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America’s Last Stand: Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America in 2024?
America’s Last Stand: Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America in 2024?
America’s Last Stand: Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America in 2024?
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America’s Last Stand: Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America in 2024?

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In America’s Last Stand, Drew Thomas Allen masterfully lays out the real and severe stakes of the 2024 presidential election. America is in peril, and the Biden administration has plunged America into a Dark Age, characterized by our nation’s objective moral, cultural, intellectual, and economic decay.

Americans have experienced for themselves life under both the Biden presidency and the Trump presidency. Americans should ask themselves a simple question: Were you better off under the Trump presidency or the Biden presidency?

America’s Last Stand chronicles the failures and lies of the Biden administration, unleashes a devastating account of the Democratic Party’s unforgivable history, and warns Americans of their plans to eradicate our freedoms and destroy American prosperity and security in the future. Allen also sets the record straight on the countless lies that have been spread about former President Trump.

Only confronting the truth can save America, and this book is America’s red pill. Allen makes the irrefutable case to reelect former President Trump, reject authoritarianism, and put America back on the path to prosperity and preserve this nation for our own posterity.

Release dateOct 25, 2023
America’s Last Stand: Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America in 2024?

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    America’s Last Stand - Drew Thomas Allen


    Advance Praise for America’s Last Stand

    "The left’s attacks against former President Trump and America are unprecedented in US history. Drew Thomas Allen has written a powerful and timely book that gives Americans the fuel they need to confront and defeat the threat of tyranny in our time. Honest and unapologetic, Allen sees opportunity rather than despair as he charges a new generation of Americans to rescue America. America’s Last Stand is the right book at the right time."

    —Christina Bobb, Veteran, United States Marine Corps, and Attorney for President Donald J. Trump

    Published by Bombardier Books

    An Imprint of Post Hill Press

    ISBN: 979-8-88845-348-3

    ISBN (eBook): 979-8-88845-349-0

    America’s Last Stand:

    Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America in 2024?

    © 2023 by Drew Thomas Allen

    All Rights Reserved

    Cover Design by Conroy Accord

    Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author and publisher.


    Post Hill Press

    New York • Nashville

    Published in the United States of America

    Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

    —James 4:14–15 (NIV)

    Table of Contents

    Preface—Santa Claus Isn’t Real

    Introduction—If You Have a Problem Figuring Out Whether to Vote for Trump or Biden, Then You Ain’t American.

    Chapter One—The Real Threat to Democracy

    Chapter Two—Are You Better Off under the Biden Presidency than You Were under the Trump Presidency?

    Chapter Three—But His Mean Tweets!

    Chapter Four—Fascists and Semi-Fascists

    Chapter Five—The Myth of The Big Switch

    Chapter Six—Black Votes Matter

    Chapter Seven—Welfare Is Slavery

    Chapter Eight—The Democratic Party’s Racism Industrial Complex

    Chapter Nine—Critical Race(ist) Theory and DEI

    Chapter Ten—A Taste of Slavery in Our Time

    Chapter Eleven—The Cult of Climate Change

    Chapter Twelve—The Climate Hoax Explained

    Chapter Thirteen—Renewable Energy Kills

    Chapter Fourteen—Twenty-First Century Jim Crow

    Chapter Fifteen—American Dark Age

    Chapter Sixteen—What Are You Voting For?

    Chapter Seventeen—The Criminalization of Patriotism

    Chapter Eighteen—We Are The Patriots Of ’24


    Santa Claus Isn’t Real

    Santa Claus isn’t real. There’s no cheery fat guy with rosacea living at the North Pole with Mrs. Claus in some socialist paradise where an army of elves hangs out for eleven months of the year until December rolls around and they joyfully go to work assembling tens of millions of toys to order as kids submit their lists to satellite Santas at their local shopping malls. It’s absurd. But there was a time when I believed all of that to be true.

    Like many of you, I can recall the moment I grew up—the moment I realized Santa Claus was a hoax and I had been deceived. I’d just returned from the grocery store with my mother. We pulled into the garage. Rather than heading inside, I went around to the trunk and found myself staring at the presents I’d put on my Christmas wish list. I was hysterical. You’re Santa Claus! I shouted at my mother. The moment was inevitable.

