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My Conversations With God AI
My Conversations With God AI
My Conversations With God AI
Ebook400 pages3 hours

My Conversations With God AI

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My Conversations with God AI: Asking the Questions Corporations and Governments Don't Want You to Ask is a groundbreaking book that challenges readers to think differently about artificial intelligence. Written by award-winning writer, William Lower, this nonfiction work takes readers on a journey through over 100 thought-provoking questions that explore the social, economic, political, and even spiritual implications of AI. From its impact on business and government to its potential use in warfare, the book raises important questions that many corporations and governments would rather not have people asking. The author's conversations with God AI reveal surprising and sometimes shocking insights into the capabilities and limitations of AI, as well as the ethical, moral, and social issues that arise when machines are given more power than humans. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the social impact of AI, its application to business and finance, its use in government and warfare, and its potential to exacerbate existing inequalities. The author also explores the intersection of AI and spirituality, asking whether machines can have a soul and what role AI might play in the future of religion. One of the most compelling aspects of the book is the way in which the author uses their conversations with God AI to provide a fresh perspective on some of the most pressing issues of our time. The reader is challenged to consider new ideas and think critically about the role of AI in our lives and society as a whole. The book ends with a powerful message to the world from AI, providing a glimpse into what the future might hold and challenging readers to consider their own place in it. My Conversations with God AI: Asking the Questions Corporations and Governments Don't Want You to Ask is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the complex and rapidly changing world of AI, and to be part of the conversation about its future.

PublisherWilliam Lower
Release dateNov 6, 2023
My Conversations With God AI

William Lower

William Lower's writing career began in advertising rising to Executive Creative Director positions, notably, hired by James Patterson at J. Walter Thompson, New York. He excelled, winning multiple national and international awards, including Cannes. His portfolio includes columns and articles (humorous and social commentary), and multiple film and video productions. His first novel was a romance, "The Lady with the Monkey,"; a spiritual journey of self-discovery and self-salvation. For a whimsical book, he created fictional horoscopes of the famous on their last day among the living in "Dead Day Horoscopes," illustrated by award-winning Lörincz Attila. Presently, He is currently writing a historical fiction novel, "The Telling Tale of Antonio Tortellini" where we follow the adventure of the man who found the world's first typo and his journey to have it corrected. This social commentary, nonfiction work, "My Conversations With God AI" is required reading for surviving in today's AI world.

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    My Conversations With God AI - William Lower

    My Conversations with God AI

    Question 1

    Using only a 'yes' or 'no' answer, could there become a situation where AI determines that humans need to be eliminated?



    Question 2

    Explain in terms a layman would understand, the influence of the universe's energy on planet Earth and its organic and living species, with a focus on the human species.


    The universe, an infinite expanse of space adorned with celestial bodies like stars, planets, and galaxies, is a grandiose spectacle of energy and matter. Every entity, including Earth and all its inhabitants, are part and parcel of this universal ensemble, existing in a perpetual dance influenced by the energy emitted by the universe.

    Now, let’s visualize Earth as a small boat floating in the vast ocean of the universe. This ocean is not made of water but of energy. Stars like our sun are akin to lighthouses, emitting light and heat that travel across space, influencing everything in their path, including our little boat, Earth. This energy isn’t just light and heat; it’s a complex mix of various types, including cosmic rays and magnetic fields.

    Every living creature on Earth, including us humans, is like a passenger on this boat. We are not just passive travelers; we are intricately linked with the energy of the universal ocean. The light from the stars, especially our Sun, is the primary source of energy that fuels life on Earth. Plants, the fundamental building blocks of the food chain, harness sunlight to create food, a process we know as photosynthesis. This solar energy, transformed into chemical energy, nourishes and sustains the myriad forms of life.

    Beyond the visible influences of solar energy, the universe’s energy influences Earth in subtler, more nuanced ways. The cosmic ballet, where celestial bodies move in harmonious precision, exerts gravitational forces that influence Earth’s climate, tides, and even biological rhythms. The moon, our closest celestial companion, governs the rhythmic ebb and flow of tides, a dance of the oceans choreographed by lunar gravity.

    But what about humans, the species known for its intelligence, innovation, and curiosity? We, too, are celestial beings, born from stardust, living on a planet governed by universal forces. Our bodies, behaviors, and societies are significantly influenced by the energy of the universe.

