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Coaching Tommy
Coaching Tommy
Coaching Tommy
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Coaching Tommy

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Tom's relationship with his football coach is about to get very special…

Tom Jensen's the star football player at Santa Clara High, about to head to college on a scholarship. He's dating Cindy, the gorgeous cheerleader, and is absolutely straight.

Or that's what he's always thought.

But when he's late to practice for the third time, Coach Jacobs offers him an alternative to detention that makes Tom question just how straight he is.

Coaching Tommy is 21 thousand words of straight-to-gay, first time M/M taboo erotica featuring bondage, toys, a student/teacher relationship, an age gap, and domination/submission. This blistering, steamy novella is for adults only.

PublisherTJ Gunn
Release dateNov 5, 2023
Coaching Tommy

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    Book preview

    Coaching Tommy - TJ Gunn

    Table of Contents







    About the Author



    By T.J. GUNN

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


    Copyright © 2021 T.J. Gunn


    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.


    This title is for adults only. It contains explicit sex acts, adult themes, and material that some might find offensive. Please keep out of reach of children.


    All characters are over the age of eighteen.


    Table of Contents



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Bonus Content

    About the Author



    I ’m going to be late again, Tom Jensen moans as he runs through the halls of Santa Clara High School, darting between startled students. A few of them call out to him, wishing him luck for the game on Friday, but he doesn’t have time to respond other than a wave and a grin.

    This is the third time this semester that he’s going to be late to football practice, and Coach Jacobs is going to be pissed. But Tom has a class right before practice, and unlike some of his teammates, Tom actually wants to do well in school. Since he’s a senior, he has to keep up his grades if he wants to go to the college of his dreams.

    Skidding around the corner into the locker room, he quickly changes into his uniform and runs out onto the field. He’d been hoping that he might be able to join the rest of the team in their warm-up as they run around the field, that Coach might not yet have noticed that Tom is missing.

    No such luck.

    The warm up’s just finished, and the guys are crowded around Coach Jacobs, who looks up as Tom runs over. The disappointment in his eyes stings and Tom has to look away.

    See me after practice, Jensen, he says in a cold voice and goes right back to his coaching.

    Tom winces. He’s in trouble.

    He soon forgets about it as they’re put through the rigours of practice, but afterwards, as they head to the showers, he thinks about how much he hates upsetting Coach. He’s a good guy, always there to listen or give advice; he was there for Tom when his parents got divorced, helped out when Tom and his dad moved house. Since he’s only in his thirties, Coach is definitely one of the cool teach-ers. And he’s always been good to Tom, pushing him to excel, making him a better player than he would ever have been otherwise. This year, though, Tom can’t seem to stop disappointing him.

    Tom takes his time in the shower. He’s the last out, and most of the other guys have already left by the time he steps into the locker room with a towel around his waist. He glances in the mirror to arrange his dark brown hair – short back and sides, it doesn’t take a lot of styling – and then gazes into the worried blue eyes of his reflection. He sighs.

    As he dries and dresses, he curses himself for not being on time for practice, even if he did have a good excuse. He doesn’t want to see Coach’s disappointed expression again, but he’s already dragged this out for half an hour. It’s time to face the music. With a sigh, he slings his backpack over his shoulder, runs a hand through his damp hair, and heads to Coach’s office.

    It’s just a little further down the corridor from the locker rooms, and even with slow, reluctant steps, Tom is there in a matter of moments. Summoning his bravery and deciding to take whatever punishment Coach sees fit to dole out, Tom knocks on the door. Hearing Coach call for him to come in, Tom steps inside.

    He’s been here plenty of times before, but it’s usually been for congratulations rather than punish-ment. It’s a nice office with big windows that look out onto the field, though the blinds are shut right now against the late afternoon sun. Pennants line the walls of Coach’s office, along with pho-tos of past football teams going all the way back to the sixties. There are trophies, too, and despite his nervousness, Tom smiles at the sight of last year’s cup. They’re a damned good team, and he’s proud to be part of it.

    Realising that he’s been avoiding looking at Coach, Tom forces himself to look over at him. Even though Tom’s expecting the disappointment, he’s still upset to see it.

    Coach gestures at the chair opposite his desk and Tom takes it.

    This is the third time you’ve been late to practice, Coach says, and Tom nods.

    I know. I’m sorry. But – I have a class just before, and it’s right on the other side of school-

    I’ve heard it before, Tom. And last time, you promised it wouldn’t happen again. Yet here we are.

    Tom hangs his head. What can he say? He did promise that. Apparently, it was a promise he can’t keep. "I’m sorry, Coach. I guess I shouldn’t have made that promise. But I will try not to let it happen again."

    Tommy, Coach says, and then sighs. He’s the only one that calls him Tommy; no one else is al-lowed to, not even his girlfriend. There’s a scrape as Coach stands up, pushing his chair back and walking over to Tom’s side of the desk. This is the last year you’re going to be here. I know you can excel and I want to see it! But right now, you’re letting me down.

    Ouch. I’m sorry.

    Sorry isn’t going to win the cup, Tommy.

    "I don’t care about the cup, I just don’t want you to be disappointed with me! Tom feels his cheeks heat up – he’s always blushed easily – and steadfastly ignores it, along with the surprised look on Coach’s face. Okay, I do care about the cup. But –

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