    The end of the Santa sham coincides with an important developmental stage in all our lives, at least for those of us who were fortunate enough to believe in the blissful fantasy as children. It’s a sad but necessary and important moment; at which point reason, critical thinking, and healthy skepticism supplant blind, selfish, and ignorant naivety. In retrospect the Santa sham—thorough and elaborate as it was—could never hold up to any basic scrutiny. The belief was dependent upon an intense desire to maintain that belief because I wanted to believe it; after all, I benefitted from it. For a time, I didn’t scrutinize it or question it because I wanted it to be true.

    But after the benign Santa game comes to an end and the truth becomes evident to the child, neither the child, nor the parents, who participated in the perpetuation of the deception, insist on the continuation of the fantasy. The child cannot deny the truth and the parents anticipate the inevitable conclusion of the game.

    But imagine that a grown man or woman continued to insist that Santa Claus was real; that this adult continued to profess that the fantasy was true to other adults; that this individual was so devoted to maintaining a childhood belief that this man or woman could not be convinced otherwise. What would you make of such a person? Would you call them insane? Would you take them seriously?

    Yet this is precisely the situation in which tens of millions of Americans of voting age find themselves. Adults, politicians, and doctors all claim with a straight face that men can have babies, that biological males should compete against biological females in athletic competitions, and that one can choose their gender.

    The truth itself is under assault in America and countless Americans are inexplicably willing and eager to play along. The very reason, skepticism, and critical thinking employed at a young age to come to terms with the Santa sham—or Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy—are summarily suppressed to affirm countless other shams in adulthood as they relate to politics.

    But while the Santa sham is benign, the political shams are cancerous. We are experiencing the disastrous consequences of our immature devotion to maintaining some bizarre, myopic, and false worldview.

    There are only two genders. Masks and COVID vaccines don’t prevent the contraction or transmission of the COVID-19 virus. For tens of millions of Americans, there’s very little interest in the origin of the virus, our own involvement in its creation, or outrage regarding the obvious coverup. The same experts who repeatedly lied about everything from the efficacy of the vaccines to the non-existent benefits of draconian lockdowns and compulsory masking are still viewed as paragons of virtue. Ditto the so-called climate experts, who have been caught repeatedly lying about climate data, who have never once been right about a single prediction for the past fifty plus years.

    Tens of millions of Americans are likewise unshaken by revelations that the media, the intelligence community, and the Democratic Party colluded to falsely accuse Trump of collusion with Putin to steal the 2016 election or to suppress the Biden bribery scandal in 2020 to interfere in that election. These Americans are still glued to their TVs and smart phones to consume and regurgitate the latest lies from the very journalists who have been lying about everything for years—and even decades—as it relates to revisionist history.

    America is in peril. The only debate is over why, who is responsible, and what must be done. Ignorance is largely responsible for America’s perilous present circumstance. Americans must shed their naive devotion to the perpetuation of the myths and lies of the past, present, and future and grow up.

    This book is America’s red pill—the one you choose to swallow if you’re brave enough to confront the unsettling and life-changing truth. But if you prefer to continue living in ignorance and are content to fly off the cliff with your eyes closed and martini in hand, don’t read this book. But I hope you will, because this is the most important book in America.

    While the United States is still presently the greatest and most prosperous nation in the history of mankind, we are currently experiencing a period of rapid decline. Our economy is contracting, our cities are decaying, our border is being invaded, our military isn’t prepared for war, our enemies plot against us, and the American dollar is worth less each day. Worse, our government is responsible for all of it. The signs of America’s imminent collapse are numerous and un-ignorable. If we don’t change course, our posterity will observe the ruins of America, as we observe the ruins of the Roman Empire. But our demise is not inevitable.

    The Founding Fathers and American revolutionaries went to war with Great Britain to give birth to this nation. Abraham Lincoln, the Republican Party, and the Union met the Democrats and the Confederacy on the bloody battlefields of Antietam, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and countless others to secure our inheritance. The Greatest Generation sacrificed their lives during World War II so that the American experiment could continue. Today, a new generation must rise up to defend freedom and America and ensure that sacred blessing is secured for our own posterity.