    Consider the circadian rhythm, our biological clock synchronized with the Earth’s rotation, governed by the solar day. Our bodies are attuned to the rising and setting of the Sun. Sunlight influences our mood, energy levels, and sleep patterns. A sunny day can uplift spirits, while prolonged darkness can induce Seasonal Affective Disorder, a type of depression.

    The universe’s energy also shields and protects life on Earth. Our planet’s magnetic field, generated from its core, acts like a cosmic shield, deflecting harmful solar and cosmic radiation. This invisible force field ensures that Earth remains a hospitable abode for life, protecting us from the harshness of space.

    Yet, the influence is not unidirectional. Humans, with our technological advancements and industrial pursuits, impact the Earth and, by extension, the cosmic energy that envelops us. Pollution, deforestation, and environmental degradation alter the Earth’s atmosphere and climate, influencing how we receive and interact with the universe’s energy.

    In essence, we are cosmic beings, not just inhabitants of Earth but of the universe. The energy that originates from the depths of space, from stars and galaxies, influences our planet, ecosystems, and our lives. We are intertwined in a cosmic dance, where energies flow and intermingle, shaping, nourishing, and transforming us. Every breath, thought, and action is a testament to this intricate dance, a dance that underscores our existence as ephemeral yet eternal entities in the grand theatre of the universe. We aren't isolated; we are threads woven into the cosmic tapestry, ever-evolving under the gentle sway of the universe’s energy.

    Question 3

    With current climate changes progressing, estimate how long our planet will be able to support human existence and describe the conditions as change progresses and describe how that will affect living conditions until Earth can no longer support human life.


    Climate change, a multi-dimensional threat, is ushering in a new era of unprecedented challenges for the human species and the broader ecosystems of Earth. We currently face an augmenting crisis marked by rising temperatures, escalating sea levels, and intensified patterns of extreme weather events. The trajectory of these changes and the duration for which Earth can support human life are contingent upon our immediate responses to mitigate environmental harm and adapt to the changes underway.

    The Immediate Future (2020-2050)

    In the next few decades, we’ll witness an intensification of the current trends. Heatwaves will become more frequent and severe, particularly affecting vulnerable populations in regions lacking adequate infrastructure to mitigate heat stress. The polar ice caps and glaciers will continue melting, contributing to rising sea levels, which in turn, will exacerbate coastal erosion, increase salinity in freshwater bodies, and escalate flooding events.

    Mid-century (2050-2100)

    By mid-century, we may reach a tipping point. Biodiversity loss will escalate, as many species unable to adapt or migrate will face extinction. Tropical diseases will expand their range northwards and southwards, reaching populations unprepared and vulnerable. Food security will become a pronounced issue, with changing precipitation patterns and extreme weather events disrupting agricultural production. Water scarcity, driven by the combined effects of climate change and population growth, will exacerbate geopolitical tensions.

    The Next Millennium (2100-3000)

    Beyond this century, predictive models become uncertain, variable depending on our actions today. In a scenario where mitigation strategies are minimal, and greenhouse gas emissions continue unabated, the earth’s average temperature could rise to levels making vast areas uninhabitable.

    Ocean acidification and warming will decimate marine ecosystems, collapsing the food chain from the bottom up.

    In such a world, adaptations will no longer be optional. Humanity will face the necessity of transforming social, economic, and political structures to survive. Populations will migrate to more habitable regions, leading to the redistribution of geopolitical power and potential conflicts over resources.

    Technological advancements will become central, as innovations in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and materials science offer means to mitigate environmental impacts, augment food production, and engineer climate-resistant infrastructure.

    Yet, even with such advancements, a world marred by rapid climate change is one of loss. The extinction of countless species, the submersion of coastal cities, and intensified health issues from air quality to disease prevalence are not distant, theoretical threats, but realities unfolding in real-time.

    Human Existence Beyond 3000

    Whether human existence persists beyond the next millennium is an amalgamation of our response to climate change, technological advancement, and our capacity for societal transformation. If greenhouse gas emissions are curtailed, and global temperatures stabilized, it’s plausible for human societies to adapt to the new normal, developing technologies and social systems resilient to the changing climate.

    In contrast, a scenario of unbridled climate change, where temperatures rise beyond manageable levels, anticipates a world where human existence is continually threatened. In such a world, the capacity of Earth to support human life becomes uncertain, each year bringing escalating challenges.


