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Christmas Wishes: Holiday Love, #1
Christmas Wishes: Holiday Love, #1
Christmas Wishes: Holiday Love, #1
Ebook70 pages53 minutes

Christmas Wishes: Holiday Love, #1

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About this ebook

They've been friends forever but now they're wishing for things they never knew they wanted.


Dean Hall isn't sure agreeing to help his best friend photograph a group of preschoolers was his best move. And that's before he sets eyes on the outfit she wants him to wear. No man wants to be seen in a pair of tights meant for someone half his size.


Not above subterfuge, Talli Jarmen neglects to mention the elf costume Dean needs to wear to help her. But the joke's on her because when she sees him decked out in what should be a PG outfit she's thinking things she's never thought before.


Crossing the line of friendship could ruin everything. Or grant them their greatest wish.

PublisherRhian Cahill
Release dateNov 27, 2023
Christmas Wishes: Holiday Love, #1

Rhian Cahill

Rhian Cahill is the alter ego of a former stay-at-home mother of four. With motherly duties rapidly dwindling Rhian is able to make use of the fertile imagination she used to keep herself sane for all those years of slavery. Having spent some years living overseas and visiting tropical climates has helped inspire some steamy stories. Multi-published in erotic romance and contemporary romance, Rhian, with the help of Mr. Muse, spends her days and nights writing. When not glued to the keyboard you'll find her book or knitting in hand avoiding any and all housework as much as possible.   To find out more, visit Rhian on her website and subscribe to her newsletter.  You can also follow Rhian on Facebook ,Instagram and Twitter. 

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    Book preview

    Christmas Wishes - Rhian Cahill

    Chapter One

    The squeal of brakes and blare of a horn told Dean he was out of time.


    He yanked open the top drawer of his dresser where empty space greeted him.

    The second drawer proved no better.

    Frowning, he spun around in search of his laundry bag.


    He’d forgotten to pick it up at the laundromat yesterday.

    The horn blasted again.

    Tugging a clean pair of jeans from their hanger he stepped into them. In spite of the summer heat, shorts weren’t a good idea seeing how he’d be swinging in the breeze and the last thing he wanted was a wayward little kid’s hand finding its way up his pant leg.

    Hopefully the bulk of his time would be spent inside the daycare center where the air conditioning would be pumping out cool air.

    A longer horn blast sounded as his watch beeped.


    He grabbed a t-shirt and shoved his feet into runners as he rushed from the room. He picked up his wallet and keys as he passed the kitchen counter, but lost his grip on both when he flung open the front door.

    On the fly, he exited the house before he could stop himself, while his wallet and keys flew back inside a second before the door slammed shut.

    "Shit, shit, shit, shit." He spun around to stare at the locked door.

    Behind him, Talli blasted her horn again.

    Dean looked skyward.

    This day was going from bad to worse.

    And for the first time in living history, Tallitha Jarmen wasn’t running late.

    Chapter Two

    Dean unlocked his fingers and let go of the oh-shit handle in Talli’s car.

    She wasn’t a good driver at the best of times, add in some heavy traffic due to the Christmas rush and a deadline that meant kids would be disappointed if she didn’t show up, and Talli was downright dangerous.

    Jesus. We’ll be lucky if we get there in one piece, he mumbled under his breath.

    I heard that. She swung the wheel to the left and he grabbed the handle again. As much as you dig at my driving, I’ve never had an accident that was my fault you know.

    Dean snorted. Might not have been by the law, but woman, you’re like an oil spill. Get just a little too close and the shit hits the fan.

    Just for that you can walk home, she huffed.

    He laughed. Now where have I heard that before…?

    Talli looked away from the road long enough to poke her tongue out and give him heart failure.

    Watch the damn road, woman!

    I’m watching, I’m watching. He cringed as she zipped around a slow car without indicating. Anybody would think I’d barely passed my driver’s test.

    You did barely pass and if you hadn’t worn a low cut blouse and mini-skirt you wouldn’t have.

    Their birthdays were a week apart so they’d gone for their licenses together, just one of many milestones they’d shared over the years.

    When Talli turned up at his house in a black leather mini and white tie-front shirt he’d known right then regardless of her driving skills she’d be the one coming home with a license.

    He’d been right too. Dean had failed and had to re-sit the test the following week. The memory put a smile on his face and distracted him long enough for them to reach their destination without any more heart palpitations.

    We’re here. Talli braked hard, sending them both jolting forward. Now once we get inside, I’ll show you where to get changed.


    And then we’ll get down to taking the pictures.

    She was out of the car and heading for the trunk before he could get another word out. Changed? What did she mean by changed?

    He tried to recall the original conversation as he climbed out of the car, but for the life of him he didn’t remember anything about changing. He didn’t have any more time to dwell on it though; as soon as he reached the back of the car, Talli began shoving small boxes of equipment at him.

    Left with the choice of dropping them or holding on, he did the only thing he could and held on tight. With arms full, he followed Talli into the building.

    And walked into utter chaos.

    The noise level was deafening and there were kids running everywhere. Dean tensed, clamped his arms tighter

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