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Diary of a Piglin Book 16: The Evil Alliance
Diary of a Piglin Book 16: The Evil Alliance
Diary of a Piglin Book 16: The Evil Alliance
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Diary of a Piglin Book 16: The Evil Alliance

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Calvin and friends have found a new ally in Fogu. With Fogu's help, there is a greater chance at capturing the evil Wardens, Tera and Kalo.

Tera and Kalo have been trouble from the start. Now, they have released all prisoners from The Halebury Prison, causing more chaos in the Overworld.

With the potential all

PublisherMark Mulle
Release dateNov 1, 2023

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    Book preview

    Diary of a Piglin Book 16 - Mark Mulle

    Day 1

    Just when we thought that the Wardens were not going to cause trouble any time soon, Kalo and Tera appeared out of nowhere and took Fogu away from us! Fogu was dragged down to the core of the earth, unable to defend himself against the lightning speed exhibited by the enemy Wardens. Then the evil siblings mockingly allowed Fogu to return to us.

    Are you feeling better now, Fogu? Also, how did you get here so fast? I wondered.

    Well, I had to dig my own hole to get back here. Returning to the surface from the same hole where the two Wardens grabbed me was impossible. They dug straight down, I cannot climb vertically. Fogu replied.

    What the heck was that, anyway? Those two came, took you down and disappeared. Peter wondered.

    What did those two tell you? I wasn’t here to listen to your conversation. Fogu asked for more information.

    They told us to be prepared for their wrath, the world as we know is about to go down. They weren’t very specific on when or how they were going to do it. I told Fogu.

    He sat down for a moment to think what those Warden siblings may have in mind.

    Fogu, are you alright?

    Yes, I am just taking the time to rest up a bit. Those two did a number on me… I still haven’t fully recovered, and I was afraid they will take this chance to attack me. But it turns out, they are not aware that I am still recovering. It seems they only used this trick to buy them some time and to scare you all. Fogu answered, taking deep breaths.

    Hey, take it easy now. Peter said. You should not exhaust yourself. Let your body rest, we can take care of everything if they decide to return.

    Yes, I am not worried about that. Fogu explained. I’m just perplexed about what they have in mind. Kalo and Tera aren’t the type to put themselves at risk for fun. They can be deceitful and evil, but never stupid.

    Do you mean, they would never come to Minerland if they didn’t have a clear purpose in mind? I asked him.

    Yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking. Kalo and Tera are far too smart to risk themselves just to send a message. They came straight after me, and they seemed faster than usual. I bet they have become more powerful somehow, and now they’re showcasing a bit of that power to scare us.

    We had the same thought. Johansson replied. We believe Kalo, and Tera are using the Artifact to gain some sort of superpower to become faster and stronger. We don’t have any solid evidence to back up these claims, but we witnessed something unnatural for a Warden.

    Yes, I know. Wardens cannot be that fast. The speed they were running at is definitely not normal. Fogu replied. "For a moment, I thought they had asked someone else to help them, but I cannot see anyone around here doing that. I can also confirm that I cannot detect their energy which is unusual for Wardens and there’s also no other energy surrounding them.

    Can you confirm what you said? Johansson asked. Is it true that they did not radiate any sort of energy? Nothing?

    Zero. Fogu answered. I have never seen anything like that. Wardens emit energy. Any living creature in this world emits energy especially when they are moving at ultimate speeds. I would have detected them both before they set foot in Minerland. But no, I did not detect anything. Not a single bolt of energy, nothing. In a blink of an eye, I was already ten feet under. Fogu explained.

    Creepy… Peter said. How is it possible that two Wardens managed to hide their own energy?

    If you discover how, please tell me because I have no idea. Fogu said.

    No one had the answer. Johansson and Beatriz believed that the Lightning Rod Artifact, the one the Wardens stole from the Woodland Mansion could be the reason behind it. Until we confirm that, we cannot determine the exact source of their newfound power. The only things we have are speculations.

    Well, I won’t be sitting here and waiting for them to come back. Come on now; let’s go back to the lab. Fogu said, walking towards the lab.

    Do you want us to help you with anything, Fogu? Maybe if we got you some of those Amethyst Crystals from the deep dark caves, perhaps you could recover more quickly. I offered to help.

    No need. Thank you for the kind offer, but that would not work for me. I have used up a lot of my energy from my main source; there is no Amethyst strong enough in the world that would be able to restore it. The only thing that can restore my energy to its fullest now is time.

    I see. I never thought Wardens required so much time to recover. I commented.

    They usually don’t. Even physical injuries can be healed quickly with the help of Amethysts. However, the type of energy I used cannot be restored with Amethysts. Therefore, I really need some time off the grid. I can’t recover efficiently if I have those two Wardens who might be popping up out of nowhere and dragging me around.

    Fogu needs more rest before he can return to the battlefield. He is our only choice to defeat the two enemy Wardens.

    Day 2

    Upon returning to the main lab, it was time to inspect the damage done by the unwanted visitors.

    Here we are at the laboratory. Johansson commented.

    Kalo and Tera emerged from the underground, destroyed the Bedrock cell, and escaped with Murray with them. Am I missing something? Peter wondered.

    I think you got the gist of it. Now, what are we going to do? I asked

    Fogu came into the lab, sat down on the floor, and relaxed his legs. This feels so much better. My legs were killing me. Fogu complained.

    Are you sure you’re alright? I was worried. Fogu seemed even more tired than before.

    Yes, absolutely. Thanks for asking. I wasn’t expecting that visit. I had to dig upwards all the way from the Bedrock level to the surface. I wasn’t fully recovered, and that caused a great deal of damage on me. Now, if you will excuse me I really need to wind down a bit and rest. Fogu closed his eyes.

    Sure thing buddy, please do. We will keep everything on watch, okay? We won’t let anything happen to you.

    Okay… Thank you. Fogu immediately fell asleep, and started snoring!

    Wow, he really was tired. Beatriz commented.

    D’vart! Krop! I called for them outside.

    Yes, Calvin?

    I know you cannot enter the lab, but could you try and keep Fogu under watch? We can’t let the Wardens take him away again. He’s having a hard time recovering his energy. I asked them.

    Sure, don’t worry. We will both stay here right by the lab’s door, and we will watch him closely. D’vart answered. We’ve got this!

    Yes, D’vart is right. We will do whatever it takes to protect Fogu. We will give our lives if we have to. Krop said. D’vart looked at him weirdly.

    Gosh, you changed too much with that Healing Potion…

    No, I merely changed my perception of the world. I have awakened, my friend. I can now see things more clearly.

    Alright, alright! D’vart said.

    I left the two dragons behind, knowing that they would be able to look after Fogu, who rested by the wall, sitting on the lab’s floor. I went with the other group downstairs, where Peter waited for us.

    It is scary how they managed to break through Bedrock like it was butter. Peter exclaimed, as he picked up some of the Bedrock pieces from the ground.

    I have no words to describe this. How on earth did they break into the cell so fast? It’s Bedrock! Johansson exclaimed. I know how strong Wardens are, and I understand they can even break through the hardest of blocks. Even then, the speed at which they managed to do so was out of the ordinary. I don’t know what’s going on with them.

    Yes, we get it Johansson. I totally agree with you. I nodded. "Everything happened so fast. Murray was here one moment, and in the next instant, poof. He was gone. Not only that but the speed at which they took

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