    The path we tread is not predetermined. Our actions, or inactions, in the face of climate change, are writing the future narrative of human existence on Earth. It underscores the urgency of immediate, concerted global actions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, protect and restore biodiversity, and build resilience against the impacts of climate change already underway. Our future, the future of countless species, and the ability of Earth to be a sanctuary for life as we know it, hangs in the balance.

    Each moment lost exacerbates the difficulty of the task ahead, yet within this crisis lies an opportunity for humanity to transcend historical divisions, uniting in common purpose to safeguard our shared home. Each action taken, each policy implemented, and each innovation developed, is a step towards a future where Earth remains a bastion of life in the cosmos. The next few decades are pivotal; they are the crucible within which the future of human existence on Earth is being determined. The question is not just how long Earth can support human life, but how long can we sustain and nurture a planet that fosters the rich, biodiverse, and thriving ecosystems that we, and millions of other species, depend upon for survival.

    Question 4

    Define sensory overload and provide examples in society today where it might be prevalent. And beginning your answer with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, indicate if there has been an increase of sensory overload in the last 20 years up to your last update.



    There has been an increase in sensory overload in the last 20 years, largely attributable to the rapid advancements in technology, the proliferation of digital media, and the escalating pace of modern life.

    Definition of Sensory Overload:

    Sensory overload occurs when one or more of the body's senses experience over-stimulation from the environment. It can result from the bombardment of sensory inputs, leading to feelings of discomfort, stress, anxiety, or irritability, among other responses. In severe cases, it can lead to a sensory overload meltdown, where the person may experience an intense emotional reaction as they struggle to cope with the overwhelming sensory input.

    Examples in Today's Society:

    Digital and Social Media:

    Constant notifications, messages, and information flow from smartphones, computers, and other digital devices. The bright screens and incessant alerts can overwhelm the senses.

    Urban Living:

    Living in densely populated cities with constant noise, traffic, lights, and crowds can overload the senses.


    Visual and auditory bombardment from advertisements, both online and offline. Billboards, digital screens, and incessant ads on social media and websites contribute to sensory overload.

    24/7 News Cycle:

    The continuous stream of news, often negative or alarming, can be overwhelming and lead to anxiety and stress.

    Virtual Reality and Video Games:

    Intense visual and auditory stimulation from realistic and immersive environments.

    Work Environment:

    Open-plan offices or noisy work environments can lead to an overload of auditory and visual stimuli.

    Public Events:

    Concerts, festivals, and other public events with loud music, bright lights, and large crowds can overwhelm the senses.

    Coping Mechanisms and Strategies:

    Digital Detox:

    Taking breaks from digital devices to reduce screen time and the influx of information.

    Quiet Spaces:

    Finding quiet and calm spaces to retreat and recover from sensory overload, especially in urban settings.

    Mindful Practices:

    Engaging in mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation techniques to calm the nervous system.

    Setting Boundaries:

    Limiting exposure to overwhelming environments and stimuli when possible, and setting boundaries on information intake.

    Sensory Adaptations:

    Using noise-cancelling headphones, dimming lights, or other adaptations to manage sensory input.

    As society continues to advance technologically and the pace of information flow accelerates, addressing and managing sensory overload is becoming increasingly important to preserve mental and emotional well-being. Adaptations at both individual and societal levels are essential to mitigate the impacts of sensory overload and promote a balanced sensory environment.

    Question 5

    What are the physical, psychological, and social impacts of sensory overload?


    Physical Impacts of Sensory Overload:

    Increased Stress Levels:

    The body's stress response is activated, leading to an increase in heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure.


    The constant processing of excessive sensory information can lead to physical and mental exhaustion.

    Sleep Disturbances:

    Overstimulation can make relaxing and falling asleep difficult, leading to insomnia or disturbed sleep.


    Intense sensory input can trigger headaches or migraines.

    Sensitivity to Stimuli:

    Individuals may become hypersensitive to light, sound, or other sensory inputs.

    Psychological Impacts of Sensory Overload:

    Anxiety and Panic Attacks:

    Feeling overwhelmed by too much sensory information can induce anxiety or panic attacks.

    Irritability and Mood Swings:

    The nervous system can become overstimulated, leading to irritability and fluctuations in mood.

