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Care Guide and Training of Cats
Care Guide and Training of Cats
Care Guide and Training of Cats
Ebook73 pages1 hour

Care Guide and Training of Cats

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When a kitten enters your home for the first time it presents you with a challenge. Not only will he steal your heart, but he will also require you to care for him, feed him, educate him, and pamper him. It won't be easy, parenting isn't easy either; and if you are a beginner, as it happens with first-time parents; there are more doubts than answers, more fears than certainties; so this guide will provide you with extensive information and peace of mind when adopting a new pet.

You will find in this book detailed explanations of how to select your little naughty tiger, how to condition your house, what food to give it, how to prevent it from getting sick, and the most effective way to train it and to obey you and many tricks that will be a delight among your friends.

Release dateNov 3, 2023
Care Guide and Training of Cats

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    Book preview

    Care Guide and Training of Cats - Bruno Fischer

    care guide

    and training

    of cats


    Bruno Fischer

    Editorial Anuket

    cover: Nicole Miranda (Pixabay)


    Chap. 1 History of the domestic cat

    Chap. 2 How to care for them?

    Chap. 3 Let's talk about your health

    Chap. 4 feeding

    Chap. 5 Training

    Chapter 1

    History of the domestic cat


    Let's start this beautiful journey to discover the amazing qualities of one of the most fascinating animals that have accompanied us during human social evolution: cats.

    In this book, we will talk exclusively about the domestic cat, its history, and evolution and we will review together the most general and precise information about it. We'll take a short introductory tour of these adorable little animals and then learn about their unique traits, personalities, upbringing, and training.

    They have lived with us for more than 4 thousand years and accompany and entertain us, which is why we spend hours with them.

    But despite this long association, many people still view cats as cold, solitary animals that can only tolerate human presence. In general, compared to dogs (probably due to behavioral differences), cats are less suggestive and compulsive than other animals. It is also for this reason that scientists, ethologists, and even psychoanalysts have studied your world and tried to understand its many aspects.

    In the cat world, hunting and foraging have always been solitary activities, and when the final test of survival comes, getting food, the cat is left alone. The independence and solitude of the cat are the basis of its hunting style. Today, thinking about cats immediately brings to mind the four-legged tenant sleeping and snoring in the best chair in the house, or the mischievous and discreet homeless man hiding in a city building, in the best Mister cat and his gang style.

    In the past, cats played an important role in the development of Western civilization and were worshiped or praised for the benefits they provided. The relationship with a cat is one of the most important links between a person and a pet. In the past, this relationship has had diverse but certainly important consequences. The ancient war between cats and rodents has been fought for centuries in silence, in secret, often at night. Cats, little hunters, were and are a bulwark against rats and some 35 dangerous diseases they carry, including typhus and the bubonic plague. Over time, their role as fighters against disease and famine has been largely superseded by modern medicine, sanitation, and the industrial revolution in food storage and preservation.


    The cat in the story

    The domestic cat is one of the most popular companion animals in the world, and its relationship with humans can be found in the records of ancient civilizations. As we have mentioned, these animals were valued for their abilities to hunt mice and other rodents that damaged crops, and this practical utility led the ancient Egyptians to adopt cats as companions and protect animals.

    Our current domestic cats probably evolved from the African wild cat, Felis silvestris lybica. The latter was common in North Africa and adapted well to life on human farms and villages, developing distinctive characteristics such as greater docility and a tendency not to howl.

    Cats reached Europe via trade and military expeditions and were soon adopted as companion animals in many parts of the Old World. During the Middle Ages, cats were often considered magical animals and were credited with supernatural powers. However, they were also accused of being witches or companions of witches, for which reason they were persecuted to eliminate them, mainly during the witch hunts of the 15th and 17th centuries.

    Over time, domestic cats evolved into a variety of different breeds, each with their own unique appearance and personality characteristics. Some of the more popular breeds include the Siamese, the Persian, the Bengal, and the Maine Coon.

    As humans expanded to other parts of the planet, cats also traveled and adapted to new environments. Some were introduced to countries like Australia and New Zealand to combat rodent infestations, while others were taken to different corners of the globe as pets.

    Over the centuries, cats have been the object of worship and adoration in many cultures. In the ancient Egyptian civilization, cats were considered sacred and worshiped as gods. In Japan, cats are considered to bring good luck and are worshiped at shrines dedicated to felines. The classic doll of a cat with one hand calling out to buyers floods shop windows around the world.

    Today, cats are an integral part of many people's lives and are prized for their companionship, beauty, and unique personality.


    common features

    Domestic cats have many distinctive features that make them unique and adorable.

    They are territorial and nocturnal animals. It is a predator of small animals, especially rodents. They use a variety of vocalizations (more than 16), grunts, postures, and pheromones to communicate.

    He has such a keen intellect that he can understand mechanisms on his own, such as opening door handles or other locks. It can also be trained to respond to simple commands.

    Intelligent and selective, this cat has incredible attention to new situations and is able to learn from experience.


    Other features include:

    • hunter instinct: It is known that cats have a strong hunting instinct and enjoy this activity and play. This is due to

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