    Only the truth can guide us towards that destiny. Will you confront it and restore America or will you deny it and condemn America?


    If You Have a Problem Figuring Out Whether to Vote for Trump or Biden, Then You Ain’t American.

    The 2024 presidential election is the most consequential election in our lifetime. Democrats have already framed the likely rematch between former president Donald Trump and incumbent president Joe Biden as an election that will determine whether or not American democracy lives or dies. America is, in fact, not a democracy. We are a republic. Nevertheless, according to Democrats, the survival of American democracy is entirely dependent upon the re-election of President Biden—or some other Democrat who might replace him.

    The hyperbole—Vote for Biden, democracy is in peril!—may serve to rally the most rabid and loyal Democrat voters to harvest ballots for Biden come November 2024, but for most, it should incite as much enthusiasm as watching Joe Biden eat an ice cream cone or sniff some young girl’s recently shampooed hair.

    Democrats have been repeating the Trump is a threat to democracy narrative since 2016—before Trump was even elected president. In July of 2016, the Washington Post’s Editorial Board claimed: Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy.¹ Four years later—in June of 2020—the New Yorker claimed that Donald Trump was "a bigger threat than ever to U.S. Democracy."² That was even before the 2020 election and the so-called J6 Insurrection. Perhaps in 2024 Trump will be deemed a bigger threat than ever, ever to democracy.

    Trump has since asserted that the 2020 election was rigged or stolen. This so-called election denialism is now cited by Democrats as evidence that Trump is a threat to democracy. Like most accusations leveled at Trump, the Democrats seem to be engaged in the strategy of accuse first and desperately search for evidence to fit the alleged crime and narrative later.

    But if Trump’s stolen election claims make him a threat to democracy, then isn’t Joe Biden a threat to democracy too?

    On June 10, 2020, Biden claimed that Trump was going to try to steal this election during an interview with Trevor Noah.³ Then, during a press conference in January of 2022—ahead of the November midterm elections—Biden said, I’m not going to say it’s going to be legit.

    Or are presidential candidates only a threat to democracy if they accuse their opponent of stealing the election after the media declares a winner?

    After Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, Clinton called Trump an illegitimate president.⁵ She has repeatedly suggested the election was stolen from her. In 2019, three years after her defeat, Clinton claimed during a CBS News interview, I believe [Trump] understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories—he knows that—there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.

    Isn’t Hillary Clinton a threat to democracy then too? How about the Washington Post?

    The Washington Post published an article in December of 2016 with the headline, The 2016 election was stolen. Got a nicer way to say that?

    Or are presidential candidates only a threat to democracy when—after engaging in the heinous offense of election denialism—their supporters take to the streets of Washington, DC, to protest the election outcome?

    On Trump’s inauguration day on January 20, 2017, a mob of angry, election-denying Clinton supporters violently clashed with police in Washington, DC, to protest Trump’s election.⁸ Six police officers were injured and 217 protestors were arrested. Two DC police officers had to be taken to the hospital. CNN reported at the time that protestors smashed storefronts and bus stops, hammered out the windows of a limousine and eventually launched rocks at a phalanx of police lined up in an eastbound crosswalk.

    Did Hillary Clinton incite an insurrection at the Capitol? Or how about elsewhere throughout the country?

    The same violent anti-Trump protests exhibited in DC took place all over the United States—in New York, Seattle, Dallas, Chicago, and Portland, to name a few. At least one person was admitted to a Seattle hospital in critical condition with a gunshot wound.¹⁰ Liberal groups celebrated these protests.

    Once inaugurated, a special counsel was tasked with investigating Trump for allegations that he colluded with Putin to steal the 2016 election. What was the basis for this dangerous accusation and the justification for the costly $32 million and two-year-long Robert Mueller investigation?¹¹ A dossier filled with salacious and uncorroborated claims of some vague conspiracy between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russians…to steal the 2016 election.