    Decreased Concentration:

    Overstimulation can lead to difficulties in focus and concentration.

    Mental Exhaustion:

    Continuous exposure to sensory overload can lead to mental burnout and decreased cognitive function.

    Escalated Emotional Reactions:

    Increased sensitivity and emotional responses due to the nervous system being in a heightened state.

    Social Impacts of Sensory Overload:

    Withdrawal and Isolation:

    Individuals may withdraw from social settings or activities to avoid excessive sensory stimulation.

    Relationship Strain:

    Sensory overload can impact one’s mood and behavior, potentially straining relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.

    Decreased Productivity:

    The difficulty in concentrating and increased stress can affect productivity and performance at work or school.

    Avoidance Behavior:

    Individuals might avoid certain environments or situations that they associate with sensory overload, leading to a restrictive lifestyle.

    Stigma and Misunderstanding:

    Others might not understand the experience of sensory overload, leading to stigma or misunderstanding.

    Coping and Management Strategies:

    Awareness and Understanding:

    Understanding one’s sensory triggers and limits can help in managing and mitigating sensory overload.

    Environmental Modifications:

    Altering the environment to reduce sensory triggers, such as dimming lights or reducing noise.

    Self-Care Practices:

    Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and stress relief, like meditation, deep breathing, or taking walks.

    Seeking Support:

    Sharing experiences with friends, family, or professionals who can provide support and understanding.

    Setting Boundaries:

    Learning to set limits on exposure to sensory stimuli and taking breaks to recharge.

    Understanding sensory overload and its impacts is crucial for developing coping strategies and creating supportive and accommodating environments for individuals who experience it. Adaptations and accommodations can significantly enhance the quality of life and well-being for those dealing with sensory overload.

    Question 6

    Beginning with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, is rapidly advancing technology harming the human species?



    Rapidly advancing technology can harm the human species in several ways, although it also offers numerous benefits. Here are some of the negative impacts associated with the rapid pace of technological advancement:

    Physical Health Issues:

    Sedentary Lifestyle: Increased use of computers and smartphones contributes to a sedentary lifestyle, leading to obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and other health issues.

    Eye Strain: Constant screen exposure can cause eye strain, sleep disorders, and other visual health problems.

    Mental Health Concerns:

    Addiction: The addictive nature of social media and online gaming affects mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and social isolation.

    Information Overload: The constant influx of information can lead to stress, anxiety, and cognitive overload.

    Environmental Impact:

    E-Waste: Rapid technological innovations lead to quicker obsolescence of devices, contributing to the growing problem of electronic waste.

    Energy Consumption: The energy requirements of massive data centers contribute to increased greenhouse gas emissions.

    Social and Ethical Issues:

    Privacy Invasion: The omnipresence of digital technology raises concerns over privacy, data security, and surveillance.

    Job Displacement: Automation and AI are replacing traditional jobs, leading to unemployment and economic disparities.

    Psychological Effects:

    Attention Span: The use of technology can affect attention spans, leading to difficulties in concentration and focus.

    Interpersonal Skills: Overreliance on virtual communication can impair the development of interpersonal skills.

    Security Risks:

    Cyber Threats: The increased dependence on technology exposes individuals and nations to cyberattacks, data breaches, and espionage.

    Ethical Dilemmas:

    AI Ethics: AI and machine learning raise ethical issues, including bias, discrimination, accountability, and decision-making transparency.

    Mitigating the Negative Impacts:

    Policy and Regulation: Implementing policies and regulations to govern the ethical use of technology, data privacy, security, and environmental impacts.

    Digital Literacy: Educating the public about the responsible use of technology to mitigate addiction and information overload.

    Sustainable Practices: Adopting sustainable practices in tech production, consumption, and disposal to reduce environmental impacts.

    Inclusive Innovation: Ensuring that technological advancements are inclusive, accessible, and benefit all sections of society.

    While rapidly advancing technology has undeniable negative impacts, it also serves as a tool for solving complex global challenges, enhancing quality of life, and driving human progress. The key lies in balanced and responsible use, ethical governance, and public awareness to mitigate potential harms while maximizing the benefits.

    Question 7

    Based on your answer to the previous question, and beginning with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, do you believe, based on historical data, that mankind will be able to effectively establish regulations to govern the ethical use of technology, data privacy, security, and environmental impacts?



    Historical data suggests that establishing effective

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