called me shorty. I look in the mirror every day, I know how short I am. 


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