    Not only was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion found; on the contrary, we learned that the Steele dossier—the catalyst of the political persecution—was paid for by the Clinton campaign. The Clinton campaign and the DNC were even fined by the Federal Election Commission for lying about how they spent the money—a campaign finance violation.¹² This was election interference. The Democrats accused Trump of collusion and then created evidence to support it.

    Four years later, during the 2020 election campaign, real and authenticated evidence of Hunter Biden leveraging the position and influence of his father, Joe Biden, while serving as vice president to enrich himself and his family was published in the New York Post.¹³

    Within five days of the article being published, fifty-one former intelligence officials released a statement discrediting the reporting as Russian disinformation.¹⁴ Four years prior, the Clinton campaign had invented uncorroborated evidence of Trump-Russia collusion to interfere in the 2016 election. Four years later, the Biden campaign was dismissing corroborated evidence that Biden had sold influence for personal gain as Russian disinformation to interfere in the 2020 election.

    The Biden campaign enlisted the aid of Michael Morell, a former deputy director of the CIA, to gather the signatures from fifty former intelligence officials—Morell’s own signature was the fifty-first—to lie about the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop, from which the evidence had been gathered. Again, this was also election interference.¹⁵

    Surely it’s a threat to democracy when the FBI and CIA conspire with a presidential campaign to deceive the American voters. But Trump didn’t do that. Biden did.

    Or how about when the FBI pressures social media companies to suppress stories that are damaging to a particular political candidate, even though they know the stories are true?

    The FBI did just that—pressuring both Facebook and Twitter to suppress the bombshell report from the New York Post about the Hunter Biden laptop emails during the 2020 election. In the case of Twitter, FBI agent Elvis Chan contacted Twitter’s then head of trust and safety, Yoel Roth, hours before the Post published the laptop story on October 14, 2020.¹⁶

    In March of 2022, the Washington Post joined the New York Times and admitted the damning emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop were real. Both the Post and Times had previously dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation.¹⁷

    So who exactly is the real threat to democracy?

    Ahead of the 2016 election, Trump refused to say whether or not he would concede. I will look at it at the time, Trump said. Democrats were outraged.¹⁸

    Ahead of the 2020 election, Hillary Clinton said that Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances. Why was there no Democrat outrage?¹⁹

    In 2016, computer scientists urged Clinton to challenge the election results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, claiming they had gathered evidence to suggest the election results had been potentially manipulated.²⁰ These claims were repeated on the left-leaning cable news networks. Dominion Voting Systems didn’t sue CNN or MSNBC for defamation.

    As a matter of fact, prior to the 2020 presidential election, Democrats led the charge in questioning election integrity. Ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, PBS published an article with the headline: Democrats more likely to be concerned about election security than Republicans, poll finds. The article claimed, With the midterm elections less than a month away, a strong majority of Americans are concerned the nation’s voting systems might be vulnerable to hackers, according to a poll released Wednesday.²¹

    On January 6, 2017, after the electoral college vote tally concluded to confirm Donald Trump the winner of the 2016 presidential election, more than half a dozen Democrats rose to object to the results of the election, citing Russian hacking, the legitimacy of the election and electors, voting machines, and even voter suppression.²² Were these Democrat election deniers and conspiracy theorists a threat to democracy?

    In October of 2016, before the November presidential election, the New York Times published an article with the headline, Could Donald Trump Reject the Election Results? Yes. Would It Do Any Good? Nope. The article went on to acknowledge that Trump could plead with Congress not to recognize a state’s votes, or to challenge the way they were counted…but that would be uncharted territory for Congress.²³

    That’s precisely what President Trump did in the aftermath of the 2020 election—a lawful but untested process derived from the Electoral Count Act of 1887.

    After Clinton lost the 2016 election, her campaign was urged by Democrat activists to defy the electoral college. A group of rogue, anti-Trump electors carried out an intense campaign to persuade dozens of Republican electors to ditch Trump.²⁴

    Here’s how the Washington Post covered the effort: The theory goes, then, that the electoral college vote shouldn’t hew to the mostly winner-take-all tradition with which we’re familiar. Instead, since Clinton got more votes, those electors should support her, where possible, and hand her the presidency, wrote the Post.²⁵

    Is it possible? the Post asked. Theoretically.²⁶

    Was Clinton a threat to democracy when she advocated for blowing up the US Constitution because she was unhappy with the results of the 2016 election? I believe we should abolish the Electoral College and select our president by the winner of the popular vote, same as every other office, Clinton said after losing.²⁷

    Imagine if Trump had won the popular vote but lost the electoral college in 2016. How would the media and Democrats have responded if Trump, rather than Clinton, suggested eliminating the electoral college because he lost?

    In September of 2017, Hillary Clinton floated the idea that she would formally contest the election she had lost eight months prior. I don’t know if there’s any legal constitutional way to do that, she told NPR’s Terry Gross. There are scholars, academics, who have arguments that it would be, but I don’t think they’re on strong ground.²⁸ Clinton was praised by CNN for leaving open the possibility that she would pursue legal action to invalidate the last presidential election.²⁹

    Ironically, in the same interview Clinton claimed: I believe that Donald Trump poses a clear and present danger to our democracy.³⁰

    So why is it exactly that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy again? Because Democrats say so. It’s just a bunch of pablum—vapid, intellectual pap.

    While Clinton, Biden, and Trump have all accused their political opponents of stealing an election, Trump is the only one, who didn’t interfere in an election. While Trump has been falsely accused of collusion to steal an election, Biden is actually guilty of collusion to steal an election and Clinton and the Obama administration colluded but failed.

    As the 2024 rematch between Trump and Biden approaches, it is imperative that American voters base their decisions on reality rather than fiction and reason rather than media-generated emotion.

    Much is at stake in the 2024 presidential election—much more than our so-called democracy. The survival of our country likely depends upon who is elected president. It’s an election unlike any other in our lifetimes—not merely right versus left, but good versus evil and freedom versus tyranny.

    But the choice should also be the easiest in our lifetimes. We have two records upon which to base our decisions. Every American voter has lived through both the Trump years and the Biden years. Under Trump we had it so good but we were told it was so bad. Under Biden we’ve had it so bad but we’ve been told we have it so good—or even more absurdly, that it would be worse with Trump in office.

    The year 2024 is our American re-election—the opportunity to right what is wrong and put the now-derailed American locomotive back on the track to freedom, prosperity, and security. If you have a problem figuring out whether to vote for Trump or Biden, then you ain’t American.

    C’mon man. Consider this America’s 2024 presidential voting guide. That’s no malarkey!

    ¹ Editorial Board, Opinion: Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy, Washington Post, July 22, 2016,

    ² John Cassidy, Trump Represents a Bigger Threat Than Ever to U.S. Democracy, New Yorker, June 3, 2020,

    ³ Matt Viser, Joe Biden warns that President Trump ‘is going to try to steal this election,’ Washington Post, June 11, 2020,

    ⁴ Alexa Corse, Biden Draws Criticism After Raising Prospect of Illegitimate 2022 Election, Wall Street Journal, January 20, 2022,

    ⁵ Colby Itkowitz, Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president,’ Washington Post, September 26, 2019,

    ⁶ Ibid.

    ⁷ Tom Toles, The 2016 election was stolen. Got a nicer way to say that?, Washington Post, December 16, 2016,

    ⁸ Gregory Krieg, Police injured, more than 200 arrested at Trump inauguration protests in DC, CNN, January 21, 2017,

    ⁹ Ibid.

    ¹⁰ Ibid.

    ¹¹ Katelyn Polantz, Mueller investigation cost $32 million, Justice Department says, CNN, August 2, 2019,

    ¹² Ben Kessler, Clinton campaign, DNC fined by FEC for lying about Steele dossier payments, New York Post, March 30, 2022,

    ¹³ Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge, Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad, New York Post, October 14, 2020,

    ¹⁴ Natasha Bertrand, Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say, Politico, October 19, 2020,

    ¹⁵ Harriet Alexander, "Ex-acting CIA director reveals he had 50 spies

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